169 occurrences

'Human' in the Bible

{before any plant of the field was} on earth, and [before] {any plant of the field} had sprung up, because Yahweh God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was no human being to cultivate the ground,

Verse ConceptsBefore The FloodRainVegetationEmpty PlacesPloughmenMan's FunctionNo One AvailableHerbsGod Controlling The Rain

And now send [word]; bring into safety your livestock and all that [belongs] to you in the field. The hail will come down on every human and animal that is found in the field and not gathered into the house, and they will die." '"

Verse ConceptsHow Death Is InevitableBoth Men And Animals Killed

And Yahweh said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand to the heavens, and let there be hail in all the land of Egypt, on human and on animal and on all the vegetation of the field in the land of Egypt."

Verse ConceptsStretching OutBoth Men And Animals Affected

And the hail struck in all the land of Egypt all that [was] in the field, from human to animal, and the hail struck all the vegetation of the field and smashed every tree of the field.

Verse ConceptsBoth Men And Animals AffectedHarming Trees

"And I will go through the land of Egypt during this night, and I will strike all of the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from human to animal, and I will do punishments among all of the gods of Egypt. I [am] Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsFirstbornGod, The LordDeath Of The FirstbornGod KillingI Am The LordBoth Men And Animals KilledGod Will Kill The Peoples

And every first offspring of a donkey you will redeem with small livestock, and if you will not redeem [it], then you will break its neck, and every firstborn human among your sons you will redeem.

Verse ConceptsRedemption, In Everyday LifeDislocatingRules About Killing Animalsredeemed

And when Pharaoh was stubborn to release us, Yahweh killed every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from firstborn human to firstborn domestic animal. Therefore I [am] sacrificing to Yahweh every first offspring of a womb, the males, and every firstborn of my sons I redeem.'

Verse ConceptsStubbornness, Consequences OfDeath Of The FirstbornGod KillingMale AnimalsBoth Men And Animals KilledHindering God's WorkGod Killed The PeoplesRegulating Sacrifices

It will not be poured on human flesh, and with its measurements you will not make [any] like it; it is holy; it will be holy to you.

Verse ConceptsOintmentProvision For The BodySimilar Items

Or when he touches human uncleanness, {namely} any uncleanness of his by which he might become unclean, but {he is unaware of it}, and he himself finds out, then he will be guilty.

Verse ConceptsIgnorance Of EvilSin Made Known

And when a person touches anything unclean, [whether] human uncleanness or an unclean animal or any unclean detestable thing, and he eats from the meat of the fellowship offerings' sacrifice, which [is] for Yahweh, then that person shall be cut off from his people.'"

Verse ConceptsAbominationsAbominations, Ceremonial MattersPollutionsTouching Unclean ThingsPeople Being PollutedThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

And a killer of a domestic animal must repay [for] it, and a killer of a human shall be put to death.

Verse ConceptsDeath Penalty For KillingJudgement On MurderersRules About Killing Animals

However, anything devoted that a man has devoted to Yahweh {from all that he has}, from human or animal, or from the field of his property, may not be sold, and it may not be redeemed; anything devoted [is] {a most holy thing} for Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsNot Redeemed

Anyone devoted who is devoted from {human beings} cannot be ransomed--he shall surely be put to death.

Verse ConceptsDebaucheryRansomJudicial PunishmentNot Redeemed

All [the] first offspring of a womb of any creature that they offer to Yahweh, whether human or animal, will be yours; you will surely redeem the firstborn of the human and the unclean firstborn of the animal.

Verse ConceptsFirstbornAnimals, religious role ofWomb

Anyone who touches a corpse, the person of a human being who died, and does not purify himself, defiles the tabernacle of Yahweh, and that person will be cut off from Israel because the waters of impurity were not sprinkled on him. He will still be unclean, and uncleanness [is] on him.

Verse ConceptsHoliness,  Worldly SeparationRitual WashingSprinklingContaminationSprinkling WaterTouching Unclean ThingsPolluting Holy PlacesThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

you said, 'Look, Yahweh our God has shown us his glory and his greatness, and we have heard his voice from the midst of the fire; this day we have seen that God can speak with a human being, {yet he remains alive}.

Verse ConceptsGod, Glory OfGlory Of GodGod Appearing In FireLiving Despite God's Presencegreatness

But you shall not do anything to the young woman, [for] there is not [reckoned] against the young woman {a sin deserving death}; {it is similar to when} a man rises up against his neighbor and murders him, {a fellow human being}, [just] so [is] this {case},

I will be a father to him, and he will be a son for me, whom I will punish when he does wrong, with a rod of men and with blows of the {human beings}.

Verse ConceptsFloggingdiscipline, divineChastisementKnowing God, Effects OfLordship, Human And DivinePunishment, By GodSons Of GodSpiritual AdoptionAdoptionParents Being Wrong

Then he proclaimed against the altar by the word of Yahweh and said, "O altar, altar, thus says Yahweh: 'Look, a son will be born to the house of David, Josiah by name, and he shall sacrifice on you the priests of the high places who burn incense on you, and human bones shall burn on you.'"

Verse ConceptsDivine ManifestationsSanctity Of LifeBirths ForetoldDuplicating WordsBonesBurning Idolatrous ThingsMan Of God

He has hurled their gods in the fire because they [are] not gods, but the work of the hands of a human [made of] wood and stone, so they destroyed them.

Verse ConceptsCreativityStonesWoodBurning Idolatrous ThingsWood And Stone

He also broke into pieces the stone pillars and cut down the Asherah poles and covered their sites [with] human bones.

Verse ConceptsStonesObelisksBones

But a human being is born to trouble, and {they soar aloft} [like] {sparks}.

Verse ConceptsPainPunishment, Nature OfSuffering, Nature OfTroubleMan's Sinful Nature

"Does not {a human being have hard service} on earth? And [are not] his days like the days of a laborer?

Verse ConceptsLimitednessPunishment, Nature OfHirelingsThe Fact Of ToilstruggleWarLife StrugglesGetting Through Hard Timeshumanity

"What [is] a human being that you make him great and that {you fix your mind on him},

Verse ConceptsMan, Insignificance OfGod Testing PeopleWhat Value Is Man?mindfulnessattention

{Do you have eyes of flesh}? Or {do you see as human beings see}?

Verse ConceptsGod Seeing All The EarthGod In Relation To Man

[Are] your days as the days of human beings, or your years as the days of man,

Verse Conceptseternity, nature ofLifespanGod In Relation To Man

But {an empty-headed person} will get understanding when a wild donkey's colt is born [as] a human being.

Verse ConceptsColtsWicked Described AsWorldly WisdomWild DonkeysWise ProverbsWisdom

[Will it be] well, if he examines you? Or can you deceive him like deceiving a human being?

Verse ConceptsGod Testing PeopleDeceiving GodMan's Relation To God

"But a man dies, and he dwindles away; thus a human being passes away, and where is he?

Verse ConceptsCondition Of The Spirit

Water wears away stones; its torrents wash away [the] soil of [the] earth; so you destroy the hope of human beings.

Verse ConceptsFlowing WaterThings Wearing OutWithout Hope

"Were you born the firstborn of the human race? And were you brought forth {before} [the] hills?

Verse ConceptsHillsPeople Beginning

and it argues for a mortal with God, and [as] {a human} for his friend.

Verse ConceptsGod In Relation To Man

"Did you know this from of old, since the setting of [the] human being on earth,

Verse ConceptsPeople Beginning

This [is] a wicked human being's portion from God and the inheritance of his decree from God."

Verse ConceptsThe Fate Of The WickedHeritageGod Judges The Wickedfate

[As for] me, [is] my complaint for human beings? And if [so], why cannot I be impatient?

Verse ConceptsComplaintsDanger From MenComplaining

{How much less} for a human being [who is] a maggot, and {a human} [who is] a worm?"

Verse ConceptsSon Of ManMan, Insignificance OfMaggotsMere Menworms

"This [is the] portion of [the] wicked human being with God, and they receive from Shaddai [the] inheritance of [the] ruthless.

Verse ConceptsThe Fate Of The WickedHeritageGod Judges The Wicked

He breaks open a mine shaft {away from where people dwell}; [those] who are forgotten {by travelers}, they dangle, they sway [far away] from human beings.

Verse ConceptsFeetSwinging

A human being does not know its proper value, and it is not found in [the] land of the living.

Verse ConceptsIgnorant Of FactsValue

{Have I concealed} my transgressions as [other] human beings to hide my iniquity in my bosom

Verse ConceptsHiding SinsGuilt

{Please let me not show partiality to anyone}, and let me not show flattery to human beings,

Verse ConceptsPartiality

"Look, [in] this you are not right--I will answer you: Indeed, God is greater than a human being.

Verse ConceptsGod In Relation To ManMan's Relation To GodGod Being With You

to turn human beings aside [from their] deeds, and he keeps man from pride.

Verse ConceptsCausing People To Turn

"If there is a messenger beside him, a mediator, one of a thousand, to declare to a human being his uprightness

Verse ConceptsInsightMediatorAmbassadors, Figurative UseAngels Looking After People

He prays to God, then he accepts him, and he sees his face with a shout of joy, and he repays to the human being his righteousness.

Verse ConceptsAcceptance, Of WorshipAcceptance, divineJoy, Of IsraelPleasing GodRejoicingDivine FavourAnswered PromisesGod Answers Prayer

Indeed, he will repay [according to] a human being's deeds, and according to a man's way he will let [it] happen [to] him.

