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And Jesus said to the military officer, "Go on your way; since you have believed [in my power to heal], what you desired will be done for you." And the slave-boy was healed that [very] hour.

And a scribe came up and said to Him, "Teacher, I will follow you wherever you may go."

But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.

Then He touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith [your trust and confidence in My power and My ability to heal] it will be done to you.”

beseech ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he may put forth workmen to His harvest.'

Ye may procure - neither gold, nor silver, nor copper, for your belts, -

And if the people seem trustworthy, express your wish for blessings to rest upon them. But if they prove to be untrustworthy, may those blessings remain on you [instead].

'And whenever they may persecute you in this city, flee to the other, for verily I say to you, ye may not have completed the cities of Israel till the Son of Man may come.

sufficient to the disciple that he may be as his teacher, and the servant as his lord; if the master of the house they did call Beelzeboul, how much more those of his household?

'Ye may not, therefore, fear them, for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed, and hid, that shall not be known;

and whoever may give to drink to one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say to you, he may not lose his reward.'

The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear; the dead are raised, and the poor have the gospel preached to them: And happy is he, whosoever shall not be offended at me.

But what comparison may I make of this generation? It is like children seated in the market-places, crying out to one another,

But if these words had been in your minds, My desire is for mercy and not for offerings, you would not have been judging those who have done no wrong.

And he said to them, 'What man shall be of you, who shall have one sheep, and if this may fall on the sabbaths into a ditch, will not lay hold on it and raise it?

But if I drive out evil spirits by [the power of] the Holy Spirit, then [that is evidence that] the kingdom of God has come into your midst [i.e., by my presence and ministry].

'Or how is one able to go into the house of the strong man, and to plunder his goods, if first he may not bind the strong man? and then his house he will plunder.

This is why I tell you that men may find forgiveness for every other sin and impious word, but that for impious speaking against the Holy Spirit they shall find no forgiveness.

And whoever may speak a word against the Son of Man it shall be forgiven to him, but whoever may speak against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this age, nor in that which is coming.

For just as Jonah was in the maw of the whale for three days and nights, the Son of Man will be three days and nights in the heart of the earth.

'And, when the unclean spirit may go forth from the man, it doth walk through dry places seeking rest, and doth not find;

And the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled unto them, saying, By hearing ye shall hear, and may not understand; and seeing you shall see, and may not perceive.

For the heart of this people has become fat and their ears are slow in hearing and their eyes are shut; for fear that they might see with their eyes and give hearing with their ears and become wise in their hearts and be turned again to me, so that I might make them well.

He put before them another parable, saying, "The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field.

And he saith to them, A man, an enemy, did this; and the servants said to him, Wilt thou, then, that having gone away we may gather it up?

But he says, No, for fear that by chance while you take up the evil plants, you may be rooting up the grain with them.

He told them this story, as follows: "The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field.

which less, indeed, is than all the seeds, but when it may be grown, is greatest of the herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the heaven do come and rest in its branches.'

Jesus said all this to the crowds in parables; he never spoke to them except in a parable ??35 to fulfil what had been said by the prophet, I will open my mouth in parables, I will speak out what has been hidden since the foundation of the world.

And when it was evening, his disciples came to him, saying, This is a desert place, and the time is now past; send the multitude away, that they may go into the villages, and buy themselves victuals.

And in the fourth watch of the night (3:00-6:00 a.m.) Jesus came to them, walking on the sea.

'Wherefore do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they do not wash their hands when they may eat bread.'

And he got the people together and said to them, Give ear, and let my words be clear to you:

She replied: Yes, Lord; and yet thou canst help me; for the little dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from the table of their masters.

And the disciples say to him, How may we get enough bread in a waste place, to give food to such a number of people?

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