Search: 10086 results
Exact Match
- 1.Gen 1:5-Gen 20:9
- 2.Gen 20:11-Gen 32:20
- 3.Gen 32:21-Gen 44:4
- 4.Gen 44:5-Exo 7:16
- 5.Exo 7:18-Exo 16:18
- 6.Exo 16:20-Exo 30:15
- 7.Exo 30:20-Lev 11:5
- 8.Lev 11:6-Lev 20:4
- 9.Lev 20:6-Lev 27:26
- 10.Lev 27:27-Num 16:12
- 11.Num 16:13-Num 32:19
- 12.Num 32:23-Deut 8:11
- 13.Deut 8:14-Deut 18:2
- 14.Deut 18:9-Deut 25:16
- 15.Deut 25:18-Josh 2:13
- 16.Josh 2:14-Josh 22:31
- 17.Josh 22:33-Judg 10:11
- 18.Judg 10:12-Judg 21:1
- 19.Judg 21:5-1 Sam 7:13
- 20.1 Sam 8:3-1 Sam 19:16
- 21.1 Sam 19:24-1 Sam 30:17
- 22.1 Sam 30:19-2 Sam 14:19
- 23.2 Sam 14:24-1 Kgs 1:52
- 24.1 Kgs 2:4-1 Kgs 12:24
- 25.1 Kgs 12:28-2 Kgs 1:2
- 26.2 Kgs 1:3-2 Kgs 11:15
- 27.2 Kgs 12:3-2 Kgs 22:17
- 28.2 Kgs 22:20-2 Chron 5:14
- 29.2 Chron 6:1-2 Chron 22:9
- 30.2 Chron 22:11-Ezra 7:23
- 31.Ezra 7:24-Neh 13:21
- 32.Neh 13:24-Job 7:21
- 33.Job 8:3-Job 16:22
- 34.Job 17:2-Job 28:19
- 35.Job 29:16-Job 37:19
- 36.Job 37:21-Psa 17:14
- 37.Psa 18:21-Psa 37:36
- 38.Psa 37:37-Psa 59:11
- 39.Psa 59:13-Psa 85:4
- 40.Psa 85:6-Psa 116:2
- 41.Psa 118:6-Psa 147:10
- 42.Psa 147:20-Prov 10:27
- 43.Prov 10:30-Prov 23:18
- 44.Prov 23:20-Prov 31:15
- 45.Prov 31:16-Song 3:1
- 46.Song 3:2-Isa 13:10
- 47.Isa 13:14-Isa 30:15
- 48.Isa 30:19-Isa 44:8
- 49.Isa 44:9-Isa 56:5
- 50.Isa 56:6-Jer 2:24
- 51.Jer 2:25-Jer 8:12
- 52.Jer 8:13-Jer 16:16
- 53.Jer 16:17-Jer 26:6
- 54.Jer 26:15-Jer 37:4
- 55.Jer 37:9-Jer 49:12
- 56.Jer 49:18-Lam 5:10
- 57.Lam 5:12-Ezek 16:29
- 58.Ezek 16:31-Ezek 24:16
- 59.Ezek 24:17-Ezek 44:6
- 60.Ezek 44:8-Dan 9:26
- 61.Dan 10:3-Hos 11:12
- 62.Hos 12:8-Obad 1:13
- 63.Obad 1:14-Zeph 3:15
- 64.Zeph 3:16-Matt 3:8
- 65.Matt 3:9-Matt 10:12
- 66.Matt 10:13-Matt 15:32
- 67.Matt 15:38-Matt 22:18
- 68.Matt 22:19-Matt 26:62
- 69.Matt 26:63-Mrk 5:37
- 70.Mrk 5:39-Mrk 10:38
- 71.Mrk 10:40-Mrk 15:34
- 72.Mrk 15:42-Luk 6:46
- 73.Luk 6:48-Luk 11:23
- 74.Luk 11:24-Luk 15:14
- 75.Luk 15:16-Luk 21:6
- 76.Luk 21:8-John 1:20
- 77.John 1:21-John 5:43
- 78.John 5:44-John 8:29
- 79.John 8:33-John 12:21
- 80.John 12:24-John 18:1
- 81.John 18:6-Act 4:13
- 82.Act 4:14-Act 10:47
- 83.Act 11:3-Act 20:5
- 84.Act 20:6-Act 27:31
- 85.Act 27:33-Rom 6:8
- 86.Rom 6:9-Rom 11:25
- 87.Rom 11:26-1 Cor 3:22
- 88.1 Cor 4:3-1 Cor 9:18
- 89.1 Cor 9:20-1 Cor 14:29
- 90.1 Cor 14:33-2 Cor 5:4
- 91.2 Cor 5:5-2 Cor 12:7
- 92.2 Cor 12:9-Gal 6:12
- 93.Gal 6:13-Phil 4:19
- 94.Col 1:6-2 Thess 3:8
- 95.2 Thess 3:9-2 Tim 4:2
- 96.2 Tim 4:3-Hebrews 7:1
- 97.Hebrews 7:6-Hebrews 12:28
- 98.Hebrews 13:2-1 Pet 3:1
- 99.1 Pet 3:3-1 John 4:19
- 100.1 John 4:20-Rev 9:1
- 101.Rev 9:4-Rev 22:21
Right up to daybreak Paul kept urging all of them to eat something. He said, "Today is the fourteenth day that you have been waiting and going without food, not eating anything.
Wherefore I pray you to take some meat: for this is for your health: for there shall not an hair fall from the head of any of you.
And when it was day, they knew not the land: but they discovered a certain creek with a shore, into the which they were minded, if it were possible, to thrust in the ship.