Verse ConceptsRetributionRepaid For DeedsWork Ethic

so that godless human beings should not reign, nor those who ensnare [the] people.

Verse ConceptsHypocrisy

All human beings have looked on it; everyone watches from afar.

Verse ConceptsLooking At God's Worksdistance

which [the] clouds pour down; they shower abundantly on human beings.

Verse ConceptsClouds, Natural UseAbundance, Material

{he stops all human beings from working} {so that everyone whom he has made may know it}.

Verse ConceptsMen WorkingWeather In The Last Daysweather

O Yahweh, put them in fear. Let [the] nations know they [are merely] human. Selah

Verse ConceptsTerror Of GodMere MenPsalm Interjectionsterrorism

Their idols [are] silver and gold, [the] work of human hands.

Verse ConceptsGoldhumanitystatues

For before the eyes of Yahweh [are] {human ways}, and all his paths he examines.

Verse ConceptsGod, As JudgeMan's WaysGod, All knowingGod Seeing All People

For no one knows [whether] the spirit of a human ascends [to heaven] and [whether] the spirit of the beast descends to the ground!

Verse ConceptsThe Spirit Of ManMoving UpwardsOthers Going DownSpirit Of CreaturesAnimals Going To HeavenAnimals Having A SoulGoing To HeavenPetsbreath

Therefore all hands will grow slack, and every human heart will melt,

Verse ConceptsHeart, HumanHuman EmotionLosing Courage

And the Egyptians [are] human and not God, and their horses [are] flesh and not spirit. And Yahweh stretches out his hand, and [the] helper will stumble, and [the] one being helped will fall, and together all of them will come to an end.

Verse ConceptsGod, As SpiritAliancesStumblingTrusting In Man, Warnings AgainstGod's HandLimitations Of The BodyGod's Hands Stretched OutDanger From MenNatural Disasters

And Assyria shall fall by a sword not [of] a man, and a sword not [of] a human shall devour him; and he shall flee from [the] sword, and his young men shall be [put] to forced labor.

Verse ConceptsSwordsGod KillingGod Will Kill The PeoplesForced Labour

to {set} their gods in the fire, for they [were] not gods, but [the] work of human hands, wood and stone, and they destroyed them.

Verse ConceptsMonotheismStonesWoodBurning Idolatrous ThingsWood And Stonestatues

Look! all his companions shall be ashamed, and [the] artisans [are] human! Let all of them assemble; let them stand up. They shall tremble; they shall be ashamed together.

Verse ConceptsShameCoal, Uses OfShame Of Idolatrycraftsmanship

[The] {woodworker} stretches out a line; he makes an outline [of] it with marker. He makes it with knife and makes an outline [of] it with compass. He makes it like [the] image of a man, like [the] beauty of a human, to dwell [in] a temple.

Verse ConceptsCraftsmenShrinesSkillToolsBeauty, In MenLike Menartistswoodworkingmeasurement

And it {becomes fuel for a human}, and he takes some of it and grows warm; also, he kindles a fire and bakes bread. Also, he makes a god and bows in worship; he makes himself an image and bows down to it!

Verse ConceptsAdoration, FalseTreesWarmingFirewoodSelf Imagecookingimage

Just as many were appalled at you-- such [was] his appearance beyond human disfigurement, and his form beyond the sons of mankind--

Verse ConceptsAtonementHumiliationMessianic PropheciesBlemished PeopleAppearances ofrecognitionscarsJesus Eyes

And they did not say, 'Where [is] Yahweh, the one who brought us up from the land of Egypt, the one who led us in the desert, in a land of desert plains and gorges, in a land of dryness and deep darkness, in a land {that no one passes through}, and no human lives there?'

Verse ConceptsFreedom, Acts Of In OtBarren, LandDesertsWildernessDry PlacesDarkness During DaytimeEmpty By NatureWhere Is God?God Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

Speak, 'thus {declares} Yahweh: "The dead body of the human will fall like dung upon the surface of the field, and like cut grain behind the reaper, and there is no [one who] gathers." '"

Verse ConceptsCornBinding corndirtUnburied BodiesDefecationNo BurialsNot Reaping What You Sow

Can a human make for himself gods? Yet they [are] not gods!"

Verse ConceptsFalse Religionpeople

And from its midst [was] the likeness of four living creatures, and this [was] their appearance: {a human form},

Verse ConceptsLike Men

And under their wings [were] {human hands} on their four sides. And their faces and their wings for the four of them [were as follows]:

Verse ConceptsAngels HandsFour SidesLike Men

The likeness of their faces [was the] face of a human [in front], and [the] face of a lion on the right {of each of them}, and the face of an ox on the left {of each of them}, and [the] face of an eagle {for each of them}.

