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keep watch then, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming??n the evening, at midnight, at cockcrow, or in the morning??36 lest he should come unexpectedly and find you sleeping;

Verse ConceptsHourLast ThingsNightCrowsSleep, Warnings AgainstMidnightDaybreakIgnorance Of Christ’s ReturnAt DaybreakThe Time UnknownAttitudes While Waiting For Second Coming

Now two days later was the feast of the Passover and of Unleavened Bread. Both the chief priests and the Scribes were continually seeking how they might arrest him by a stratagem and kill him;

Verse ConceptsFeast Of Unleavened BreadChief priestsJudaismScribesTeachers Of The LawCraftinessTwo DaysActing In SecretArresting ChristChrist Would Be KilledOpposition To Christ From Scribes

Some of those who were present said among themselves indignantly. "Why has the perfume been wasted like this?

Verse ConceptsFrugalityUnnamed People Angry With Others

So they began upbraiding her, but Jesus said: "Let her alone. Why are you troubling her?

Verse ConceptsLeave Them AloneTroubling Individuals

and they were glad when they heard it, and promised to pay him money. So he kept looking for an opportunity to betray him.

Verse ConceptsOpportunities, In LifeConnivanceJudas Betraying ChristRight Time For PeopleRejoicing In EvilPrice Set On Individuals

And the first day of the feast of Unleavened Bread, the day for killing the paschal lamb, his disciples asked him, "Where do you want us to go and make preparation for you to eat the Passover?"

Verse ConceptsPassover lambTypesThe Disciples Words

Follow him; and whatever house he enters, say to the master of the house, 'The Teacher asks, "Where is your guest-chamber, where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?"'

Verse ConceptsGuestsOther References To The DisciplesPrivate RoomsGuest Rooms

While they were at the table, eating, Jesus said solemnly. "It is one of you who will betray me??ne who is eating with me."

Verse ConceptsTablesJudas Betraying ChristReclining To EatChrist Telling The Truth

For the Son of man is going his way, as the Scripture says, but woe to that man through whom the Son of man is betrayed! It were good for that man if he had never been born."

Verse ConceptsFate Of IndividualsBetrayalNecessityWoeNever Being BornJudas Betraying ChristPersonal GoodWoe To The Wicked

And as they were eating he took bread, and after the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "Take it, this is my body."

Verse ConceptsBody Of Christ, SymbolizedLord's SupperSacramentsEating Christ's BodyBreaking Of BreadThanking God For FoodThe Lord's SupperTable Grace

And Jesus said to them. "All of you are about to stumble, for it is written, 'I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered abroad.'"

Verse ConceptsSheep, FigurativeUnfaithfulness, To PeopleInadequate ShepherdingThe Smiting Of JesusScattered Like SheepChrist Would Be KilledJesus Foretelling His Resurrection

So he went a little farther, and throwing himself upon the ground, he prayed repeatedly that, if it were possible, the hour might pass away from him.

Verse ConceptsHourNeverPossibilities For GodJesus PrayingPossible For God

Then he came and found them asleep, and he said to Peter. "Are you sleeping, Simon? Could you not keep watch one hour?

Verse ConceptsHourPrayerlessnessSleep, PhysicalUnreliabilityOne Hour

and when he returned he found them once more asleep, for their eyes were heavy with sleep, and they knew not what to say to him.

Verse ConceptsEvil EyesOthers Not AnsweringThose Who Were Ignorant

Then he came the third time, and said: "Sleep on now, and take your rest! It is over. My hour is come. Look! the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.

Verse ConceptsGod, Purpose OfHourHanding Over ChristActing Three TimesTimes Of The ChristMore Than Enough

But one of the bystanders drew his sword, and struck the slave of the high priest, and cut off his ear.

Verse ConceptsOpposition, To Sin And EvilUnwise ZealAnonymityThings StrippedSevering Body Parts

But Jesus interposed, saying. "Are you come out to arrest me with swords and clubs, as if I were a robber?

Verse ConceptsCrowdsBanditsArresting ChristClubsThe Lord As A Thief

Meanwhile the high priests and all of the Sanhedrin were trying to get evidence against Jesus, so as to have him put to death, but they found none;

Verse ConceptsChief priestsAttempts To Kill ChristNot FindingThe Chief Priests Condemning Christ

She looked at him, and said, "You too were with the Nazarene, Jesus."

Verse ConceptsWarmingChrist With People On Earth

But he denied it. He said: "I don't know, I don't understand what you are saying." Then he went out into the porch, and the cock crew.

Verse ConceptsDissentNot Knowing About ChristNot Understanding Languagedenial

A second time he continued to deny it. After a little the by-standers began to say to Peter again, "Surely you are one of them, for you are a Galilean."

