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and the LORD delivered Jehoiakim the king of Judah into his hand, with certain ornaments of the house of God, which he carried away into the land of Shinar, to the house of his god, and there brought them into his god's treasury.

in comparison of whom, all they that dwell upon the earth are to be reputed as nothing. He handleth according to his will, among the powers of heaven and among the inhabiters of the earth - and there is none that may resist his hand, or say, 'What doest thou?'

In the very same hour there appeared fingers, as it had been of a man's hand writing, right over against the candlestick upon the plain wall in the king's palace: and the king saw the palm of the hand that wrote.

but hast magnified thyself above the LORD of heaven, so that the vessels of his house were brought before thee: that thou, and thy lords, with thy queen and concubines, might drink wine thereout: and hast praised the Idols of silver and gold, copper and iron, of wood and stone. As for the God in whose hand consisteth thy breath and all thy ways: thou hast not loved him.

Therefore is the palm of this hand sent hither from him, to token up this writing.

And through his craftiness, falsity shall prosper in his hand; his heart shall be proud, and many a one shall he put to death in his wealthiness. He shall stand up against the Prince of Princes, but he shall be destroyed without hand.

And now, O LORD our God, thou that with a mighty hand hast brought thy people out of Egypt, to get thyself a name, which remaineth this day: we have sinned,

And behold a hand touched me, which set me up upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands,

Then the king of the south shall be angry, and shall come forth to fight against the king of the north: Yea, he shall bring a great multitude of people together, and a great heap shall be given into his hand.

he shall enter also into the fair pleasant land. Many cities and countries shall decay, except Edom, Moab and the best of the children of Ammon, which shall escape from his hand.

Then heard I the man with the linen clothes, which stood above upon the waters of the flood: when he held up his right and left hand unto heaven, and sware by him which liveth forever, that, "It shall tarry for a time, two times and half a time: when the power of the holy people is clean scattered abroad, then shall all these things be fulfilled."