And coming to a point between two seas, they got the ship to land; and the front part was fixed in the sand and not able to be moved, but the back part was broken by the force of the waves.
And the foreigners showed us not the common kindness. For they kindled a fire and welcomed all of us, because of the rain coming on, and because of the cold.
And when the barbarians saw the venomous beast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live.
However, he shook off the creature into the fire and was not a whit the worse.
But the natives expected him to swell up [from snake bite] or fall dead suddenly, but after expecting this for a long time and not seeing any harm come to him, they changed their minds and said he was a god.
Then they gave us great honour, and, when we went away, they put into the ship whatever things we were in need of.
After three months we set sail on a ship that had spent the winter on the island [of Melita]. This ship had originated from Alexandria and was designated as "Twin Brothers" [Note: The ship may have been named this because of its prow containing the figures of the mythical twin gods of sailors, Castor and Pollux].
After they examined me, they wanted to release me, since I had not committed a capital offense.
But when the Jews spake against it, I was constrained to appeal unto Caesar; not that I had ought to accuse my nation of.
They said to him, “We have not received [any] letters about you from Judea, nor have any of the [Jewish] brothers come here and reported or said anything bad about you.
When they had set a day for Paul, they came to his lodging in large numbers. And he carefully explained [Christianity] to them from morning until evening, solemnly testifying about the kingdom of God and trying to persuade them concerning Jesus, both from the Law of Moses and from the [writings of the] Prophets.
And some believed the things which were spoken, and some believed not.
And when they agreed not among themselves, they departed, after that Paul had spoken one word, Well spake the Holy Ghost by Esaias the prophet unto our fathers,
Saying, Go unto this people, and say, Hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and not perceive:
“For the heart (the understanding, the soul) of this people has become dull (calloused),
And with their ears they scarcely hear,
And they have shut their eyes [to the truth];
Otherwise they might see with their eyes,
And hear with their ears,
And understand with their heart and return [to Me],
And I would heal them.”’
Preaching the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ without fear, and no orders were given that he was not to do so.
He was appointed to be the Son of God with power through the Spirit of holiness [Note: This could refer to the Holy Spirit] when He was raised from the dead.
Now I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that oftentimes I purposed to come unto you, (but was let hitherto,) that I might have some fruit among you also, even as among other Gentiles.
