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Thus saith Yahweh - Stand ye at the ways - and see, And ask for the paths of age-past times, Where is the good way? And walk therein, And ye shall find rest to your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein !

Therefore shalt thou say unto them this word, Let mine eyes, run down with tears night and day, And let them not rest, - For with a grievous injury, hath been injured the virgin the daughter of my people, With a wound, severe indeed!

So shalt thou even of thyself, suffer to rest the inheritance which I gave thee, Seeing that I will cause thee to serve thine enemies, in the land which thou knowest not; For, a fire, have ye kindled in mine anger, Unto times age-abiding, shall it burn.

Thou therefore do not fear O my Servant Jacob Urgeth Yahweh, Neither be thou dismayed, O Israel, For behold me! saving thee from afar And thy seed out of the land of their captivity, - Then shall Jacob return, and rest and be quiet, And there shall be none to make him afraid;

Thus, saith Yahweh, - There hath found favour in the desert people escaped from the sword, - I must go to cause him, even Israel, to rest.

Thou didst say, Surely woe to me! For Yahweh hath added sorrow unto my pain, - I am weary with my moaning, And rest, have I not found!

Thou, therefore, do not fear, O my Servant Jacob Nor be dismayed O Israel, For behold me! Saving thee from afar, And thy seed from the land of their captivity, - So shall Jacob return and be quiet and shall rest, With none to occasion alarm.

Ah! thou sword of Yahweh, How long, wilt thou not be quiet? Withdraw into thy scabbard, Rest thyself and be still.

Of Damascus. Turned pale have Hamath and Arpad, For, a calamitous report, have they heard - they tremble, - In the sea, is anxiety, it cannot, rest.