Search: 4790 results
Exact Match
- 1.Gen 2:6-Gen 39:8
- 2.Gen 39:20-Exo 16:26
- 3.Exo 16:33-Exo 40:18
- 4.Exo 40:19-Lev 20:12
- 5.Lev 20:13-Num 14:38
- 6.Num 14:44-Deut 5:14
- 7.Deut 5:31-Deut 32:30
- 8.Deut 32:52-Judg 8:17
- 9.Judg 8:20-1 Sam 11:11
- 10.1 Sam 11:12-2 Sam 3:26
- 11.2 Sam 3:34-2 Sam 24:3
- 12.2 Sam 24:4-1 Kgs 22:18
- 13.1 Kgs 22:23-2 Kgs 23:9
- 14.2 Kgs 23:12-2 Chron 11:2
- 15.2 Chron 11:11-Ezra 9:9
- 16.Ezra 10:3-Job 13:14
- 17.Job 13:15-Psa 22:2
- 18.Psa 22:3-Psa 81:11
- 19.Psa 82:7-Prov 8:1
- 20.Prov 8:36-Prov 14:9
- 21.Prov 14:11-Prov 26:14
- 22.Prov 26:27-Isa 2:9
- 23.Isa 5:4-Isa 49:25
- 24.Isa 50:1-Jer 9:3
- 25.Jer 9:8-Jer 35:14
- 26.Jer 35:15-Ezek 5:2
- 27.Ezek 6:5-Ezek 32:30
- 28.Ezek 32:32-Dan 11:12
- 29.Dan 11:14-Micah 6:14
- 30.Micah 6:15-Matt 9:1
- 31.Matt 9:2-Matt 16:11
- 32.Matt 16:12-Matt 26:54
- 33.Matt 26:56-Mrk 9:37
- 34.Mrk 9:39-Luk 5:32
- 35.Luk 5:33-Luk 15:22
- 36.Luk 15:30-John 5:11
- 37.John 5:12-John 12:24
- 38.John 12:27-Act 4:19
- 39.Act 4:20-Act 18:21
- 40.Act 19:9-Rom 7:2
- 41.Rom 7:3-1 Cor 1:24
- 42.1 Cor 1:27-1 Cor 12:3
- 43.1 Cor 12:4-2 Cor 6:12
- 44.2 Cor 6:13-Gal 5:22
- 45.Gal 5:24-1 Thess 5:15
- 46.2 Thess 2:12-Hebrews 5:4
- 47.Hebrews 5:5-1 Pet 4:13
- 48.1 Pet 4:14-Rev 22:15
And behold, they brought to Him a paralytic, lying on a bed. And Jesus, seeing their faith, said to the paralytic, Child, be of good cheer. Your sins are forgiven you.
But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins, then He said to the paralytic, Arise, take up your bed and go to your house.
But when the crowds saw, they marveled and glorified God, who had given such authority to men.
But when Jesus heard, He said to them, The ones who are whole do not need a physician, but the ones who are sick.
But go and learn what this is, I will have mercy and not sacrifice. For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
Then the disciples of John came to Him saying, Why do we and the Pharisees fast often, but Your disciples do not fast?
And Jesus said to them, Can the sons of the bridechamber mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then they shall fast.
No one puts a piece of new cloth onto an old garment; for that which is put in to fill it up takes from the garment, and the tear is made worse.
Nor do men put new wine into old wineskins; else the wineskins burst, and the wine runs out, and the wineskins perish. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved together.
While He spoke these things to them, behold, a certain ruler came and worshiped Him, saying, My daughter has just now died. But come and lay Your hand on her and she will live.
But turning and seeing her, Jesus said, Daughter, be comforted; your faith has saved you. And the woman was saved from that hour.
He said to them, Go back, for the little girl is not dead, but sleeps. And they laughed Him to scorn.
But when the people were put out, He went in and took her by the hand, and the little girl arose.
But going out, they made Him known in all that land.
But the Pharisees said, He throws out demons by the ruler of the demons.
But seeing the crowds, He was moved with compassion on them, because they were tired and scattered like sheep having no shepherd.
Then He said to His disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few.
But rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
And if the house is worthy, let your peace come on it. But if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you.
But beware of men, for they will deliver you up to the sanhedrins, and they will scourge you in their synagogues.
But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what you shall speak; for it shall be given you in that same hour what you shall speak.
For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you.
