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The Son of man will send forth his angels, and collect out of his kingdom all things that offend, and those who work iniquity,

But what think you? A man had two sons; and he went to the first, and said, Son, go work to-day in my vineyard.

For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, till the day in which Noah entered the ark,

Jesus perceived it, and said to them: Why do you trouble the woman? For she has performed a good work upon me.

As a man, going into another country, leaves his house, and gives authority to his servants, and to each one his own work, and commands the door-keeper to watch;

But Jesus said: Let her alone; why do you trouble her? She has performed a good work on me.

But the ruler of the synagogue, indignant because Jesus had performed a cure on the sabbath-day, answered and said to the multitude: There are six days in which work ought to be done; on these, therefore, come and be cured, and not on the sabbath-day. Then the Lord answered him and said:

And behold, there are last that shall be first, and there arc first that shall be last.

And he said to them: Go and toll that fox, Be hold, I cast out demons, and perform cures to-day and to-morrow, and the third day I finish the work.

So also you, when you shall have done all things that you arc commanded to do, say, We are unprofitable servants; for we have done what was our duty to do.

They ate, they drank, they married, they were given in marriage, till the day in which Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.

Therefore, they said to him: "What sign do you show, then, that we may see, and believe you? What work do you perform?

Jesus answered and said to them: I have done one work, and you are all astonished on account of this.

The Jews answered and said to him: We do not stone you for a good work, but for your impious words; and because you, being man, make yourself God.

And now I say to you, keep away from these men, and let them alone; for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to an end;

Behold, you despisers, and wonder, and perish. For I work a work in your days, a work which you will not believe, though one fully declare it to you.

But Paul did not think it proper to take with them him who had departed from them from Pamphylia, and did not go with them to the work.

Destroy not the work of God on account of food. All meats, indeed, are clean; but meat is an evil to that man who, by eating, causes another to stumble.

each man's work shall be made manifest; for the day shall make it manifest, for it is revealed with fire: and the fire shall try each man's work, what sort it is.

If any man's work abide, which he builds on this, he shall receive a reward;

if any man's work be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved, yet so, as through fire.

Am I not free? Am I not an apostle? Have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord-? Are you not my work in the Lord?

If Timothy come, see that he be with you without fear: for he works the work of the Lord, as I also do.

But if this, my life in the flesh, would be profitable for my work in the ministry, verily, what I should choose I know not.

because for the work of the Christ he was near to death, not regarding his life, that he might supply that which was lacking in your service to me.

For the mystery of iniquity is already at work; only he that now restrains will restrain, till he be taken out of the way:

Now we command such, and exhort them by our Lord Jesus Christ, that they work with quietness, and eat their own bread.

having a good reputation for good works; if she has borne children, if she has entertained strangers, if she has washed the saints feet, if she has relieved the afflicted, if she has diligently followed every good work.

If, therefore, any one will cleanse him self from these strifes about words, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, highly useful to the master, prepared for every good work.

which had the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid on all sides with gold, in which were the golden pot that held the manna, and the rod of Aaron that budded, and the tables of the covenant;

who formerly were disobedient, when the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while an ark was preparing, in which few, that is, eight souls, were brought in safety through the water;

And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple, the ark of the covenant of the Lord; and there were lightnings and voices and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.