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And God will see the light that it is good, and God will separate between the light and between the darkness.

And God will say there shall be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and there shall be a separating between waters to waters.

And God shall make a firmament, and he shall separate between the waters which are from the lower part of the firmament and between the waters which are from the upper part of the firmament: and it shall be so.

And God will say the waters shall be gathered together from the under part of the heavens to one place, and the dry shall be seen: and it shall be so.

And God will say the earth shall bring forth the tender grass, and the green herb bearing seed, and the fruit tree making fruit according to its kind, in which is the seed in it upon the earth: and it shall be so.

And the earth shall bring forth the tender grass, the green herb bearing seed according to its kind, and the tree making fruit in which the seed is in it, according to its kind: and God will see that it is good.

And God will give them in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth.

And to rule in the day and in the night, and to separate between the light and between the darkness: And God will see that it is good.

And God will say the waters shall breed abundantly creeping things, the living soul, and birds shall fly over the earth, over the face of the firmament of the heavens.

And God will form great sea. monsters and every living soul creeping, which the waters bred abundantly according to their kind, and every bird of wing according to its kind: and God will see that it is good.

And God will praise them, saying, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and birds shall multiply in the earth.

And God will say, the earth shall bring forth the living soul according to its kind, cattle and creeping things, and living things of the earth after its kind: and it shall be so.

And God will make the living thing of the earth according to its kind, and cattle according to its kind, and every creeping thing of the earth according to its kind: and God will see that it is

And God will say, Lo, I gave to you every green herb scattering seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree in which is the fruit of a tree scattering seed; to you it shall be for food.

These the generations of the heavens and the earth in creating them, in the day of Jehovah God's making the earth and the heavens.

And every green thing of the field before it shall be in the earth, and every green herb of the field before it will spring up: for Jehovah God rained not upon the earth and not a man to work the earth.

And Jehovah God will cause to grow out of the earth every tree pleasant to the sight, and good for food; and the tree of lives in the midst of the garden, and the tree to know good and evil.

And the gold of that land is good. There bdellium and onyx stone.

And Jehovah God will appoint to the man, saying, From every tree of the garden eating, thou shalt eat.

And Jehovah God will form out of the earth every living thing of the field, and all the birds of the heavens, and he will bring in to the man to see what he will call to it; and all which the man will call it to the living soul, that its name.

And Jehovah God will cause to fall a deep sleep upon the man, and he will sleep; and he will take one of his ribs and will close up the flesh underneath it

And Jehovah God will build the rib which he took from the man, into a woman, and will bring her to the man.

And from the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God said, Ye shall not eat from it, and ye shall not touch upon it, lest ye shall die.

For God is knowing in the day of your eating from it, and your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as God, knowing good and evil.

And Jehovah God will say to the woman, What is this thou didst? And the woman will say, The serpent deceived me and I shall eat.

And Jehovah God will say to the serpent, Because thou didst this, cursed art thou above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust thou shalt eat all the days of thy life.

And Adam will know his wife again, and she will bear a son, and she will call his name Seth: for God set me a second seed instead of Abel, for Cain slew him.

And Enoch shall walk with God after his begetting Methuselah, three hundred years, and he shall beget sons and daughters.

Giants were in the earth in these days, and also after that, when the sons of God shall come in to the daughters of man and they shall bring forth to them which are men of old, men of name.

And God shall see the earth, and lo, it was corrupted, for all flesh corrupted its way upon the earth.

And God will say to Noah, The end of all flesh came in to my face, for the earth was filled with violence from the face of them, and behold me destroying them from the earth.

Two and two went in to Noah to the ark, male and female, according to which God commanded Noah.

And they going in, went in male and female from all flesh according to which God commanded him: and Jehovah shut him within.

AND God will remember Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that with him in the ark: and God will make a wind to pass over the earth and the waters will settle down.

And God will speak to Noah and to his sons, saying,

And God will say, This is a sign of the covenant which I give between me and between you, and between every breathing thing living which is with you for future generations.

The bow shall be in the cloud; and seeing it to remember the lasting covenant between God and between every breathing thing living of all flesh which is upon the earth.

And God will say to Noah, This the sign of the covenant which I established between me and between all flesh which is upon the earth.

And he will say, Praised Jehovah, God of Shem; Canaan shall be servant to him.

God will dilate Japheth; he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be servant to him.

And he will remove from thence to the mountain from the cast of the house of God, and shall stretch forth his tent; Bethel from the sea, and Hai from the east, and he shall build there an altar to Jehovah, and will call upon the name of Jehovah.

And he will do good to Abram on account of her; and there shall be to him sheep and oxen and he-asses, and servants and maids, and she-asses and camels.

And Abram shall go his journey from the desert to the house of God to the place which was there his tent in the beginning, between Bethel and between Hai;

And he will bless him, and will say, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessing the heavens and the earth.

And Abram will say to the king of Sodom, I lifted up my hand to Jehovah God the most high, possessing the heavens and the earth.

And he will say to him, Take to me a heifer of three, and a goat of three, and a ram of three, and a turtle dove, and a young pigeon.

And Abram will say to Sarai, Behold thy maid servant in thy hand; do to her the good in thine eyes. And Sarai shall afflict her, and she will flee from her face.

And she will call the name of Jehovah, having spoken to her, Thou God seest me: for she said, Here also I looked after him seeing me.

And Abram shall be the son of ninety years and nine years: Jehovah shall be seen to Abram and will say to him, I am God Almighty; walk thou before me, and be complete.

And I gave to thee and to thy seed after thee, the land of thy sojournings with all the land of Canaan for an eternal possession; and I was God to them.

And God will say to Abraham, Thou shalt watch my covenant., thou, and thy seed after thee to their generations.

And the uncircumcised male which shall not be circumcised in the flesh of his uncircumcision, and that soul shall be cut off from its people: he broke my covenant

And God will say to Abraham, Sarai, thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, for Sarah her name.

And God will say. Truly, Sarah thy wife, shall bring forth to thee a son, and shall call his name Isaak: and I set up my covenant with him for a lasting covenant, and to his seed after him.

And he will finish speaking with him, and God will go up from Abraham.

And Abraham will take Ishmael his son, and all born in his house and bought with his silver, every male among the men of Abraham's house, and he will circumcise the flesh of their uncircumcision, in the self-same day, according to which God spake to him.

And Abraham running to the oxen, will take the son of a cow, tender and good, and will give to the youth, and he will hasten to do it

And two messengers shall come to Sodom in the evening; and Lot will sit in the gate of Sodom; and Lot will see, and will rise up to meet them, and will bow himself with the face to the earth.