And brother will deliver up brother to death, and the father his child. And the children shall rise up against their parents and cause them to be put to death.
And you will be hated of all men for My name's sake, but the one who endures to the end shall be kept safe.
But when they persecute you in this city, flee into another; for truly I say to you, In no way shall you have finished the cities of Israel until the Son of Man comes.
And do not fear those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul. But rather fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
But even the hairs of your head are all numbered.
But whoever shall deny Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father in Heaven.
Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth. I did not come to send peace, but a sword.
But when John heard in the prison of the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples.
But what did you go out to see? A man clothed in soft clothing? Behold, they who wear soft clothing are in kings' houses.
But what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yea, I say to you, and one more excellent than a prophet.
Truly I say to you, Among those who have been born of women there has not risen a greater one than John the Baptist. But the least in the kingdom of Heaven is greater than he.
But to what shall I compare to this generation? It is like little children sitting in the markets and calling to their playmates,
saying, We played the flute to you, and you did not dance! We mourned to you, but you did not wail!
The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man who is a glutton and a winebibber, a friend of tax-collectors and sinners. But wisdom was justified by her children.
But I say to you, It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of judgment than for you.
But I say to you, it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment than for you.
But when the Pharisees saw, they said to Him, Behold, your disciples do that which it is not lawful to do on the sabbath day.
But He said to them, Have you not read what David did when he was hungry, and those who were with him,
how he entered into the house of God and ate the showbread, which was not lawful for him to eat, nor for those who were with him, but only for the priests?
But I say to you that One greater than the temple is in this place.
But if you had known what this is, "I desire mercy and not sacrifice," you would not have condemned those who are not guilty.
And He said to them, What man among you will be, who will have one sheep, and if it falls into a pit on the sabbaths, will he not lay hold on it and lift it out?
But when Jesus knew it, He withdrew Himself from there. And great crowds followed Him, and He healed them all.
"Behold My Child whom I have chosen; My Beloved, in whom My soul is well pleased. I will put My Spirit on Him, and He shall declare judgment to the nations.
But when the Pharisees heard, they said, This one does not cast out demons except by Beelzebub the ruler of the demons.
But if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges.
But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you.
Therefore I say to you, All kinds of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven to men, but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven to men.
And whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him. But whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, either in this world or in the world to come.
But I say to you that every idle word, whatever men may speak, they shall give account of it in the day of judgment.
But He answered and said to them, An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign. And there shall be no sign given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.
But while He yet talked with the people, behold, His mother and His brothers stood outside, desiring to speak with Him.
And great crowds were gathered to Him, so that He went into a boat and sat. And all the crowd stood on the shore.
He answered and said to them, Because it is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of Heaven, but it is not given to them.
For whoever has, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance. But whoever does not have, from him shall be taken away even that which he has.
But blessed are your eyes, for they see; and your ears, for they hear.
But that which was sown on the stony places is this: he who hears the Word and immediately receives it with joy.
But he has no root in himself, and is temporary. For when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the Word, he immediately stumbles.
But that sown on the good ground is this: he who hears the Word and understands; who also bears fruit and produces one truly a hundredfold; and one sixty; and one thirty.
He put out another parable to them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field.
But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed darnel among the wheat and went his way.
But when the blade had sprung up and had produced fruit, then the darnel also appeared.
But he said, No, lest while you gather up the darnel you also root up the wheat with them.
Let both grow together until the harvest. And in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, First gather together the darnel and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my granary.
He put out another parable to them, saying, The kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field;
which indeed is the least of all seeds, but when it is grown it is the greatest among herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in its branches.
the field is the world; the good seed are the sons of the kingdom; but the darnel are the sons of the evil one.
who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.
which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down and gathered the good into vessels, but threw the bad away.
And they were offended in Him. But Jesus said to them, A prophet is not without honor, except in his own country and in his own house.
For Herod had laid hold on John, and had bound him, and had put him in prison because of Herodias his brother Philip's wife.
And when he desired to put him to death, he feared the multitude, because they counted him as a prophet.
But when Herod's birthday was kept, the daughter of Herodias danced before them and pleased Herod.
And the king was sorry. But for the oath's sake, and those reclining with him, he commanded it to be given.
When Jesus heard, He departed from there by boat into a deserted place apart. And hearing, the crowds followed Him on foot out of the cities.
But Jesus said to them, They do not need to leave, you give them something to eat.
And immediately Jesus constrained His disciples to get into a boat and to go before Him to the other side, while He sent the crowds away.
But the boat was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves; for the wind was against them.
But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, Be of good cheer, I AM! Do not fear.
And He said, Come. And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus.
But seeing that the wind was strong, he was afraid. And beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me!
And when they had come into the boat, the wind ceased.
And those in the boat came and worshiped Him, saying, Truly You are the Son of God.
But He answered and said to them, Why do you also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?
But you say, Whoever says to his father or mother, Whatever you would gain from me, It is a gift to God;
"This people draws near to Me with their mouth, and honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.
But in vain they worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."
Not that which goes into the mouth defiles a man; but that which comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.
But He answered and said, Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted shall be rooted up.
But the things which come out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile the man.
these are the things which defile a man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man.
But He did not answer her a word. And His disciples came and begged Him, saying, Send her away, for she cries after us.
But He answered and said, I am not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
But He answered and said, It is not good to take the children's bread and to throw it to dogs.
And she said, True, O Lord; but even the little dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' tables.
And sending the crowd away, He went into the boat and came into the borders of Magdala.
And in the morning, Foul weather today; for the sky is red and gloomy. Hypocrites! You can discern the face of the sky, but you cannot see the signs of the times!
How is it that you do not understand that I did not speak to you about loaves, but to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees?
Extract Match Search Results...
- 1.Gen 2:6-Gen 39:8
- 2.Gen 39:20-Exo 16:26
- 3.Exo 16:33-Exo 40:18
- 4.Exo 40:19-Lev 20:12
- 5.Lev 20:13-Num 14:38
- 6.Num 14:44-Deut 5:14
- 7.Deut 5:31-Deut 32:30
- 8.Deut 32:52-Judg 8:17
- 9.Judg 8:20-1 Sam 11:11
- 10.1 Sam 11:12-2 Sam 3:26
- 11.2 Sam 3:34-2 Sam 24:3
- 12.2 Sam 24:4-1 Kgs 22:18
- 13.1 Kgs 22:23-2 Kgs 23:9
- 14.2 Kgs 23:12-2 Chron 11:2
- 15.2 Chron 11:11-Ezra 9:9
- 16.Ezra 10:3-Job 13:14
- 17.Job 13:15-Psa 22:2
- 18.Psa 22:3-Psa 81:11
- 19.Psa 82:7-Prov 8:1
- 20.Prov 8:36-Prov 14:9
- 21.Prov 14:11-Prov 26:14
- 22.Prov 26:27-Isa 2:9
- 23.Isa 5:4-Isa 49:25
- 24.Isa 50:1-Jer 9:3
- 25.Jer 9:8-Jer 35:14
- 26.Jer 35:15-Ezek 5:2
- 27.Ezek 6:5-Ezek 32:30
- 28.Ezek 32:32-Dan 11:12
- 29.Dan 11:14-Micah 6:14
- 30.Micah 6:15-Matt 9:1
- 31.Matt 9:2-Matt 16:11
- 32.Matt 16:12-Matt 26:54
- 33.Matt 26:56-Mrk 9:37
- 34.Mrk 9:39-Luk 5:32
- 35.Luk 5:33-Luk 15:22
- 36.Luk 15:30-John 5:11
- 37.John 5:12-John 12:24
- 38.John 12:27-Act 4:19
- 39.Act 4:20-Act 18:21
- 40.Act 19:9-Rom 7:2
- 41.Rom 7:3-1 Cor 1:24
- 42.1 Cor 1:27-1 Cor 12:3
- 43.1 Cor 12:4-2 Cor 6:12
- 44.2 Cor 6:13-Gal 5:22
- 45.Gal 5:24-1 Thess 5:15
- 46.2 Thess 2:12-Hebrews 5:4
- 47.Hebrews 5:5-1 Pet 4:13
- 48.1 Pet 4:14-Rev 22:15
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- Suffering
- Live
- Removing People From Your Life
- Witches
- Practice
- Rejection Of God
- Annihilation
- Lent
- Ethics, social
- Seven Days For Legal Purposes
- Backbiting
- The scriptures
- Fake Friends
- Morality
- Rumors
- Lieing
- Helping
- Accusations
- Evil, believers' responses to
- Poverty, Attitudes Towards
- Poverty, Remedies For
- Unused
- Relaxation
- Stones
- Destruction Of Satan's Works
- Confusion
- Response
- Word Of God
- Sprinkling Blood
- Reading The Bible
- God, Will Of
- Waiting
- Gold Items For The Tabernacl
- Priests, Function In Ot Times
- Decision Making
- Holy Spirit, Types Of
- Other Right Parts
- Priests Atoning
- Atonement
- Coinage
- Rest, Physical
- Grandmothers
- Sin, Deliverance From God
- God's People Sinning
- Reconciliation
- Self Denial
- Forgiving Yourself
- Forgiveness Kjv
- Guidance, God's Promises Of
- Character Of Wicked
- Friendship And Trust
- Being Different
- Living For God
- God's attitude towards people
- Love, Nature Of
- Restraint
- God's Truth
- Anger And Forgiveness
- Harvest
- Health
- Sowing And Reaping
- Working
- Working For God
- Sanctuary
- Houses
- Guilt
- Responsibility
- Witnessing
- Making Mistakes
- Testimony
- Consequences
- Testifying
- Unfaithfulness, To God
- Loneliness
- Faith And Healing
- Scars
- Cleansing
- Plucking Out
- Unclean Things
- Medicine
- Sin Confessed
- The Blood Of Jesus
- Sex Before Marriage
- False Religion
- False Gods
- Gays
- Being Gay
- Same Sex Marriage
- Woman
- Keep The Commandments!
