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Azor had a son named Sadoc; Sadoc had a son named Achim; Achim had a son named Eliud;

Eliud had a son named Eleazar; Eleazar had a son named Matthan; Matthan had a son named Jacob;

They stayed there until Herod died, so that what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet would be fulfilled, saying [Hosea 11:1], "I [i.e., God] called my Son out of Egypt."

Verse ConceptsGospel, Confirmation OfPredestinationProphets, Role OfProphecies Concerning ChristChrist's Fulfilment Of ProphecyStaying PutJesus Christ, Son Of GodScriptures FulfilledGod Bringing Israel Out Of EgyptDeath Of A Mother

When Herod saw that he had been tricked by the astrologer/sages, he was furious and sent out [his soldiers] to kill all the baby boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity. This was done to those from two years old and under, basing [their decision] on the exact time determined from the astrologer/sages.

Verse ConceptsCriminalsCrimesFaithlessness, As DisobedienceBoysBitterness, Examples OfInnocence, Examples OfShrewdnessSuffering, Nature OfBethlehemInfanticideDeath Of All MalesBeing Found OutWhen?Named Gentile RulersThose Who DeceivedAngry PeopleKilling IsraelitesMassacresThe Death Of BabiesExamples Of Ungodly MenJesus BirthDeath Of A Child

and settled in a town called Nazareth, so that it could fulfill what was spoken by the prophets [Isa. 11:1 in the Hebrew text] that Jesus would be called a Nazarene.

Verse ConceptsGospel, Confirmation OfNazarethChrist's Fulfilment Of ProphecyBranches, Illustrating MessiahScriptures Fulfilled

Now John dressed in clothing made of camel's hair and he wore a leather belt around his waist; he ate grasshoppers and wild honey [i.e., for his regular diet].

Verse ConceptsLeatherClothingBeltsAsceticism, People PracticingHairsInsectsJohn The BaptistLocustsWaistsHoneyHairclothHair GarmentsChristmas Tree

"You people are [like] salt on the earth. But if salt loses its flavoring ability, how will it ever get it back again? From then on it would be good for nothing except to be thrown out onto the roadway and walked on by people. [Note: This was mined salt which, when losing its "saltiness" due to exposure to the sun or rain, was simply disposed of by being dumped onto the roadway where people walked].

Verse ConceptsBeing A Lightdisciples, characteristics ofDecayResponsibility, For God's WorldSaltSanctification, Means And ResultsTastePersonal ContactSending Things AwayTastelessnessRestoring ThingsTastelessSournessMoral Decay

And if your right eye is what ensnares you into falling away [from God], gouge it out and throw it away from you. For it would be better for you to lose a part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. [Note: This is the word "Gehenna," and because of its Old Testament connotation of burning bodies, II Chron. 33:6, it is used figuratively here, and elsewhere, to describe the place of future, final punishment of the wicked].

Verse ConceptsBodily LimbsBlindness, SymbolicHell, Punishment OfSelf DenialSelf DisciplinePriorityEyes, GuardedProfitable ThingsPlucking OutCausing Others To StumbleEyes HarmedOther Right PartsThe Entrance Of SinUseful ThingsAbusive RelationshipsHellEyesInfidelityLust Of The Eyes

And if your right hand is what ensnares you into falling away [from God], cut it off and throw it away from you. For it would be better for you to lose a part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.

Verse ConceptsBodily LimbsSending Things AwayCausing Others To StumbleCutting Off Hands And FeetEvil For The Right HandThe Entrance Of SinUseful ThingsWorry And StressInfidelityLosing Someonecutting

"Do not offer sacred things to dogs, and do not throw your pearls in front of [wild] pigs [i.e., to those who will not appreciate them], because they will probably trample on them with their feet and then turn around and attack you.

Verse ConceptsContemptdogsJewelsPrudenceAskingUngodlinessWasteWicked Described AsDespisersName CallingSwinePeople Torn To PiecesPigsUnfitting ThingsPetsHurt And Betrayalpork

Or, what person among you would give his son a stone if he asked you for a piece of bread?

Verse ConceptsRepulsive FoodProvision From RocksBreadBeing A Good FatherFishparenthood

Or who would give him a snake if he asked you for a fish?