Verse ConceptsHeavenly FacesRight SidesEaglesCreatures Like LionsLike MenLeft Hand Side

And from above the expanse that [was] above their heads [there was] the likeness of a throne, {looking like a sapphire}, and above the likeness of the throne [was] a likeness similar to [the] appearance of a human on it, [but] {above it}.

Verse ConceptsColors, BlueGod, Sovereignty OfJewelsSymbolsTheophanyThronePrecious StonesGod In Relation To ManLike MenThe RainbowColor

And [as a] bread-cake of barley you shall eat it, and {with human excrement} you shall bake it before their eyes."

Verse ConceptsCakesDefecationBaking BreadDung For Fuelcookingpoop

And he said to me, "See I will give you {cattle manure} in the place of the feces of a human, and you may prepare your food on it."

Verse ConceptsCowsdung and manureDefecationDung For Fuelcookingpoop

And [there] appeared for the cherubim [the] form of {a human hand} under their wings.

Verse ConceptsAngels HandsAngel's WingsLike MenCherubim

And {each one had four faces}; the face of the one [was] the face of a cherub, and the face of the second [was the] face of a human, and the face of the third [was the] face of a lion, and the fourth [was the] face of an eagle.

Verse ConceptsHeavenly FacesEaglesCreatures Like LionsFour Other ThingsLike MenCherubim

{Each one had four faces}, and [there were] four wings for each, and [the] likeness of {human hands} [was] under their wings.

Verse ConceptsAngels HandsHeavenly FacesAngel's WingsPeople Are The SameFour Other ThingsLike Men

"Son of man, when a land sins against me by {acting very unfaithfully}, then I will stretch out my hand against it, and I will break for it [the] {supply of food}, and I will send against it famine, and I will cut it off, [both] human and animal.

Verse ConceptsUnfaithfulness, To GodStretching OutGod's HandDestruction Of All CreaturesGod's Hands Stretched OutBoth Men And Animals KilledUnfaithful

Or, if I bring a sword over that land, and I say, 'Sword, let it cross over into the land!' And I will cut off from it [both] human and animal.

Verse ConceptsDestruction Of All CreaturesBoth Men And Animals Killed

And if I [were to] send a plague to that land, and I pour out my rage on it with blood to cut it off, [both] human and animal,

Verse ConceptsPestilenceDestruction Of All CreaturesCovered With BloodBoth Men And Animals Killed

For thus says the Lord Yahweh: "How much more when I send my four punishments--the evil sword, and famine, and fierce animal, and a plague--to Jerusalem to cut it off, [both] human and animal!

Verse ConceptsPlaguesPestilenceDestruction Of All CreaturesFamine Coming From GodFour Other ThingsBoth Men And Animals Killed

therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh: "so I will stretch out my hand against Edom and I will cut off from it [both] human and animal, and I will make it a ruin from Teman and Dedan; they will fall by the sword.

Verse ConceptsStrength Of GodBoth Men And Animals Killed

"Son of man, say to the leader of Tyre, 'Thus says the Lord Yahweh: "Because your heart was haughty, and you said, 'I [am] a god; I sit [in the] seat of [the] gods, I sit in [the] heart of [the] seas!' But you are a human, not a god, and you gave your heart to be like [the] heart of a god.

Verse ConceptsAmbition, negative aspects ofComplacencyExaggerationsHeart, Fallen And RedeemedLove, Abuse OfPride, Evil OfPride, Examples OfRulersSelf ConfidenceSelf Righteousness, Nature OfSin, Causes OfSuperiorityAudacitySelf ExaltationArrogantly Like GodIn The Heart Of The SeaMen As GodsProud Peoplelimitations

{Will you indeed still say} "I [am] a god!" before the face of your killers? And [in fact] you [are] a human and not a god in the hand of {those who pierce you}.

Verse ConceptsMen As Godsartists

Therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh: "Look! I [am] bringing on you sword, and I will cut off from you human and animal.

Verse ConceptsKilled With The Sword

A foot of a human will not pass over it, and a foot of an animal will not pass over it, and so it will not be inhabited [for] forty years.

Verse ConceptsLand Becoming EmptyBoth Men And Animals Affected

And [the] face of a human {was toward} the palm tree image {on the one side}, and [the] face of a fierce strong lion {faced} the palm tree image {on the other side}; {this work was executed} for the entire temple {all the way around}.

Verse ConceptsCreatures Like LionsLike Men

and [also] {human beings wherever they dwell}, the animals of the field and the birds of heaven--he has given into your hand and made you ruler over all of them--you are the head of gold.

Verse ConceptsAnimal LifeGiven Into One's HandsRelation Of Animals To ManBirds

Bible Theasaurus

Civic (1 instance)
Fleshly (27 instances)
Individual (61 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 334