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And they said, one to another, "Come on, let us make brick and burn it with fire." So brick was their stone and slime was their mortar.

When Eber was thirty four years old, he begat Peleg,

And Peleg when he was thirty years old begat Reu,

And Reu, when he had lived thirty two years, begat Serug,

And when Serug was thirty years old, he begat Nahor,

And Nahor, when he was twenty nine years old, begat Terah,

And when Terah was seventy years old, he begat Abram, Nahor and Haran.

And Haran died before Terah his father, in the land where he was born, at Ur in Chaldea.

Then took Terah: Abram his son, and Lot his son Haran's son, and Sarai his daughter-in-law his son Abram's wife. And they went with him from Ur in Chaldea, to go into the land of Canaan. And they came to Haran and dwelled there.

And when Terah was two hundred years old and five he died in Haran.

And Abram went as the LORD bade him, and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy five years old, when he went out of Haran.

And Abram took Sarai, his wife, and Lot, his brother's son, with all their goods which they had gotten, and souls which they had begotten in Haran. And they departed to go into the land of Canaan. And when they were come into the land of Canaan,

Abram went forth into the land till he came unto a place called Shechem, and unto the oak of Moreh. And the Cananites dwelled then in the land.

Then departed he thence unto a mountain that lieth on the east side of Bethel and pitched his tent - Bethel being on the west side, and Ai on the east - and he built there an altar unto the LORD, and called on the name of the LORD.

After this there came a dearth in the land. And Abram went down into Egypt to sojourn there, for the dearth was sore in the land.

And when he was come nigh for to enter into Egypt, he said unto Sarai his wife, "Behold, I know that thou art a fair woman to look upon.

It will come to pass, therefore, when the Egyptians see thee, that they will say, 'she is his wife.' And so shall they slay me and save thee.

And he went on his journey from the south even unto Bethel, and unto the place where his tent was at the first time between Bethel and Ai,

And there fell a strife between the herdsmen of Abram's cattle, and the herdsmen of Lot's cattle. Moreover, the Canaanites and the Perizzites dwelled at that time in the land.

Then Lot chose all the coasts of Jordan and took his journey from the east. And so departed the one brother from the other.

Abram dwelled in the land of Canaan: And Lot in the cities of the plain, and tented till he came to Sodom.

Arise, and walk about in the land, in the length of it and in the breadth, for I will give it unto thee."

Then Abram took down his tent, and went and dwelled in the oak grove of Mamre, which is in Hebron; and built there an altar to the LORD.

Twelve years were they subject to king Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year rebelled.

Therefore in the fourteenth year came Chedorlaomer and the kings that were with him, and smote the Giants in Ashteroth-Karnaim, and the Zuzims in Ham, and the Emims in Shaveh Kiriathaim,

and the Horites in their own mount Seir unto the plain of Elparan, which bordereth upon the wilderness.

And then turned they and came to the well of judgment which is Kadesh, and smote all the country of the Amalekites, and also the Amorites that dwell in Hazezon-Tamar.

Then went out the king of Sodom, and the king of Gomorrah, and the king of Admah and the king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela, now called Zoar. And set their men in array to fight with them in the vale of Siddim, that is to say,

Then came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Hebrew; which dwelt in the oak grove of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol and Aner, which were confederate with Abram.

When Abram heard that his brother was taken, he harnessed his servants born in his own house, three hundred and eighteen, and followed till they came at Dan.

And set himself and his servants in array, and fell upon them by night, and smote them, and chased them away unto Hobah, which lieth on the lefthand of Damascus,

And Abram said, "See, to me hast thou given no seed: lo, a lad born in my house shall be mine heir!"

And behold, the word of the LORD spake unto Abram saying, "He shall not be thine heir, but one that shall come out of thine own body shall be thine heir."

And he said unto him, "I am the LORD that brought thee out of Ur in Chaldea to give thee this land to possess it."

And he took all these and divided them in the midst, and laid every piece, one over against another. But the fowls divided he not.

And when the sun was down, there fell a slumber upon Abram. And lo, fear and great darkness came upon him.

And he said unto Abram, "Know this of a surety, that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that pertaineth not unto them. And they shall make bondmen of them and entreat them evil, four hundred years.

When the sun was down and it was waxed dark, behold, there was a smoking furnace and a fire brand that went between the said pieces.

Sarai, Abram's wife, bare him no children. But she had a handmaid, an Egyptian, whose name was Hagar.

Wherefore she said unto Abram, "Behold the LORD hath closed me, that I can not bear. I pray thee go in unto my maid, peradventure I shall be multiplied by means of her." And Abram heard the voice of Sarai.

Then Sarai, Abram's wife, took Hagar her maid the Egyptian - after Abram had dwelled ten years in the land of Canaan - and gave her to her husband Abram, to be his wife.

And he went in unto Hagar, and she conceived. And when she saw that she had conceived her mistress was despised in her sight.