Verse ConceptsRepulsive FoodFish

Now a large herd of [wild] hogs [i.e., about of them. See Mark 5:13] was grazing some distance away from them.

Verse ConceptsWeights And Measures, DistancesHerdsSwinePigsMany CreaturesAnimals Eatingdistancepork

So, the evil spirits [in one of the men. See Mark 5:1ff] begged Jesus, saying, "If you are going to drive us out [of this man], send us away into that herd of [wild] hogs."

Verse ConceptsBeggarsDemons, Punishment OfJesus Casting Out DemonsPigsDemonsThe DevilCasting Out Demonsporkjumping

Jesus replied to them, "Go [ahead]." And they came out [of the man] and entered the [wild] hogs, and suddenly the entire herd rushed down the cliff into the lake and drowned in the water [below].

Verse ConceptsExorcismsDemons EnteringJesus Casting Out DemonsDeath Of CreaturesPigsOthers Going Downporklakes

No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth onto an old garment; for what was intended to cover up [the hole] actually tears away [part of] the garment [i.e., when it shrinks], causing a bigger hole.

Verse ConceptsClothNewnessParables Of ChristSchismsSewingOld ThingsRepairingUnusedWorse

Also, people do not put freshly squeezed grape juice into bottles made of previously used animal skins. If they did, the [old dried-out] animal skins would break open and the grape juice would [all] leak out, and the animal skins would become useless. But people put freshly squeezed grape juice into newly prepared animal skin bottles. That way both of them will survive."

Verse ConceptsAlcoholBottles, Figurative UseNewnessWineParables Of ChristAlcohol ConsumptionPutting Off The Old ManBreaking ContainersOld ThingsUnusedFreshPeople KeepingWineskins And Vatstoughness

[He said] "It will be too bad for you, Chorazin! It will be too bad for you, Bethsaida! For if the powerful miracles had been performed in [the cities of] Tyre and Sidon which were performed in your presence, they would have repented long ago, [demonstrating it] by wearing sackcloth [i.e., a coarse cloth made of goat hair] and throwing ashes [into the air].

Verse ConceptsGesturesAshesSackcloth And AshesDenunciationsAshes Of HumiliationSigns Of RepentanceWoe To The WickedPerspective

And Capernaum, do you think you will be lifted up toward heaven [as a proud city]? [No indeed], you will [surely] go down to the place of the unseen [i.e., become obscure or obliterated as a city]. For if the powerful miracles had been performed in Sodom which were performed in your presence, it would have remained [even] until today.

Verse ConceptsThe DeadHadesSkyCitiesProphecies Said By JesusHumbling The ProudPermanenceAbasing PeoplePutting Things DownSky, Figurative Usegays

If you had [fully] understood what this means: 'I desire mercy and not [only] sacrifice,' you would not have condemned someone who was not guilty [of wrongdoing].

Verse ConceptsdesiresBurnt offeringNominal ReligionValuing KnowledgeCondemning The InnocentGod's DesiresRight SacrificesThe Need For Mercy

He answered them, "Which one of you who has [only] one sheep, and it fell in a ditch, would not reach down and lift it out [even] if it were on a Sabbath day?

Verse ConceptsPitsAnimals FallingOne Material ThingThe Sabbath And ChristHoles In The GroundJesus Healing On Sabbathhelping

Then certain experts in the law of Moses and some Pharisees answered Jesus, saying, "Teacher, we would like to see you perform a [supernatural] sign."

Verse ConceptsPharisees, Attitudes To Jesus ChristSignsCuriositySigns Performed By ChristSeeking A SignPharisees Concerned About ChristIdentitySigns Of The End TimesIdentity In Christpharisees

For these people's minds are dull, and their ears have difficulty hearing, and they have shut their eyes. For if this were not the case, they would perceive what they see with their eyes, and comprehend what they hear with their ears, and understand with their minds and would turn [back to God] again so I would heal them [from their sins].'

