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And he will go in and shut the door after them two, and he will pray to Jehovah.

And he will come up and lie down upon the child, and put his mouth upon his mouth, and his eyes upon his eyes, and his hands upon his hand; and he will bow himself upon him, and the flesh of the child will be warm.

And he will turn back and go into the house, once hence, and once thence; and he will go up, and he will bow himself upon him: and the boy will sneeze, even to seven times; and the boy will open his eyes.

And he will call to Gehazi and say, Call to this Shunamitess. And he will call her, and she will come to him, and he will say, Lift up thy son.

And she will go in and fall at his feet, and worship him to the earth; and she will lift up her son and go forth.

And Elisha turned back to Gilgal. And the famine in the land; and the sons of the prophets sitting before him: and he will say to his boy, Place the great pot, and boil pottage for the sons of the prophets.

And one will go forth to the field to gather green herbs, and he will find a vine of the field, and he will gather from it wild cucumbers of the field his garment full, and he will come and cut up into the pot of pottage: for he knew it not.

And they will pour out for the men to eat., and it will be as they were eating from the pottage, and they cried out, and they will say, Death in the pot O man of God. And they could not eat.

And he will say, Take flour. And he will cast into the pot and say, Pour out for the people, and they shall eat And there was not a word of evil in the pot.

And a man came from the lord of three, and he will bring to the man of God bread of the first-fruits, twenty of bread of barley, and garden fruits in his sack; and he will say, Give to the people, and they shall eat

And he serving will say, What I shall I give this before a hundred men? and he will say, Give to the people, and they shall eat; for thus said Jehovah, Eating, and they leave.

And he will give before them, and they will eat and leave, according. to the word of Jehovah.

And Naaman chief of the army of the king of Aram was a man before his lord, and he was rifted up in the face, for by him Jehovah gave salvation to Aram: and the man was mighty of strength; being leprous.

And Aram will go forth by troops, and take captive from the land of Israel a little girl; and she will be before Naaman's wife.

And she will say to her mistress, O that my lord was before the prophet that is in Shomeron! then he will gather him from his leprosy.

And one will go and announce to his lord, saying, According to this, and according to this, spake the girl which was from the land of Israel.

And the king of Aram will say, Go; come, I will send a letter to the king of Israel. And he will go and take in his hand ten talents of silver and six thousand of gold, and ten changes of garments.

And he will bring the letter to the king of Israel, saying, Now when: this letter comes to thee, behold, I sent Naaman my servant, and do thou gather him from his leprosy.

And it will be when the king of Israel read the letter, and he will rend his garments and say, Am I God to kill and to make alive, that this one sent to me to gather a man from his leprosy? for surely know ye now, and see that he seeks occasion against me.

And it will be when Elisha the man of God heard that, the king of, Israel rent his garments, and he will send to the king, saying, Wherefore rentest thou thy garments? He shall come now to me and know that there is a prophet in Israel.

And Naaman will come with his horse and with his chariot, and he will stand at the door of the House to Elisha.

And Elisha will send a messenger to him, saying, Go and wash seven times in Jordan and, thy flesh shall: turn back to thee and be clean.

And Naaman will be angry, and go, and say, Behold, I said coming forth, he will come forth to me, and stand and call in the name of Jehovah his God and wave his hand up and down to the place, and he will gather him being leprous.

Is not Abana and Pharpar, rivers of Damascus, good above all the waters of Israel? and shall I not wash in them And be cleansed? And he will turn and go in wrath.

And his servants will come near and speak to him, and say, My father, spake the prophet a great word to thee, wilt thou not do? and much more he said to thee, Wash and be cleansed,

And he will go down and dip in Jordan seven times, according to the word of the man of God, and his flesh will turn: back as, the flesh of a small boy, and he will be cleansed.

And he will turn back to the man of God, he and all his camp; and he will come and stand before him, and say, Behold now, I knew that there is no God in all the earth but in Israel: and now take now a blessing from thy servant

And he will say, Jehovah lives whom I stood before him if I will take. And he will press upon him to take, and he will refuse.

And Naaman will say, And shall there not now be given to thy servant a pair of Mules lifting up earth? for thy servant will no more do a burnt-offering and a sacrifice to other gods but to Jehovah.

For this word will Jehovah forgive to thy servant in the going of my lord to the house of Rimmon to worship there, and he leaning upon my hand, and I worshiped in the house of Rimmon: in my worshiping in the house of Rimmon now will Jehovah forgive to thy servant in this word?

And he will say to him, Go for peace. And he will go from him a measure of land,

And Gehazi the boy of Elisha, the man of God, will say, Behold, my lord spared Naaman this Aramite from taking from his hand what he brought: Jehovah lives, for if I ran after him land book from him something.