Then said Sarai unto Abram, "Thou dost me unright, for I have given my maid into thy bosom: and now because she seeth that she hath conceived, I am despised in her sight: the LORD judge between thee and me."

Then said Abram to Sarai, "Behold, thy maid is in thy hand, do with her as it pleaseth thee." And because Sarai fared foul with her, she fled from her.

And the Angel of the LORD found her beside a fountain of water in the wilderness: even by a well in the way to Shur.

And she called the name of the LORD that spake unto her, "Thou art the God that lookest on me," for she said, "I have of a surety seen here the back parts of him that seeth me."

And Abram was eighty six years old, when Hagar bare him Ishmael.

And Abram fell on his face. And God talked moreover with him, saying,

And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger: even all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession, and will be their God."

And God said unto Abraham, "See thou keep my covenant, both thou and thy seed after thee in their times.

And every manchild when it is eight days old, shall be circumcised among you in your generations, and all servants also born at home or bought with money, though they be strangers and not of thy seed.

The servant born in thy house, and he also that is bought with money, must needs be circumcised, that my covenant may be in your flesh, for an everlasting bond.

Then said God, "Nay. Sara thy wife shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name Isaac. And I will make my covenant with him, that it shall be an everlasting covenant unto his seed after him.

And Abraham took Ishmael his son, and all the servants born in his house, and all that was bought with money; as many as were men children among the men of Abraham's house, and circumcised the foreskin of their flesh, even the selfsame day, as God had said unto him.

Abraham was ninety years old and nine when he cut off the foreskin of his flesh.

And Ishmael his son was thirteen years old, when the foreskin of his flesh was circumcised.

And all the men in his house, whether they were born in his house or bought with money, though they were strangers, were circumcised with him.

And the LORD appeared unto him in the oak grove of Mamre as he sat in his tent door in the heat of the day.

And he lift up his eyes and looked: and lo, three men stood not far from him. And when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and fell to the ground

and said, "Lord, if I have found favour in thy sight, go not by thy servant.

And they said unto him, "Where is Sara, thy wife?" And he said, "In the tent."

And Sara laughed in herself saying, "Now I am waxed old, shall I give myself to lust, and my lord old also?"

Then said the LORD unto Abraham, "Wherefore doth Sara laugh saying, 'shall I of a surety bear a child, now when I am old?'

Is the thing too hard for the LORD to do? In the time appointed will I return unto thee, as soon as the fruit can have life. And Sara shall have a son."

Then the men stood up from thence and looked toward Sodom. And Abraham went with them to bring them on the way.

And the LORD said, "If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, I will spare all the place for their sakes."

And he said, "See lords, turn in, I pray you, into your servant's house; and tarry all night and wash your feet, and rise up early and go on your ways." And they said, "Nay, but we will bide in the streets all night."

And he compelled them exceedingly. And they turned in unto him and entered into his house, and he made them a feast and did bake sweet cakes, and they ate.

And they said, "Come hither." And they said, "Camest thou not in to sojourn, and wilt thou be now a judge? We will surely deal worse with thee than with them. And as they pressed sore upon Lot and began to break up the door,

And the men said moreover unto Lot, "If thou have yet here any son-in-law or sons or daughters or whatsoever thou hast in the city, bring it out of this place:

And Lot went out and spake unto his sons-in-law, which should have married his daughters, and said, "Stand up and get you out of this place, for the LORD will destroy the city!" But he seemed as though he had mocked, unto his sons-in-law.

And as the morning arose, the angels caused Lot to speed him, saying, "Stand up, take thy wife and thy two daughters and that that is at hand, lest thou perish in the sin of the city."

When they had brought them out, they said, "Save thy life and look not behind thee, neither tarry thou in any place of the country, but save thyself in the mountain, lest thou perish."

behold, inasmuch as thy servant hath found grace in thy sight, now make thy mercy great which thou showest unto me in saving my life. For I cannot save myself in the mountains, lest some misfortune fall upon me and I die.

Behold, here is a city by, to flee unto, and it is a little one, let me save myself therein: is it not a little one, that my soul may live?"

Haste thee, and save thyself there, for I can do nothing till thou be come in thither." And therefore the name of the city is called Zoar.

And the sun was upon the earth when Lot was entered into Zoar.

and overthrew those cities and all the region, and all that dwelled in the cities, and that that grew upon the earth.

But yet when God destroyed the cities of the region, he thought upon Abraham: and sent Lot out from the danger of the overthrowing, when he overthrew the cities where Lot dwelled.

And Lot departed out of Zoar and dwelled in the mountains and his two daughters with him for he feared to tarry in Zoar: he dwelt therefore in a cave, both he and his two daughters also.

Then said the elder unto the younger, "Our father is old, and there are no more men in the earth to come in unto us after the manner of all the world.

Come therefore, let us give our father wine to drink, and let us lie with him that we may save seed of our father."