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And I said, How shall I place thee among the sons, and I will give to thee a land of desire, an inheritance of glory of the armies of nations? And saying, Ye shall call to me, My father; and ye shall rot turn back from after me.

Verse ConceptsGod, Fatherhood OfPeople Of God, In OtRejection Of God, Results OfSpiritual AdoptionIsrael As Sons Of GodFollowing Godfatherhood

The lion came up from his thicket, and destroying, he broke up the nations; he went forth from his place to set thy land for a desolation; thy cities shall be laid waste from none inhabiting.

Verse ConceptsRuinsArchaeologyThose Who DestroyEmpty Cities

Thus said Jehovah of armies, God of Israel, Make good your ways and your doings, and I will cause you to dwell in this place.

Verse ConceptsReformation

Ye shall not oppress the stranger, the orphan and the widow, and innocent blood ye shall not pour out in this place, and after other gods ye shall not go, for evil to you;

Verse ConceptsForeignersOppression, Nature OfWidows, Should Not BeSheddingOppressing ForeignersDifferent GodsDo Not MurderPenalties For Serving Other Gods

And I caused you to dwell in this place, in the land which I gave to your fathers from forever even to forever.

Verse ConceptsGod Gave The Land

But go now to my place which is in Shiloh, where I caused my name to dwell there at the first, and see what I did to it from the face of the evil of my people Israel.

Verse ConceptsPriesthood, In OtA Place For God's NameThe First Temple

And I did to the house which my name was called upon it, which ye are trusting in it, and to the place which I gave to you and to your fathers, as I did to Shiloh.

Verse ConceptsTrust, Lack OfA Place For God's Name

For this, thus said the Lord Jehovah; Behold my anger and my wrath was poured out to this place, upon man, and upon cattle, and upon the tree of the field, and upon the fruit of the land; and it burnt and it shall not be quenched.

Verse ConceptsNot ExtinguishingBoth Men And Animals AffectedHarming Trees

For this, behold, the days coming, says Jehovah, and it shall no more be said, Tophet, and The valley of the son of Hinnom, but The valley of Slaughter: and they buried in Tophet, from not being place.

Verse ConceptsInadequate BurialsKilling Will HappenNo RoomBurying places

Who will give me in the desert a lodging-place of travelers? and I will leave my people and go from them, for they all commit adultery; an assembly of those acting faithlessly.

Verse ConceptsCrowdsInnsApostasy in OTequipping, physicalUnfaithfulness, To GodSolitudeEvil AssociationsLiving In The WildernessPeople Abandoning Peopletraitors

My tent was laid waste, and all my cords were broken: my sons went forth from me, and they are not: none stretched forth my tent any more, and the place of my curtains.

Verse ConceptsStretching OutTentsPeople Passing AwayUndoing FasteningsNo One To Be Found

And I shall go to Euphrates, and dig, and take the girdle from the place which I hid it there: and behold, the girdle was corrupted, it will not profit for anything.

Ye shall give glory to Jehovah your God, before he shall darken, and before your feet shall strike upon the mountains of darkness, and ye waited for light, and he set it for the shadow of death, he will place for gloom.

Verse ConceptsHope, Nature OfProcrastinationStumblingThe Insecurity Of The WickedPeople Stumbling

And saying, Ah, Lord Jehovah! behold, the prophets saying to them, Ye shall not see the sword, and famine shall not be to you; for the peace of truth will I give to you in this place.

Verse ConceptsFalse ConfidenceNo More FamineNo Peace

Thou shalt not take to thee a wife, and sons and daughters shall not be to thee in this place.

Verse ConceptsMarriage, Purpose OfSinglenessNot MarryingMarriage Kjv

For thus said Jehovah concerning the sons, and concerning the daughters born in this place, and concerning their mothers bearing them, and concerning their fathers begetting them in this land:

Verse ConceptsMothers And SonsMotherhoodFathers And Daughters

For thus said Jehovah of armies, God of Israel: Behold me causing to cease from this place to your eyes and in your days the voice of gladness and the voice of joy, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride.

Verse ConceptsBridegroomBridesVoicesCessationStopping RejoicingLack Of Rejoicing

A throne of glory being lifted up from the first our holy place.