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
For since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities of eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, [capable of] being perceived through the things that He has made. So, these people have no excuse [i.e., for not believing in Him].
Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
And by them the glory of the eternal God was changed and made into the image of man who is not eternal, and of birds and beasts and things which go on the earth.
Because by them the true word of God was changed into that which is false, and they gave worship and honour to the thing which is made, and not to him who made it, to whom be blessing for ever. So be it.
This then is the reason why God gave them up to vile passions. For not only did the women among them exchange the natural use of their bodies for one which is contrary to nature, but the men also,
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
Hated by God, full of pride, without respect, full of loud talk, given to evil inventions, not honouring father or mother,
Without knowledge, not true to their undertakings, unkind, having no mercy:
Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
So, whoever you are, you people do not have any excuse for judging people [Note: At this point Paul begins addressing the Jews. See verse 17]. For in a matter where you judge someone else [to be wrong] you [actually] condemn yourselves, because you are practicing the same things [you condemn them for doing].
Now we [Jews] know that God's judgment against people who practice such things [i.e., the Gentiles] is according to truth. [Note: Some use "You say," at the beginning of the sentence, making it an assertion of the Jews which Paul sets about to answer].
But you who are judging another for doing what you do yourself, are you hoping that God's decision will not take effect against you?
Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?
But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath,
For God shows no partiality [no arbitrary favoritism; with Him one person is not more important than another].
For as many as have sinned without the law shall perish without the law, and as many as have sinned with the law shall be judged by the law,??13 for not the hearers of the law are righteous with God, but the doers of the law shall be justified;
(For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.
For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:
For when the Gentiles, who have not a law, do, by nature, the things of the law, these who have not a law, are a law to themselves,
And art taking note of his will, and testing the things that differ - when receiving oral instruction out of the law,
Thou therefore which teachest another, teachest thou not thyself? thou that preachest a man should not steal, dost thou steal?
Thou that sayest a man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege?
It is true that circumcision is of use if you keep the law, but if you go against the law it is as if you had it not.
Therefore if the uncircumcision keep the righteousness of the law, shall not his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision?
And shall not uncircumcision which is by nature, if it fulfil the law, judge thee, who by the letter and circumcision dost transgress the law?
For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:
But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?
let it not be! and let God become true, and every man false, according as it hath been written, 'That Thou mayest be declared righteous in Thy words, and mayest overcome in Thy being judged.'
But if our unrighteousness demonstrates the righteousness of God, what shall we say? God, who inflicts wrath, [is] not unjust, [is he]? (I am speaking according to a human perspective.)
let it not be! since how shall God judge the world?
And not rather, (as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come? whose damnation is just.
What, then? are we better? not at all! for we did before charge both Jews and Greeks with being all under sin,
As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
there is not the man that understands, there is not one that seeks after God.
They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.
Their throat is like an open place of death; with their tongues they have said what is not true: the poison of snakes is under their lips:
And the way of peace have they not known:
The fear of God is not before their eyes."
Now we [all] know that everything the law says applies to those who are under [obligation to obey] that law, [Note: Here "the law" appears to refer to the Old Testament Scriptures generally, since Psalms and Isaiah are quoted. See verses 10-18]. This is so that the mouth of every objector may be stopped [i.e., from making excuses for his sin], and thereby bring the entire world under God's judgment [i.e., both Jews and Gentiles].
For no
That is, the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ, to all those who have faith; and one man is not different from another,
Where then is the [basis for] boasting [i.e., over being right with God]? There is not any. Is it by [obedience to] a law? Is it by doing certain deeds? Not at all, but by a law of faith.
Is he the God of the Jews only? is he not also of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also:
If God is one; and he will give righteousness because of faith to those who have circumcision, and through faith to those who have not circumcision.
Law then do we make useless through the faith? let it not be! yea, we do establish law.
For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God.
Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.
But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.
Is this blessing, then, for the circumcision only, or in the same way for those who have not circumcision? for we say that the faith of Abraham was put to his account as righteousness.
