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Be pleased, O Yahweh, to rescue me, O Yahweh! to help me, make haste!

Let them turn pale and then at once blush, who are seeking my life to snatch it away, - Let them draw back, and be confounded, who are taking pleasure in my calamity;

Let them be astonished on account of their own shame, who are saying of me, Aha! Aha!

But, I, being oppressed and needy, May My Lord devise for me, - My help and my deliverer, thou art! O my God, do not tarry!

Mine enemies, speak ill of me, When will he die, and his name perish?

And, if he have come to see me, Falsehood, doth he speak, His own heart, gathereth iniquity to itself, he goeth forth, abroad he telleth it.

Together - against me, do all who hate me whisper among themselves, Against me, devise they hurt for me.

But, thou, O Yahweh, show me favour and raise me up, That I may repay them.

Hereby, do I know that thou delightest in me, In that mine enemy shall not raise a shout over me.

But, as for me, In my blamelessness, hast thou held me fast, And hast caused me to stand before thee unto times age-abiding.

BOOK THE SECOND As, the hart, cometh panting up to the channels of water, So my soul, panteth for thee, O God.

These things, I keep calling to mind, and pouring out, over me, my own soul, For I used to cross over with a crowd, Lead them in procession up to the house of God, With the voice of shouting and praise. - a throng keeping festival.

My God! over myself, my soul is cast down, - For this cause, will I remember thee from the land of Jordan, And the Hermons, from the hill Mizar.

Roaring deep unto roaring deep, is calling, at the voice of thy cataracts, All thy breakers and thy rolling waves, over me, have passed.

I will say onto GOD, - my rock, Wherefore hast thou forgotten me? Wherefore in gloom should I go, because of oppression by the enemy?

With a crushing of my bones, have my adversaries reproached me, - While they keep saying unto me all the day, Where is thy God?

Why shouldst thou be sat down, O my soul? And why shouldst thou moan over me? Wait thou for God, for yet shall I praise him, As the triumph of my presence and my God.

Vindicate me, O God, and plead my cause, Against a nation, without lovingkindness, From the man of deceit and perversity, wilt thou deliver me?

For, thou, art my defending God - Wherefore hast thou rejected me? Wherefore in gloom should I wander, because of the oppression of an enemy?

Send forth thy light and thy faithfulness, Let, them, lead me, Let them bring me into thy holy mountain, and into thy habitations:

Why shouldst thou be cast down, O my soul? And why shouldst thou moan over me, Wait thou for God, for yet shall I praise him, As the triumph of my presence, and my God.

Thou thyself, art my king, O God, Command thou the victories of Jacob.

All the day, is my confusion before me, And, the shame of my face, hath covered me:

Overflowed hath my heart, with an excellent theme, I will recite my poem concerning the king, Be, my tongue, like the pen of a scribe who is skilled.

Apply your mind to her rampart, Pass between her palaces, That ye may recount them to an after generation;

My mouth, shall speak forth Wisdom, And the soft utterance of my heart be Understanding:

Wherefore should I fear in the days of calamity, Though the iniquity of them who lie in wait for me should enclose me?

He calleth, Unto the heavens above, And unto the earth, That he may judge his people.

Gather yourselves unto me - ye my men of lovingkindness, Who have solemnised my covenant over sacrifice.

Hear, O my people, and I will speak, O Israel, and I will adjure thee, God, thine own God, I am: -

Not, for thy sacrifices, will I reprove thee, Nor for thine ascending-offerings, before me continually:

I know every bird of the mountains, And, the moving things of the plain, are with me:

But, to the lawless one, God saith, What hast, thou, to do, to recount my statutes? Or that thou hast taken up my covenant upon thy mouth?

Be favorable unto me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness, And, in the multitude of thy compassions, blot out my transgressions;

Rescue me from shed-blood, O God, the God of my salvation, My tongue should shout thy righteousness;

Are the workers of iniquity, without knowledge? Devouring my people, as they devour food? Upon God, have they not called.

O God! Hear my prayer, Give ear to the sayings of my mouth;

For, aliens, have risen up against me, And, men of violence, have sought my life, They have not set God before them. Selah.

For, out of all distress, hath he rescued me, - And, upon my foes, hath, mine own eye, looked.

Attend unto me, and answer me, I may ramble in my complaining, And be driven to and fro -

Because of the noise of the enemy, By reason of the oppression of the lawless one, For they would let trouble drop upon me, And, in anger, would they entrap me.

Fear and trembling, would enter me, And there would have overwhelmed me - a horror!

Then I said - Oh that there were given me a pinion, like a dove, I would fly away and be at rest:

For it is, not an enemy, that reproacheth me, Or I could bear it, - Not one that hath hated me, who, against me, hath magnified himself, Or I might hide myself from him;

He hath completely redeemed my soul, out of the attack upon me, For, in multitudes, were they in conflict with me.

Show me favour, O God, For weak man hath panted for me, All the day, a fighter oppresseth me:

Mine adversaries have panted all the day, For, many, are fighting with me, loftily.

In God, I wilt praise his cause, - In God, have I trusted, I will not fear, What can flesh do unto me?

All the day, they wrest, my words, Against me, all their devices are for mischief;

They stir up strife - they lie hid, They, mark my steps, - Seeing they have waited for my life.

My wandering, hast, thou, recorded, - Put thou my tears in thy bottle, Are they not in thy record?

Then, shall my foes turn back, in the day I cry, This, I know, for God is mine!

Upon me, O God, are thy vows, I will pay back praises unto thee.

For thou hast rescued my soul from death, Wilt thou not rescue my feet from stumbling? That I may walk to and fro, before God, In the light of life.

Show me favour, O God, Show me favour, For, in thee, hath my soul sought refuge, - And, in the shadow of thy wings, will I seek refuge, Until the storm of ruin pass by.

I will cry unto God Most High, Unto GOD, who accomplisheth on my behalf:

He will send out of heaven, that he may save me, He who is panting for me, hath reproached. Selah.God will send out his lovingkindness and his faithfulness.

My soul, is in the midst of lions, I lie down amidst flames, As for the sons of men, Their teeth, are spear and arrows, And, their tongue, is a sharp sword.

A net, did they fix for my steps, My soul was bowed down, - They digged before me a pit, They fell into the midst thereof! Selah.

I will thank thee, among the peoples, O My Lord, I will praise thee in song, among the races of men.

So that a son of earth may say - Surely there is fruit for the righteous man! Surely there are gods who judge in the earth!

Rescue me, from the workers of iniquity, And, from the men of bloodshed, save me.

For lo! they have lain in wait for my life, Mighty ones stir up strife against me, Without transgression of mine, and without sin of mine, O Yahweh;

For no iniquity, do they run that they may take their stand, Rouse thyself to meet me, and see.

My God of lovingkindness, will come to meet me, God, will let me look on mine adversaries.

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