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And as Aaron spake unto the whole multitude of the children of Israel, they looked toward the wilderness: and behold, the glory of the LORD appeared in a cloud.

Verse ConceptsAppearances Of God In OtClouds, Miraculous UsesClouds, God's PresenceTheophanyDivine ManifestationsGod, Presence OfJudgement In The Wilderness

And when the dew was fallen: behold, it lay upon the ground in the wilderness, small and round and thin as the hoarfrost on the ground.

Verse ConceptsFrostSmall ThingsCold Weather

When the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another, "What is this?" For they wist not what it was. And Moses said, "This is the bread which the LORD hath given you to eat.

Verse ConceptsUnknown ThingsWhat Is This?Gifts Of GodOther Gifts Of GodPeople Naming Things

This is the thing which the LORD hath commanded, that ye gather every man enough for him to eat: a gomer full for a man according to the number of you, and gather every man for them which are in his tent."

Verse ConceptsTentsGathering FoodAccording To People

And they gathered it all mornings: every man as much as sufficed for his eating, for as soon as the heat of the sun came it melted.

Verse ConceptsClimates, TypesThe SunGathering FoodHot Weather

And he said unto them, "This is that which the LORD hath said, 'Tomorrow is the Sabbath of the holy rest of the LORD: bake that which ye will bake and fetch that ye will fetch, and that which remaineth lay up for you, and keep it till the morning."

Verse ConceptsCooking, MethodsLaw, Ten CommandmentsSabbaths InstitutedResttomorrowcooking

And they laid it up till the morning as Moses bade, and it stank not, neither was there any worms therein.

Verse ConceptsMaggotsFood Decayingworms

And Moses said, "That, eat this day: for today it is the LORD's Sabbath; today ye shall find none in the field.

Sixth days ye shall gather it, for the seventh is the Sabbath: there shall be none therein."

Verse ConceptsAccepting ChristBeing A BlessingBeing BlessedGathering FoodSix Daysgathering

And Moses said, "This is that which the LORD commandeth: fill a gomer of it, that it may be kept for your children after you: that they may see the bread wherewith he fed you in wilderness, when he had brought you out of the land of Egypt.

Verse ConceptsWeights And Measures, DryGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

as the LORD commanded Moses." And Aaron laid it up before the testimony there to be kept.

Verse ConceptsArk Of The Covenant, Function

And the people chode with Moses, and said, "Give us water to drink." And Moses said unto them, "Why chide ye with me, and wherefore do ye tempt the LORD?"

Verse ConceptsTestingDisputesTesting GodGiving Food And DrinkProblem PeopleComplaining

There the people thirsted for water, and murmured against Moses and said, "Wherefore hast thou brought us out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst?"

Verse ConceptsCriticism, against believersFaultsComplaintsMiracles, Responses ToResentment, Against GodSelf PityWaterDiscontentGrumbling At PeopleComplaining

And he called the name of the place: Massah-and-Meribah: because of the chiding of the children of Israel, and because they tempted the LORD saying, "Is the LORD among us or not?"

Verse ConceptsBacksliding, CausesIngratitudeTestingInfidelity To GodGod With YouTesting GodComplainingTests

And Joshua did as Moses bade him, and fought with the Amalekites. And Moses, Aaron and Hur went up to the top of the hill.

Verse ConceptsAaron, Life EventsAaron, PrivilegesApprentices

for he said, "The hand is on the seat of the LORD, that the LORD will have war with Amalek throughout all generations."

Verse ConceptsGod, Sovereignty OfThroneWarfare, Nature OfEternal JudgementGod Swearing Harm

Now I know that the LORD is greater than all gods, for because that they dealt proudly with them."

Verse ConceptsKnowing God, Nature OfArrogance, Punishment OfProud PeopleKnowing God's Character

When his father-in-law saw all that he did unto the people, he said, "What is this that thou doest unto the people? Why sittest thou thyself and lettest all the people stand about thee from morning unto even?"

Verse ConceptsActing AloneFrom Morning Till EveningWhat Do You Do?

And his father-in-law said unto him, "It is not well that thou doest.

Verse ConceptsBad SituationsDoing The Right Thing

Thou doest unwisely and also this people that is with thee: because the thing is too grievous for thee, and thou art not able to do it thyself alone.