- Purity, Moral And Spiritual
- Stumbling
- Fear God!
- Making Decisions
- Respecting Authority
- Confrontation
- Rebuke
- Sibling Love
- Unfaithfulness, To People
- Brotherly Love
- The Body
- Self Image
- Weight
- Adultery and Divorce
- Infidelity
- Adultry
- Man
- Godly Woman
- Women's Roles
- Virginity
- Unkindness
- Sanctification, Nature And Basis
- Feeding The Poor
- Life After Death
- Others
- Reaping What You Sow
- Sales
- Wages
- A Short Time
- Claims
- Materialism, As An Aspect Of Sin
- Sleeplessness
- Peace
- God Not Forsaking
- Disobedience
- Discipline, divine
- Acting
- Abandonment
- Self Worth
- Value
- Redemption
- Spirit, Emotional Aspects Of
- Emotions
- Finishing
- Servant Leadership
- Ministry
- Uncertainty
- Greed
- Spirituality
- Being Humble
- Folly, Effects Of
- Fortifications
- Protection From Enemies
- Love And Forgiveness
- Hearing
- Hand Of God
- Ignorance
- Rebellion
- Trust, Lack Of
- Tongue
- Lying Down To Rest
- Mouths
- Hearing God's Word
- Killing Kings
- Killing Prophets
- Man And Woman
- Teenager
- Iron
- Only One Person
- Judging Others Actions
- Discrimination
- Surrender
- Trusting God's Plan
- Gods Plan
- Believing In Yourself
- Faith In God
- Encouragement, examples of
- Enemy Attacks
- Proud People
- Encouraging Others
- Law
- Watchfulness, Of Believers
- Diligence
- Receptiveness
- Monotheism
- The Law of moses
- Obedience
- Hell, As An Experience
- Haters
- Hate
- Protection From Danger
- God Testing People
- Bread
- Giving, Of Oneself
- Money, Attitudes To
- Empowerment
- Heart, And Holy Spirit
- Widows
- Sanctification, Means And Results
- The Word Of God
- A Place For God's Name
- Satan, As Deceiver
- Pity
- Burning Cities
- God, Fatherhood Of
- Hair
- Fish
- Money Blessings
- Debt
- Values
- Hardship
- Family First
- Blessing Others
- Ethics, incentives towards
- Evil, warnings against
- Royalty
- Prophecy
- Being Single
- Loving Children
- Heirs
- Mothers Love For Her Children
- Discipline Child
- Humiliation
- Missing Someone
- Construction
- A Good Woman
- A Good Husband
- Connection
- Sleep, Physical
- Promises
- Staying Strong And Not Giving Up
- Focus
- Leaving Parents For Spouse
- Spouse
- Being A Good Father
- Raising Children
- Syria
- Saints
- God Lifting People
- Reward, Divine
- Building Relationships
- Despair
- Anxious
- Refusing To Hear
- Knowing God, Nature Of
- Self Discipline
- The Future
- Secrets
- Belonging
- Life And Death
- God Being With You
- Foolish People
- Race
- Riches, Dangers Of
- Rejection Of God, Results Of
- Healing And Comfort
- Loss Of A Loved One
- Myself
- Enjoying Life
- Change And Growth
- Helpfulness
- Shields
- Spiritual Warfare, Armour
- God Helps
- Excellence
- Wisdom, Human Importance
- Studying
- Curbing Speech
- Spiritual Warfare
- Treasure
- Foundations
- Rebuilding
- Get Up!
