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My heart is glad, my tongue exults, my very flesh will rest in hope,

but as they saw the man who had been healed standing beside them, they could say nothing.

When it remained unsold, did it not remain your own? And even after the sale, was the money not yours to do as you pleased about it? How could you think of doing a thing like this? You have not defrauded men but God."

Now a famine came over the whole of Egypt and Canaan, attended with great misery, so that our ancestors could not find provender.

Heaven is my throne, the earth is a footstool for my feet! What house would you build me? saith the Lord. On what spot could I settle?

and asked him for letters to the synagogues at Damascus empowering him to put any man or woman in chains whom he could find belonging to the Way, and bring them to Jerusalem.

His fellow-travellers stood speechless, for they heard the voice but they could not see anyone.

Saul got up from the ground, but though his eyes were open he could see nothing; so they took his hand and led him to Damascus.

Well then, if God has given them exactly the same gift as he gave us when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I ??how could I try to thwart God?"

Now when day broke there was a great commotion among the soldiers over what could have become of Peter.

Herod made inquiries for him but could not find him; so, after cross-examining the guards, he ordered them off to death. He then went down from Judaea to Caesarea, where he spent some time.

though they could find him guilty of no crime that deserved death, they begged Pilate to have him put to death,

So we now preach to you the glad news that the promise made to the fathers

Even by saying this, it was all they could do to keep the crowds from sacrificing to them.

Well now, why are you trying to impose a yoke on the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we ourselves could bear?

Well, as the race of God, we ought not to imagine that the divine nature resembles gold or silver or stone, the product of human art and invention.

Then Paul associated himself with the men next day; he had himself purified along with them and went into the temple to give notice of the time when the days of purification would be completed ??the time, that is to say, when the sacrifice could be offered for each one of them.

Some of the crowd roared one thing, some another, and as he could not learn the facts owing to the uproar, he ordered Paul to be taken to the barracks.

As I could not see owing to the dazzling glare of that light,. my companions took my hand and so I reached Damascus.

But Paul entered an appeal for his case to be reserved for the decision of the emperor; so I ordered him to be detained till I could remit him to Caesar."

I could not find he had done anything that deserved death, so I decided to send him, on his own appeal, to the emperor.

"Long or short," said Paul, "I would to God that not only you but all my hearers to-day could be what I am ??barring these chains!"

However the officer let himself be persuaded by the captain and the owner rather than by anything Paul could say,

and, as the harbour was badly placed for wintering in, the majority proposed to set sail and try if they could reach Phoenix and winter there (Phoenix is a Cretan harbour facing S.W. and N.W.).

Running under the lee of a small island called Clauda, we managed with great difficulty to get the boat hauled in;

for many days neither sun nor stars could be seen, the storm raged heavily, and at last we had to give up all hope of being saved.

When day broke, they could not recognize what land it was; however, they noticed a creek with a sandy beach, and resolved to see if they could run the ship ashore there.

but as the officer wanted to save Paul, he put a stop to their plan, ordering those who could swim to jump overboard first and get to land,

As they could not agree among themselves, they were turning to go away, when Paul added this one word: "It was an apt word that the holy Spirit spoke by the prophet Isaiah to your fathers,