Verse ConceptsSanctuary

And say, Hear the word of Jehovah, ye kings of Judah, and ye dwelling n Jerusalem; Thus said Jehovah of armies, God of Israel: Behold me bringing evil upon this place, which every one hearing. it, their ears shall tingle.

Verse ConceptsGroups TremblingGod Will Bring HarmKings of judah

Because they forsook me and rejected this place, and they will burn incense in it to other gods which they knew them not, they and their fathers, and the kings of Judah; and they filled this place with the blood of the innocent ones.

Verse ConceptsMonotheismSacrifice, In OtKilling The InnocentUnknown GodsDifferent Gods

For this, behold, the days coming, says Jehovah, and it shall no more be called to this place Tophet, and The valley of the son of Hinnom, but the valley of Slaughter.

And I emptied out the counsel of Judah and Jerusalem in this place; and I caused them to fall by the sword before their enemies, and by the hands of them seeking their soul: and I gave their carcasses for food to the fowls of the heavens and to the beasts of the earth.

Verse ConceptsGuidance, Need For God'sPlansAnimals Eating PeopleEating CorpsesKilling Israelites

And say to them, Thus said Jehovah of armies: According to this will I break this people and this city, as he will break the potter's vessel which shall not be able to be healed any more: and in Tophet shall they bury, from not a place to bury.

Verse ConceptsDestruction Of JerusalemInadequate BurialsRepairingBurying places

Thus will I do to this place, says Jehovah, and to its inhabitants, and to give this city as Tophet:

Verse ConceptsSimilar Items

And the houses of Jerusalem and the houses of the kings of Judah were defiled as the place of Tophet to all the houses which they burnt incense upon their roofs to all the army of the heavens, and pouring out libations to other gods

Verse ConceptsFalse Religiondrink offeringHost Of HeavenRoofAltars, PaganRooftopDifferent Gods

Thus said Jehovah, Do ye judgment and justice, and deliver him taken by force, from the hand of him oppressing: ye shall not be violent, ye shall not oppress the stranger, the orphan, and the widow, and ye shall not pour but innocent blood in this place.

Verse ConceptsCruelty, God's attitude toAliens, God's AttitudeExploitationsBereaved, Care ForSocial JusticeInnocence, Teaching OnOppression, Nature OfOppression, God's Attitude ToOrphansOutsidersRighteousness, Of BelieversSanctity Of LifeViolenceWidows, Should Not BeSheddingOppressing ForeignersSaving PeopleDo Not MurderRobbing PeopleImmigrants

For thus said Jehovah to Shallum son of Josiah, king of Judah, reigning, instead of Josiah his father, who went forth from this place: He shall no more return there:

Verse ConceptsNo return from exileKings Of All Israel Or JudahKings of judah

For in the place where they carried him captive, there he shall die, and shall no more see this land.

Thus said Jehovah, God of Israel: As these good figs, so will I know the captivity of Judah which I sent out of this place to the land of the Chaldeans for good.

They shall be brought to Babel, and there shall they be till the day of my reviewing them, says Jehovah; and I brought them up and turned them back to this place.

Verse ConceptsPossessions Taken To BabylonGod VisitingRestoring Things

In yet two years of days I turn back to this place all the vessels of the house of Jehovah which Nebuchadnezzar king of Babel took from this place, and brought them to BabeL

Verse ConceptsHoly VesselsSacred VesselsTwo YearsTemple Utensils Removed

And Jeconiah son of Jehoiakim King of Judah, and all the captivity of Judah going to Babel, I turn back to this place, says Jehovah; for I will break the yoke of the king of Babel.

And Jeremiah the prophet will say, Verily: so will Jehovah do: will Jehovah raise up thy words which thou didst prophesy, to turn back the vessels of the house of Jehovah, and all the captivity from Babel to this place.

Verse ConceptsAmen

For thus said Jehovah, That according to the filling up to Babel of seventy years I will review you and lift up to you my good word to turn you back to this place.

