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And I will give my face against that man and cut him off from the midst of his people; for he gave from his seed to Molech, in order to defile my holy place and to profane my holy name.

They shall be holy to their God, and profane not the name of their God: for the sacrifices of Jehovah, and the bread of their God they bring: and they were holy.

Speak to Aaron and to his sons, and they shall separate themselves from the holies of the sons of Israel, and they shall not profane my holy name which they consecrate to me: I Jehovah.

And ye did not profane my holy name; I was consecrated in the midst of the sons of Israel: I Jehovah consecrating you.

And the son of the woman the Israelitess, will curse the name, and will vilify, and they will bring him to Moses: and his mother's name Shelomith, the daughter of Dibri, to the tribe of Dan.

And he vilifying the name of Jehovah, dying, shall die; stoning, all the assembly shall stone him: as the stranger so the native, in his vilifying the name, he shall die.