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Now Yahweh God had formed from the ground every living thing of the field and every bird of the heavens, which he brought in unto the man, that he might see what he should call it, - and, whatsoever the man should call it - any living soul, that, should be the name thereof.

Then said Yahweh God unto the serpent - Because thou hast done this, Accursed, art thou above every tame-beast, and above every wild-beast of the field, - on thy belly, shall thou go, and dust, shalt thou eat all the days of thy life.

Though thou till the ground, it shall not go on to give its vigour to thee. A wanderer and a fugitive, shalt thou be in the earth.

And Yahweh said to him - Not so, whosoever slayeth Cain seven - fold, shall it be avenged. So Yahweh set, for Cain, a sign, that none finding him should smite him.

Make for thee an ark of timbers of gopher, Grooms, shalt thou make with the ark, - and - thou shalt cover it within and without with pitch.

And, this, is how thou shalt make it, - three hundred cubits, the length of the ark, fifty cubits, the breadth thereof, and thirty cubits the height thereof.

A place for light, shalt thou make to the ark and to a cubit, shalt thou finish it upwards, and the opening of the ark - in the side thereof, shalt thou put, - with lower, second and third stories, shalt thou make it.

therefore will I establish my covenant with thee, - and thou shalt enter into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons wives, with thee.

Moreover of all the living creatures of all flesh - two of each, shalt thou bring into the ark to keep alive with thee, - male and female, shall they be.

Of all the clean beasts, shalt thou take to thee by sevens, a male and his female, - and, of the beasts that are not clean,, shall be two a male and his female.

And the messenger of Yahweh said to her, Behold thee! with child, and about bearing a son - and thou shalt call his name Ishmael for Yahweh hath hearkened unto thy humiliation.

As for me, lo! my covenant is with thee, - So shalt thou become - father of a multitude of nations;

And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, - but, Sarah, is her name;

And God said - Truly, Sarah thy wife, is about to bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name, Isaac, - and I will establish my covenant with him as an age-abiding covenant, to his seed after him.

And let me fetch a morsel of bread, and stay ye your heart, Afterwards, ye may pass on, For on this account, have ye passed by, over against your servant. And they said, Thus, shalt thou do as thou hast spoken.

And Yahweh said unto Abraham, - Wherefore now did Sarah laugh saying. Can it really and truly be that I should bear, seeing that have become old?

Now, therefore restore the man's wife, for a prophet, is he, that he may pray for thee and live thou, - But if thou art not going to restore her, know, that thou shalt die, thou - and all that are thine.

Then Abimelech called Abraham, and said to him, What hast thou done to us? and wherein had I sinned against thee, that thou shouldst have brought in over me and over my kingdom, a sin so great? Deeds, which should not be done, hast thou done with me.

And so it came to pass when the Gods caused me to wander from my fathers house, that I said to her, This, is thy lovingkindness, wherewith thou shalt deal with me, - Into what-soever place we enter, say of me My brother, is he.

And the child grew, and was weaned, - and Abraham made a great banquet, on the day of the weaning of Isaac.

So Abraham rose up early in the morning - and took bread and a skin of water and gave unto hagar, - putting them on her shoulder and the child, and sent her forth, - so she went her way and wandered, in the desert of Beer-sheba.

And the water out of the skin was spent, - so she cant the child under one of the shrubs;

and went and sat her down over against him at a distance like as of such as draw the bow, for she said Let me not look upon the death of the child, - So she sat down over against him, and the boy lifted up his voice, and wept

Now, therefore, swear to me by God, here, that thou wilt not deal falsely by me, nor by mine offspring, nor by my descendants, - according to the lovingkindness wherewith I have dealt with thee, shalt thou deal with me, and with the land wherein thou hast sojourned.

And he said, The seven young sheep, shalt thou take at my hand, - that they may serve as my witness, that I digged this well.

and spake with them, saying, - If it is with the consent of your minds that I should bury my dead from before me, hear me, and intercede for me, with Ephron son of Zohar:

but unto my own land and unto my own kindred, wilt go, - So shalt thou take a wife for my son - for Isaac.

Yahweh, God of the heavens, and God of the earth, who took me out of the house of my father, and out of the land of my kindred, and, who spake to me, and who sware to me, saying, To thy seed, will I give this land, he, will send his messenger before thee, so shalt then take a wife for my son from thence.

