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Then said Jesus to the multitudes, Ye are come out as against a thief with swords and clubs to take me, whereas I sat with you day after day teaching in the temple, and ye did not seize me: but all this is done,

Those who had seized Jesus led Him away to Caiaphas, the high priest, where the scribes and the elders (Sanhedrin, Jewish High Court) had gathered [illegally] together.

But Peter followed him afar off unto the high priest's palace, and went in, and sat with the servants, to see the end.

But later there came two who said, This man said, I am able to give the Temple of God to destruction, and to put it up again in three days.

And the high priest stood up and said to Him, Dost thou make no answer? what do these men testify against thee? but Jesus made no reply.

But Peter sat without in the palace-court; and a maid came to him, saying, And thou wast with Jesus the Galilaean.

But after a little while those standing by came forward, and said to Peter, Certainly you are also one of them, for your speech makes you manifest.

And they put cords on him and took him away, and gave him up to Pilate, the ruler.

Then Judas, who was false to him, seeing that he was to be put to death, in his regret took back the thirty bits of silver to the chief priests and those in authority,

Then was fulfilled, that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying, "And they took thirty silver plates, the price of him that was valued, whom they bought of the children of Israel,

But Jesus stood before the governor. And the governor questioned him, saying, Art thou the King of the Jews? And Jesus said to him, Thou sayest.

But, feast by feast, the governor had been wont to release one unto the multitude, a prisoner whom they were desiring.

But, as he was sitting on the judgment-seat, his wife sent to him, saying, Have thou nothing to do with that righteous man; for I have suffered to-day many things in a dream because of him.

But the governor answered and said unto them, Which of the two will ye that I release unto you? And they said, Barabbas.

Pilate says to them, What, then, am I to do with Jesus, who is named Christ? They all say, Let him be put to death on the cross.

And they sat down and watched Him there: and put up over his head his accusation in writing,

You who would give the Temple to destruction and put it up again in three days, get yourself free: if you are the Son of God, come down from the cross.

He has put His trust in God; let God rescue Him now—if He wants Him! For He said, ‘I am God’s Son.’”

But the centurion, and they who were with him on guard over Jesus, seeing the earthquake and the things that took place, feared greatly, saying, Truly this man was Son of God.

But when the evening was come, there came a rich man of Arimathea, whose name was Joseph, who himself also was a disciple of Jesus:

And put it in the resting-place which had been cut out of the rock for himself; and after rolling a great stone to the door of it he went away.

But Mary of Magdala was there, and the other Mary, sitting opposite the sepulchre.

saying - Sir! we have been put in mind that, that deceiver, said, while yet living, - After three days, will I, arise.

But Pilate said to them, Ye have a guard of your own, go and make it as secure as ye will.

And they went and set the guard and put a seal on the stone.

But to their amazement there had been a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord had descended from Heaven, and had come and rolled back the stone, and was sitting upon it.

But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid; for I know that you are looking for Jesus who has been crucified.

They quickly left the tomb and ran, still terrified but full of unspeakable joy, to carry the news to His disciples.

And on the way, Jesus came to them, saying, Be glad. And they came and put their hands on his feet, and gave him worship.

then said Jesus to them, be not afraid: go bid my brethren repair to Galilee, and there shall they see me.

But the eleven disciples went into Galilee, unto the mountain where Jesus had appointed them.

And he proclaimed, saying, I indeed baptized you with water; but One cometh after me more powerful than I; the latchet of His sandals I am not worthy, having stooped down, to loose,

Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,

And going on a little further, he saw James the'son of Zebedee, and John his brother, who also were in the boat mending the nets.

Saying, What have we to do with you, Jesus of Nazareth? have you come to put an end to us? I see well who you are, the Holy One of God.

But Jesus rebuked him and said, “Be quiet, and come out of him!”

And they were all greatly surprised, so that they put questions to one another, saying, What is this? a new teaching! with authority he gives orders even to the unclean spirits, and they do what he says.

But Simon's wife's mother lay sick of a fever, and anon they tell him of her.

so He went to her, took her by the hand and raised her up [from bed]. The fever left her and she began serving them.

But evening being come, when the sun had gone down, they brought to him all that were suffering, and those possessed by demons;

And Jesus healed many who were suffering with various diseases; and He drove out many demons, but would not allow the demons to speak, because they knew Him [recognizing Him as the Son of God].

But Simon and his companions hastened after him;

But Jesus said to them: "Let us go somewhere else, into the country towns near, that I may make my proclamation in them also; for that was why I came."

And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou clean.

And having sternly charged him, immediately he put him forth,

But he went out, and began to publish it much, and to blaze abroad the matter, insomuch that Jesus could no more openly enter into the city, but was without in desert places: and they came to him from every quarter.

And four men came to him with one on a bed who had no power of moving.

And when they could not come nigh unto him for the press, they uncovered the roof where he was: and when they had broken it up, they let down the bed wherein the sick of the palsy lay.

Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk?

I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house.

And immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went forth before them all; insomuch that they were all amazed, and glorified God, saying, We never saw it on this fashion.

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