Search: 3542 results
Exact Match
- 1.Gen 2:5-Gen 31:16
- 2.Gen 31:30-Exo 12:48
- 3.Exo 13:3-Lev 21:3
- 4.Lev 21:5-Num 27:8
- 5.Num 27:9-Deut 23:17
- 6.Deut 23:18-Judg 9:38
- 7.Judg 10:13-1 Sam 17:29
- 8.1 Sam 17:32-2 Sam 18:18
- 9.2 Sam 18:20-2 Kgs 2:5
- 10.2 Kgs 2:12-2 Chron 6:6
- 11.2 Chron 6:13-Esth 1:8
- 12.Esth 1:19-Job 22:13
- 13.Job 23:5-Psa 22:6
- 14.Psa 22:29-Psa 118:25
- 15.Psa 119:3-Eccles 7:13
- 16.Eccles 7:25-Isa 34:10
- 17.Isa 35:2-Isa 57:21
- 18.Isa 58:2-Jer 14:5
- 19.Jer 14:10-Jer 36:11
- 20.Jer 36:16-Lam 5:14
- 21.Lam 5:22-Ezek 22:26
- 22.Ezek 23:17-Ezek 39:26
- 23.Ezek 39:28-Hos 2:4
- 24.Hos 2:7-Micah 7:5
- 25.Micah 7:10-Matt 10:30
- 26.Matt 11:27-Mrk 10:8
- 27.Mrk 10:18-Luk 12:47
- 28.Luk 12:48-John 6:66
- 29.John 7:4-John 17:5
- 30.John 17:7-Act 19:36
- 31.Act 19:40-Rom 12:17
- 32.Rom 13:1-2 Cor 5:17
- 33.2 Cor 5:20-Phil 4:10
- 34.Phil 4:15-Hebrews 10:26
- 35.Hebrews 10:30-Rev 2:19
- 36.Rev 2:23-Rev 22:5
for thou hast now banished us long enough, and hast been sore displeased at us.
Now the fifth day of the Month made out the fifth year of king Jehoiachin's captivity.
Now when I had well considered the beasts, I saw a work of wheels upon the earth with four faces also like the beasts.
Now when they stood still, and had let down their wings, it thundered in the firmament that was above their heads.
that whether they be obedient or no - for it is a froward household - they may know yet that there hath been a Prophet among them.
Now when the spirit took me up, and carried me away, I went with a heavy and sorrowful mind, but the hand of the LORD comforted me right soon.
"Now if a righteous man go from his righteousness, and do the thing that is evil: I will lay a stumbling block before him, and he shall die, because thou hast not given him warning - Yea, die shall he in his own sin, so that the virtue which he did before shall not be thought upon, but his blood will I require of thine hand.
Therefore set now thy face against that besieged Jerusalem, and discover thine arm, that thou mayest prophesy against it.
And when they have no more bread nor water, one shall be destroyed with another, and famish away for their wickedness."
Thus will I perform my indignation and set my wrath against them, and ease myself. So that when I have fulfilled mine anger against them, they shall know that I am the LORD, which with a fervent jealousy have spoken it.
Your slain men shall lie among you, that ye may learn to know, how that I am the LORD.
and shall learn to know how that it is not in vain, that I, the LORD, spake to bring such misery upon them.'"
Whoso is far off, shall die of the pestilence; he that is nigh at hand shall perish with the sword; and the others that are besieged shall die of hunger. Thus will I satisfy my wrathful displeasure upon them.
And so shall ye learn to know that I am the LORD, when your slain men lie among your gods, and about your altars; upon all high hills and tops of mountains; among all green trees; among all thick oaks; even in the places where they did sacrifice to all their idols.
I will stretch mine hand out upon them, and will make the land waste: So that it shall lie desolate and void from the wilderness of Diblath forth, through all their habitations: to learn them for to know, that I am the LORD.'"
But now shall the end come upon thee: For I will send my wrath upon thee, and will punish thee according to thy ways; and reward thee after all thy abominations.
Mine eye shall not oversee thee, neither will I spare thee: but reward thee according to thy ways, and declare thy abominations. Then shall ye know that I am the LORD.
The hour is come against thee that dwellest in the land. The time is at hand; the day of sedition is hard by: and no glad tidings upon the mountains.