Verse ConceptsGod, Goodness OfGod, Faithfulness OfBabylon, Prophecies OfempiresProphecy, Fulfilment Of OtProphets, Role OfReliabilitySeventy70 To 80 YearsPromise of return

And I was found to you, says Jehovah: and I turned back your captivity, and I gathered you from all the nations, and from all the places where I thrust you away there says Jehovah; and I turned you back to the place where I caused you to be carried away captive from thence.

Verse ConceptsPunishment, Legal Aspects OfRestoring NationsGathering IsraelFinding GodPromise of return

Set up to thee thorns, set to thee bitternesses: place thy heart to the highway, the way thou wentest: turn back, O virgin of Israel, turn back to these thy cities.

Verse ConceptsHighwayReturning to their landHighwaysroadblocksvirginity

Thus said Jehovah of armies, God of Israel: Yet shall they say this word in the land of Judah and in its cities, in my turning back their captivity; Jehovah shall bless thee, thou habitation of justice, thou mountain of holiness

Verse ConceptsBlessings, To IsraelA Righteous PeopleMay God Bless!

And all the valley of the carcasses and the ashes, and all the fields even to the torrent Kidron, even to the corner of the gate of horses, from the sunrising, a holy place to Jehovah; it shall not be plucked up, and it shall no more be destroyed forever.

Verse ConceptsNamed GatesHoly LandJerusalem In Millennial Kingdom

Behold me gathering them from all the lands where I thrust them away there in mine anger, and in my wrath, and in great anger; and I turned them back to this place, and I caused them to dwell with confidence.

Verse ConceptsGod, Greatness OfBanishmentGathering IsraelGod Will Keep SafeEzekiel Invasion

Thus said Jehovah: Yet shall be heard in this place which ye were saying it was laid waste without man and without cattle, in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem, being desolate without man and without inhabitant, and without cattle,

Verse ConceptsRoadsStreetsEmpty CitiesLand Becoming EmptyBoth Men And Animals Affected

Thus said Jehovah of armies: Yet shall be in this place being laid waste without man and without cattle, and in all its cities, the habitation of the shepherds causing the sheep to lie down.

Verse ConceptsLand Becoming EmptyBoth Men And Animals AffectedThose Who Kept Stock

My lord the king, these men did evil all which they did to Jeremiah the prophet whom they cast into the pit; and he will die in his low place from the face of hunger, for no more bread in the city.

Verse ConceptsHunger, Examples OfDungeonsAfflicted To DeathFamine Killing

And the chief of the cooks will take to Jeremiah and say to him, Jehovah thy God spake this evil against this place.

Verse ConceptsGod Harmed Them

For thus said Jehovah of armies, God of Israel, as mine anger was poured out, and my wrath upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so shall my wrath be poured out upon you in your going to Egypt: and ye were for a curse and for an astonishment and for reviling, and for reproach; and ye shall no more see this place.

Verse ConceptsCursing The UngodlyGod Will Be AngryMade A Horror

And now knowing, ye shall know that by sword and by famine and by death ye shall die in the place where ye desired to go to sojourn there.

Verse ConceptsHow Death Is InevitableFamine Killing

And this a sign to you, says Jehovah, that I review upon you in this place, so that ye shall know that raising up, I will raise up my word against you for evil.

Verse ConceptsSigns From GodGod Is UnchangeableGod Harmed Them

My people were lost sheep: their shepherds caused them to wander, they turned them away in the mountains: they went from mountain to hill, they forgot their place to lie down.

Verse ConceptsGuidance, Need For God'sLossRestlessnessSatan, Agents OfSheepShepherds, As OccupationsInadequate ShepherdingWanderersPeople Going AstrayBeing MisleadLost PeopleBeing Lost

The word which Jeremiah the prophet commanded Seraiah, son of Neriah, son of Maaseiah, in his going with Zedekiah king of Judah to Babel, in the fourth year to his reigning. And Seraiah was chief of the resting place.

Verse ConceptsKings ExiledYears Of ZedekiahNamed Prophets Of The Lord

And thou saidst, O Jehovah, thou spakest against this place, to cut it off, for none to be dwelling in it, to man and even to beast, for it shall be desolations forever.

Verse ConceptsEmpty CitiesBoth Men And Animals Affected