Verse ConceptsDeafnessConversion, examples ofHardened HeartsEyes, Figurative UseEarsHardness Of HeartHeart, Fallen And RedeemedIndifferenceWilful IgnoranceInsensibilityDullnessSpiritual DeafnessNature Of The HeartTurning To GodRefusing To HearEvil EyesNot Seeing Spiritual ThingsBeing Without UnderstandingFeelingGod HealsUnhearing

[This was] so that what was spoken by the prophet would be fulfilled, when he said [Psa. 78:2], "I will open my mouth [to speak] with parables. I will say things that have been hidden from the beginning of time."

Verse ConceptsMouthsDisclosuresChrist's Fulfilment Of ProphecyFrom The BeginningOthers Using ParablesWritten In The ProphetsGod's Things Concealed

Then He said to them, "Therefore every expert in the law of Moses who has been made a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is similar to a [wealthy] homeowner who brought [both] new and old things out of his supply of goods."

Verse ConceptsHousesKeysTeachers Of The LawChristian TraditionsPeople Of The KingdomtrainingNew

For whoever would [try to] save his life [i.e., by neglecting spiritual things] will lose it [i.e., miss out on the blessings of God]. But whoever [is willing to] lose his life [i.e., in commitment to God's service] for my sake will find it [i.e., obtain both temporal and spiritual blessings].

Verse ConceptsLove, Abuse OfLossRestitutionDonationsFinding ThingsSaving OneselfLosing One's Life

He answered them, "[It was] because you had such little faith. For truly I tell you, if you have faith as [small as] a mustard tree seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to that place over there' and it would move. And nothing will be impossible for you [to do]." {[{[Some manuscripts contain the following verse:

Verse ConceptsAll Things Being PossibleFasting, Practice OfFaith, Growth InFaith, And Blessings Of Goddoubt, results ofMustard SeedSeedSmallnessUnbelieversSkepticismSmall ThingsMountains RemovedPossibilities For PeopleNot Believing In JesusA Little BitPossible For PeopleWhy It HappenedFaith Moving MountainsFaithMoving OnStrength And FaithSeedsFaith In GodMoving To A New PlacepossibilitiesimpossibleUnbelief Toward Christ

But that person who causes one of these little ones [i.e., humble followers of the Lord] who believes in me to be led astray [from God], he would have been better off to have had a huge millstone tied around his neck and dumped into a deep ocean [Note: This "millstone" was a heavy circular stone rolled over grain to crush it and was moved by an animal walking in a circle].

Verse ConceptsInfantsBad ParentsNecksApostasy, Personal WarningsdrowningChildren, attitudes towardsInexperienceMillstonesSeaSin, Causes OfTemptation, Avoiding CausingChild AbuseThrowing PeopleCausing Others To StumbleSinkingBeing Killed By A RockEncouraging Faith In ChristPersonal GoodFaithful In LittleDealing With Young PeopleDeath Penalty For ViolenceIn The Heart Of The SeaDeep SeasMisleading ChildrenHelping Others

If your hand or your foot becomes the occasion for you falling away [from God], cut them off and throw them away. It would be better for you to enter [never ending] life disabled or crippled, rather than keeping both hands and both feet and being thrown into the never ending fire [i.e., because they caused you to fall away from God].

Verse ConceptsCripplesEternal DeathFeetInjury To FeetEternal JudgementThrowing PeopleCausing Others To StumbleEntering LifeFire Of HellCutting Off Hands And FeetTwo Of Body PartsAvoid Being HinderedHellLake Of Fire

And if your eye becomes the occasion for you falling away [from God], gouge it out and throw it away, for it would be better for you to enter [never ending] life with [only] one eye, rather than keeping both eyes and being thrown into a fiery hell [i.e., because one of them caused you to fall away from God].

Verse ConceptsBlindness, SymbolicPlucking OutCausing Others To StumbleEntering LifeFire Of HellEyes HarmedTwo Of Body PartsAvoid Being HinderedHellEyes

What do you think? If anyone had a hundred sheep, and one of them wandered away, would he not leave the ninety-nine [safe ones] and go to the mountains looking for the one that wandered away?

Verse ConceptsHillsSheepShepherds, As OccupationsWatchfulness, DivineLost SheepThe Number NinetyOne HundredThinking ArightGod Searching For PeopleAbandoning ThingsNinetiesMissing SomeoneBeing LostLosing Someone

But he would not do it. Instead, he took him and had him thrown into prison until he paid [him] all he owed.