Mine eye shall not oversee thee, neither will I spare thee; but reward thee after thy ways, and show thy abominations, to learn you for to know how that I am the LORD that smiteth.
malicious violence is grown up, and the ungodly waxen to a staff. None of them shall remain over, none of their riches, not one of their seed: and no lamentation shall be made for them.
The time cometh, the day draweth nigh. Whoso buyeth, let him not rejoice: he that selleth, let him not be sorry. For why? Trouble shall come in the midst of all rest:
so that the seller shall not come again to the buyer, for neither of them both shall live. For the vision shall come so greatly over all, that it shall not be hindered: No man also with his wickedness shall be able to save his own life.
The trumpets shall ye blow, and make you all ready, but no man shall go to the battle, for I am wroth with all the whole multitude.
The king shall mourn, the princes shall be clothed with heaviness, and the hands of the people in the land shall tremble for fear. I will do unto them after their own ways, and according to their own judgments will I judge them: to learn them for to know, that I am the LORD."
Now when they had done the slaughter, and I yet escaped: I fell down upon my face, and cried saying, "O LORD, wilt thou then destroy all the residue of Israel, in thy sore displeasure, that thou hast poured upon Jerusalem?"
Now the Cherubims stood upon the rightside of the house, when the man went in, and the cloud filled the innermore court.
Now when he had bidden the man that was clothed in linen, to go and take the hot coals from the midst of the wheels, which were under the Cherubims: he went and stood beside the wheels.
Now when the Cherubims went, the wheels went with them; and when the Cherubims shook their wings to lift themselves upward, the wheels remained not behind, but were with them also.
Now the figure of their faces was even as I had seen them, by the water of Chebar, and so was the countenance of them: Every one in his going went straight forward.
saying, 'Tush, there is no destruction at hand, let us build houses: this Jerusalem is the cauldron, and we be the flesh.'
And with that fell the spirit of the LORD upon me, and said unto me, "Speak, 'Thus sayeth the LORD: On this manner have ye spoken, O ye house of Israel, and I know the imaginations of your hearts.
Ye shall be slain in all the coasts of Israel. I will be avenged of you: to learn you for to know that I am the LORD.
that ye may know that I am the LORD, in whose commandments ye have not walked, nor kept his laws: but have done after the customs of the Heathen, that lie round about you.'"
Now when I preached, Pelatiah the son of Benaiah died. Then fell I down upon my face, and cried with a loud voice, "O LORD God, wilt thou then utterly destroy all the remnant in Israel?"
And I will give you one heart, and will plant a new spirit within your bowels. That stony heart will I take out of your body, and give you a fleshly heart:
Now as the Lord commanded me, so I did: the gear that I had made ready, brought I out by day. At even I brake down a hole through the wall with my hand: and when it was dark, I took the gear upon my shoulders and bare them out in their sight.
So when I have scattered them among the Heathen, and strawed them in the lands, they shall know that I am the LORD.
But, I will leave a little number of them from the sword, hunger and pestilence: to tell all their abominations among the Heathen, where they come: that they may know how that I am the LORD.'"
And the cities that now be well occupied, shall be void, and the land desolate: that ye may know how that I am the LORD.'"
Tell them therefore, 'Thus sayeth the LORD God: I will make that byword to cease, so that it shall no more be commonly used in Israel.' But say this unto them, 'The days are at hand, that everything which hath been prophesied, shall be fulfilled.
There shall no vision be in vain, neither any prophecy fail among the children of Israel:
Therefore say unto them, 'Thus sayeth the LORD: All my words shall no more be slack. Look what I speak, that same shall come to pass, sayeth the LORD.'"
Mine hands shall come upon the prophets that look out vain things and preach lies: they shall not be in the council of my people, nor written in the book of the house of Israel, neither shall they come in the land of Israel: that ye may know how that I am the LORD God.
"'And that for this cause: they have deceived my people, and told them of peace, where no peace was. One setteth up a wall, and they daub it with loose clay.
So shall the wall come down. Shall it not then be said unto you, 'Where is now the mortar, that ye daubed it withal?'
As for the wall that ye have daubed with untempered mortar, I will break it down: make it even with the ground, so the foundation thereof shall remove, and it shall fall. Yea, and ye yourselves shall perish in the midst thereof: to learn you for to know, that I am the LORD.
