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When men cast themselves down, then thou shalt say: Up! And, him that is of downcast eyes, shall he save;

There an upright man, might reason with him, so should I deliver myself completely from my judge.

In the field - -a man's fodder, they cut down, and, the vineyard of the lawless, they strip of its late berries;

They are exalted a little, and are not, Yea having been laid low, like all men, are they gathered, Even as the top of an ear of corn, do they hang down.

Look as far as the moon, and it is not clear, and, the stars, are not bright in his eyes!

Far be it from me! that I should justify, you, - Even until I breathe my last, will I not let go mine integrity from me:

Let mine enemy be a veritably lawless one! And, he that lifteth himself up against me, one veritably perverse!

This, is the portion of a lawless man with GOD, That, the heritage of tyrants - from the Almighty, he shall receive.

The rich man, shall lie down, and not do it again, his eyes, hath he opened, and then is not.

He hath sunken a shaft, away from the inhabitants; Places forsaken by the foot, they hang down, away from men, sway to and fro;

While yet the Almighty was with me, round about me, were my young men;

Mine honour, shall be young again with me, and, my bow, in my hand, be renewed.

To me, men hearkened, and waited, and kept silence for my counsel;

Even the strength of their hands, wherefore was it mine? Upon them, vigour was lost;

Out of the midst, were they driven, men shouted after them, as after a thief;

There are turned upon me terrors, - Chased away as with a wind, is mine abundance, and, as a cloud, hath passed away my prosperity.

Let him weigh me in balances of righteousness, - and let GOD take note of mine integrity!

If my goings have swerved from the way, - and, after mine eyes, hath gone my heart, and, to my hands, hath adhered any stain,

Surely, a fire, had that been, which, unto destruction, would have consumed, and, of all mine increase, had it torn up the root.

If I looked at the sun, when it flashed forth light, or at the moon, majestically marching along;

If the men of my household have not said, Oh for some of his flesh - we cannot get filled,

If I covered, like Adam, my transgressions, by hiding in my bosom mine iniquity,

Oh that I had one to hear me, Lo! my crossmark, May, the Almighty, answer me! And would that, a book, mine opponent had written!

So these three men ceased to respond to Job, because, he, was righteous in their eyes.

Howbeit, when Elihu saw that there was no response in the mouth of the three men, then was kindled his anger.

Lest ye should say, We have found out wisdom. GOD, must put him to flight, not man.

Let me be partial to no man, and, unto no son of earth, give flattering titles,

Mine utterances come straight from mine own heart, and, what I know, my lips have truly spoken;

But thou hast spoken in mine ears, and, the sound of words, I heard: -

Lo! in this, thou hast not been right - let me answer thee, For, GOD, is greater than, man.

In a dream, a vision of the night, when a deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed,

Then, uncovereth he the ear of men, and, on their correction, affixeth a seal;

To turn a son of earth from his deed, while yet, pride, from man he concealeth:

He made supplication unto GOD, who hath accepted him, and he hath beheld his face with a shout of triumph, Thus hath he given back to man his righteousness.

He sang before men, and said, I sinned, and, uprightness, I perverted, yet he requited me not;

Lo! a these things, doth GOD work, two ways, three, with a man;

Hear, ye wise men, my words, and, ye who know, give ear unto me;

Concerning mine own right, shall I tell a falsehood? Incurable is my disease - not for any transgression.

What man is like Job? He drinketh in scoffing like water;

And is on the way to keep company, with the workers of iniquity, and to walk with lawless men.

For he hath said, It profiteth not a man, when, his good pleasure, is with God.

Wherefore, ye men of mind, hearken unto me, - Far be it, that, GOD, should be lawless, or, the Almighty, be perverse!

For, what any son of earth doeth, he repayeth him, and, according to every man's course, he causeth him to find.

For, unto no man, doth he appoint a repetition, - in going unto GOD in judgment;

That impious men may not reign, nor be ensnarers of the people.

