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And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we had not been their partakers in the blood of the prophets,

For I say to you, Ye should not see me from henceforth, till ye should say, Praised be he coming in the name of the Lord.

And Jesus said to them, See ye not all these? truly I say to you, Stone upon stone shall not be left here, which shall not be loosened.

And he in the field, let him not turn back to take up his garments:

If therefore they should say to you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth; Behold, in the store-houses, believe ye not.

Truly I say to you, That this generation should not pass away, till all these things should be.

And knew not till the inundation came, and took them all away; so also shall be the arrival of the Son of man.

But know this, that if the master of the house had known what watch the thief comes, he had watched, and would not have suffered his house to be undermined.

The lord of that servant shall come in a day that he expects not, and in an hour which he knows not,

And in the middle of the night there was a cry, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go ye forth to his meeting.

And the discerning answered, saying, Lest it should not suffice us and you: but go ye rather to those selling, and buy for yourselves.

And he also having received one talent, having come near, said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art a hard man, reaping where thou sowedst not, and gathering where thou scatteredst not:

And his lord having answered, said to him, O evil and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I scattered not:

For to every one having shall be given, and he shall be in abundance: and from him not having, also what he has shall be taken away from him.

For I was hungry, and ye gave me not to eat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink;

I was a stranger and ye brought me not in; naked, and ye put not around me; sick, and in prison, and ye took not a view of me.

Then shall they answer him, they also saying, Lord, when saw we thee hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and attended not to thee?

And they said, Not in the festival, lest there should be an uproar among the people.

Truly the Son of man retires as has been written concerning him; and woe to that man by whom the Son of man is delivered up! it was good for him if that man had not been born.

And I say to you, that I drink not from henceforth of this fruit of the vine, even till that day when I drink it new with you, in the kingdom of my Father.

Then says Jesus to them, All ye shall be scandalized in me this night; for it has been written, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered up and down.

And he comes to his disciples, and finds them sleeping, and says to Peter, So were ye not able to watch with me one hour?

In that hour, Jesus said to the crowds, As against a robber came ye out, with swords and sticks, to take me? In the day I sat down with you, teaching, and ye took not hold of me.

And they found not: and many false witnesses having come near, they found not.

Then the chief priest tore his garments, saying, That he blasphemed: what further need have we of witnesses? see, now ye have heard his blasphemy.

And the chief priests, having taken the silver coins, said, It is not lawful to cast them for an offering, since it is the price of blood.

Then says Pilate to him, Hearest thou not what they witness against thee?

Order therefore, the tomb to be rendered secure till the third day, lest his disciples, having come by night, should steal him, and say to the people, He was raised from the dead; and the last error shall be worse than the first.

And the messenger, having answered, said to the women, Be ye not afraid; for I know that ye seek Jesus, having been crucified.

Then says Jesus to them, Be ye not afraid: retire, and announce to my brethren that they should go away into Galilee, and there shall they see me.

Saying, Say ye, That his disciples having come by night, stole him, we being asleep.

And he proclaimed, saying, The stronger than I comes after me, of whom I am not sufficient, having bent the head, to loose the strings of his shoes.

And walking by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew his brother, casting a large sweep-net in the sea: for they were fishermen.

And they were struck with amazement at his teaching; for he was teaching them as having power, and not as the scribes?

And be cured many afflicted with various diseases, and cast out many demons; and permitted not the devils to speak, for they knew him.

And not being able to draw near to him for the crowd, they uncovered the roof where he was and having excavated, they let down his couch upon which the paralytic was laid.

And Jesus having heard, says to them, They being strong have no need of a physician, but those being affected: I came not to call the just, but the sinful to repentance.

And the disciples of John, and of the Pharisees were fasting: and they come and say to him, Why do the disciples of John, and of the Pharisees fast, and the disciples to thee fast not?

And the Pharisees said to him, Behold, why do they in the sabbaths what is not lawful

And he said to them, Did ye never read what David did, when he had need, and hungered, himself, and those with him?

How he went into the house of God to Abiathar the chief priest, and ate the loaves of setting up, which is not lawful to eat but for priests, and gave to those being with him?

And he said to his disciples, that a small vessel should remain for him, on account of the crowd, that they might not press him.

And they came into the house; and again came the crowd together, so that they could not even eat bread.

And other fell upon stony places, where it had not much earth; and quickly it sprang forth, for it had no deepness of earth:

That seeing they might see, and not know; and hearing they might hear, and not understand; lest they turn back, and their sins be remitted to them.

And he says to them, Know ye not this parable? and how will ye know all parables?

And he said to them, Much less the light comes that it be set under a bushel, or under a bed; that it be not set upon a candlestick.

For not anything is hid, which should not be manifested; neither was concealed, but that it should come clear.

For whoever should have, to him shall be given: and whoever has not, also what he has shall be taken away from him.

And having cried with a great voice, he said, What to me and thee, Jesus, O Son of God most high I adjure thee by God, that thou torture me not.

And he besought him much that he would not send them out of the country.

And Jesus permitted him not; but he says to him, Retire to thy house, to thine own, and announce to them what things the Lord did to thee, and he pitied thee.

And having suffered many things by many physicians, and having expended all of her own, and not having been benefited, but having come rather to the worse,

And he permitted not any to follow him, except Peter, and James, and John the brother of James.

And having time in, he says to them, Why make ye an uproar, and weep? the young child is not dead, but sleeps.

And Jesus said to them, That a prophet Is not unhonoured, except in his native land, and in kinsmen, and in his house.

And as many as receive you not, nor hear you, going out thence, shake off the heap of dust under your feet for testimony to them. Truly I say to you, It shall be more supportable for the Sodomites or Gomorrhites in the day of judgment, than that city.

And the king having been sorely grieved on account of the oaths and those reclining at table together, wished not to refuse her.

And he saw them trying to urge forward, for the wind was contrary to them: and about the fourth watch of the night he comes to them walking upon the sea, and he would pass by them.

For all saw him, and were troubled. And quickly he spake with them, and says to them, Take courage: I am; be not afraid.

(For the Pharisees, and all the Jews, except they vigorously wash hands, eat not, holding the tradition of the elders.

And from the market-place, except they be immersed, they eat not. And there are many other things which they received to hold; the immersion of cups, and of measures, and of brazen vases, and of chairs.)

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