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His glory is great because of Your victory;
Splendor and majesty You bestow upon him.

For You make him most blessed [and a blessing] forever;
You make him joyful with the joy of Your presence.

Your hand will reach out and defeat all your enemies;
Your right hand will reach those who hate you.

You will make them as [if in] a blazing oven in the time of your anger;
The Lord will swallow them up in His wrath,
And the fire will devour them.

For You will make them turn their backs [in defeat];
You will aim Your bowstring [of divine justice] at their faces.

O my God, I call out by day, but You do not answer;
And by night, but I find no rest nor quiet.

I was thrown on you from my mother's womb. You are my God since my mother bore me.

Many oxen are come about me; fat bulls of Bashan close me in on every side.

Because dogs have surrounded me; a gang of evildoers has encircled me. Like the lion [they are at] my hands and my feet.

They are dividing up my clothes among themselves; they are rolling dice for my garments.

But don't be far off, Yahweh. You are my help: hurry to help me.

For He has not despised nor detested the suffering of the afflicted;
Nor has He hidden His face from him;
But when he cried to Him for help, He listened.

You are the reason I offer praise in the great assembly; I will fulfill my promises before the Lord's loyal followers.

All the prosperous people will eat and bow down in submission. All those who are about to go down to the grave will bow down in submission, along with the one who can no longer keep himself alive.

Our descendants will serve him, and that generation will be told about the Lord.

Surely goodness and mercy and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life,
And I shall dwell forever [throughout all my days] in the house and in the presence of the Lord.

He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
Who has not lifted up his soul to what is false,
Nor has sworn [oaths] deceitfully.

Such godly people are rewarded by the Lord, and vindicated by the God who delivers them.

This is the generation (description) of those who diligently seek Him and require Him as their greatest need,
Who seek Your face, even [as did] Jacob. Selah.

Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.

Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.

O my God, in You I [have unwavering] trust [and I rely on You with steadfast confidence],
Do not let me be ashamed or my hope in You be disappointed;
Do not let my enemies triumph over me.

Indeed, none of those who [expectantly] wait for You will be ashamed;
Those who turn away from what is right and deal treacherously without cause will be ashamed (humiliated, embarrassed).

Guide me in Your truth and teach me,
For You are the God of my salvation;
For You [and only You] I wait [expectantly] all the day long.

Remember, Jehovah, thy tender mercies and thy loving-kindnesses; for they are from everlasting.

Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.

Guard my soul and rescue me;
Do not let me be ashamed or disappointed,
For I have taken refuge in You.

For Your lovingkindness is before my eyes,
And I have walked [faithfully] in Your truth.

Do not destroy me along with sinners,
or my life along with men of bloodshed

When evil-doers, even my haters, came on me to put an end to me, they were broken and put to shame.

And now my head will be lifted up higher than my haters who are round me: because of this I will make offerings of joy in his tent; I will make a song, truly I will make a song of praise to the Lord.

O Lord, let the voice of my cry come to your ears: have mercy on me, and give me an answer.

When You said, “Seek My face [in prayer, require My presence as your greatest need],” my heart said to You,
“Your face, O Lord, I will seek [on the authority of Your word].”

Do not hide Your face from me,
Do not turn Your servant away in anger;
You have been my help;
Do not abandon me nor leave me,
O God of my salvation!

Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty.

Where would I be if I did not believe I would experience the Lord's favor in the land of the living?

To you, O Yahweh, I call. O my rock, do not be deaf to me. Or else, if you are silent to me, then I will become like those descending to [the] pit.

Hear the voice of my supplication (specific requests, humble entreaties) as I cry to You for help,
As I lift up my hands and heart toward Your innermost sanctuary (Holy of Holies).

Do not drag me away with the wicked
And with those who do evil,
Who speak peace with their neighbors,
While malice and mischief are in their hearts.

Because they do not consider
what the Lord has done
or the work of His hands,
He will tear them down and not rebuild them.

May the Lord be praised, because he has given ear to the voice of my prayer.

O Yahweh! thou hast lifted, out of hades, my soul, Thou hast brought me back to life, from among those who were going down to the pit.

By Your favor and grace, O Lord, you have made my mountain stand strong;
You hid Your face, and I was horrified.

“What profit is there in my blood (death), if I go down to the pit (grave)?
Will the dust praise You? Will it declare Your faithfulness [to man]?

In You, O Lord, I have placed my trust and taken refuge;
Let me never be ashamed;
In Your righteousness rescue me.

I will rejoice and be glad in Your steadfast love,
Because You have seen my affliction;
You have taken note of my life’s distresses,

Be gracious to me, Lord,
because I am in distress;
my eyes are worn out from angry sorrow—
my whole being as well.

For my life is spent with grief, and my years with sighing: my strength faileth because of mine iniquity, and my bones are consumed.

Because of all those who are against me, I have become a word of shame to my neighbours; a cause of shaking the head and a fear to my friends: those who saw me in the street went in flight from me.

False statements against me have come to my ears; fear was on every side: they were talking together against me, designing to take away my life.