How was it then reckoned? when he was in circumcision, or in uncircumcision? Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision.
And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had yet being uncircumcised: that he might be the father of all them that believe, though they be not circumcised; that righteousness might be imputed unto them also:
And the father of circumcision to them who are not of the circumcision only, but who also walk in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham, which he had being yet uncircumcised.
For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.
for the law doth work wrath; for where law is not, neither is transgression.
Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all,
(As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.
And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sara's womb:
He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;
Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him;
It is through him that, by reason of our faith, we have obtained admission to that place in God's favor in which we not stand. So let us exult in our hope of attaining God's glorious ideal.
And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;
And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
Someone would not likely die to rescue a righteous person, though possibly someone would dare to die in order to rescue a good person.
And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement.
Therefore, just as sin came into the world through [the action of] one man [i.e., Adam] and [physical] death through that sin, so [physical] death has spread to all people, because all people have sinned. [Note: This difficult passage (verses 12-21) seems to be saying that the entire human race must experience physical death because of Adam's sin (I Cor. 5:22), which is somehow considered to be everyone's sin. See Murray, pp. 180-187, for a thorough discussion].
(For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law.
Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.
But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.
And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification.
So then, just as [God's] judgment came, condemning all people [to physical death] because of one sin [i.e., Adam's]; even so the free gift of being made right with God and [resulting in] life may be received by all people because of one man's [i.e., Christ's] act of righteousness. [Note: This "life" may refer to spiritual life now, or to being made alive in the resurrection, which would reverse the curse of physical death caused by Adam's sin].
Now the law of Moses was introduced [into the world] in order to cause sin to increase [i.e., it defined many things to be wrong that were previously not regarded as sin]. But with the increase of sin, God's unearned favor increased all the more.
let it not be! we who died to the sin -- how shall we still live in it?
Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?
Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.
Now if we have died with Christ [i.e., to the practice of sin], we believe we will also live with Him. [Note: This "living" probably refers to our spiritual relationship with Him during our Christian life].
Extract Match Search Results...
- 1.Gen 1:5-Gen 20:9
- 2.Gen 20:11-Gen 32:20
- 3.Gen 32:21-Gen 44:4
- 4.Gen 44:5-Exo 7:16
- 5.Exo 7:18-Exo 16:18
- 6.Exo 16:20-Exo 30:15
