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O Lord, my God, you have accomplished many things; you have done amazing things and carried out your purposes for us. No one can thwart you! I want to declare them and talk about them, but they are too numerous to recount!

Receiving sacrifices and offerings are not your primary concern. You make that quite clear to me! You do not ask for burnt sacrifices and sin offerings.

I have told the great assembly about your justice. Look! I spare no words! O Lord, you know this is true.

I have not failed to tell about your justice; I spoke about your reliability and deliverance; I have not neglected to tell the great assembly about your loyal love and faithfulness.

O Lord, you do not withhold your compassion from me. May your loyal love and faithfulness continually protect me!

May those who are trying to snatch away my life be totally embarrassed and ashamed! May those who want to harm me be turned back and ashamed!

May all those who seek you be happy and rejoice in you! May those who love to experience your deliverance say continually, "May the Lord be praised!"

By this I know that you are pleased with me, for my enemy does not triumph over me.

As for me, you uphold me because of my integrity; you allow me permanent access to your presence.

Why are you depressed, O my soul? Why are you upset? Wait for God! For I will again give thanks to my God for his saving intervention.

For you are the God who shelters me. Why do you reject me? Why must I walk around mourning because my enemies oppress me?

Reveal your light and your faithfulness! They will lead me, they will escort me back to your holy hill, and to the place where you live.

Why are you depressed, O my soul? Why are you upset? Wait for God! For I will again give thanks to my God for his saving intervention.

For the music director; by the Korahites, a well-written song. O God, we have clearly heard; our ancestors have told us what you did in their days, in ancient times.

You, by your power, defeated nations and settled our fathers on their land; you crushed the people living there and enabled our ancestors to occupy it.

For they did not conquer the land by their swords, and they did not prevail by their strength, but rather by your power, strength and good favor, for you were partial to them.

By your power we will drive back our enemies; by your strength we will trample down our foes!

For you deliver us from our enemies; you humiliate those who hate us.

In God I boast all day long, and we will continually give thanks to your name. (Selah)

But you rejected and embarrassed us! You did not go into battle with our armies.

You sold your people for a pittance; you did not ask a high price for them.

You made us an object of disdain to our neighbors; those who live on our borders taunt and insult us.

All this has happened to us, even though we have not rejected you or violated your covenant with us.

We have not been unfaithful, nor have we disobeyed your commands.

If we had rejected our God, and spread out our hands in prayer to another god,

Yet because of you we are killed all day long; we are treated like sheep at the slaughtering block.

Why do you look the other way, and ignore the way we are oppressed and mistreated?

For we lie in the dirt, with our bellies pressed to the ground.

You are the most handsome of all men! You speak in an impressive and fitting manner! For this reason God grants you continual blessings.

Strap your sword to your thigh, O warrior! Appear in your majestic splendor!

Appear in your majesty and be victorious! Ride forth for the sake of what is right, on behalf of justice! Then your right hand will accomplish mighty acts!

Your arrows are sharp and penetrate the hearts of the king's enemies. Nations fall at your feet.

All your garments are perfumed with myrrh, aloes, and cassia. From the luxurious palaces comes the music of stringed instruments that makes you happy.

Princesses are among your honored guests, your bride stands at your right hand, wearing jewelry made with gold from Ophir.

Rich people from Tyre will seek your favor by bringing a gift.

In embroidered robes she is escorted to the king. Her attendants, the maidens of honor who follow her, are led before you.

They are bubbling with joy as they walk in procession and enter the royal palace.

Your sons will carry on the dynasty of your ancestors; you will make them princes throughout the land.

I will proclaim your greatness through the coming years, then the nations will praise you forever.

Nations are in uproar, kingdoms are overthrown. God gives a shout, the earth dissolves.

The Lord who commands armies is on our side! The God of Jacob is our protector! (Selah)

For the music director; by the Korahites; a psalm. All you nations, clap your hands! Shout out to God in celebration!

He subdued nations beneath us and countries under our feet.

A song, a psalm by the Korahites. The Lord is great and certainly worthy of praise in the city of our God, his holy hill.

As soon as they see, they are shocked; they are terrified, they quickly retreat.

We heard about God's mighty deeds, now we have seen them, in the city of the Lord, the invincible Warrior, in the city of our God. God makes it permanently secure. (Selah)

The praise you receive as far away as the ends of the earth is worthy of your reputation, O God. You execute justice!

Mount Zion rejoices; the towns of Judah are happy, because of your acts of judgment.

Our God approaches and is not silent; consuming fire goes ahead of him and all around him a storm rages.

He says: "Listen my people! I am speaking! Listen Israel! I am accusing you! I am God, your God!

I am not condemning you because of your sacrifices, or because of your burnt sacrifices that you continually offer me.

I do not need to take a bull from your household or goats from your sheepfolds.

I keep track of every bird in the hills, and the insects of the field are mine.

Even if I were hungry, I would not tell you, for the world and all it contains belong to me.

When you see a thief, you join him; you associate with men who are unfaithful to their wives.

You do damage with words, and use your tongue to deceive.

For the music director; a psalm of David, written when Nathan the prophet confronted him after David's affair with Bathsheba. Have mercy on me, O God, because of your loyal love! Because of your great compassion, wipe away my rebellious acts!

Against you -- you above all -- I have sinned; I have done what is evil in your sight. So you are just when you confront me; you are right when you condemn me.

Rescue me from the guilt of murder, O God, the God who delivers me! Then my tongue will shout for joy because of your deliverance.

Certainly you do not want a sacrifice, or else I would offer it; you do not desire a burnt sacrifice.

Then you will accept the proper sacrifices, burnt sacrifices and whole offerings; then bulls will be sacrificed on your altar.

For the music director; a well-written song by David. It was written when Doeg the Edomite went and informed Saul: "David has arrived at the home of Ahimelech." Why do you boast about your evil plans, O powerful man? God's loyal love protects me all day long!

Your tongue carries out your destructive plans; it is as effective as a sharp razor, O deceiver.

Yet God will make you a permanent heap of ruins. He will scoop you up and remove you from your home; he will uproot you from the land of the living. (Selah)

I will continually thank you when you execute judgment; I will rely on you, for your loyal followers know you are good.

Everyone rejects God; they are all morally corrupt. None of them does what is right, not even one!

All those who behave wickedly do not understand -- those who devour my people as if they were eating bread, and do not call out to God.

They are absolutely terrified, even by things that do not normally cause fear. For God annihilates those who attack you. You are able to humiliate them because God has rejected them.

For the music director, to be accompanied by stringed instruments; a well-written song by David. It was written when the Ziphites came and informed Saul: "David is hiding with us." O God, deliver me by your name! Vindicate me by your power!

May those who wait to ambush me be repaid for their evil! As a demonstration of your faithfulness, destroy them!