Verse ConceptsImprisonmentsPrisonersPitilessnessPitilessness CondemnedSettling AccountsDebtjail

When he had agreed with the workers [on wages] for the usual farm laborer's pay for a day's work, he [then] sent them to work in his vineyard. [Note: The coin mentioned here would amount to $60-$84 in 1994, based on $5-$7 an hour for a twelve hour day. This coin also forms the basis for calculating all other monetary references in the New Testament].

Verse ConceptsAgreeing For GoodMoney, Uses OfNegotiationCoinsAgreeingOnce A Day

He responded to her, "What would you like me to do for you?" She answered, "Appoint my two sons to sit at your right side and at your left in your [coming] kingdom."

Verse ConceptsAmbition, negative aspects ofLove, Abuse OfSelfishness, Shown InUnwise PrayersTwo SonsRight DesiresMothers And SonsUnconditional Love

But it will not be this way among you, for whoever would like to become important among you will become your servant.

Verse ConceptsBeing A LeaderDifferent TeachingsHumbling OneselfLeadersServant LeadershipBeing Differentgreatness

And whoever would like to be first [in prominence] among you will be your slave.

Verse ConceptsSlavesHumbling Oneself

They said to Jesus, "Do you hear what these [children] are saying [about you]?" Jesus answered them, "Yes, [I do]. Have you not read [in Psa. 8:2] 'You have ordained that praise would come from the mouths of infants and small children?'"

Verse ConceptsBabies, Figurative UseReadingLipsNeverAssentingReading The ScripturesChildren And The KingdomPraise To God Is FittingBabies Used As A Spiritual Imagebaby

For John came to show you the way to be right with God, but you would not believe his message. Yet the tax collectors and prostitutes believed it, and when you saw this, even then you did not change your minds so as to believe his message.

Verse ConceptsPrejudiceRepentance, Importance OfUnbelief, As Response To GodWay, TheSkepticismBelieving ProphetsNot Believing PeoplePeople Changing Their MindsRepentancePeople Who Did RightRewards Of Ritual

"Teacher, Moses said [in Deut. 25:5] that when a man dies without having had any children, his brother must marry his widow and father children by her, who would [then] be considered his [dead] brother's.

Verse ConceptsOffspringConceptionLack Of SonsBrothers in lawDyingDeath Of A Family MemberDeath Of A ChildMarriage Between Man And WomanWifeDeath Of A FatherFamily DeathA Good Husbandspouse

And you say, 'If [only] we had lived in the days of our forefathers, we [certainly] would not have participated with them in [shedding] the blood of the prophets.'

Verse ConceptsSheddingAncestorsKilling ProphetsProphets KilledTimes Of People

And pray that it will not be in the winter or on a Sabbath day when you will have to flee [from the city]. [Note: Jewish Sabbath day restrictions on travel (only three-fifths of a mile) and city gate closures would make leaving the city nearly impossible].

Verse ConceptsSabbath, In NtWinterSabbath ObservedPrayer During Hard TimesEnd TimesWeather In The Last Daysflying

And if those days had not been as short as they were no one would have been saved [i.e., from the devastating destruction]. But for the sake of the elect [i.e., God's people], those days will be short.

Verse ConceptsArmageddonElection, Description OfChristiansRestraintA Short TimeShort Time Till The EndThose Not SavedFor The Sake Of God's PeopleSurvivalGod's InterventionEnd Of DaysSigns Of The End TimesEnd Timescutting

Wherever there is a dead body, [you can expect to see] vultures gathered there. [Note: This may mean that such a significant event as the coming of Christ would surely not go unnoticed].

Verse ConceptsCarcass, Figurative UseBirds, Types Of BirdsVulturesGathering CreaturesAttractionEating CorpsesEaglesDeergatheringMoral Decay

And the people [i.e., of Noah's day] did not know [when it would happen] until the Flood came and swept them all away. It will be the same way when the presence of the Son of man [arrives].

Verse ConceptsNoah's FloodFloods

But you should know this: if the owner of a house had known when a thief was coming, he would have been watching so as not to allow his house to be broken into.

