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"What acceptable thing shall I offer unto the LORD? Shall I bow my knee to the high God? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, and with calves of a year old?

Hath the LORD a pleasure in many thousand rams, or innumerable streams of oil? Or shall I give my firstborn for mine offenses, and the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?"

among those that be full of riches unrighteously gotten: where the citizens deal with falsity, speak lies, and have deceitful tongues in their mouths?

Woe is me! I am become as one that goeth a gleaning in the harvest. There are no more grapes to eat, yet would I fain, with all my heart, have of the best fruit.

She that is mine enemy shall look upon it, and be confounded, which now sayeth, "Where is thy LORD God?" Mine eyes shall behold her, when she shall be trodden down, as the clay in the streets.

They shall lick the dust like a serpent, as the worms of the earth, that tremble in their holes. They shall be afraid of the LORD our God, and they shall fear thee.

Where is there such a God as thou? That pardonest wickedness, and forgivest the offenses of the remnant of thine heritage? He keepeth not his wrath for ever. And why? His delight is to have compassion.

He shall turn again, and be merciful to us: he shall put down our wickednesses, and cast all our sins into the bottom of the sea.

Thou shalt keep thy trust with Jacob, and thy mercy for Abraham, like as thou hast sworn unto our fathers long ago.

The LORD suffereth long, he is of great power, and so innocent that he leaveth no man faultless before him. The LORD goeth forth in tempest and stormy weather; the clouds are the dust of his feet.

Who may endure before his wrath? Or who is able to abide his grim displeasure? His anger taketh on like fire, and the hard rocks burst in sunder before him.

The shield of his giants glistereth, his men of war are clothed in purple. His chariots are as fire when he maketh him forward, his archers are well decked and trimmed.

The chariots roll upon the streets, and welter in the highways. They are to look upon like cressettes of fire, and go swiftly as the lightning.

When he doth but warn his giants, they all in their array, and hastily they climb up the walls: yea, the engines of the war are prepared already.

Where is now the dwelling of the lions, and the pasture of the lion's whelps? Where the lion and the lioness went with the whelps, and no man frayed them away?

Yea, all they that look upon thee shall start back, and say, "Nineveh is destroyed!" Who will have pity upon thee? Where shall I seek one to comfort thee?

Ethiopia and Egypt were her strength, and that exceedingly great above measure. Put and Libya were her helpers,

yet was she driven away, and brought into captivity: her young children were smitten down at the head of every street, the lots were cast for the most ancient men in her, and all her mighty men were bound in chains.

Behold, thy people within thee are but women: the ports of thy land shall be open unto thine enemies, and the fire shall devour thy bars.

Thy lords are as the grasshoppers, and thy captains as the multitude of grasshoppers: which when they be cold, remain in the hedges: but when the Sun is up, they flee away, and no man can tell where they are become.

Thy shepherds are asleep, O king of Assyria, thy worthies are laid down: thy people is scattered abroad upon the mountains, and no man gathereth them together again.

Why lettest thou me see weariness and labour? Tyranny and violence are before me, power overgoeth right:

Behold among the Heathen, and look well: wonder at it, and be abashed: For I will do a thing in your time, which though it be told you, ye shall not believe.

Their horses are swifter than the cats of the mountain, and bite sorer than the wolves in the evening. Their horsemen come by great heaps from far, they flee hastily to devour as the Eagle.

They take up all with their angle, they catch it in their net, and gather it in their yarn: whereof they rejoice and are glad.

What help then will the Image do, whom the workman hath fashioned? Or the vain cast Image, wherein because the craftsmen putteth his trust, therefore maketh he dumb Idols?

He standeth, and measureth the earth. He looketh, and the people consume away, the mountains of the world fall down to powder, and the hills are fain to bow themselves, for his goings are everlasting and sure.

I saw, that the pavilions of the Ethiopians and the tents of the land of Midian were vexed for weariness.

Thou didst strike through with his scepter, the heads of his plan people: which come as a stormy wind to scatter me abroad, and are glad when they may eat up the poor secretly.

When I hear this, my body is vexed, my lips tremble at the voice thereof, my bones corrupt, I am afraid where I stand. O that I might rest in the day of trouble, that I might go up unto our people, which are already prepared.

I will gather up man and beast: I will gather up the fowls in the air and the fish in the sea, to the great decay of the wicked: and will utterly destroy the men out of the land, sayeth the LORD.

And thus shall it happen in the day of the LORD's slain offering: I will visit the princes, the king's children, and all such as wear strange clothing.