Verse ConceptsDissentClosing Up

But he began with curses an solemn oaths to say, "I do not know the man you are talking about."

Verse ConceptsPrayerlessnessNot Knowing About ChristSwearing

Pilate questioned him, "Are you the King of the Jews?" In reply Jesus said, "It is as you say."

Verse ConceptsClaimsJews, TheKingship, DivineInterrogatingAssentingWho Is Jesus?Christ Is King Of IsraelJews

"See, how many accusations they are making." But Jesus no longer made any answer, at which Pilate wondered.

Verse ConceptsSpeech, Power And Significance OfAmazement, Of Jesus ChristChrist Being Silent

And the passers-by kept jeering at him, wagging their heads and saying. "Ah! you who were to 'destroy the sanctuary and rebuild it in three days,' save yourself!

Verse ConceptsGesturesMockingDestruction Of The TempleShaking The HeadInsulting ChristRebuilding The TempleAbuse

There were some women also watching from a distance. Among them were both Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joses, and Salome,

Verse ConceptsSeeing At A Distancedistancehumor

But Pilate wondered whether he were already dead. So he summoned the army captain, and inquired if he had been any time dead;

Verse ConceptsAsking Particular QuestionsOthers SummoningThe Fact Of Christ's Deathsurprises

and Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses were watching to see where he was laid.

Verse ConceptsWomenWatching Christ

They were terrified, but he said to them. "Do not be terrified! You are seeking Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified? He is risen; he is not here. See, the place where they laid him!

Verse ConceptsEasterLowering PeopleChrist Is Risen

But go, tell his disciples and Peter, "'He is going before you into Galilee, where you will see him, as he told you.'"

Verse ConceptsChrist Going BeforeSeeing The Risen ChristTelling Of Jesus

So they went out, and ran from the tomb, for they were trembling and amazed; and they said nothing to any one, for they were afraid??9 Now after his resurrection, early on the first day of the week he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had driven out seven demons.

Verse ConceptsConfusionTremblingFear, Of UnknownBewildermentJesus TombThose Who Did Not Tell

After this he appeared in another form to two of them as they were walking on their way into the country.

Verse ConceptsTwo DisciplesThe CountrysideChrist Appearing

Afterward he appeared to the Eleven themselves, as they were eating, and reproached them for their lack of faith, and stubborn hearts, because they disbelieved those who had seen him risen.

Verse ConceptsFaith, Necessity OfAttitudes Of StubbornnessRebukeUnbelief, And Life Of FaithUnbelief, Sourced InReclining To EatSeeing The Risen ChristChrist AppearingDoubting The ResurrectionNot Believing PeopleConsequences Of ObstinacyElevenChrist Is Risen

just as they reported them to us, who were from beginning eye-witnesses and ministers of the word,

Verse ConceptsBeginning Of SalvationSpectatorsFrom The Beginning

who was a descendant of Aaron. They were both righteous in the sight of the Lord, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the law, blameless.

Verse ConceptsBehaviourReligionCharacter Of SaintsGood Wives Examplesluckcouples

And the whole multitude of the people were without, praying at the hour of incense.

Verse ConceptsPrayer MeetingsWhen To Pray

But the Angel said to him. "Do not be afraid, Zachariah, because your petition has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John.

Verse ConceptsBarren WomenAnswered PrayerChildbirthHeraldAngel, AnnouncementsBirths ForetoldGod Naming PeopleGod Answered Prayer

Meanwhile the people were waiting for Zachariah and wondering why he stayed so long in the sanctuary.

Verse ConceptsPeople WaitingPeople Who Delayed

"And behold, you shall conceive in your womb and bear a son; and you shall call his name Jesus.

Verse ConceptsBabies In The WombChrist, The Seed OfAngel, AnnouncementsChrist, Names ForJesus Birthgabriel

"And behold your kinswoman, Elizabeth, she also has conceived a son in her old age, and this was the sixth month with her that was called barren.

Verse ConceptsdisabilitiesJohn The BaptistOld Age, Attainment OfChildlessnessMonth 6Relatives

and called out with a loud cry. "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is your unborn child!

Verse ConceptsExcellent WomenIndividuals ShoutingChildren BlessedBlessed By GodBabies Being A BlessingBlessing Others

"For behold when the sound of your salutation reached my ears, the babe leaped with joy within my womb.

Verse ConceptsPeople JumpingSpoken Greetingsjumping

"As he spoke to our forefathers, to Abraham and his offspring forever."

Verse ConceptsThe Eternal CovenantChildren Of Abraham

And there came a great fear upon all in the neighborhood; and throughout the hill country of Judea all these sayings were much talked about.

Verse ConceptsRumoursTerror Of God

"That he we should be delivered out of the Hand of our enemies, And should serve him without fear,

Verse ConceptsFearRescueBeing DevoutGod Saving From EnemiesFreed From FearOvercoming Enemies

But while they were there the days were fulfilled for her delivery.

Verse ConceptsGod Shows Loving KindnessNativity of Jesus ChristJesus Birth

And all who heard it were astonished at the things which were told to them by the shepherds.

And they also offered a sacrifice as commanded in the Law of the Lord A pair of turtle-doves or two young pigeons.

Verse ConceptsdovesBurnt offeringPigeonsSin OfferingYoung AnimalTwo AnimalsWritten In The Law

And while his father and mother were marveling at the words that were spoken concerning him, Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother.

Verse ConceptsAmazing

Yea, and a sword shall pierce through your own soul also, that the thoughts out of many hearts may be revealed."

Verse ConceptsMaryMan's ThoughtsThings Revealedwomanhood

She came up at that very hour, and gave thanks to God, and spoke of the child to all who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem.

Verse ConceptsMessianic HopeTelling Of JesusThanks For Christ

Now his parents were accustomed to go up to Jerusalem every year at the feast of the Passover.

Verse ConceptsFeastingVisitingWorship, Times ForEvery Yearparenthood

All that heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers.

Verse ConceptsAmazingAstonishmentAnswering PeopleGod Has Understanding

When they saw him they were astonished, and his mother said to him "Child, why have you treated us so? Behold your father and I have been looking for you in anguish."

Verse ConceptsCriticism, against believersLove, And The WorldMothers, Responsibilities OfAnxiety, CauseWhy Does Jesus Do This?

Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, and Herod was tetrarch of Galilee, his brother Philip, tetrarch of Ituraea and Trachonitis, and Lysanias, tetrarch of Abilene;

Verse ConceptsCaesarGovernorsLeaders, PoliticalRankTetrarchRoman EmperorsRulers Of A FourthNamed Gentile Rulers

So John used to say to the crowd of those who were going out to be baptized by him. "You breed of vipers, who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come?

Verse ConceptsCrowdsJudgement To ComeThings Like SnakesFleeing From GodBaptised By JohnThe Coming Day Of God's Wrath

Then bring forth fruit befitting your penitence, and do not begin to say to yourselves, "We have Abraham as our father." I tell you that God is able to raise up sons to Abraham out of these stones.

Verse ConceptsPeople Of God, In NtRepentance, Nature OfSecuritySelf DeceptionChildren Of AbrahamPotential Of FruitSigns Of RepentanceNervousness

The soldiers also repeatedly questioned him, saying, "And we, what shall we do?" "Do not intimidate any one," he replied, "nor lay false charges, and be content with your pay."

Verse ConceptsAggressionGreed, Believers' Response ToOccupationsSatisfactionServants, BadSoldiersWagesWitnesses, FalseContentmentFalse AccusationsEmployersAvoiding ViolenceFalse WaysDo Not StealOne's DeedsBeing Content

And while the people were in expectation, and all men were debating in their hearts about John,

Verse ConceptsWaitingMessianic HopePeople WaitingWho Is John The Baptist?expectations

whether perhaps he were the Christ, John answered, saying to all of them. "I indeed am baptizing you in water, but One is coming after me, mightier than I, whose shoe-latchet I am not worthy to unloose. He shall baptize you in the Holy Ghost and in fire.

Verse ConceptsBaptism Of The Holy SpiritBaptism, in the GospelsSending Of The Holy SpiritThe Outpouring Of The Holy Spirit,ShoesThe Holy Spirit, And SanctificationPromises Of The Holy SpiritWater For BaptismUndoing FasteningsSymbols of the Holy Spirit

son of Melchi, son of Addi, son of Cosam, son of Elmadam, son of Er,

The devil said to him, "If you are the Son of God tell this stone to become bread."

Verse ConceptsProvision From RocksWho Is Jesus?

Then he brought him to Jerusalem, and caused him to stand upon the Temple roof, and said to him. "If you really are the Son of God throw yourself down here;

Verse ConceptsJerusalem, Significance OfSuffering, Of Jesus ChristWho Is Jesus?Status Of The TempleTop Of ThingsThe DevilResisting TemptationConfidence And Self Esteemjumping

Then he came to Nazareth where he had been brought up. and, as was his custom, he entered into the synagogue on the Sabbath Day, and stood up to read.

Verse ConceptsCustomReadingHabitsLiteracySabbath, In NtSynagogueWorship, Times ForReading The ScripturesOn The SabbathGoing To Churchculture

And there was handed him the roll of the prophet Isaiah; and unrolling it he found the place where it was written,

Verse ConceptsScrollsThe Act Of OpeningOpening DocumentsFinding ThingsWritten In The ProphetsBooks Of Prophecy

The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him, and he began to say to them, "Today is this scripture fulfilled in your hearing."