These are the prophets of Israel, which prophesy unto the city of Jerusalem, and look out visions of peace for them, whereas no peace is, sayeth the LORD God.'
Your bolsters also will I tear in pieces, and deliver my people out of your hand: so that they shall come no more in your hands to be spoiled, and ye shall know, that I am the LORD.
therefore shall ye spy out no more vanity, nor prophesy your own guessings. For I will deliver my people out of your hand, that ye may know how that I am the LORD.'"
I will set my face against that man. And will make him to be an example for others; yea, and a common byword. And will root him out of my people, that he may know how that I am the LORD.
that the house of Israel be led no more from me through error, and be no more defiled in their wickedness: but that they may be my people, and I their God, sayeth the LORD God.'"
And though Noah, Daniel and Job these three men were among them, yet shall they in their righteousness deliver but their own souls, sayeth the LORD God.
If I bring noisome beasts into the land to waste it up, and it be so desolate that no man may go therein for beasts;
and if Noah, Daniel and Job were therein: as truly as I live, sayeth the LORD God, they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters, but save their own souls in their righteousness.
They shall comfort you, when ye see their way and works: and ye shall know how that it is not without a cause, that I have done so against Jerusalem, as I did, sayeth the LORD God.
Behold, it is cast into the fire to be burnt; the fire consumeth both the ends of it, the midst is burnt to ashes. Is it mete then for any work? No.
Seeing then, that it was mete for no work, being whole: much less may there anything be made of it, when the fire hath consumed and burnt it.
and set my face against them: they shall go out from the fire, and yet the fire shall consume them. Then shall ye know that I am the LORD: when I set my face against them,
No man regarded that so much, as to do any of these things for thee, or to show thee such favour, but thou wast utterly cast out upon the field: yea, despised wast thou in the day of thy birth.
Now when I went by thee, and looked upon thee: behold, thy time was come; yea, even the time to vow thee. Then spread I my clothes over thee, to cover thy dishonesty: Yea, I made an oath unto thee, and married myself with thee, sayeth the LORD God; and so thou becamest mine own.
It is come to pass with thee in thy whoredoms, contrary to the use of other women: yea, there hath no such fornication been committed after thee, seeing that thou profferest gifts unto other, and no regard is given thee. This is a contrary thing.
They shall burn up thy houses, and punish thee in the sight of many women. Thus will I make thy whoredom to cease, so that thou shalt give out no more rewards.
Should I make my wrath to be still, take my jealousy from thee, be content, and no more to be displeased?
And so I will renew my covenant with thee, that thou mayest know that I am the LORD:
That thou mayest think upon it, be ashamed, and excuse thine own confusion no more: when I have forgiven thee all that thou hast done, sayeth the LORD God.'"
"Speak to that froward household, 'Know ye not, what these things do signify?' Tell them, 'Behold, the king of Babylon came to Jerusalem, and took the king and his princes, and led them to Babylon.
As for those that flee from him out of the host, they shall be slain with the sword. The residue shall be scattered toward all the winds: and ye shall know, that I the LORD have spoken it.
And all the trees of the field shall know, that I the LORD have brought down the high tree, and set the low tree up: that I have dried up the green tree, and made the dry tree to flourish: Even I the LORD that spake it, have also brought it to pass.'"
As truly as I live, sayeth the LORD God, ye shall use this byword no more in Israel.
he eateth not upon the hills; he lifteth not his eyes up to the Idols of Israel; he defileth not his neighbour's wife; he meddleth with no menstruous woman;
"If he now get a son, that is a murderer, a shedder of blood: if he do one of these things
Now if this man get a son also, that seeth all his father's sins, which he hath done, and feareth, neither doth such like:
he vexeth no man; he keepeth no man's pledge, he neither spoileth, nor robbeth any man; he dealeth his meat with the hungry; he clotheth the naked;
he opresseth not the poor; he receiveth no usury, nor anything over; he keepeth my laws, and walketh in my commandments: this man shall not die in his father's sin, but shall live without fail.
And so if a righteous turn from his righteousness and do wickedness, and shall do like unto all the abominations which a wicked doth, shall he live? No, none of those righteousness that he did shall be remembered. But in the wickedness which he wrought, and in the sin which he did, in them shall he die.