- 7.Exo 30:20-Lev 11:5
- 8.Lev 11:6-Lev 20:4
- 9.Lev 20:6-Lev 27:26
- 10.Lev 27:27-Num 16:12
- 11.Num 16:13-Num 32:19
- 12.Num 32:23-Deut 8:11
- 13.Deut 8:14-Deut 18:2
- 14.Deut 18:9-Deut 25:16
- 15.Deut 25:18-Josh 2:13
- 16.Josh 2:14-Josh 22:31
- 17.Josh 22:33-Judg 10:11
- 18.Judg 10:12-Judg 21:1
- 19.Judg 21:5-1 Sam 7:13
- 20.1 Sam 8:3-1 Sam 19:16
- 21.1 Sam 19:24-1 Sam 30:17
- 22.1 Sam 30:19-2 Sam 14:19
- 23.2 Sam 14:24-1 Kgs 1:52
- 24.1 Kgs 2:4-1 Kgs 12:24
- 25.1 Kgs 12:28-2 Kgs 1:2
- 26.2 Kgs 1:3-2 Kgs 11:15
- 27.2 Kgs 12:3-2 Kgs 22:17
- 28.2 Kgs 22:20-2 Chron 5:14
- 29.2 Chron 6:1-2 Chron 22:9
- 30.2 Chron 22:11-Ezra 7:23
- 31.Ezra 7:24-Neh 13:21
- 32.Neh 13:24-Job 7:21
- 33.Job 8:3-Job 16:22
- 34.Job 17:2-Job 28:19
- 35.Job 29:16-Job 37:19
- 36.Job 37:21-Psa 17:14
- 37.Psa 18:21-Psa 37:36
- 38.Psa 37:37-Psa 59:11
- 39.Psa 59:13-Psa 85:4
- 40.Psa 85:6-Psa 116:2
- 41.Psa 118:6-Psa 147:10
- 42.Psa 147:20-Prov 10:27
- 43.Prov 10:30-Prov 23:18
- 44.Prov 23:20-Prov 31:15
- 45.Prov 31:16-Song 3:1
- 46.Song 3:2-Isa 13:10
- 47.Isa 13:14-Isa 30:15
- 48.Isa 30:19-Isa 44:8
- 49.Isa 44:9-Isa 56:5
- 50.Isa 56:6-Jer 2:24
- 51.Jer 2:25-Jer 8:12
- 52.Jer 8:13-Jer 16:16
- 53.Jer 16:17-Jer 26:6
- 54.Jer 26:15-Jer 37:4
- 55.Jer 37:9-Jer 49:12
- 56.Jer 49:18-Lam 5:10
- 57.Lam 5:12-Ezek 16:29
- 58.Ezek 16:31-Ezek 24:16
- 59.Ezek 24:17-Ezek 44:6
- 60.Ezek 44:8-Dan 9:26
- 61.Dan 10:3-Hos 11:12
- 62.Hos 12:8-Obad 1:13
- 63.Obad 1:14-Zeph 3:15
- 64.Zeph 3:16-Matt 3:8
- 65.Matt 3:9-Matt 10:12
- 66.Matt 10:13-Matt 15:32
- 67.Matt 15:38-Matt 22:18
- 68.Matt 22:19-Matt 26:62
- 69.Matt 26:63-Mrk 5:37
- 70.Mrk 5:39-Mrk 10:38
- 71.Mrk 10:40-Mrk 15:34
- 72.Mrk 15:42-Luk 6:46
- 73.Luk 6:48-Luk 11:23
- 74.Luk 11:24-Luk 15:14
- 75.Luk 15:16-Luk 21:6
- 76.Luk 21:8-John 1:20
- 77.John 1:21-John 5:43
- 78.John 5:44-John 8:29
- 79.John 8:33-John 12:21
- 80.John 12:24-John 18:1
- 81.John 18:6-Act 4:13
- 82.Act 4:14-Act 10:47
- 83.Act 11:3-Act 20:5
- 84.Act 20:6-Act 27:31
- 85.Act 27:33-Rom 6:8
- 86.Rom 6:9-Rom 11:25
- 87.Rom 11:26-1 Cor 3:22
- 88.1 Cor 4:3-1 Cor 9:18
- 89.1 Cor 9:20-1 Cor 14:29
- 90.1 Cor 14:33-2 Cor 5:4
- 91.2 Cor 5:5-2 Cor 12:7
- 92.2 Cor 12:9-Gal 6:12
- 93.Gal 6:13-Phil 4:19
- 94.Col 1:6-2 Thess 3:8
- 95.2 Thess 3:9-2 Tim 4:2
- 96.2 Tim 4:3-Hebrews 7:1
- 97.Hebrews 7:6-Hebrews 12:28
- 98.Hebrews 13:2-1 Pet 3:1
- 99.1 Pet 3:3-1 John 4:19
- 100.1 John 4:20-Rev 9:1
- 101.Rev 9:4-Rev 22:21
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- Life Struggles
- Curses
- Respect
- Anger And Forgiveness
- Sin, Causes Of
- Acceptance
- Doing The Right Thing
- Safety
- Rest, Physical
- Sanctity Of Life
- Revenge
- Sin, Universality Of
- Spirituality
- Going To Heaven
- Waiting Till Marriage
- God, As Judge
- God Killing
- Couples
- The Act Of Opening
- Feet
- Seven Days
- God, Patience Of
- Harvest
- Weather In The Last Days
- Forbidden Food
- Eating Meat
- Never
- Sons
- Dads
- False Confidence
- Self Confidence
- Success And Hard Work
- Impossible
- The Tongue
- Being Different
- Speech
- Disabilities
- Those Who Did Not Tell
- Conflict
- Defeat
- During One Night
- Materialism, As An Aspect Of Sin
- God, Revelation Of
- Word Of God
- Do Not Fear For God Will Help
- Foreigners
- Oppression, Nature Of
- Slavery
- Wife
- Having A Baby
- God, All knowing
- Buying and selling
- Money, Uses Of
- Breaking The Covenant
- Listening
- Sex
- God, Power Of
- Denial
- Not Sparing
- God, Righteousness Of
- Suffering, Of The Innocent
- Far Be It!
- Shortage Other Than Food
- Worth
- Guests
- Self Indulgence
- Never Giving Up
- Protecting Your Family
- Joking
- Future
- Doubt, results of
- Kindness
- Alcoholic Beverages
- Plea Of Innocence
- Named Prophets Of The Lord
- No Fear Of God
- Siblings
- Prophecies Concerning Christ
- Love, And The World
- Death Of A Child
- Swearing
- Myself
- In Men's Presence
- God, Sovereignty Of
- People Unwilling
- Individuals Being Silent
- Silence
- Struggles
- Lent
- Freedom
- Moving To A New Place
- Names And Titles For The Christian
- Vision
- Weakness, Physical
- Nearness Of Death
- Weeping
- Beds
- Assurance, nature of
- Guardians
- Watchfulness, Divine
- God Not Forsaking
- Promises
- God Being With You
- Finishing Strong
- Unable To Do Other Things
- Cheaters
- Power
- Hurt
- Parents Being Wrong
- Hurting
- Sleeplessness
- Humility
- Face Of God
- Affluence
- Sexual Sin, Nature Of
- Sorrow
- Hatred
- Persecution, Forms Of
- No Peace
- Grave, The
- Heads
- Unreliability
- Forgetting Things
- Ignorant Of Facts
- Unhappiness
- Abominations
- Stealing
- Identity
- Others Not Answering
- Evil, victory over
- Poverty, Causes Of
- Not Believing People
- Family Problems
- Loyalty
- Self Will
- Evil Associations
- Obstinate Individuals
- Messianic Prophecies
- Reassurance
- Not Knowing People
- Rivers
- Standing
- Unbelief, As Response To God
- Moses, Significance Of
- Heart, Human
- Heart, Fallen And Redeemed
- Power, Human
- Working Hard And Not Being Lazy
- Herald
- Lordship, Human And Divine
- God's Things Concealed
- Aliens
- Discouragement
- Lips
- God's Hand
- God, The Lord
- Tomorrow
- Cessation
- I Am The Lord
- Sacrifice
- Pain
- Knowing God, Nature Of
- Man Trapping
- Hour
- Pork
- Communion
- No Work On Feast Days
- Family Death
- Exclusiveness
- Hand Of God
- Hindering God's Work
- Stress And Hard Times
- Holy Spirit, Types Of
- Serving Groups
- Being Afraid
- Fearless
- Restraint
- Pride, Results Of
- No Survivors
- Diseases
- Illness
- No Food
- Hunger
- Accepting Christ
- Faults
- Tests
- Trust In Relationships
- Singleness
- Death Due To God's Presence
- Different Gods
- Avoiding Idolatry
- God's attitude towards people
- God, Zeal Of
- Irreverence
- Law, Ten Commandments
- Social duties
- Strangers
- Murder
- Infidelity
- Adultry
- Fraud
- Covenant breakers
- Money, Stewardship Of
- Do Not Steal
- Backbiting
- God, Will Of
- Fake Friends
- Battles
- Fearing God
- Being Scared
- Gold
- Sales
- People Providing Food
- Marriage Kjv
- Sex Before Marriage
- Same Sex Marriage
- Marraige
- Guilt
- Thieves
- Losing Someone
- Responsibility
- Virginity
- Witches
- Live
- Removing People From Your Life
- Practice
- Rejection Of God
- Sympathy
- Abuse
- Harassment
- Ethics, social
- Credit
- Morality
- Rumors
- Lieing
- Accusations
- Love, Abuse Of
- Prejudice
- Evil, believers' responses to
- Poverty, Attitudes Towards
- Righteous, The
- God Not Forgiving
- Forgiving Yourself
- Disobedience
- Rebellion
- Attention
- Trap
- Natural Disasters
- Overcoming
- Self Denial
- Forgiveness Kjv
- Assurance in the life of faith
- Living For God
- Love, Nature Of
- God's Truth
- Moving On
- Houses