Verse ConceptsGospel, Confirmation OfTodayScripture SaysScriptures FulfilledReading The Biblefulfillment

Jesus answered. "Doubtless you will quote the proverb to me, 'Physician, heal thyself!' Do also here in your own country all that we hear that you have done in Capernaum."

Verse ConceptsdoctorsPhysicianInfidelity To GodGod As DoctorJesus HealingOld Sayings

In very truth I tell you there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the heavens were closed for three years and six months, when a great famine came over all the land;

Verse ConceptsFamine, Examples OfSkyThree And A Half YearsSealing ThingsLack Of RainActual WidowsIndividual ProphetsMany In IsraelThe Universe AffectedTimes Of People

"And there were many lepers in Israel in the days of the prophet Elisha, yet none of them was cleansed but only Naaman the Syrian."

Verse ConceptsLeprosyPredestination, Of PersonsRelations With ForeignersOnly One PersonHealing LepersIndividual ProphetsMany In IsraelTimes Of Peoplesyria

"Ha! Jesus of Nazareth, what business have you with us? Are you come to destroy us? I know you who you are, you holy one of God!"

Verse ConceptsExorcismsChrist, Names ForJesus Christ, Holiness OfDestruction Of Satan's WorksWhat Have We In Common?Said To Be The ChristDemonic Influence

All were amazed, and began to ask one another, saying. "What is this word? For with authority and power he commands the unclean spirits and they come out."

Verse ConceptsExorcismsevil, victory overDemons, Delivered FromPower, God's SavingAmazement, Of Jesus Christ

Now when he rose and left the synagogue, he entered into the house of Simon, where Simon's mother-in-law lay sick of a great fever. And they kept entreating him for her.

Verse ConceptsdiseasesMothers, Responsibilities OfPeter, The DiscipleSuffering, Nature OfMother In Laws

Demons also came out of many, screaming and saying, "You are the Son of God." But he rebuked them, and did not permit them to speak, because they knew that he was the Christ.

Verse ConceptsExorcismsDemons, Exorcism OfRebukeShoutingJesus Recognised As The ChristEvil Spirits DiscernmentJesus Casting Out DemonsChrist Concealing ThingsSaid To Be The Christ

But he saw two fishing-boats on the shore of the lake; the fishermen had disembarked and were washing their nets.

Verse ConceptsFishermenFishingClean ObjectsTwo Other Things

When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Push out into deep water, and let down your nets for a haul."

Verse ConceptsAdventureDeep ThingsFishingNetsDeep SeasFish

"Master," answered Simon, "although we toiled all night, we took nothing; but at your bidding I will let down the nets."

Verse ConceptsNothingFishingActing All NightFishSuccess And Hard Work

(For he was amazed, and all who were with him, at the haul of fish which they had made;

Verse ConceptsAmazement, Of Christ's MiraclesAstonishmentCatch Of Fish

and so were Simon's partners, James and John, sons of Zebedee.) But Jesus answered Simon. "Fear not; from this time on, you will be catching men."

Verse ConceptsInvitationsNetsPeter, The DiscipleFear, Of UnknownSoul WinnersFishingpartnership

And instantly the leprosy left him. Jesus ordered him to tell no one, "But be off," he said, "show yourself to the priest, and make the offering for your cleansing, as Moses commanded, for a testimony to them."

Verse ConceptsPriesthood, In NtPriests, Tasks In Nt TimesWitness To The GospelChrist Concealing ThingsPeople Made Known

One day he was teaching, and near to him were seated Pharisees and teachers of the Law, who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem; and the power of the Lord was with him to heal.

Verse ConceptsGod, Power OfPower, God's SavingVillagesPower Of Christ, ShownThe Power Of GodChrist TeachingJesus HealingPharisees Concerned About ChristAtmosphereThe power of Christ

"What is this caviling in your hearts? Which is easier to say, "Your sins are forgiven," or to say, "Rise and walk?"

Verse ConceptsThe Healed WalkingEasy For PeopleGet Up!God Has Forgiven

But that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins (he said to the paralytic), "I bid you rise, take up your bed, and go to your house."

Verse ConceptsSon Of ManParalyticsBedsChrist ForgivingGet Up!Who Can Forgive Sins?

Astonishment fell upon them all, and they began to glorify God, and they were filled with awe, and they said, "We have seen strange things today."

Verse ConceptsAmazingReverence, And God's NatureAmazement, Of Christ's MiraclesTodayFear Of ChristSpecific Praising Of GodAwesurprises