"As for me, I will judge every man, according to his ways, O ye house of Israel, sayeth the LORD God. Wherefore be converted, and turn you clean from all your wickedness, so shall there no sin do you harm.
Cast away from you all your ungodliness that ye have done: make you new hearts and a new spirit. Wherefore will ye die, O ye house of Israel?
Seeing I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, sayeth the LORD God; Turn you then, and ye shall live."
Now when the dame saw, that all her hope and comfort was away, she took another of her whelps, and made a lion of him.
So they bound him with chains, and brought him to the king of Babylon: which put him in prison, that his voice should no more be heard upon the mountains of Israel.
But now she is planted in the wilderness, in a dry and thirsty ground.
And there is a fire gone out of her stalks, which hath burnt up her branches and her fruit: so that she hath no more strong stalks, to be staves for officers. This is a piteous and miserable thing."
I will give you no answer.' Wilt thou not reprove them, thou son of man? Wilt thou not reprove them? Show them the abominations of their forefathers, and tell them: 'Thus sayeth the LORD God:
"'Now when I had carried them out of the land of Egypt, and brought them into the wilderness,
I gave them also my holy days, to be a token betwixt me and them, and thereby to know that I am the LORD which halloweth them.
hallow my Sabbaths: for they are a token betwixt me and you, that ye may know how that I am the LORD.'
and I unhallowed them in their own gifts when I appointed for myself all their firstborn, to make them desolate: that they might know, how that I am the LORD.'
In all your idols, whereunto ye bring your oblations, and to whose honour ye burn your children: ye defile yourselves, even unto this day. How dare ye then come, and ask any question at me? O ye household of Israel: As truly as I live, sayeth the LORD God, ye get no answer of me.
The forsakers also and the transgressors will I take from among you, and bring them out of the land of your habitations: As for the land of Israel, they shall not come in it: that they may know how that I am the LORD.
Go now then, sayeth the LORD God: ye house of Israel, cast away, and destroy every man his Idols. Then shall ye hear me, and no more blaspheme my holy name with your offerings and Idols.
And that ye may know, that I am the LORD, which have brought you into the land of Israel. Yea, into the same land that I swore to give unto your forefathers.
And ye shall know that I am the LORD: when I entreat you after my name, not after your wicked ways, nor according to your corrupt works: O ye house of Israel, sayeth the LORD.'"
and say to the wood toward the south, 'Hear the word of the LORD, thus sayeth the LORD God: Behold, I will kindle a fire in thee, that shall consume thee green trees with the dry. No man shall be able to quench his flame, but all that looketh from the south to the north shall be burnt therein.
And all flesh shall see, that I the LORD have kindled it, so that no man may quench it.'"
that all flesh may know how that I the LORD have drawn my sword out of the sheath, and it shall not be put in again.
Thou hast made thyself guilty in the blood that thou hast shed, and defiled thee in the Idols, which thou hast made. Thou hast caused thy days to draw nigh, and made the time of thy years to come. Therefore will I make thee to be confounded among the heathen, and to be despised in all the lands.
Whether they be nigh or far from thee, they shall laugh thee to scorn; thou that hast gotten thee so foul a name, and art full of mischief.
Yea, and I will have thee in possession in the sight of the Heathen, that thou mayest know that I am the LORD.'"
Like as the silver is melted in the fire, so shall ye also be melted therein: that ye may know, how that I the LORD have poured my wrath upon you."
Thy priests break my law, and defile my Sanctuary. They put no difference between the holy and unholy, neither discern between the clean and unclean: they turn their eyes from my Sabbaths, and I am unhallowed among them.
Extract Match Search Results...
