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But if you refuse to believe what he wrote, how are you ever to believe what I say?"

So Jesus, raising his eyes and seeing that a great crowd was coming up to him, said to Philip, "Where can we buy food for these people to eat?"

and got into a boat and started across the sea for Capernaum. By this time it was dark, and Jesus had not yet joined them;

Then as soon as they consented to take him into the boat, the boat was at the shore they had been trying to reach.

Next day the people who had stayed on the other side of the sea saw that there had been only one boat there, and that Jesus had not embarked in it with his disciples, but that the disciples had gone away by themselves.

But some boats from Tiberias landed near the place where they had eaten the bread after Jesus had given thanks for it.

Jesus answered, "I tell you, it is not because of the signs you have seen that you have come in search of me, but because you ate that bread and had all you wanted of it.

Then they said to him, "Then what sign do you show for us to see and so come to believe you? What work are you doing?

Our forefathers in the desert had manna to eat; as the Scripture says, 'He gave them bread out of heaven to eat!'"

The Jews complained of him for saying, "I am the bread that has come out of heaven,"

and they said, "Is he not Joseph's son, Jesus, whose father and mother we know? How can he now say, 'I have come down out of heaven'?"

In the prophets it is written, 'And all men will be taught by God!' Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from him will come to me.

I am this living bread that has come down out of heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever, and the bread that I will give for the world's life is my own flesh!"

This led the Jews to dispute with one another. They said, "How can he give us his flesh to eat?"

This is the bread that has come down out of heaven??ot like that which your forefathers ate and yet died. Whoever lives on this bread will live forever."

Jesus said all this while he was teaching in the synagogue at Capernaum.

Then what if you see the Son of Man go up where he was before?

Then Jesus said to them, "It is not yet time for me to act, but any time is suitable for you.

As for you, go up to the festival; I am not going up to this festival as yet, for it is not quite time for me to go."

That was what he told them, and he stayed on in Galilee.

Now the Jews were looking for him at the festival and asking where he was,

This astonished the Jews. "How is it that this man can read?" they said, "when he has never gone to school?"

Was it not Moses who gave you the Law? Yet not one of you obeys the Law. Why are you trying to kill me?"

Jesus answered, "I have done just one deed, and you are all astonished at it.

Yet Moses gave you the rite of circumcision??ot that it began with Moses but with your forefathers??nd you practice it even on the Sabbath.

But if a person undergoes circumcision on a Sabbath, to avoid breaking the Law of Moses, are you angry at me for making a man perfectly well on a Sabbath?

So Jesus, as he was teaching in the Temple, cried out, "You do know me and you do know where I come from, and I have not come of my own accord but someone who is very real, whom you do not know, has sent me.

Then they tried to arrest him, and yet no one laid hands on him, because he was not yet ready.

What does he mean by saying 'You will look for me and you will not find me, and you will not be able to go where I shall be'?"

He meant by this the Spirit which those who believed in him were to receive??or the Spirit had not yet come, because Jesus had not yet been glorified.

Others said, "This is the Christ!" But they rejoined, "What! Is the Christ to come from Galilee?

and some of them wanted to arrest him, yet no one laid hands on him.

"Does our Law condemn the accused without first hearing what he has to say, and finding out what he has done?"

He said these things in the treasury, as he was teaching in the Temple, and no one arrested him, because he was not yet ready.

"Why do I even talk to you at all? I have a great deal to say about you and to condemn in you, yet he who sent me is truthful, and the things that I say to the world are things that I have learned from him."

I know that you are descended from Abraham, yet you want to kill me, because there is no room in your hearts for my teaching.

It is what I have seen in the presence of my Father that I tell, and it is what you have heard from your father that you do."

They answered, "Our father is Abraham." Jesus said to them, "If you are Abraham's children, then do what Abraham did.

But I do not seek honor for myself; there is someone who seeks it for me, and is the judge of it.

The Jews said to him, "Now we are sure that you are possessed! Abraham is dead and so are the prophets, and yet you say, 'If anyone observes my teaching, he will never know what death is!'

Are you a greater man than our forefather Abraham? Yet he is dead and the prophets are dead. What do you claim to be?"

Jesus answered, "If I show special honor to myself, such honor counts for nothing. It is my Father who shows me honor. You say he is your God,

yet you have never come to know him. But I know him. If I say I do not know him, I will be a liar like yourselves. No! I do know him, and I am faithful to his message.

At that, the Jews picked up stones to throw at him, but he disappeared and made his way out of the Temple.

Jesus answered, "It was neither for his own sin nor for that of his parents, but to let what God can do be illustrated in his case.

Some said, "Yes! It is he!" Others said, "No! but he looks like him." He himself said, "I am the man."

So they said to him, "Then how does it happen that you can see?"

He answered, "The man they call Jesus made some clay and rubbed it on my eyes, and said to me, 'Go to Siloam and wash them.' So I went and when I had washed them I could see."

Now it was on the Sabbath that Jesus had made the clay and made him able to see.

So they asked the blind man again, "What have you to say about him, because he has made you able to see?" He said, "He is a prophet!"

and asked them, "Is this your son, who you say was born blind? How is it that he can see now?"

But we do not know how it is that he can see now, or who has made him able to see. You must ask him. He is grown up. Let him tell you about himself."

They said to him, "What did he do to you? How did he make you able to see?"

He answered, "I have already told you and you would not listen. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you want to become disciples of his too?"

Then they sneered at him, and said, "You are a disciple of his yourself, but we are disciples of Moses.

The man answered, "There is something very strange about this! You do not know where he came from, and yet he has made me able to see!

It was never heard of in this world that anyone made a man born blind able to see.

Jesus said to him, "You have seen him already, and it is he who is now talking to you."

Jesus said to them, "If you were blind, you would be guilty of no sin, but as it is, you say 'We can see'; so your sin continues.

"I tell you, any man who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs over at some other place, is a thief and robber.

When he gets his own flock all out, he goes in front of them, and the sheep follow him, because they know his voice.

This was the figure Jesus used in speaking to them, but they did not understand what he meant by it.

Jesus answered, "I have told you so, and you will not believe it. The things I have been doing by my Father's authority are my credentials,

What my Father has intrusted to me is of more importance than everything else, and no one can tear anything out of the Father's hands.