But if unwilling be the woman to follow thee, then shalt thou be clear from this mine oath, - Only my son, shalt thou not take back thither

And my lord put me on oath saying, - Thou shalt not take a wife for my son, of the daughters of the Canaanites in whose land, I, am dwelling;

but, unto the house of my father, shalt thou go, and unto my family, - and take a wife for my son.

And he said unto me, - Yahweh, before whom I have walked to and fro, will send his messenger with thee, so shall he prosper thy way, and thou shalt take a wife for my son out of my kindred and out of the house of my father.

Then, shalt thou clear thyself from mine oath, for thou shalt go in unto my kindred, - and, if they will not grant her unto thee, then shalt thou be clear from mine oath.

And Esau said, Here am I, on the point of dying, - wherefore, then, should I, have, a birthright?

Then asked the men of the place as to his wife, and he said, My sister, is she, - For he feared to say My wife, lest said he the men of the place should slay me on account of Rebekah, for fair to Nook on, she is.

Then shalt thou take them in unto thy father and he shall eat, - To the end he may bless thee before his death.

peradventure my father might feel me, then should I be in his eyes as one that mocketh, - and should bring upon myself a reproach, and not a blessing!

And on thy sword, shalt thou live, And thy brother, shalt thou serve: But it shall come to pass when thou shalt rove at large, Then shalt thou break his yoke from off thy neck.

And thou shalt dwell with him a few days, - until that the wrath of thy brother turn away:

until the turning away of the anger of thy brother from thee, and he forget what thou hast done to him, and I send and fetch thee from thence. Wherefore should I lose, you both, in one day?

So then Rebekah said unto Isaac, I am disgusted with my life because of the daughters of Heth, - Should Jacob be taking a wife of the daughters of Heth, like these, of the daughters of the land, wherefore could I wish for life?

Then Isaac called Jacob, and blessed him, - and commanded him and said to him, Thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan.

And, GOD Almighty, bless thee, and make thee fruitful, and multiply thee, so shalt thou become a multitude of peoples.

And Esau beheld that Isaac, when he blessed Jacob, and sent him to Padan-aram, to take to himself from thence a wife, that in blessing him, he laid command upon him, saying, Thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan;

And thy seed shall become as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt break forth westward and eastward, and northward and southward, - And all the families of the ground shall be blessed in thee and in thy seed.

And, this stone which I have put for a pillar, shall be the house of God, - And, of all which thou shalt give me, a tenth, will I tithe unto thee.

And Laban said, Better that I give her to thee, than that I should give her to another man, - Abide with me!

Fulfil the week of this one, - then must we give thee, the other one also, for the service wherewith thou shalt serve with me, yet seven years more.

And he said. Should Esau come upon the one camp, and smite it, yet shall the camp that is left escape.

then shalt thou say, To thy servant Jacob: It is, a present, sent to my lord, to Esau; And behold he himself also is behind us,

And he said unto him, My lord, is taking note, that, the children are tender, - and the flocks and the herds are giving suck with me, - and, should I overdrive them a single day, then would all the flocks die.

Now the sons of Jacob came in from the field as soon as they heard, and the men were grieved, and it was vexing to them exceedingly, - for, a disgraceful deed, had he done with Israel in lying with Jacob's daughter, seeing that so, it should not be done.

Then brake they up from Beth-el, and it came to pass when there was yet a stretch of country, to enter into Ephrath, that Rachel was in childbirth, and had hard-labour in her child-birth.

So it came to pass when she was in hard-labour in her child-birth, that the midwife said to her - Do not fear, for this also of thine, is, a son.

And his brethren said to him, Shalt thou, reign, over us, shalt thou, have dominion over us? So they went on yet more to hate him, because of his dreams and because of his words.

So she laid by his garment beside her, - until his lord should come into his house,

In three days more, will Pharaoh lift up thy head, and restore thee to thine office, and thou shalt set the cup of Pharaoh in his hand, according to the former custom when thou wast his butler.

For I was, stolen, out of the land of the Hebrews, - and, even here, had I done nothing, that they should have put me in the dungeon,

Thou, shalt be over my house, and on thy mouth, shall all my people kiss, - only as to the throne, will I be greater than thou.

And Reuben responded to them, saying - Spake I not unto you saying, Do not sin against the child! And ye hearkened not? His very blood, therefore lo! it is required.