- 1.Gen 2:5-Gen 31:16
- 2.Gen 31:30-Exo 12:48
- 3.Exo 13:3-Lev 21:3
- 4.Lev 21:5-Num 27:8
- 5.Num 27:9-Deut 23:17
- 6.Deut 23:18-Judg 9:38
- 7.Judg 10:13-1 Sam 17:29
- 8.1 Sam 17:32-2 Sam 18:18
- 9.2 Sam 18:20-2 Kgs 2:5
- 10.2 Kgs 2:12-2 Chron 6:6
- 11.2 Chron 6:13-Esth 1:8
- 12.Esth 1:19-Job 22:13
- 13.Job 23:5-Psa 22:6
- 14.Psa 22:29-Psa 118:25
- 15.Psa 119:3-Eccles 7:13
- 16.Eccles 7:25-Isa 34:10
- 17.Isa 35:2-Isa 57:21
- 18.Isa 58:2-Jer 14:5
- 19.Jer 14:10-Jer 36:11
- 20.Jer 36:16-Lam 5:14
- 21.Lam 5:22-Ezek 22:26
- 22.Ezek 23:17-Ezek 39:26
- 23.Ezek 39:28-Hos 2:4
- 24.Hos 2:7-Micah 7:5
- 25.Micah 7:10-Matt 10:30
- 26.Matt 11:27-Mrk 10:8
- 27.Mrk 10:18-Luk 12:47
- 28.Luk 12:48-John 6:66
- 29.John 7:4-John 17:5
- 30.John 17:7-Act 19:36
- 31.Act 19:40-Rom 12:17
- 32.Rom 13:1-2 Cor 5:17
- 33.2 Cor 5:20-Phil 4:10
- 34.Phil 4:15-Hebrews 10:26
- 35.Hebrews 10:30-Rev 2:19
- 36.Rev 2:23-Rev 22:5
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- Healing
- Liberation
- Giving, Of Time
- Sexual Immorality
- Sex Before Marriage
- Grandmothers
- Harvest
- Fear God!
- Respecting Authority
- Sibling Love
- Perfection, Divine
- Claims
- Rest
- Reaping What You Sow
- Buying and selling
- Sleeplessness
- Peace
- Diseases
- Useless Labour
- Defeat
- Exclusion
- Tables
- God's Voice
- Participation, In Christ
- Servant Leadership
- Ministry
- Greed
- Leaders
- Discrimination
- Folly, Effects Of
- Bravery
- Do Not Fear Men
- Irreverence
- Unused
- Hardship
- Enemies, of Israel and Judah
- Tongue
- Missing Someone
- Being Lost
- Judging Others Actions
- Fear And Worry
- Gods Plan
- Believing In Yourself
- Faith In God
- Those Who Were Ignorant
- Encouragement, examples of
- Encouraging Others
- Ethics, and grace
- End Of Days
- God, Sovereignty Of
- Race
- Culture
- Commitment, to God
- Love For God
- Hatred
- Illness
- Pity
- Exams
- Bread
- Feeding The Poor
- God, Fatherhood Of
- Complacency
- Understanding
- Trust, Lack Of
- Reality
- Orphans
- Thought
- Helping The Poor
- Poverty, Remedies For
- Helping Others In Need
- Family Love
- Love And Family
- Ministry, Nature Of
- Law
- Practice
- Prophecy
- Rescue
- Money, Attitudes To
- Taking Care Of Your Body
- Giving Money To The Church
- Staying Strong And Not Giving Up
- Ethics, incentives towards
- Justification, Necessity Of
- Tired
- Obedience
- Power, Human
- Respecting Your Body
- Anxious
- False Confidence
- The Future
- Secrets
- God's Blessings Are Near
- Anxiety
- Abandonment
- Death
- Rejection Of God
- Doctrine
- Demonic Influence
- Vanity
- Foolish People
- Dullness
- Being Without Understanding
- Discernment
- Loss Of A Loved One
- Myself
- Enjoying Life
- Excellence
- Losing a loved one
- God, Living And Self sustaining
- Empty Cities
- Muscles
- The Sun
- Fulfillment
- Worrying About The Future
- Sin, And God's Character
- Knowing God
- Optimism
- False Gods
- Competition
- Youth
- Communication
- Others Not Answering
- Hope, Nature Of
- Renewal
- School
- Boasting
- Motives
- Spiritual Vitality
- Worthiness
- Saul
- Futility
- Unceasing
- Fools, Characteristics Of
- Sin Confessed
- Far Be It!