And Gehazi will pursue after Naaman, and Naaman will see he ran after him, and will descend from his chariot to meet him, and he will say, Is it peace?

And he will say, Peace. My lord sent me, saying, Behold, now there came here to me two boys from mount Ephraim from the sons of the prophets: wilt thou give to them a talent of silver and two changes of garments?

And Naaman will say, Be content, take two talents And he will press upon him, and he Will bind two talents of silver in two bags, and two changes of garments, and he will give to his two boys, and they will lift up before him.

And he will come to the hill and; take from their hand and deposit in the house: and he will send away the men, said they will go.

And he came in, and he will stand by his lord: and Elisha will say to him, From whence, Gehazi? And he will say, Thy servant wait not hence and thence.

And he will say to him, Went not my heart when the man turned again from his chariot to meet thee? Is it a time to take silver, and to take garments, and olive trees, and vineyards, and sheep and oxen, and servants and maids?

And the leprosy of Naaman shall cleave upon thee and upon thy seed forever. And he will go forth from his face being leprous as snow.

And the sons of the prophets will say to Elisha, Behold now, the place where we dwell there before thee is narrow for us.

We will go now even to Jordan and take from thence each, one beam, and we will make for us a place to dwell there. And he will say, Go.

And one will say, Be content, now, and go with thy servants And he will say, I will go.

And he will go with them; and they will come to Jordan, and they will cut woods.

And one will be felling the beam, and the iron fell into the water: and he will cry out and say, Alas, my lord! and it was borrowed.

And the man of God will say, Where fell it? And he will cause him to see the place. And he will cut down wood and cast there; and the iron will overflow.

And he will say, Lift up to thee. And he will stretch forth his hand and take it

And the king of Aram was warring against Israel, and he counseled with his servants, saying, To such a certain place my encampments

And the man of God will send to the king of Israel, saying, Watch from passing through this place, for there Aram encamps.

And the king of Israel will send to the place which the man of God said to him and warned of it, and he watched himself there, not once, and not twice.

And the heart of the king of Aram will be agitated for this word; and he will call to his servants and say to them, Will ye not announce to me who is leading us astray to the king of Israel?

And one of his servants will say, No, my lord the king; but Elisha the prophet, who is in Israel, will announce to the king of Israel the words which thou wilt speak in thy bed-chamber.

And he will say, Go, and see where he is, and I will send and take him. And it will be announced to him, saying, Behold, in Dothan.

And he will send there horses and chariots, and weighty strength: and they will come by night, and they will surround upon the city.

And he serving the man of God will rise early to stand up, and he went forth, and behold, strength surrounding the city, and horse and chariot And his boy will say to him, Alas, my lord! how shall we do?

And he will say, Thou shalt not fear: for the many which are with us are more than with them.

And Elisha will pray, and say, Jehovah open now his eyes, and he shall see. And Jehovah will open the boy's eyes, and he will see: and behold, the mountain full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.

And they will come down to him, and Elisha will pray to Jehovah, and say, Strike now, this nation with blindness. And he will strike them with blindness, according to the word of Elisha.

And Elisha will say to them, This not the way, and this not the city: go ye after me, and I will take you to the man whom ye will seek. And he will cause them to go to Shomeron.

And it will be when they came to Shomeron, and Elisha will say to Jehovah, Open the eyes of these, and they shall see. And Jehovah will open their eyes, and they will see; and behold, in the midst of Shomeron.

And the king of Israel will say to Elisha when he saw them, Shall I strike? shall I strike, my father?

And he will say, Thou shalt not strike: whom thou tookest captive with thy sword and with thy bow; strikest thou? set bread and water before them, and they shall eat and drink and go to their lord.

And he will purchase for them a great purchase: and they will eat and drink, and he will send them, and they will go to their lord. And the troops of Aram will add no more to come into the land of Israel.

And it will be after this, and Benhadad king of Aram will gather all his camp and come up and press upon Shomeron.

And a great famine will be in Shomeron: and behold them pressing upon it till the head of an ass was for eighty of silver, and the fourth of a cup of doves dung, for five of silver.

And the king of Israel will be passing by upon the wall, and a woman cried out to him, saying, Save, O lord the king.

And he will say, Wilt not Jehovah save thee, from whence shall I save thee from the threshing-floor or from the wine-press?

And the king will say to her, What to thee? and she will say, This woman said to me, Thou shalt give thy son, and we will eat him this day, and my son we will eat to-morrow.

And we shall boil my son, and eat him: and saying to her on the day after, Thou shalt give thy son, and we will eat him: and she will hide her son

And it will be when the king heard the woman's words, and he will rend his garments; and he passed by upon the wall, and the people will see, and behold, sackcloth upon his flesh, from within.