Howl, ye that dwell in the mill! For all the merchant people are gone, and all they that were laden with silver, are rooted out.

Before the thing go forth that is concluded; and before the time be passed away as the dust, or the fearful wrath of the LORD come upon you.

Yea, or the day of the LORD's sore displeasure come upon you. Seek the LORD, all ye meek hearted upon earth, ye that work after his judgment: seek righteousness, seek lowliness, that ye may be defended in the wrathful day of the LORD.

Her rulers within her are as roaring lions: her judges are as wolves in the evening, which leave nothing behind them till the morrow.

Her prophets are light persons and unfaithful men: her priests unhallow the Sanctuary, and do wrong under the pretence of the law.

And lo, in that time will I destroy all those that vex thee: I will help the lame, and gather up the cast away: yea, I will get them honour and praise in all lands, where they have been put to shame.

At the same time will I bring you in, and at the same time will I gather you. I will get you a name and a good report among all people of the earth, when I turn back your captivity before your eyes, sayeth the LORD.

In the second year of king Darius, in the sixth month, the first day of the month, came the word of the LORD by the Prophet Haggai, unto Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel the prince of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Jozadak the high priest, saying,

Consider now your own ways in your hearts, sayeth the LORD of Hosts.

Ye sow much, but ye bring little in; Ye eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled; ye deck yourselves, but ye are not warm; and he that earneth any wage, putteth it in a broken purse.

Thus sayeth the LORD of Hosts: Consider your own ways in your hearts,

Upon the twenty fourth day of the sixth month, in the second year of king Darius,

'Who is left among you, that saw this house in her first beauty? But what think ye now by it? Is it not in your eyes, even as though it were nothing?

The twenty fourth day of the ninth month in the second year of king Darius, came the word of the LORD unto the Prophet Haggai, saying,

'If one bear holy flesh in his coat lap, and with his lap do touch the bread, pottage, wine, oil or any other meat: shall it be holy also?'" The priests answered and said, "No."

The Priests gave answer and said, "Yea, it shall be unclean." Then Haggai answered, and said, "Even so is this people and this nation before me, sayeth the LORD: and so are all the works of their hands, yea and all that they offer, is unclean.

that when ye came to a corn heap of twenty bushels, there were scarce ten: and that when ye came to the wine press for to pour out fifty pots of wine, there were scarce twenty.

For I smote you with heat, blasting and hailstones in all the labors of your hands: yet was there none of you, that would turn unto me, sayeth the LORD.

In the eighth month of the second year of king Darius, came the word of the LORD unto Zechariah the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo, the Prophet, saying,

Be not ye like your forefathers, unto whom the Prophets cried afore time, saying, 'Thus sayeth the LORD God of hosts: Turn you from your evil ways, and from your wicked imaginations.' But they would not hear, nor regard me, sayeth the LORD.

What is now become of your forefathers and the prophets? Are they yet still alive?

But did not my words and statutes, which I commanded by my servants the Prophets, touch your forefathers? Upon this, they gave answer and said, 'Like as the LORD of Hosts devised to do unto us, according to our ways and imaginations, even so hath he dealt with us.''"

Upon the twenty forth day of the eleventh month which is the month Shebat, in the second year of Darius, came the word of the LORD unto Zechariah the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo, the Prophet, who said,

"I saw by night, and lo, there sat one upon a red horse, and stood still among the Myrtle trees, that were beneath upon the ground: and behind him were there red, speckled and white horses.

Then said I, 'O my lord, what are these?' And the angel that talked with me, said unto me, 'I will show thee what these be.'

And the man that stood among the Myrtle trees, answered and said, 'These are they, whom the LORD hath sent to go through the world.'

And they answered the angel of the LORD, that stood among the myrtle trees, and said, 'We have gone through the world: and behold all the world dwell at ease, and are careless.'

And I said unto the angel, that talketh with me, 'What be these?' He answered me, 'These are the horses, which have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem abroad.'

Then said I, 'What will these do?' He answered, and said, 'Those are the horns, which have so strawed Judah abroad, that no man durst lift up his head: But these are come to fray them away, and to cast out the horns of the Gentiles, which lift up their horn over the land of Judah, to scatter it abroad.'

"'Hear O Joshua thou high priest: thou and thy friends that dwell before thee, for they are wondrous people. Behold, I will bring forth the branch of my servant:

So I answered, and spake to the angel that talked with me, saying, 'O my lord what are these?'

For he that hath been despised a little season, shall rejoice, when he seeth the tin weight in Zerubbabel's hand. The seven eyes are the LORD's, which go through the whole world.'