The men of mind, will say to me, yea any wise man hearkening unto me: -

Would that Job might be tested to the uttermost, for replying with the men of iniquity:

Unto a man like thyself, might thy lawlessness reach , and, unto a son of the earth-born, thy righteousness.

By reason of the multitude of oppressions, men make outcry, They cry for help, by reason of the arm of the mighty;

There, men make outcry, and he answereth not, because of the arrogance of evil-doers.

He will not withdraw - from a righteous one - his eyes, - but, with kings on the throne, He hath seated men triumphantly, and they have been exalted.

Remember, that thou extol his work, of which men have sung;

Every son of earth, hath viewed it, Mortal man, looketh at it from afar.

With which the clouds flow down, They drop on man in abundance.

On the hand of every man, he setteth a seal, that all men may take note of his doing.

Shall it be declared to him - that I would speak? Were any man to say aught, he might he destroyed?

Yet, now, men see not the light, bright though it is in the skies, when, a wind, hath passed over, and cleansed them.

Therefore, do men revere him, He will not regard any who are wise in heart.

Gird, I pray thee - like a strong man - thy loins, that I may ask thee, and inform thou me:

To give rain over the no-man's land, the desert, where no son of earth is;

Couldst thou give - to the Horse - strength? Couldst thou clothe his neck with the quivering mane?

Gird, I pray thee - as a strong man - thy loins, I will ask thee, and inform thou me.

Who hath forestalled me, that I may repay him? Under all the heavens, mine it is!

At his rising up, mighty men are afraid, by reason of terror, they are beside themselves:

And it came to pass, after Yahweh had spoken these words unto Job, that Yahweh, said unto Eliphaz the Temanite, Kindled is mine anger against thee and against thy two friends, for ye have not spoken concerning me the thing that is right, like my servant Job.

Then came unto him all his brethren and all his sisters, and all his former acquaintances, and they did eat bread with him in his house, - and shewed sympathy with him and comforted him, over all the calamity which Yahweh had brought upon him, - and they gave him, every one a weight of money, and every one, a ring of gold.

The kings of earth take their station, and, grave men, have met by appointment together, - against Yahweh, and against his Anointed One saying :

Yahweh! how have mine adversaries multiplied, Multitudes, are rising against me;

When I cry, answer me, O mine own righteous God, In a strait place, thou hast made room for me, Show me favour, and hear my prayer.

O Yahweh! lead me in thy righteousness, because of mine adversaries, Make even, before me, thy way:

For, thou, wilt bless the righteous man, O Yahweh, As with an all-covering shield - with good pleasure, wilt thou encompass him.

My face, is all sunken with sorrow, - it hath aged, because of all mine adversaries.

If I have requited my friend with wrong, - or have oppressed mine adversary without need,

Let an enemy pursue my soul, and overtake it, that he may tread down, to the earth, my life, - and, mine honour - in the dust, he may cause to dwell. Selah.

Rise! Yahweh! in thine anger, Lift thyself up, because of the haughty outbursts of mine adversaries, Stir up for me the justice thou hast commanded:

Yahweh, will judge the peoples, - Do me justice, O Yahweh, according to my righteousness, and according to mine integrity upon me,

What was weak man, that thou shouldst make mention of him? or the son of the earthborn, that thou shouldst set him in charge?

When mine enemies turned back, they stumbled and perished from before thee;

Rise! Yahweh! let man not prevail, let the nations be judged before thee.

Appoint, O Yahweh, a terror for them, - Let the nations know that they are men. Selah.

To vindicate the fatherless and the crushed, A man of the earth, shall, no further, cause terror!

O save Yahweh, for the man of lovingkindness, is no more, for the faithful, have vanished, from among the sons of men.

On every side, the lawless, march about, - when worthlessness is exalted by the sons of men.

How long shall I lay up cares within my soul, sorrow in my heart, day by day? How long shall mine enemy lift himself up over me?

Have regard! answer me O Yahweh my God, - Light up mine eyes, lest I sleep on into death: