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But the children of Israel will not give ear to you; for they have no mind to give ear to me: for all the children of Israel have a hard brow and a stiff heart.

And those of you who are kept safe will have me in mind among the nations where they have been taken away as prisoners, how I sent punishment on their hearts which were untrue to me, and on their eyes which were turned to their false gods: and they will be full of hate for themselves because of the evil things which they have done in all their disgusting ways.

And the spirit of the Lord came on me, and he said to me, Say, These are the words of the Lord: This is what you have said, O children of Israel; what comes into your mind is clear to me.

Because you have not kept in mind the days when you were young, but have been troubling me with all these things; for this reason I will make the punishment of your ways come on your head, says the Lord, because you have done this evil thing in addition to all your disgusting acts.

But still I will keep in mind the agreement made with you in the days when you were young, and I will make with you an eternal agreement.

For this cause the Lord has said: Because you have made your evil-doing come to mind by the uncovering of your wrongdoing, causing your sins to be seen in all your evil-doings; because you have come to mind, you will be taken in them.

In you they have taken rewards as the price of blood; you have taken interest and great profits, and you have taken away your neighbours' goods by force, and have not kept me in mind, says the Lord.

But still she went on the more with her loose behaviour, keeping in mind the early days when she had been a loose woman in the land of Egypt

And she made the memory of the loose ways of her early years come back to mind, when her young breasts were crushed by the Egyptians

And Egypt will no longer be the hope of the children of Israel, causing sin to come to mind when their eyes are turned to them: and they will be certain that I am the Lord.

Not one of the sins which he has done will be kept in mind against him: he has done what is ordered and right, life will certainly be his.

Son of man, let your face be turned to Mount Seir, and be a prophet against it,

And say to it, This is what the Lord has said: See, I am against you, O Mount Seir, and my hand will be stretched out against you, and I will make you a waste and a cause for wonder.

And I will make Mount Seir a cause for wonder and a waste, cutting off from it all comings and goings.

You will become a waste, O Mount Seir, and all Edom, even all of it: and you will be certain that I am the Lord.

This is what the Lord has said: In that day it will come about that things will come into your mind, and you will have thoughts of an evil design: