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And Jesse begat David the King. And David begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Uriah;

But, when, these things, he had pondered, lo! a messenger of the Lord, by dream, appeared to him, saying, - Joseph, son of David! do not fear to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for, that which, in her, hath been begotten, is of the , Holy, Spirit.

A voice, in Ramah, was heard, weeping and great mourning, - Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, - because they are not.

It was said, moreover, Whosoever shall divorce his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement;

and he touched her hand, and the fever left her, - and she arose, and began ministering unto him.

and, the demons, began to beseech him, saying, If thou dost cast us out, send us away, into the herd of swine.

And he said unto them, Withdraw! So, they, going out, departed into the swine, - and lo! all the herd rushed down the cliff, into the sea, and died in the waters.

While, these things, he was speaking unto them, lo! a certainruler, came, and began bowing down to him, saying, - My daughter, just now died! But come, and lay thy hand upon, her, and she shall live.

But I say unto you, - Something greater than the Temple, is here!

Men of Nineveh, will rise up in the judgment, with this generation, and will condemn it, - because they repented into the proclamation of Jonah; and lo! something greater than Jonah, here.

The queen of the south, will arise in the judgment with this generation and will condemn it - because she came out of the ends of the earth, to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and lo! something greater than Solomon, here.

wherefore, with an oath, he promised to give her, whatsoever she should ask for herself;

and, she, being led on by her mother, - Give me (saith she) here, upon a charger, the head of John the Immerser.

And his head was brought upon a charger, and given unto the maiden, and she brought it to her mother.

But, they, say unto him - We have nothing here, save five loaves and two fishes.

But, he, answered her no a word. And his disciples, coming forward began requesting him, saying - Dismiss her, because she is crying out after us.

Verily, I say unto you - There are some of those, here standing, who, indeed, shall in nowise taste of death, until they see the Son of Man, coming in his kingdom.

And Peter, answering, said unto Jesus - Lord! it is, delightful, for us, to be here, - If thou wilt, I will make here three tents, for thee, one, and, for Moses, one, and, for Elijah, one.

And, about the eleventh, going forth, he found others, standing, and saith unto them - Why, here, stand ye, all the day, unemployed?

Then came unto him the mother of the sons of Zebedee, with her sons, bowing down, and asking something from him.

And, he, said to her - What desirest thou? She saith unto him - Bid, that these my two sons may sit, one on thy right hand, and one on thy left, in thy kingdom.

saying unto them - Be going into the village that is over against you, and, straightway, ye shall find an ass, bound, and a colt with her, - loose them, and lead them unto me.

And saith unto him - Friend! how camest thou in here, not having a wedding-garment? And, he, was put to silence.

But, he, answering, said unto them - Are ye not beholding all these things? Verily, I say unto you - in no wise, shall there be left here, stone upon stone, which shall not be thrown down.

Now, from the fig-tree, learn ye, the parable: - When, already, her young branch, becometh tender, and the leaves, may be sprouting, ye observe, that, near, is, the summer:

Verily, I say unto you - Wheresoever this glad-message shall be proclaimed in all the world, also what she did, will be told, as a memorial of her.

Then Jesus cometh with them, into a place called Gethsemane, - and he saith unto his disciples, Sit ye here, while I go yonder and pray.

But, Jesus, said unto him - Friend! wherefore art thou here? Then, coming forward, they thrust their hands upon Jesus, and secured him.