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Now you will keep silent and be unable to speak until the day when this happens, because you have not believed what I have said, for it will all be fulfilled in due time."

His help he has given to Israel, his servant, so that he might keep in mind his mercy to Abraham and his seed for ever,

And, In their hands they will keep you up, so that your foot may not be crushed against a stone.

When it was day, He went out and made His way to a deserted place. But the crowds were searching for Him. They came to Him and tried to keep Him from leaving them.

Then they told him, "John's disciples frequently fast and pray, and so do those of the Pharisees. But your disciples keep right on eating and drinking."

Keep on giving to everyone who asks you for something, and if anyone takes what is yours, do not insist on getting it back.

Why do you keep looking at the speck in your brother's eye, and pay no attention to the beam that is in your own?

"Why do you keep calling me "Lord, Lord,' but don't do what I tell you?

And when the woman saw that she was not able to keep it secret, she came, shaking with fear, and falling down before him she made clear before all the people the reason for her touching him, and how she was made well straight away.

For whoever has a desire to keep his life will have it taken from him, but whoever gives up his life because of me, will keep it.

Keep ye these sayings in your ears; for the Son of man shall be betrayed into the hands of men.

“So I say to you, ask and keep on asking, and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking, and you will find; knock and keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.

If, then, Satan is at war with himself, how will he keep his kingdom? because you say that I send evil spirits out of men by the help of Beelzebul.

For all these things are what the [unconverted] nations of the world keep trying to get. But your Father [already] knows you need these things.

so that your host may not come and say to you, 'Make room for this man'; and then in embarrassment you will proceed to take and keep the lowest place.

Or what king, going to war with another king, will not first take thought if he will be strong enough, with ten thousand men, to keep off him who comes against him with twenty thousand?

And he went, and clave to a citizen of that same country, which sent him to his field, to keep his swine.

at length coming to himself, how many, said he, does my father keep in pay, who have bread in abundance, whilst I am dying here with hunger?

No man may be a servant to two masters: for he will have hate for the one and love for the other; or he will keep to the one and have no respect for the other. You may not be servants of God and of wealth.

But Abraham said, Keep in mind, my son, that when you were living, you had your good things, while Lazarus had evil things: but now, he is comforted and you are in pain.

Besides all that, a great gulf yawns between us and you, to keep back those who want to cross from us to you and also those who want to pass from you to us.'

yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will grant her justice. Otherwise, she will keep coming and wear me out.'"

Those who were leading the way were sternly telling him to keep quiet; but he screamed all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”

for I was afraid of you, knowing you are a hard man to deal with and that you pick up [and keep] something you did not lay down [i.e., lose], and you harvest a crop that you did not plant.'

Jesus replied, “I tell you, if these [people] keep silent, the stones will cry out [in praise]!”

For the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side,

Keep away from the scribes, whose pleasure it is to go about in long robes, and to have words of respect said to them in the market-places, and to take the chief seats in the Synagogues and the first places at feasts;

But keep alert at all times [be attentive and ready], praying that you may have the strength and ability [to be found worthy and] to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand in the presence of the Son of Man [at His coming].”

And he said, I have had a great desire to keep this Passover with you before I come to my death;

When he arrived, he told them, "Keep on praying that you may not be tempted."

He asked them, "Why are you sleeping? Get up and keep on praying that you may not be tempted."

Then they said to each other, "Did not our hearts keep burning in our bosoms as He was talking to us on the road, as He went on explaining the Scriptures to us?"