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and he took the cup, and having given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, drink ye all of it:

then said Jesus to them, I shall be the occasion of your revolting all from me this night: for it is written, "I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered."

but after I am risen again, I will go before you into Galilee.

Peter thereupon said, tho' all the rest should abandon you, I never will.

After this, Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemani, and said to the disciples, stay here, while I go there and pray.

but Jesus said to him, put up your sword in its place: for all that take to the sword, shall perish by the sword.

Now the chief priests, the senators and the whole council, endeavour'd to get false evidence against Jesus, that he might be condemn'd to die.

Jesus reply'd, I am: moreover I declare to you, within a while ye shall see the son of man sitting on the right hand of God, and coming on the clouds of heaven.

As soon as it was day, all the chief priests and senators of the people consulted measures against Jesus how they might put him to death.

Pilate replied, what shall I do then with Jesus, who is called Christ? they all cried out, let him be crucified.

Pilate perceiving he was so far from prevailing, that they were more tumultuous, he took water, and washed his hands before all the people, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: you are answerable for it.

after this the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall, and gathered all the foot-guards about him.

the passengers all the while reviling him, shook their heads at him,

he saved others, said they, but cannot save himself: if he be the king of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him.

while the rest cry'd, now let us see whether Elias will come to save him.

now the centurion, and they that were with him, to guard Jesus, having observ'd the earthquake, and all that had happened, were under great apprehensions, and said, certainly this was the son of God.

saying, sir, we remember that this impostor, when he was alive, said, "after three days I will rise again."

Now when they were gone, some of the guards went into the city, and informed the chief priests of all that had happened.

do you say "his disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept.

if this come to the governor's ears, we will appease him, and secure you."

all Judea, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, went out to meet him, and having confess'd their sins, he baptized them in the river Jordan.

at which they were all so amazed, that they ask'd one another, what's the meaning of all this? what new doctrine is here? for he commands with authority even the unclean spirits, and they obey him.

upon this his fame immediately spread abroad over all the region of Galilee.

And there came a leper to him, who fell on his knees, and thus address'd him, "if you will, you can heal me."

Jesus then mov'd with compassion, held out his hand, and touching him, said, I will, be thou healed.

and while he was speaking, the leprosy left him in an instant, and he was cur'd.

instantly he arose, took up the bed, and went out in the presence of them all; insomuch that they were all amazed, and glorified God, saying, we never saw any thing like this.

Another time as he was by the sea-side, the people came all crowding to him, and he instructed them.

Jesus answered, can the bridemen fast, while the bridegroom is with them? as long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast.

but the time will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then shall they fast.

how he went into the house of God in the days of Abiathar, who was afterwards high-priest, and did eat the shew-bread, giving some of it likewise to the company, though the law allow'd no body to eat of it but the priests.

for having healed abundance of people, all that were afflicted with any grievous distemper pressed upon him to touch him.

I declare unto you, all the sins which men may commit, and whatsoever blasphemies they may utter, may be forgiven them.

He began again to teach by the sea-side: but there was so great a crowd gathered about him, that he was oblig'd to go into a ship, where he sat down, and stay'd on board while the people stood on the shore.

tho' they see, they will not perceive, and tho' they hear they will not understand: as if they were afraid of parting with their vices, in order to be pardoned.

and all the demons intreated him, saying, "send us to the swine, that we may enter into them."

Jesus immediately gave them leave. and the impure spirits quitting the possessed, entred into the swine, and the whole herd, which were about two thousand, ran down a precipice into the sea, and were there stifled.

and he departed, and published in Decapolis, what Jesus had done for him: and all were filled with admiration.