- Love, Abuse Of
- Self Indulgence
- Improvement
- Reuniting
- Fulfillment
- Unity, Of God's People
- Worrying About The Future
- Beggars
- Sin, And God's Character
- Roses
- Knowing God
- Training
- Gideon
- Inferiority
- Beginning
- Alcohol
- Shadows
- Burning Plants
- Optimism
- Trusting Other People
- Armour
- Competition
- God, Suffering Of
- Process
- Youth
- Communication
- God's Things Revealed
- Visiting
- Self Confidence
- Growing
- Selfishness
- Security
- Welcome
- Tragedy
- Ointment
- Finishing Strong
- Kids
- Renewed Heart
- Praying
- Stress And Hard Times
- Prayer During Hard Times
- Prayerlessness
- Godly Man
- Spiritual Vitality
- Afflicted Saints
- Cancer
- Natural Disasters
- Rejection
- Listening To God
- Weapons
- Anointing Kings
- Being Lost
- School
- Gifts
- Insults
- Speech, Power And Significance Of
- Superiority
- Futility
- Persistence
- They Do Not Keep Commands
- Armor
- Killing Will Happen
- Sinners
- Pride, Evil Of
- Arrogance
- God's Forgiveness
- Forgiving
- Inner Beauty
- Motives
- God, Living And Self sustaining
- Betrayal
- Plans
- Good Friends
- Protection And Safety
- Beauty And Self Worth
- Courage And Strength
- List Of Kings Of Israel
- Hurt And Betrayal
- Sleep, And Death
- Damascus
- Sin, Accepting Forgiveness Of
- Blasphemy
- Losing a loved one
- Fasting
- Talents
- Friendship Kjv
- Shame Will Come
- Last Things
- Commendation
- Pits
- Motherhood
- Shelter
- God's Voice
- Pride, Results Of
- Trusting In God
- Fools, Characteristics Of
- Discernment
- Right Sides
- Lying And Deceit
- Family And Friends
- Jezebel
- Following
- Not Being Alone
- Putting God First
- Hour
- Hurricanes
- Eagerness
- False Confidence
- Boasting
- Readiness
- Fasting And Prayer
- Slave Or Free
- Foreknowledge
- Sailing
- Money Management
- Evangelists, identity of
- Overcoming Hard Times
- Useless Endeavour
- Unhearing
- Wicked Described As
- Roots
- Guidance, Need For God's
- Babylon
- Speech, Positive Aspects Of
- Understanding
- Affluence
- The First Temple
- God, The Eternal
- Self Righteousness, And The Gospel
- Power, God's Saving
- Teachers
- Staying Strong
- Weakness
- Doing Your Best
- Hard Work And Perseverance
- Effort
- Patients
- Hardwork
- Support
- Judgement
- Surprises
- Complacency
- Named Gates
- Prophets
- Losing A Friend
- Faith and strength
- Strength And Faith
- Trusting Others
- Mockery
- Judaism
- Persecution, Attitudes To
- Short Time For Action
- Hope, In God
- Mindset
- Overcoming Adversity
- Trusting God And Not Worrying
- Everything Happening For A Reason
- Trying
- Equipping, spiritual
- Crowns
- Fate
- Liberation
- Satan, Kingdom Of
- Satan, Resistance To
- Satan
- Shunning
- Losing Friends
- Impossible
- Trusting God In Difficult Times
- Problems
- Healing A Broken Heart
- Principalities
- Disappointment
- Being Content
- Vanity
- End Of Days
- Condemnation
- Hope, Nature Of
- Expectations
- Hope Kjv
- Fruits Of Sin
- Purity
- Piety
- Mere Talk
- Criticism
- Corruption
- Friends
- Best Friends
- Friendship And Love
- Hypocrisy
- Being Yourself
- Humility And Pride
- Relaxing
- Faith And Trust
- Speaking
- Reality
- Work Ethic
- Spirit, Nature Of
- Helping The Poor
- Getting Through Hard Times
- God's Will
- Righteous, The
- Afflictions
- Suffering, Encouragements In
- Pleasure
- Breaking Chains
- Trust
- Psalm Interjections
- Character Of Saints
- Rebuking
- Faith, Necessity Of
- Afflictions, Consolation During
- Passion
- Comforting
