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"I baptize in water only," John answered, "but in your midst stands One whom you do not know--

And to the pigeon-dealers He said, "Take these things away. Do not turn my Father's house into a market."

So the Jews asked Him, "What proof of your authority do you exhibit to us, seeing that you do these things?"

I have come as my Father's representative, and you do not receive me. If some one else comes representing only himself, him you will receive.

"What miracle then," they asked, "do you perform for us to see and become believers in you? What do you *do*?

But it is as I have said to you: you have seen me and yet you do not believe.

But there are some of you who do not believe." For Jesus knew from the beginning who those were that did not believe, and who it was that would betray Him.

As for you, go up to the Festival. I do not now go up to this Festival, because my time is not yet fully come."

"No one, Sir," she replied. "And *I* do not condemn you either," said Jesus; "go, and from this time do not sin any more."

And even if I do judge, my judgement is just; for I am not alone, but the Father who sent me is with me.

Are you really greater than our forefather Abraham? For he died. And the prophets died. Who do you make yourself out to be?"

You do not know Him, but I know Him perfectly; and were I to deny my knowledge of Him, I should resemble you, and be a liar. On the contrary I do know Him, and I obey His commands.

but how it is that he can now see or who has opened his eyes we do not know. Ask him himself; he is of full age; he himself will give his own account of it."

"Whether he is a sinner or not, I do not know," he replied; "one thing I know--that I was once blind and that now I can see."

"Why, this is marvellous!" the man replied; "you do not know where he comes from, and yet he has opened my eyes!

"I came into this world," said Jesus, "to judge men, that those who do not see may see, and that those who do see may become blind."

"I have told you," answered Jesus, "and you do not believe. The deeds that I do in my Father's name--they give testimony about me.

You do not reflect that it is to your interest that one man should die for the people rather than the whole nation perish."

And if any one hears my teachings and regards them not, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world.

"Never, while the world lasts," said Peter, "shall you wash my feet." "If I do not wash you," replied Jesus, "you have no share with me."

"Master," said Thomas, "we do not know where you are going. In what sense do we know the way?"

In most solemn truth I tell you that he who trusts in me--the things which I do he shall do also; and greater things than these he shall do, because I am going to the Father.

Continue in me, and let me continue in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself--that is, if it does not continue in the vine--so neither can you if you do not continue in me.

Some of His disciples therefore said to one another, "What does this mean which He is telling us, 'A little while and you do not see me, and again a little while and you shall see me,' and 'Because I am going to the Father'?"

So they asked one another repeatedly, "What can that 'little while' mean which He speaks of? We do not understand His words."

Jesus perceived that they wanted to ask Him, and He said, "Is this what you are questioning one another about--my saying, 'A little while and you do not see me, and again a little while and you shall see me'?

At that time you will make your requests in my name; and I do not promise to ask the Father on your behalf,

"I am making request for them: for the world I do not make any request, but for those whom Thou hast given me. Because they are Thine,

So she ran, as fast as she could, to find Simon Peter and the other disciple--the one who was dear to Jesus--and to tell them, "They have taken the Master out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have put Him."

They spoke to her. "Why are you weeping?" they asked. "Because," she replied, "they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have put him."