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And the locust will come up upon all the land of Egypt, and it will rest in all the bounds of Egypt exceeding many: before it was there no locust thus like it, and after it, it shall not be thus.

Jehovah my strength and song, and he shall be to me for salvation: this my God, and I will cause him to rest; the God of my father, and I will exalt him.

And he will say to them, This what Jehovah spake, To-morrow the Sabbath, a holy rest to Jehovah: what ye will cook, cook; and what ye will boil, boil; and all exceeding, leave for you for preservation till the morning.

And the people shall rest in the seventh day.

Six days thou shalt do thy works, and in the seventh day thou shalt rest: that thine ox shall rest, and thine ass, and the son of thy maid shall be refreshed, and the stranger.

Six days shall work be done, and the seventh day the Sabbath, a holy rest to Jehovah: all doing work in the day of the Sabbath, dying, shall die.

And thou be at rest to me, and my wrath shall kindle against them, and I will consume them: and I will make thee into a great nation.

Ye shall not burn a fire in all your dwellings in the day of the rest