- Right Hand Of God
- Names And Titles For Christ
- What Heaven Will Be Like
- Heaven, Redeemed Community
- Enemies, of believers
- Death Of Loved One
- God's Plan
- God's Plan For Us
- The Power Of Words
- Humility Of Christ
- Waiting On The Lord
- Feeling Lost
- Being Patient
- Patient
- Free
- Pride
- The Tongue
- Anxiety And Fear
- Hope And Faith
- Hope And Love
- A Good Man
- Scripture
- Trails
- Mockers
- Staying Positive
- Faith in hard times
- Worry
- Wrath
- Poverty, Spiritual
- Staying Strong During Hard Times
- Helping Those In Need
- Perspective
- Deeds
- God's Love For Us
- Righteousness, Of Believers
- Christ, Names For
- Rich, The
- Eternal life, nature of
- God, Unity Of
- Not Worrying
- Worrying
- Worries
- Fear And Worry
- Knowing About God's Kingdom
- Keeping Faith
- Self Esteem
- Confidence And Self Esteem
- Generosity, God's
- Evangelism
- Spreading The Gospel
- Bad Parents
- Satan, As Tempter
- Unbelief, Nature And Effects Of
- God's Salvation Made Known
- People
- Being Positive
- God Being In Control
- Soaring
- Shame Of Idolatry
- Persecution
- Energy
- Will
- The church
- Importance
- Hindrances
- Suffering, Of Believers
- Anxiety And Stress
- Darkness
- Recognition
- Leaders
- Fools
- Sluggards
- Telling The Truth
- Education
- Proverbs
- Shame Of Bad Conduct
- Social duties
- Giving Money To The Church
- Helping Others In Need
- Worry And Stress
- Spanking
- Christianity
- Exercise
- Showing Hypocrisy
- Repentance
- Being Happy And Enjoying Life
- Eternity
- Lukewarm
- Going To Church
- Behavior
- Everything
- Judgments
- Judgement Day
- Being Unique
- Maturity
- End times prophecy
- End Times
- Legalism
- Renewal
- Encouraging One Another
- Hope, As Confidence
- Being Saved
- The Bible
- Jesus Healing
- Crowds
- Christ Was Killed
- Christ Would Be Killed
- Fire Of Judgement
- Serving Groups
- Misteaching
- Doctrine
- Throwing People
- Serving Kings
- Last Days
- Touching For Healing
- Last Judgment
- Signs Of The End Times
- Signs Of Repentance
- Ghosts
- Scriptures Fulfilled
- Pharisees
- Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
- Baptism
- Who Is Jesus?
- Lakes
- Discipleship, nature of
- Commitment, to Jesus Christ
- The World
- Commands, in NT
- Settling Accounts
- Sexual Immorality
- Victory, Over Spiritual Forces
- Forgiving others
- Not Believing In Jesus
- Eternal life
- Relationship Of Father And Son
- Reclining To Eat
- Peter, The Disciple
- Exorcisms
- Casting Out Demons
- Discipleship
- Demonic Influence
- Saved By Faith
- Christ Knowing About People
- Faith Kjv
- Goals
- Prophecies Said By Jesus
- Christ Telling The Truth
- Not Knowing About Christ
- The Father
- Pharisees Concerned About Christ
- Christ's Disciples Will Suffer
- Spiritual Warfare, Enemies In
- Unselfishness
- Chief priests
- Necessity
- Christ Would Rise
- Jesus Death
- Crucifixion
- Peter
- The Cross
- Believing
- Atonement, in NT
- Christ
- Christ Teaching
- The Rapture
- Endurance
- Perserverance
- Persevering
- Christians
- Short Time Till The End
- Gifts And Talents
- Evangelism, kinds of
- Belief
- Having Faith
- Not Believing The Gospel
- Signs And Wonders Of The Gospel
- Preaching
- Luck
- Sexual Purity
- Serving The Church
- Evangelists, ministry of
- Ministry, In The Church
- Agape Love
- Knowing God's Will
- Lazarus
- Assertiveness
- Sonship
- Grace
- Working Together
- Peter, Preacher And Teacher
- Spiritual Gifts
- Conscience
- Slaves Of God
- Tenderheartedness