Verse ConceptsPeople Wearing OutImpossible For PeopleNot AloneHard Tasks

And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke: because the LORD descended down upon it in fire. And the smoke thereof ascended up, as it had been the smoke of a kiln, and all the mount was exceeding fearful.

Verse ConceptsCoveringearthquakesSmokeTheophanyGod, Presence OfMountains QuakingGod Going DownGod Appearing In FireFurnacessmoking

Then Moses said unto the LORD, "The people cannot come up in to mount Sinai, for thou chargedest us saying, 'Set marks about the hill and sanctify it.'"

Verse ConceptsBoundariesHoliness, Believers' Growth InGoing Up Mountainslimitations

"Thou shalt make thee no graven image, neither any similitude that is in heaven above, either in the earth beneath, or in the water that is beneath the earth.

Verse ConceptsGod, As Spiritethics, personalIdolsIdolatry Consists OfCarvingLike CreaturesAvoiding IdolatrySecond CommandmentSelf ImageTaking Care Of The Earthstatuesimage

but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God, in it thou shalt do no manner work: neither thou nor thy son, nor thy daughter, neither thy manservant nor thy maidservant, neither thy cattle neither yet the stranger that is within thy gates.

Verse ConceptsServanthood, In SocietyWork, And RestIndustryStrangersThe Seventh Day Of The WeekForeigners Included In The LawDay 7No Work On Feast DaysRegulations For Men And WomenSabbaths InstitutedStrangers in israel

And when the people saw it, they removed and stood afar off and said unto Moses, "Talk thou with us, and we will hear; but let not God talk with us, lest we die."

Verse ConceptsDeath Due To God's PresenceGod Speaking

Ye shall not make therefore with me gods of silver nor gods of gold: in no wise shall ye do it.

Verse ConceptsGoldMonotheismPolytheismAvoiding Idolatry

"If a man sell his daughter to be a servant: she shall not go out as the menservants do.

Verse ConceptsAbominationsdaughtersPeople Freeing Slavessales

If he have promised her unto his son to wife, he shall deal with her as men do with their daughters.

Verse Conceptsdaughters

"When men strive and smite a woman with child so that her fruit depart from her and yet no misfortune followeth: then shall he be amerced, according as the woman's husband will lay to his charge, and he shall pay as the daysmen appoint him.

Verse ConceptsBabies In The WombUnborn FetusesLawsuitsAccidental KillingsJudicial PunishmentFighting One AnotherstruggleHurt

If he be set to a sum of money, then he shall give for the deliverance of his life, according to all that is put unto him.

"If a man open a well or dig a pit and cover it not, but that an ox or an ass fall therein,

Verse ConceptsThe Act Of OpeningOpening PitsAnimals Falling

except the su be up when he is found, then there shall be blood shed for him. A thief shall make restitution: If he have not wherewith, he shall be sold for his theft.

Verse ConceptsPunishment, Nature Of

If the theft be found in his hand alive - whether it be ox, ass or sheep - he shall restore double.

Verse ConceptsRestitutionDouble PenaltyLiving ThingsRules About Booty

And in all manner of trespass, whether it be ox, ass, sheep, raiment or any manner lost thing which another challengeth to be his, the cause of both parties shall come before the judges. And whom the judges condemn: the same shall pay double unto his neighbor.

Verse ConceptsDouble Penalty

If a man deliver unto his neighbor to keep ass, ox, sheep or whatsoever beast it be and it die, or be hurt or driven away, and no man see it:

Verse ConceptsDriving Out AnimalsDeath Of CreaturesUnseenWoundsPeople Keeping

If thou lend money to any of my people that is poor by thee, thou shalt not be as an usurer unto him, neither shalt oppress him with usury.

Verse ConceptsCreditCreditorsInterestLendingMoney, Stewardship OfMoney, Uses OfCapitalismBankslent

For that is his coverlet only: even the raiment for his skin wherein he sleepeth: or else he will cry unto me and I will hear him, for I am merciful.

Verse ConceptsGod, Compassion OfBodyCovering The BodyCries Of Distress To GodGod Pays Attention

Ye shall be holy people unto me, and therefore shall ye eat no flesh that is torn of beasts in the field. But shall cast it to dogs."

Verse ConceptsAnimals, religious role ofdogsPeople Of God, In OtAnimals, Types OfAnimals Torn To PiecesA Holy NationForbidden FoodPets

When thou meetest thine enemy's ox or ass going astray, thou shalt bring them to him again.

Verse ConceptsDuties To EnemiesAnimals Going Astrayfriendliness

If thou see thine enemy's ass sink under his burden, thou shalt not pass by and let him alone: but shalt help him to lift him up again.

Verse Conceptsevil, believers' responses toResponsibility, For God's WorldAnimal RightsHeavy BurdensPeople HelpingLoving Your Enemies

Six days thou shalt do thy work and the seventh day thou shalt keep holy day, that thine ox and thine ass may rest and the son of thy maid and the stranger may be refreshed.

Verse ConceptsOxenDonkeysHolidayLaw, OtSlavery, In OtEmployeesRecreationAliens, Believers DutyAnimals, Types OfThe Seventh Day Of The WeekSix DaysDay 7Doing One's WorkNo Work On Feast DaysSabbaths InstitutedRestrelaxation

Thou shalt keep the feast of sweet bread, that thou eat unleavened bread seven days long as I commanded thee in the time appointed of the month of Abib, for in that month thou camest out of Egypt: and see that no man appear before me empty.

Verse ConceptsFeastingFeast Of Unleavened BreadCelebrationsMonthUnleavened BreadYeastMonth 1Seven DaysLeaving EgyptEmpty HandedRegulations For Passoverthe anniversary Feastsanniversary

And Moses took the blood and sprinkled it on the people and said, "Behold, this is the blood of the covenant which the LORD hath made with you upon all these words."

Verse ConceptsCovenant, the newAtonement, Types OfMoses, Significance OfSprinklingSprinkling BloodTerms Of The Covenant At Sinaicovenant

and saw the God of Israel, and under his feet as it were a brick work of sapphire, and as it were the fashion of heaven when it is clear,

Verse ConceptsFeetSkyTheophanyColors, BluePrecious StonesThose Who Saw GodPavementsClean ObjectsSky, Figurative UseJewellery And GodPurityThe Rainbow

and said unto the elders, "Tarry ye here until we come again unto you: And behold here is Aaron and Hur with you. If any man have any matters to do, let him come to them."

Verse ConceptsWaitingAaron, PrivilegesMotionlessnessStaying PutPeople WaitingWaiting Till Marriage

And this is the heave offering which ye shall take of them: gold, silver and brass;

Verse ConceptsColors, Blue

And thou shalt make seven lamps and put them on high thereon, to give light unto the other side that is over against it:

Verse ConceptsLampsSheddingSeven Lights

"Then shalt thou make loops of jacinth colour, along by the edge of the one curtain even in the selvedge of the coupling curtain. And likewise shalt thou make in the edge of the utmost curtain that is coupled therewith on the other side.

Verse ConceptsClothBlue Cords

Fifty loops shalt thou make in the one curtain, and fifty in the edge of the other that is coupled therewith on the other side: so that the loops be one over against another.

Verse ConceptsFiftiesOpposite Sides

And thou shalt make fifty loops in the edge of the utmost curtain on the one side: even in the coupling curtain, and as many in the edge of the coupling curtain on the other side.

Verse ConceptsFifties

And make the altar hollow with boards: even as it was showed thee in the mount, so let them make it.

Verse ConceptsDivine PlansBoardsHollownessDesignHollow

In the tabernacle of witness without the veil which is before the witness, shall Aaron and his sons dress it both even and morning before the LORD: And it shall be a duty for ever unto your generations after you: to be given of the children of Israel."

Verse ConceptsAaron, Priestly ResponsibilitiesMorningOrdinancesPriests, Function In Ot TimesTentsPutting In OrderActing All Night

Moreover, speak unto all that are wise hearted, which I have filled with the spirit of wisdom: that they make Aaron's raiment to consecrate him with, that he may minister unto me.

Verse ConceptsArts And Crafts, Types ofGiving, Of TalentsOccupationsWisdom, Human NatureWisdom, Source Of HumanConsecrationSewingGod Gives Wisdomcraftsmanship

After the work of a stone graver, even as signets are graven, shalt thou grave the two stones with the names of the children of Israel, and shalt make them to be set in ouches of gold.

Verse ConceptsCraftsmenArts And Crafts, Types ofSealsPlaitingengravingGold Items For The Tabernacl

And the stones shall be graven as signets be graven: with the names of the children of Israel, even with twelve names every one with his name according to the twelve tribes.

Verse ConceptsSealsengravingTwelve TribesTwelve Things

And thou shalt yet make two rings of gold, and put them in the two edges of the breastlap even in the borders thereof toward the inside of the ephod that is over against it.

Verse ConceptsGold Items For The Tabernacl

And there shall be a hole for the head in the midst of it, and let there be a bond of woven work round about the collar of it: as it were the collar of a partlet, that it rend not.

Verse ConceptsJoining ThingsOther Openingsreinforcement

And thou shalt make a plate of pure gold, and grave thereon, as signets are graven, 'The holiness of the LORD,'

Verse ConceptsSealsToolsPlatesengraving

and girth them with girdles: as well Aaron as his sons. And put the bonnets on them that the priest's office may be theirs for a perpetual law. And fill the hands of Aaron and of his sons,

Verse ConceptsOrdinancesPriesthood, In OtPriests, Institution In Ot TimesConsecrationPerpetual StatutesDressGod Appointing OthersTurban And Caps

and take all the fat that covereth the inwards, and the caul that is on the liver, and the two kidneys with the fat that is upon them: and burn them upon the altar.

Verse ConceptsLiversKidneysResidueFat Of The Sacrificessmoking

But the flesh of the ox and his skin and his dung, shalt thou burn with fire, without the host. For it is a sin offering.

Verse ConceptsCamps, Unclean ThingsOffalBodies Of AnimalsOutside The CampAnimal SkinsDefecationBurning SacrificesRegulations For The Sin Offering

and burn the whole ram upon the altar. For it is a burnt offering unto the LORD, and a sweet savour of the LORD's sacrifice.

Verse ConceptsPleasing GodRefreshing God

Then take of the blood that is upon the altar and of the anointing oil, and sprinkle it upon Aaron and his vestments, and upon his sons and upon their garments also. Then is he and his clothes holy and his sons and their clothes holy also.

Verse ConceptsHoliness, Believers' Growth InOilAnointing PriestsPriests GarmentsMaking People Holy

Then take the fat of the ram and his rump and the fat that covereth the inwards and the caul of the liver and, the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them and the right shoulder - for that ram is a full offering -

Verse ConceptsLiversConsecrationAnimal Sacrifices, Wave OfferingTailsResidueThighs Of AnimalsFat Of The SacrificesGod Appointing OthersOther Right Partslungs

and a simnel of bread and a cake of oiled bread and a wafer out of the basket of sweet bread that is before the LORD,

Verse ConceptsOilCakesWafersRegulations For Cereal Offerings

Then take it from off their hands and burn it upon the altar: even upon the burnt offering, to be a savour of sweetness before the LORD. For it is a sacrifice unto the LORD.

Verse ConceptsPleasing GodRefreshing God

Then take the breast of the ram that is Aaron's full offering and wave it, a wave offering before the LORD, and let that be thy part.

Verse ConceptsSwingingFood For Priests Definedbreasts

And sanctify the breast of the wave offering and the shoulder of the heave offering which is waved and heaved up of the ram which is the full offering of Aaron and of his sons.

Verse ConceptsShouldersAnimal Sacrifices, Heave OfferingThighs Of Animals

And it shall be Aaron's and his sons' duty forever, of the children of Israel, for it is a heave offering. And the heave offering shall be the LORD's duty of the children of Israel: even of the sacrifice of their peace offerings which they heave unto the LORD.

And that son that is priest in his stead after him, shall put them on seven days: that he go into the tabernacle of witness, to minister in the holy place.

Verse ConceptsWeeksSevenSeven DaysPriests Garments

Then take the ram that is the full offering and seethe his flesh in a holy place.

Verse ConceptsCooking, Types Of FoodAnimal Sacrifices, Peace OfferingFood For Priests Defined

And Aaron and his sons shall eat the flesh of him, and the bread that is in the basket: even in the door of the tabernacle of witness.

Verse ConceptsSacrifices At The Doorway

"If ought of the flesh of the full offerings, or of the bread remain unto the morning, thou shalt burn it with fire: for it shall not be eaten, because it is holy.

Verse ConceptsBurning SacrificesRemaining Offerings

And see thou do unto Aaron and his sons, even so in all things as I have commanded thee: that thou fill their hands seven days

Verse ConceptsPriests, Institution In Ot TimesSeven DaysGod Appointing Others

This is that which thou shalt offer upon the altar: two lambs of one year old day by day forever,

Verse ConceptsPassover lambLambsOnce A DayTwo Animals

And Aaron shall reconcile his horns once in a year, with the blood of the sin offering of reconciling: even once in the year shall he reconcile it through your generations. And so is it most holy unto the LORD."

Verse ConceptsAtonementExpiationAtonement, in OTWorship, Times ForAaron, As High PriestAltar Of IncenseEvery YearAtoning By Sacrifices

And thus much shall every man give that goeth in the number: half a sicle, after the holy sicle: a sicle is twenty geras: and a half sicle shall be the heave offering unto the LORD.

Verse ConceptsCoinageCoinsFractions, One HalfComparative MeasuresValuation Of PeopleRight MeasuresTax To Be Paid

And thou shalt take the reconciling money of the children of Israel and shalt put it unto the use of the tabernacle of witness, and it shall be a memorial of the children of Israel before the LORD, to make atonement for their souls."

Verse ConceptsMemorialReminders

No man's flesh shall be anointed therewith: neither shall ye make any other after the making of it for it is holy, see therefore that ye take it for holy:

Verse ConceptsOintmentProvision For The BodySimilar Items

And behold, I have given him, to be his companion, Ohaliab the son of Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan, and in the hearts of all that are wise-hearted I have put wisdom to make all that I have commanded thee:

Verse ConceptsAaron, As High PriestSkilled PeopleGod Appointing Othersartistscraftsmanship

the tabernacle of witness, and the ark of witness, and the mercy seat that is there upon, all the ornaments of the tabernacle,

Verse ConceptsCovering The ArkPropitiatory [Mercy Seat]The Tabernacle

and the anointing oil and the sweet cense for the sanctuary: according to all as I have commanded thee shall they do."

Verse ConceptsOilDrugs

"Speak unto the children of Israel and say, 'In any wise see that ye keep my Sabbath, for it shall be a sign between me and you in your generations for to know, that I the LORD do sanctify you.

Verse ConceptsKnowledge, Of GodSabbath ObservedMaking People Holy

Six days shall men work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the holy rest of the LORD: so that whosoever doeth any work in the Sabbath day, shall die for it.

Verse Conceptsethics, personalRest, PhysicalThe Seventh Day Of The WeekSix DaysDay 7Doing One's WorkHoly TimesNo Work On Feast DaysSabbaths InstitutedRest

And when the people saw that it was long or Moses came down out of the mountain, they gathered themselves together and came unto Aaron and said unto him, "Up, and make us a god to go before us: for of this Moses, the fellow that brought us out of the land of Egypt, we wot not what is become."

Verse ConceptsGoadsdoubt, results ofImpatienceMonotonyAaron, Sins OfAaron, CharacterGod Going BeforePeople Who DelayedBringing Israel Out Of EgyptOthers Bringing Israel Out Of EgyptWaiting For God's Timingcats

And he received them of their hands and fashioned it with a graver and made it a calf of molten metal. And they said, "This is thy God, O Israel, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt."

Verse ConceptsAaron, Life EventsArts And Crafts, Types ofMaterialism, As An Aspect Of SinSculptureToolsIdolsWorldly Pleasures, Nature OfProclaimingGolden CalvesWhat Is Not GodBringing Israel Out Of EgyptOthers Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

have marred all: they are turned at once out of the way which I commanded them, and have made them a calf of molten metal, and have worshipped it and have offered thereto and have said, 'This is thy God thou Israel, which hath brought thee out of the land of Egypt.'"

Verse ConceptsBowingRenunciationWhat Is Not GodBringing Israel Out Of EgyptOthers Bringing Israel Out Of EgyptWork Soon DoneWorshipping Material Things

And the LORD said unto Moses, "Behold, I see this people, that it is a stiffnecked people,

Verse ConceptsNecksStubbornnessStiffnecked PeopleSelf WillGod Seeing The Wicked

Remember Abraham, Isaac and Israel thy servants, to whom thou sworest by thine own self and saidest unto them, 'I will multiply your seed as the stars of heaven, and all this land which I have said, I will give unto your seed: and they shall inherit it forever.'"

Verse ConceptsGod Of The FathersHeirsLand, As A Divine ResponsibilityServants Of The LordGolden CalvesEternal PossessionGod Swearing Blessings

And when Joshua heard the noise of the people as they shouted, he said unto Moses, "There is a noise of war in the host."

Verse ConceptsShoutingGroups Shouting