"Then answered I, and said unto him, 'What are these two olive trees upon the right and left side of the candlestick?'

Then said he, 'These are the two olive branches that stand before the ruler of the whole earth.'

And I said, 'What is it?' He answered, 'This is a measure going out.' He said moreover, 'Even thus are they that dwell upon the whole earth to look upon.'

Moreover I turned me, lifting up mine eyes, and looked: and behold, there came four chariots out from betwixt two hills, which hills were of brass:

In the first chariot were red horses, in the second chariot were black horses,

in the third chariot were white horses, in the fourth chariot were horses of divers colours and strong.

Then spake I and said unto the angel that talked with me, 'O lord, what are these?'

The angel answered, and said unto me, 'These are the four winds of the heaven, which be come forth to stand before the ruler of all the earth.

These horses were very strong, and went out: and sought to go and take their journey over the whole earth.' And he said, 'Get you hence, and go through the world.' So they went throughout the world.

'Take of the prisoners that are come from Babylon: namely, Heldai, Tobijah and Jedaiah: and come thou the same day, and go into the house of Josiah the son of Zephaniah.

that ye may know, how that the LORD of Hosts hath sent me unto you. And this shall come to pass, if ye will hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD your God.''

It happened also in the fourth year of king Darius, that the word of the LORD came unto Zechariah in the fourth day of the ninth month, which is called Chislev.

What time as Sharezer and Regemmelech and the men that were with them, sent unto Bethel for to pray before the LORD:

and that they should say unto the priests which were in the house of the LORD of Hosts, and to the prophets, "Should I weep in the fifth month, and abstain, as I have done now certain years?"

Are not these the words, which the LORD spake by his prophets afore time, when Jerusalem was yet inhabited and wealthy, she and the cities round about her: when there dwelt men, both toward the south and in the plain countries?'"

"Thus sayeth the LORD of Hosts: let your hands be strong, ye that now hear these words by the mouth of the prophets which be in these days that the foundation is laid upon the LORD of Hosts' house, that the temple may be builded.

And it shall come to pass, that like as ye were a curse among the Heathen, O ye house of Judah and ye house of Israel: Even so will I deliver you, that ye shall be a blessing. Fear not, but let your hands be strong.

For thus sayeth the LORD of Hosts: Like as I devised to punish you, what time as your fathers provoked me unto wrath, sayeth the LORD of Hosts, and spared not.

Now the things that ye shall do, are these: Speak every man the truth unto his neighbour, execute judgment truly, and peaceably within your ports,

none of you imagine evil in his heart against his neighbour, and love no false oaths: for all these are things that I hate, sayeth the LORD."

The borders of Hamath shall be hard thereby, Tyre also and Sidon, for they are very wise.

Their blood will I take away from their mouth, and their abominations from among their teeth; Thus they shall be left for our God, yea they shall be as a prince in Judah, and Ekron like as Jebusi.

And so will I compass my house round about with my men of war going to and fro: that no oppressor come upon them any more. For that have I seen now with mine eyes.

The LORD of Hosts shall defend them, they shall consume and devour, and subdue them with sling stones. They shall drink and rage, as it were through wine. They shall be filled like the basins, and as the horns of the altar.

For vain is the answer of Idols. The soothsayers see lies, and tell but vain dreams. The comfort that they give, is nothing worth. Therefore go they astray like a flock of sheep, and are troubled, because they have no shepherd.

"I will comfort the house of Judah, and preserve the house of Joseph. I will turn them also, for I pity them: and they shall be like as they were, when I had not cast them off. For I the LORD am their God, and will hear them.

Howl ye Fir trees, for the cedar is fallen, yea all the proud are wasted away. Howl, O ye oak trees of Bashan, for the mighty strong wood is cut down.

"Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of surfeit, unto all the people that are round about her: Yea Judah himself also shall be in the siege against Jerusalem.

In that time will I make the princes of Judah like a hot burning oven with wood, and like a cresset of fire among the straw: so that they shall consume all the people round about them, both upon the righthand and the left. Jerusalem also shall be inhabited again: namely, in the same place where Jerusalem standeth.

And then shall those prophets be confounded, everyone of his vision when he prophesieth: neither shall they wear sackcloth anymore, to deceive men withal.

And though Edom said, "Well, we are destroyed, we will go build up again the places that be wasted": yet sayeth the LORD of Hosts, "What they builded, that brake I down: so that it was called a cursed land and people, whom the LORD hath ever been angry withal."