When Jesus had repassed in the vessel to the other side, a crowd of people gathered about him, while he was nigh the sea.

having suffered much from several physicians, she had spent all her fortune, and instead of being any thing the better, she rather grew worse.

then the woman, conscious of what had been effected in her, came trembling with fear, and falling down before him, confess'd the whole truth.

upon which they fell a laughing: however, having turned them all out, and taking with him the father and the mother of the damsel, and those that had accompany'd him, he entred in where the damsel was lying.

when the sabbath was come, he preach'd in the synagogue, to the great astonishment of many, who upon hearing his discourse, said, how came he by all this? what strange endowment of knowledge is this, that he should work such miracles?

they were so marvellously incredulous. so that He went all about to teach in the neighbouring villages.

however, a favourable opportunity happen'd for her, upon Herod's making an entertainment the birth-night, for all the great officers of the court, and army, and persons of the first distinction in Galilee.

for Herodias made her appearance there, and danc'd with such an engaging air in the eye of Herod, as well as of all the company, that the king thus addrest himself to the young lady, "ask of me whatever you please, and it shall be granted."

nay, he ratified his promise with an oath, "I will give you whatever you require, said he, tho' it be even the half of my kingdom."

then Jesus said to them, come, let us retire privately to some place of solitude, to repose your selves a while. for such a crowd of people were continually coming and going, that they had not even time to eat.

but the people saw them embark, and many perceiving where they were bound, they ran thither a foot from all parts: and arrived at the place, before the passengers were come.

Soon after Jesus obliged his disciples to embark for Bethsaida, on the opposite shore, while he was dismissing the people.

It was now late in the evening, and the bark in full sea, when Jesus, who was ashore all alone,

for they all saw him, and were greatly terrified. but at the instant Jesus spoke to them, and said, take courage, it is I, don't be afraid.

came flocking from all quarters, carrying their sick on their beds to the places where they heard he was:

Jesus answered, to such hypocrites as you may well be applied those words of the prophet Esaias, "this people honour me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.

by such traditions, and such a number of practices, as you have settled, the word of God is stript of all its authority.

Then Jesus having called all the people to him, said, attend every one of you, and understand.

all these vices come from within, and are what defile the man.

for they were transported with admiration, and said, all his actions are beneficent! he gives hearing to the deaf, and speech to the dumb.

if I send them home fasting, they will faint by the way: for some of them are come very far.

his disciples answer'd, how is it possible here in the desart to furnish bread enough for all this company?

so they all eat and were satisfied, the broken meat that was left amounting to seven baskets.

then he put his hands upon his eyes, and made him look again. and his sight was so well recovered, he could see distinctly.

for he knew not what he said, they were all so frightned.

it is true, said he, that Elias must come beforehand to establish every thing, and that it was predicted of him, as well as of the son of man, that he should suffer very much, and be treated with contempt.

in the mean time he gave his disciples this intimation, "the son of man is going to be delivered up into the hands of men, who will put him to death, and three days after he is put to death he shall rise again."

to which he answered, master, said he, all these precepts have I observed from my youth.

but Jesus casting his eye upon them, said, what is impossible to men, is not so to God; for to God all things are possible.

but shall receive at present in this age, what will be a hundred times better to him, than houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, tho' with persecution: and in the age to come eternal life.

now, said he, we are going to Jerusalem, where the son of man will be delivered up to the chief priests, and to the Scribes, who will condemn him to die, and deliver him to the Gentiles.

they will treat him with ignominy, subject him to the lash, spit upon him, and at last put him to death. but on the third day he will rise again.

and whoever would be the chief, he must be the slave of all the rest.

go to yonder village that faces you, and upon your entrance into it, you will find a colt tied, that never was yet backed; loose him, and bring him to me.

if any one should ask you, why you do so? tell him, the Lord has occasion for it, and immediately he will send it hither.

Jesus having made his entrance into Jerusalem, went into the temple, and after he had survey'd the whole, it being then late, he departed with the twelve to Bethany.

at the same time he explained himself to them in these words, is it not written, "my house shall be called a house of prayer to all nations?" but ye have made it a harbour for thieves.

the Scribes and Pharisees upon hearing this consulted together how to destroy him; but they stood in awe of him, because all the people were strangely affected with his doctrine.