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And they will answer Joshua, saying, All which thou didst command us, we will do, and where thou shalt send us, we will go.

And it will be in the seventh day, and they will rise early in the ascending of the dawn, and they will encompass the city according to this judgment seven times; only in that day they encompassed the city seven times.

And Joshua will say, Why didst thou trouble us? Jehovah will trouble thee in this day, and all Israel will stone him with stone, and they will burn them in fire, and they will stone them with stones.

And they will raise up upon him a great heap of stones even till this day. And Jehovah will turn back from the wrath of his anger: for this, the name of that place was called, The valley of Achor, even to this day.

And the sons of Israel will remove and will come to their cities in the third day. And their cities, Gibe-on and Chephirah and Barith, and Kirjath-Jearim.

And Joshua took Makkedah in that day, and he will smite her with the mouth of the sword; and her king he exterminated, them, and every soul which was in her; none was left escaping: and he will do to the king of Makkedah as he did to the king of Jericho.

And Jehovah will give Lachish into the hand of Israel, and he will take it in the second day, and smite it with the mouth of the sword, and every soul which is in it, according to all which he did to Libnah.

And they will take it in that day, and they will smite it with the mouth of the sword, and every soul which is in it in that day he exterminated according to all which he did to Lachish.

And they drove not out the Canaanite dwelling in Gezer: and the Canaanite dwelt in the midst of Ephraim even to this day, and he will be serving for tribute.

Ye left not your brethren this many days till this day, and ye watched the watches of the command of Jehovah your God.

Was the iniquity of Peor little for us, which we were not cleansed from it till this day, and there will be a smiting in the assembly of Jehovah?

And Joshua will cut out a covenant to the people in that day and will set to him a law and a judgment in Shechem.