And he will say, Thus will God do to me, and thus will he add, if the head of Elisha son of Shaphat, shall stand upon him this day.

And Elisha sitting in his house, and the old men sitting with him; and he will send a man from before him: before the messenger will come to him, and he said to the old men, See ye that this son of a murderer sent to take away my head? see, when the messenger comes, shut the door and press him in the door: is not the voice of the feet of his lord behind him?

While yet speaking with them, behold, the messenger will come down to him: and he will say, Behold, this evil from Jehovah; what more shall I wait for Jehovah?

And Elisha will say, Hear the word of Jehovah, thus said Jehovah, About the time to-motrow a measure of fine flour for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel, in the gate of Shomeron.

And the third, which was to the king leaning upon his hand, will answer the man of God, and say, Behold, Jehovah making lattices in the heavens, will this word be? and he will say, Behold thee seeing with thine eyes, and from thence thou shalt not eat

And there were four men being leprous at the entrance of the gate, and they will say a man to his neighbor, What, shall we sit here till our death?

If we said, We will go into the city, and the famine in. the city, and our death there: and if we sat here, and we died. And now come, and we will fall to the camp of Aram: if they will save us alive we shall live; and if they will kill us, and we died.

And they will rise in darkness to go to the camp of Aram: and they will come even to the end of the camp of Aram, and behold, not a man there.

And Jehovah caused the camp of Aram to hear a voice of chariot and a voice of horse, a voice of great strength: and they will say a man to his brother, Behold, the king of Israel hired the kings of the Hittites and the kings of Egypt to come upon us.

And they will rise and flee in darkness, and leave their tents, and their horses and their asses, the camp as it was, and flee for their soul.

And these leprous will come even to the end of the camp, and go to one tent, and eat and drink and lift up from thence silver and gold, and garments,. and they will go and hide and turn back, and come to another tent, and lift up from thence, and go and hide.

And they will say a man to his neighbor, Not thus do we: this day, it is a day of glad tidings, and we being silent: and waiting till morning light and sin will find us: an now come and we will go and announce to the king's house.

And they will go and call to the gate of the city and announce to them, saying, We came to the camp of Aram, and behold, not a man there, and voice of man, but the horse made fast, and the ass made fast, and the tents as they are

And it will be called out at the gates, and they will announce to the king's house within.

And the king will rise by night and say to his servants, I will now announce to you what Aram did to us. They knew that we are hungry, and they went forth from the camp to hide in the field, saying, When they shall come forth from the city and we will seize them living, and we will go info the city.

And one of his servants will answer and say, They shall take five of the horses remaining which were left in it, (behold them as all the multitude of Israel which were left in it: behold them as all the multitude of Israel which were finished:) and we will send and see.

And they will take two chariot horses, and the king will send after the camp of Aram, saying, Go and see.

And they will go after them even to Jordan; and behold, all the way full of garments and vessels which Aram cast away in their being terrified. And the messengers will turn back and announce to the king.

And the people will go out and plunder the camp of Aram. And a measure of fine flour will be for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel, according to the word of Jehovah

And the king appointed the third who leaned upon his hand over the gate: and the people will tread upon him in the gate: and he will die according to the word of the man of God who spake in the king's coming down to him.

And it will be as the man of God spake to the king, saying, Two measures of barley for a shekel, and a meas are of fine flour for a shekel will be about the time tomorrow in the gate of homeron.

And the third will answer the man of God and say, Behold, Jehovah making lattices in the heavens, will it be according to this word? and he will say, Behold thee seeing with thine eyes, and thou shalt not eat from thence.

And thus it will be to him:and the people will tread upon him in the gate, and he will die.

And Elisha spake to the woman whom he restored to life her son, saying, Arise, and go thou, and thy house, and sojourn where thou wilt sojourn; for Jehovah called for a famine; and also coming to the land seven

And the woman will rise and will do according to the word of the man of God: and will go, she and her house, and she will sojourn in the land of the rovers seven years.

And it will be from the end of seven years, and the woman will turn back from the land of the rovers, and come to cry to the king for her house and for her field.

And the king Speaking to Gehazi the boy of the man of God, saying, Relate now to me all the great things which Elisha did.

And it will be, he relating to the king how he restored the dead to life, and behold, the woman whom he restored to life her son, cried to the king for her louse and for her field. And Gehazi:will say, O lord the king, this the woman and this her son whom Elisha restored to life.

And the king will ask the woman, and she will relate to him: and the king will give to her one eunuch, saying, Turn back all which was to her and all the fruits of the field from the day she left the land and even till now.

And Elisha will come to Damascus: and the son of Hadad king of Aram was sick: and it will be announced to him, saying, The man of God came even here.