Verse ConceptsMan Keeping WatchParables Of ChristWithheld KnowledgeKnowingThe Time UnknownThe Lord As A Thiefthieves

you should have therefore deposited my money in the bank [so] when I returned, [at least] I would have received my own money back, with interest.

Verse ConceptsCreditTalentsDepositsInterestMoney, Stewardship OfMoney, Uses OfPossessingBanksGifts And Talentsinvestinglent

and said, "What would you give me if I turned Jesus over to you?" And they weighed out thirty silver coins [Note: This amount was equivalent to about five months of a farm laborer's wages, or approximately $7,000 in 1994], and promised [See Mark 14:11] to give him that much money.

Verse ConceptsLove, Abuse OfProphecies Concerning ChristCoinsThirtyJudas Betraying ChristPrice Set On Individuals

The Son of man is going [to die], but it is too bad for that person through whom the Son of man is turned over [to the Jewish leaders]! It would be better for that man if he had not been born."

Verse ConceptsFate Of IndividualsJudas IscariotBetrayalGospel, Confirmation OfNecessityWoeNever Being BornJudas Betraying ChristPersonal GoodWoe To The WickedHurt And Betrayal

[Then] Jesus said to the crowds at that very time, "Have you come out to arrest me with swords and clubs as [you would apprehend] a thief? I sat everyday teaching in the Temple, and you did not [come to] take me.

Verse ConceptsCrowdsUnceasingAlways Being ActiveSitting To TeachChrist TeachingArresting ChristClubsThe Lord As A Thief

But Peter followed Him from a distance [as they were going] to the courtyard of the head priest. He went inside [i.e., eventually. See John 18:15-16] and sat down with the [Jewish] officers to see how things would turn out [i.e., with Jesus' trial].

Verse ConceptsPeople Sitting DownEnd Of Actionsdistanceprepping

saying, "You who [said you] would destroy the Temple and rebuild it in three days, save yourself [from dying]; if you [really] are the Son of God, come down from the cross."

Verse ConceptsThe If's Of SatanAccusation, Satan's RoleThe Perfect TempleDestruction Of The TempleChrist Going DownWho Is Jesus?Saving OneselfRebuilding The TempleSatan Opposing God's Word

Therefore, give the order to secure the grave site until the third day, so his disciples will not steal his body and then tell the people 'He has risen from the dead.' This last deception would be worse than the first one [i.e., the claim that Jesus rose from the dead would be worse than the claim that he was the Messiah]."

Verse ConceptsThe Disciples ActionsChrist Would RiseWorse

He is not here, for He has risen just as He said [He would]. Come and see the place where the Lord had been lying,

Verse ConceptsEasterJesus Christ, ResurrectionChrist Is RisenWhere From?The ResurrectionRisingRosesfitness

John wore clothing made of camel's hair and he had a leather belt around his waist. He ate grasshoppers and wild honey.

Verse ConceptsLeatherClothingBeltsAsceticism, People PracticingHairsInsectsJohn The BaptistLocustsWaistsHoneyHair Garments

"No one sows a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, because what was supposed to cover the hole [actually] makes it larger. The new [piece of cloth] tears away from the old one and the hole is made worse.

Verse ConceptsNewnessSewingBad SituationsRepairingUnused

And the Pharisees were watching Him to see if He would heal the man on the Sabbath day, so that they could [find a reason to] accuse Him.

Verse ConceptsWatchfulness, Of BelieversWatching To EntrapWatching ChristJesus HealingThe Sabbath And ChristJesus Healing On Sabbath

This is so that even though they see, they will see and yet not perceive. And even though they hear, they will hear and yet not understand. For if they did, they would turn [back to God] again and receive forgiveness."

Verse ConceptsUnbelief, Nature And Effects OfTurning To GodNot Seeing Spiritual ThingsBeing Without UnderstandingGod Not Forgiving

but worry [over things] of the world, and the deceitfulness of material wealth, and the evil desires for other things entered their hearts and choked [the effectiveness of] 'the word,' so that it did not yield a crop [in their lives].

Verse ConceptsAffluenceRiches, Dangers OfTemptation, Sources OfUnfruitfulnessWorryChokingDeceiving OneselfEvil DesiresSatisfied With RichesWorry And StressNot WorryingWorryingAnxiety And Stressdistractionsworriespressure

On the side of a [nearby] mountain, a large herd of [wild] hogs was grazing.

