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Baana son of Ahilud; Taanach and Megiddo, and all the House of Rest, which is by Zartanah from beneath Jezreel, from the House of Rest even to the Meadow of Dancing, even to the other side of Jokneam.

And now Jehovah my God caused rest to me from round about; not an adversary and not an evil event

Blessed Jehovah who gave rest to his people Israel, according to all which he spake: there fell not one word from all his good word which he spake by the hand of Moses his servant

And the rest of the words of Baasha, and what he did, and his strength, are they not written upon the book of the words of the days to the kings of Israel?

And the rest of the words of Elah and what he did, are they not written upon the book of the words of the days to the kings of Israel?

And the rest of the words of Zimri and his conspiracy which he conspired, are they not written upon the book of the words of the days to the kings of Israel?

And the rest of the words of Omri which he did, and his strength which he did, are they not written upon the book of the words of the days to the kings of Israel?

And the rest will flee to Aphek, to the city; and the wall will fall upon twenty and seven thousand men being left And Ben-hadad fled, and he will come to the city, to a chamber in a chamber.

And the rest of the words of Ahab, and all that he did, and the ivory house, which he built, and all the cities which he built, are they not written upon the book of the words of the days to the kings of Israel?

And the rest of the words of Jehoshaphat, and his strength that he did, and how he warred, are they not written upon the book of the words of the days to the kings of Judah?