- Making Mistakes
- Testimony
- Poverty, Remedies For
- Unceasing
- Hairs
- Burning People
- Abstinence
- Alcohol
- Priests, Function In Ot Times
- Alcoholism
- Fitness
- Sin, And God's Character
- Seven Days For Legal Purposes
- Giving, Of Time
- False Religion
- Sexual Immorality
- Grandmothers
- Competition
- Defilement
- Purity, Moral And Spiritual
- Claims
- Oppression, God's Attitude To
- Forgiving Others Who Hurt You
- Telling The Truth
- Lying And Deceit
- Riches, Dangers Of
- Wages
- Stumbling
- Fun
- Respecting Authority
- Rebuke
- Sibling Love
- Hair
- The Body
- Respecting Your Body
- Guidance, Need For God's
- Death Of A Family Member
- Godly Woman
- Women's Roles
- Corruption
- Unkindness
- Rest
- Feeding The Poor
- Reaping What You Sow
- Profits
- Discipline, divine
- Useless Labour
- Abandonment
- Value
- Exclusion
- Servant Leadership
- Ministry
- Enemy Attacks
- Greed
- Not Pleasing God
- Commitment, to God
- Folly, Effects Of
- Do Not Fear Men
- Parents Love
- Conversion, God's demands for
- Ignorance
- Trust, Lack Of
- Roads
- Mouths
- Light, Spiritual
- Eagerness
- Faithfulness, To God
- God Will Forgive
- Missing Someone
- Being Lost
- Pressure
- Judging Others Actions
- Discrimination
- Surrender
- Fear And Worry
- Trusting God's Plan
- Believing In Yourself
- Faith In God
- Those Who Were Ignorant
- Proud People
- Fathers, Responsibilities Of
- Watchfulness, Of Believers
- Diligence
- Response
- Unhearing
- Serving God
- Atheism
- Receptiveness
- Race
- Hate
- Pity
- Exams
- Order
- Bread
- Complacency
- Care
- Changing Yourself
- The Power Of Words
- Effort
- Understanding
- Sin, Nature Of
- Reality
- Discipline Child
- Doing Your Best
- Love For God
- Secrecy
- Mothers Love For Her Children
- Money Blessings
- Debt
- Finances
- Helping The Poor
- Helping Those In Need
- Thought
- Beggars
- Helping Others In Need
- Values
- Hardship
- Asking
- Refusing To Hear
- Prophecy
- Drunkards
- Sexual Purity
- Money, Attitudes To
- God Turning Bad Things Into Good
- Taking Care Of Your Body
- Giving Money To The Church
- Spouse
- Staying Strong And Not Giving Up
- Focus
- Not Helping The Poor
- Being A Good Father
- Ministry, In The Church
- Raising Children
- Tired
- Atonement
- Ethics, incentives towards
- No Healing
- Rescue
- Building Relationships
- Despair
- Anxious
- Hearing
- Law
- Present, The
- Death
- Reprobates
- Working For God
- Staying Strong During Hard Times
- Judgement
- Character Of Wicked
- Giving, Of Oneself
- Foolish People
- Demonic Influence
- Dullness
- Being Without Understanding
- Secrets
- Loss Of A Loved One
- Ethics, and grace
- Studying
- Adults
- Waiting
- Empty Cities
- Surprises
- Historical Books
- Worrying About The Future
- Knowing God
- Training
- Communication
- Security
- Welcome
- Fasting
- Suffering, Encouragements In
- Ethics
- School
- Praying
- Pride, Evil Of
- Superiority
- Boasting
- Motives
- Saints
- Prayerlessness
- Spiritual Vitality
- Family First
- Afflicted Saints
- Rejection
- Listening To God
- Futility
- Fools, Characteristics Of
- They Do Not Keep Commands
- Disappointment
- Youth
- Seeking
- Evildoers