- Disappointment
- Rejection
- Emotions
- Best Friends
- Inferiority
- Intelligence
- Inner Beauty
- Purgatory
- Enemies, of believers
- Regret
- Beds
- Blasphemy
- Fasting
- Losing Someone
- Love, Abuse Of
- A New Day
- The First Temple
- Signs Of Repentance
- Sinners
- Rehabilitation
- Historical Books
- Changing Yourself
- Accomplishments
- Putting God First
- Eagerness
- Syria
- Exercise
- Persecution, Forms Of
- Assertiveness
- Gays
- Unbelief, As Response To God
- Overcoming Hard Times
- Trusting Others
- Signs Of The Times
- Giving, Of Oneself
- Power
- Thank You
- Self Righteousness, And The Gospel
- Teachers
- Weakness
- Hard Work And Perseverance
- Judgement
- Chief priests
- Being A Good Father
- Free Will
- Judaism
- Persecution, Attitudes To
- Short Time For Action
- No Peace
- Crowds
- Hope, In God
- Trusting God And Not Worrying
- God's Plan For Us
- Persecution, Nature Of
- Trying
- Self Esteem
- Confidence And Self Esteem
- Being Happy And Enjoying Life
- Satan
- Shunning
- Love, For One Another
- Trails
- Freed From Fear
- Being Content
- Useless Endeavour
- A new beginning
- Condemnation
- Getting Through Hard Times
- Feeling Lost
- Value
- Hope Kjv
- Hypocrisy
- Types
- Thoughts
- Being Yourself
- Judgement Day
- Helping Those In Need
- Last Things
- Sharing
- Profits
- God's Plan
- Suffering, Encouragements In
- Afflictions, Consolation During
- Heaven, Redeemed Community
- Prophecies Concerning Christ
- Grace, And Christian Life
- Sanctification, Means And Results
- Being Saved
- Poverty, Spiritual
- Surprises
- Perspective
- Lukewarm
- Striving
- Worries
- Knowing About God's Kingdom
- God's Salvation Made Known
- Ignorance
- Signs Of The End Times
- Child Of God
- Unbelief, Nature And Effects Of
- Passion
- Seasons Changing
- God, Unity Of
- Persecution
- Dumb
- Accepting Christ
- Darkness
- Recognition
- Loving
- Importance
- Worrying
- Not Worrying
- Worry And Stress
- Anxiety And Stress
- Overworking
- Staying Strong During Hard Times
- Brothers Love
- Loving Everyone
- Boldness
- Covetousness
- Eternity
- Going To Church
- Behavior
- Punishment
- Judgments
- True Love
- Maturity
- Persistence
- Discipleship, nature of
- End Times
- Names And Titles For Christ
- Christ, Names For
- Telling The Truth
- Encouraging One Another
- Foreknowledge
- Rebirth
- Newness
- Covenant, the new
- Discipleship
- Salvation, Nature Of
- Commitment, to the world
- Atonement
- Suffering
- Christ, Character Of
- Gospel, Historical Foundation Of
- Love
- Love, Nature Of
- Endurance
- Near The Time Generally
- The Word Of God
- Jesus Birth
- Self Worth
- Keeping Faith
- Grace
- Scriptures Fulfilled
- Jews
- Baptism
- Mission, Of Jesus Christ
- Jesus Healing
- Christ Telling The Truth
- The Body
- Serving The Church
- Not Believing In Jesus
- Fathers Love
- Christ Teaching
- Commands, in NT
- Christ Concealing Things
- Christ's Orders
- Hour
- Peter, The Disciple
- Christ Knowing About People
- Preaching
- Evangelizing
- Prophecies Said By Jesus
- Relationship Of Father And Son
- Being Loved
- Christ's Disciples Will Suffer
- The Cross
- Not Knowing About Christ
- The Father
- Goals
- Necessity
- Christ Would Be Killed
- Jesus Death
- Crucifixion
- Peter
- Eternal life
- Christ
- Christians
- Short Time Till The End
- Last Judgment
- Keeping Christ's Commands
- Spiritual Warfare, Enemies In
- Belief
- Evangelists, ministry of
- Evangelism
- Having Faith
- Loving One Another
- Signs And Wonders Of The Gospel
- Luck
- Principalities
- Agape Love
- Knowing God's Will
- Lazarus
- Perserverance
- The World
- God's Love For Us
- Gods Love
- Christianity
- Peter, Preacher And Teacher
- Spiritual Gifts
- Conscience
- Faith Kjv
- Persevering
- Hope And Love
- Slaves Of God