Then commanded Joseph that their bags should be filled with corn, and their silver be returned each man's into his sack, and provision be given for the journey, - and it was done to them thus.

Then spake Reuben unto his father saying, My two sons, shalt thou put to death, if I bring him not unto thee, - Come give him up upon my hand, and I, will restore him unto thee.

I, will be surety for him, at my hand, shalt thou require him, - as surely as I bring him not in unto thee, and set him down before thee, so surely will I be counted a sinner against thee all the days,

And they made ready the present, against the coming in of Joseph at noon, - for they heard that it was there they should eat bread.

and my cup - the cup of silver, shalt thou put in the mouth of the sack of the youngest, with his corn-silver. So he did, according to the word of Joseph, which he had spoken.

They themselves, had gone out of the city - they had not gone far, when Joseph said to him who was over his house, Rise chase after the men, - so shalt thou overtake them and shalt say unto them, Wherefore have ye requited evil for good?

And they said unto him, Wherefore should my lord speak such words as these? Far be thy servants, from doing such a thing as this!

So we said unto my lord, We have an aged father, and the child of his old age a youth, - his brother, being dead, he alone, is left of his mother and, his father, loveth him.

For how can I go up unto my father, should the lad, not be with me? lest I look on the calamity, that shall find out my father,

so shalt thou dwell in the land of Goshen, and shalt be near unto me, thou, and thy sons, and thy son's sons, - and thy flocks and thy herds and all that is thine;

The land of Egypt, is, before thee, in the best of the land, cause thou thy father and thy brethren to dwell, - let them dwell in the land of Goshen, And if thou knowest that there are among them men of ability, then shalt thou set them as chieftains of cattle over mine.

And the silver was spent out of the land of Egypt and out of the land of Canaan, so all the Egyptians came in unto Joseph, saying - Do give us bread, for why should we die before thee, although, silver, hath failed?

Wherefore should we die before thine eyes both we, and our ground? Buy thou us and our ground, for bread, - and we and our ground will become servants to Pharaoh, and give seed, that we may live, and not die, and the ground, not lie waste.

And Joseph appointed it for a statute - until this day, regarding the ground of Egypt, that Pharaoh, should take a fifth, - only, the ground of the priests, was, theirs alone, it had not become Pharaohs.

And the days of Israel drew near that he must die, so he called for his son for Joseph and said to him - If, I pray thee I have found favour in thine eyes, place, I pray thee thy hand under my thigh, - so shalt thou deal with me in lovingkindness and faithfulness - Do not I pray thee, bury me in Egypt.

When I shall lie down with my fathers, then shalt thou carry me out of Egypt, and bury me in their buryingplace. And he said: I, will do according to thy word.

My father, made me swear saying, - Lo! I, am about to die, - in my grave which I digged for myself in the land of Canaan, there, shalt thou bury me. Now, therefore, let me go up, I pray thee and bury my father, and return.

Now when the brethren of Joseph saw that their father was dead, they said - Oh! if Joseph should lie in wait for us, - and should return, to us, all the evil wherewith we requited him!

Then called the king of Egypt for the midwives, and said to them - Wherefore have ye done this thing, that ye should let the male children live?

And the woman conceived and bare a son, - and she saw him, that he was a goodly child, so she hid him three months.

And when she could no longer hide him, she took for him an ark of paper-reed, and covered it over with bitumen, and with pitch, - and put therein the child, and laid it among the rushes upon the bank of the river.

And she opened and beheld it - even the child, and lo! a boy weeping, - so she took pity on him, and said, Of the children of the Hebrews, is this.

Then said his sister unto Pharaoh's daughter, Shall I go and call thee a nurse, of the Hebrew women, - that she may nurse for thee the child?

And Pharaoh's daughter said to her - Go. So the maid went, and called the mother of the child.

And Pharaoh's daughter said to her - Take this child, and nurse it for me, and, I, will give thee thy wages. So the woman took the child, and nursed it.

And the child grew, and she brought him in to Pharaoh's daughter, and he became her son. And she called his name Moses, and said - For out of the water, I drew him.

And God said yet further unto Moses - Thus shalt thou say unto the sons of Israel, Yahweh God of your fathers. God of Abraham God of Isaac and God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you. This, is my name to times age-abiding, And, this, my memorial to generation after generation.