- Participation, In Christ
- Enemies, of believers
- Encouragement, examples of
- Inferiority
- Sin, Deliverance From God
- Fasting And Prayer
- Losing a loved one
- Last Things
- Commendation
- Tragedy
- Death Of Loved One
- Loving Children
- Nets
- Sinners
- Gifts And Talents
- Accomplishments
- Family And Friends
- Following
- Exercise
- No Escape
- Breaking God's Law
- Trusting Others
- God, Living And Self sustaining
- God, Purpose Of
- Acting
- Self Righteousness, And The Gospel
- Power, God's Saving
- Teachers
- Weakness
- Hard Work And Perseverance
- Losing A Friend
- Babylon
- Persecution, Attitudes To
- Sin Confessed
- Short Time For Action
- Trusting God And Not Worrying
- Everything Happening For A Reason
- Satan
- Overcoming Hard Times
- Trails
- Freed From Fear
- Being Content
- Getting Through Hard Times
- Condemnation
- Feeling Lost
- Hypocrisy
- Paths
- God Being In Control
- Emptiness
- Mockers
- Persecution
- Wicked Described As
- Treasure
- Conscience
- Fatherhood
- Sharing
- Speaking
- God, The Eternal
- God's Plan For Us
- The End Of The World
- Life Purpose
- Reading The Bible
- Rich, The
- Emotions
- Kids
- Optimism
- Faith And Trust
- Comforting
- Names And Titles For Christ
- Eternal life, nature of
- Heaven, Redeemed Community
- Being Yourself
- Afflictions
- Faith, Nature Of
- The Future
- Sanctification, Means And Results
- Being Saved
- Poverty, Spiritual
- Do Not Be Anxious
- Worrying
- Attitudes, to other people
- Thoughts
- God's Love For Us
- Lukewarm
- Redemption
- Saving Money
- Beauty And Self Worth
- Worries
- Not Worrying
- Knowing About God's Kingdom
- Uncertainty
- God's Salvation Made Known
- Unbelief, Nature And Effects Of
- Fools
- The Bible
- Scripture
- Darkness
- Distractions
- Anxiety And Fear
- Covetousness
- Legalism
- Generosity, God's
- Goals
- Leaders
- Closure
- Wisdom, Source Of Human
- Fathers Love
- Self Worth
- Self Esteem
- Worry And Stress
- Anxiety And Stress
- Shame Of Bad Conduct
- Spanking
- Child Of God
- Importance
- A Short Time
- Passion
- Going To Church
- Recognition
- Maturity
- Christ, Names For
- Short Time Till The End
- Discipleship, nature of
- Types
- Rebirth
- God's Forgiveness
- End times prophecy
- Commitment, to the world
- Covenant, the new
- Being Unique
- The Word Of God
- Self Discipline
- Signs Of Repentance
- Keeping Faith
- Serving The Church
- Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
- Baptism
- Kingdom Of God, Entry Into
- The World
- Commands, in NT
- Settling Accounts
- Christ Telling The Truth
- Perspective
- Forgiving others
- Not Believing In Jesus
- Judgments
- Relationship Of Father And Son
- Christ Concealing Things
- Prophecies Said By Jesus
- Christ's Disciples Will Suffer
- Discipleship
- The Sabbath And Christ
- Christ Knowing About People
- Not Knowing About Christ
- Unselfishness
- Christ
- Belief
- Eternal life
- Persistence
- Not Believing The Gospel
- Spiritual Warfare, Enemies In
- Perserverance
- Agape Love
- Knowing God's Will
- Endurance
- Grace
- The Father
- Faith, As A Body Of Beliefs
- Faith Kjv
- Having Faith
- Principalities
- Slaves Of God
- Revelation