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and they will kill him, and the third day he will be raised up. And they were exceedingly sorry.

And having become evening, the lord of the vineyard says to his manager, Call the workmen, and render to them their wage, having begun from the last until the first.

But the farmers, when they saw the son, said among themselves, This is the heir, come, let us kill him, and possess his inheritance.

And he sent forth his bondmen to call those who were invited to the wedding festivities, and they did not want to come.

Because of this, behold, I send to you prophets, and wise men, and scholars. And some of them ye will kill and crucify, and some of them ye will scourge in your synagogues, and will persecute from city to city,

and they deliberated so that they might take Jesus by trickery, and kill him.