Verse ConceptsPigsAnimals Eating

The evil spirits begged Him, saying, "Send us into those [wild] hogs, so we can enter their bodies."

Verse ConceptsBeggarsPigsDemonsThe DevilCasting Out Demons

And He gave them permission to do it. So, the evil spirits went out of the man's body and entered the bodies of the [wild] hogs. The herd then rushed down the cliff into the lake. There were about two thousand that drowned in the lake.

Verse ConceptsExorcismsTwo ThousandGroups RunningDemons EnteringComing Out Of PeopleDeath Of CreaturesOthers Going Down

Those who saw this told the people what had happened to the man dominated by the evil spirits and about the [wild] hogs.

Verse ConceptsPigsTelling Of JesusThose Demonised

But Jesus would not allow him, saying to the man, "Go home to your friends [and family?] and tell them about the great things the Lord has done for you and how He had pity on you."

Verse Conceptsevangelists, identity ofevangelism, kinds ofTestify On God's BehalfExperimental KnowledgeAcknowledging ChristReceiving God's MercyGod's Work In UsFamily And Friends

And immediately the little girl arose and walked, for she was twelve years old. [Upon seeing this] the people were completely amazed.

Verse ConceptsAmazement, Of Christ's MiraclesAstonishmentThe Healed WalkingPeople Getting Up

But others said, "He is [the prophet] Elijah" [while] others said, "He is a prophet like one of the prophets [of old]."

Verse ConceptsJesus The ProphetWho He Might Be

At once she hurried in to the king and said, "I would like you to give me the head of John the Immerser on a [large] platter right away."

Verse ConceptseagernessSuddenlyRemoving HeadsSkullsHasty ActionPots For Cooking And Eating

(For the Pharisees and all the Jews would not eat anything unless they first scrubbed their hands [i.e., up to the wrists] in accordance with the [long-established] tradition of the Jewish elders).

Verse ConceptsAblutionelders, as community leadersJews, TheCharacteristics Of PhariseesHow People EatThe Elderlypharisees

For whoever would [try to] save his life [i.e., by neglecting spiritual things] will lose it [i.e., miss out on the blessings of God]. But whoever [is willing] to lose his life [i.e., in commitment to God's service] for my sake and [the work of] the Gospel's sake, will save it [i.e., obtain both temporal and spiritual blessings].

Verse ConceptsGiving, Of OneselfCommitment, to Jesus ChristSurrenderingLove, Abuse OfLossRestitutionGain Through LossKeeping Oneself AliveSuffering For The GospelLosing One's Life

Jesus answered them, "Elijah truly will come first and restore all things [i.e., to their proper perspective concerning the Messiah]. And it is [also] written [in the Scriptures] about the Son of man, that He would suffer very much and be rejected.

Verse ConceptsSonsSuffering, Of Jesus ChristPeople Going BeforeRestoring Things

And whoever causes one of these little ones [i.e., humble followers of the Lord. See Matt. 18:6] who believes in me to be led astray [from God], he would have been better off to have had a huge millstone tied around his neck and thrown into the ocean [Note: This was a heavy, circular stone rolled over grain to crush it, and moved by an animal walking in a circle].

Verse Conceptsenemies, of believersChildren, attitudes towardsInexperienceMillstonesNecksSin, Causes OfTemptation, Avoiding CausingDenunciationsCausing Others To StumbleSinkingBeing Killed By A RockEncouraging Faith In ChristPersonal GoodDealing With Young PeopleIn The Heart Of The SeaMisleading Children

And if your hand becomes the occasion for falling away [from God], cut it off; it would be better for you to enter [never ending] life disabled, rather than keeping both hands and going to hell, into the fire that cannot be put out [i.e., all because it caused you to fall away from God]. {{Verse

Verse ConceptsCripplesPunishment, By GodSelf DenialGehennaEntering LifeCausing Others To StumbleNot Maintaining LifeFire Of HellCutting Off Hands And FeetTwo Of Body PartsMissing The Markcutting

And if your foot becomes the occasion for falling away [from God], cut it off; it would be better for you to enter [never ending] life crippled, rather than keeping both feet and being thrown into hell. {{Verse

Verse ConceptsFeetLamenessGehennaInjury To FeetEntering LifeCausing Others To StumbleCare Of FeetTwo Of Body Parts

And if your eye becomes the occasion for falling away [from God] gouge it out; it would be better for you to enter the kingdom of God with [only] one eye, rather than keeping both eyes and being thrown into hell [i.e., all because one of them caused you to fall away from God].

Verse ConceptsSelf DisciplineGehennaEntering The KingdomPlucking OutCausing Others To StumbleEyes HarmedOne Material ThingTwo Of Body Parts

Jesus looked at them and said, "This would be impossible with men, but not with God, for everything is possible with God."

Verse ConceptsAll Things Being PossibleGod, Power OfChrist SeeingPossibilities For GodImpossible For PeoplePossible For GodMan's Relation To Godimpossible

Now James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came over to Jesus and said to Him, "We would like you to do for us whatever we ask you."

Verse ConceptsSelfishness

And whoever would like to be first [in prominence] among you, will be your slave.

Verse ConceptsSlavesFirst Onesservanthood

And He would not [even] allow anyone to carry a container [of goods] through the Temple [area].

"Teacher, Moses wrote to us [Deut. 25:5] that if a man's brother dies, leaving his widow behind without having had any children, his brother should marry his widow and father children by her. These children would then be considered his [dead] brother's.

Verse ConceptsOffspringWidowsConceptionLack Of Sons

And if the Lord had not kept those days as short as they were, no one would have been saved [i.e., from the devastating destruction]. But for the sake of the elect [i.e., God's people], whom He chose, He kept those days short.

Verse ConceptsRestraintA Short TimeShort Time Till The EndThose Not SavedFor The Sake Of God's PeopleGod's Intervention

So, the disciples left and entered the city [of Jerusalem]. They found everything just as Jesus told them [it would be], and they made preparations for the Passover meal.

Verse ConceptsFinding ThingsThe Disciples Reactions

For the Son of man is going [to die], but it is too bad for that person who will turn me over to the Jewish leaders It would be better for that man if he had not been born."

Verse ConceptsFate Of IndividualsBetrayalNecessityWoeNever Being BornJudas Betraying ChristPersonal GoodWoe To The Wicked

Then Jesus said to them, "Have you come out to arrest me with swords and clubs like you would a thief?

Verse ConceptsCrowdsBanditsArresting ChristClubsThe Lord As A Thief

I was with you every day, teaching in the Temple, and you did not [come to] take me. But this has happened so that the Scriptures would be fulfilled."

Verse ConceptsAccomplishingUnceasingAlways Being ActiveChrist TeachingArresting ChristScriptures Fulfilledfulfillment

So, they crucified Him and divided His clothing by gambling for them to decide what each soldier would get.

Verse ConceptsClothingChanceCrucifixion, Of ChristTortureGamblingChrist Was KilledDividing Plunder

And those who passed by the cross shouted abuse at Him and shook their heads [in derision], saying, "Ha, you who said you would destroy the Temple and rebuild it in three days,

Verse ConceptsGesturesMockingDestruction Of The TempleShaking The HeadInsulting ChristRebuilding The TempleAbuse

I have thoroughly investigated the entire series of events [myself], I felt it would be good for me also to write you an orderly account of them.

Verse ConceptsBooksWritingOrderly PatternsBeginning Of SalvationBeing Found OutOrderly AccountsFrom The BeginningWriting The New Testament

But they had no children, because Elizabeth was unable to bear offspring due to their both being very old.

Verse ConceptsBarrenness, Examples OfChildren, responsibilities to parentsChildlessnessInfertilityHaving A Babyluck

And Zacharias said to the angel, "How will I know this? For I am an old man and my wife is [also] very old."

Verse ConceptsOld Age, DisabilitiesdoubtersAssurance in the life of faithMiracles, Responses ToOld Age, Attainment OfSure Knowledgegabriel

And consider this, your relative Elizabeth is also pregnant with a son in spite of her old age, and [even though] she was said to be unable to have children, she is now six months along.

Verse ConceptsdisabilitiesJohn The BaptistOld Age, Attainment OfChildlessnessMonth 6Relatives