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" 'And {whoever kidnaps someone} and sells him, or he is found in his possession, he will surely be put to death.

" 'And if men quarrel and a man strikes his neighbor with a stone or with a fist and he does not die, but {he is confined to bed},

Yet if he survives a day or two days, he will not be avenged, because he is his money.

" 'And if men fight and they injure a pregnant woman, and her children go out and there is not serious injury, he will surely be fined as the woman's husband demands concerning him {and as the judges determine}.

And if there is serious injury, you will give life in place of life,

" 'And if a man strikes the eye of his male slave or the eye of his female slave and destroys it, he shall release him as free in place of his eye.

And if he causes the tooth of his male slave or the tooth of his female slave to fall out, he will release him as free in place of his tooth.

" 'And if an ox gores a man or a woman and he dies, the ox will surely be stoned, and its meat will not be eaten, and the owner of the ox [is] innocent.

If a ransom is set on him, he will pay the redemption money for his life according to all that is set on him.

" 'If a thief is found in the act of breaking in and he is struck and he dies, there is not bloodguilt for him.

(If the sun has risen over him, [there is] bloodguilt for him. He will make full restitution. If {he does not have enough}, he will be sold for his theft.

If indeed the stolen item is found {in his possession} alive, from ox to donkey to small livestock, he will make double restitution.

" 'If a fire is started and finds thorn bushes and a stack of sheaves or the standing grain or the field is consumed, the one who started the fire will surely make restitution.

" 'If a man gives to his neighbor money or objects to watch over and it is stolen from the house of the man, if the thief is found, he will make double restitution.

If the thief is not found, the owner of the house will be brought {to the sanctuary} [to learn] whether or not he reached out his hand to his neighbor's possession.

" 'If a man gives to his neighbor a donkey or an ox or small livestock or any beast to watch over and it dies or is injured or is captured [when] there is no one who sees,

If indeed it was torn to pieces, he will bring it as evidence--the mangled carcass; he will not make restitution.

" 'If a man borrows from his neighbor and it is injured or dies [while] its owner is not with it, he will make restitution.

" 'If you lend money [to] my people, [to] the needy with you, you will not be to him as a creditor; you will not {charge him interest}.

If indeed you require the cloak of your neighbor as a pledge, you will return it to him at sundown,

because it is his only garment; it is his cloak for his skin. In what will he sleep? {And} when he cries out to me, I will hear, because I [am] gracious.

You will keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread; for seven days you will eat unleavened bread, as I commanded you at [the] appointed time, the month of Abib, because in it you came out from Egypt, and {no one will} appear before me empty-handed.

Be attentive to him and listen to his voice; do not rebel against him, because he will not forgive your transgression, for my name is in him

And he sent young men from the {Israelites}, and they offered burnt offerings, and they sacrificed sacrifices [as] fellowship offerings to Yahweh [using] bulls.

And to the elders he said, "Wait for us here until we return to you. And look, Aaron and Hur are with you. Whoever {has a dispute} will bring [it] to you."

"Speak to the {Israelites}, and let them bring to me a contribution. You will receive my contribution from every man whose heart prompts him.

And this is the contribution that you will receive from them--gold and silver and bronze,

The rings will be near the rim as {holders} for poles to carry the table.

You will make fifty loops on the one curtain, and you will make fifty loops on the end of the curtain that [is] in the second set; the loops are to be opposite {to one another}.

"And you will make the frames for the tabernacle of acacia wood [as] uprights.

And you will overlay the frames with gold, and you will make their rings of gold [as] {holders} for the bars, and you will overlay the bars with gold.

You will make it hollow with boards. As it was shown you on the mountain, so they will do.

In the tent of assembly outside the curtain that [is] before the testimony, Aaron and his sons will arrange it, from evening until morning, before Yahweh [as] a lasting statute throughout their generations from the {Israelites}.

"And bring near to you Aaron, your brother, and his sons with him from the midst of the {Israelites} to serve as priests for me--Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar, the sons of Aaron.

And you will speak to all [the] skilled of heart, whom I have given {a gift of skill}, and they will make the garments of Aaron to consecrate him for his serving as my priest.

And these are the garments that they will make: A breast piece and an ephod and a robe and a tunic of specially woven fabric, a turban and a sash. And they will make holy garments for Aaron your brother, and for his sons to serve as priests for me.

And the waistband of his ephod, which is on it, will be of like work to it--gold, blue, and purple and crimson [yarns] and finely twisted linen.

[As the] work of a skilled stone craftsman, [with] seal engravings you will engrave on the two stones the names of the {Israelites}; you will make them mounted [in] gold filigree settings.

And you will set the two stones on the ephod's shoulder pieces [as] stones of remembrance for the {Israelites}, and Aaron will bear their names before Yahweh on his two shoulder pieces for remembrance.

And you will fill it [with] stone mounting, four rows [of] stone, a row of carnelian, topaz, and emerald [is] the first row;

and the second row [is] a malachite, a sapphire, and a moonstone;

and the third row [is] a jacinth, an agate, and an amethyst;

and the fourth row [is] a turquoise and an onyx and a jasper. Their settings will be woven [with] gold.

And you will make two gold rings, and you will place them on the two ends of the breast piece, on its edge that [is] {on the other side} of the ephod, {to the inside}.

And you will clothe them--Aaron, your brother, and his sons with him--and you will anoint them and {ordain them} and consecrate them, and they will serve as priests for me.

And they will be on Aaron and on his sons when they come to the tent of assembly or when they approach the altar to serve in the sanctuary, so that they will not bear guilt and die. [It is] a lasting statute for him and for his offspring after him.

And you will gird Aaron and his sons [with] sashes and wrap headdresses on them. And priesthood will be theirs as a lasting rule, and {you will ordain Aaron and his sons.}

And you will take and turn into smoke [on] the altar all the fat covering the inner parts and the lobe on the liver and the two kidneys and the fat that [is] on them.

And the flesh of the bull and its skin and its offal you will burn with fire outside the camp; it [is] a sin offering.

And you will turn into smoke [on] the altar all of the ram; it is a burnt offering for Yahweh; it [is] a smell of appeasement, an offering by fire for Yahweh.

And you will take [some] of the blood that is on the altar and [some] of the anointing oil, and you will spatter [it] on Aaron and on his garments and on his sons and on his sons' garments with him, and he will be sacred, and his garments and his sons and his sons' garments with him.

And you will take from the ram the fat and the fat tail and the fat covering the inner parts and the lobe of the liver and the two kidneys and the fat that is on them and the right thigh, because it [is] the ram of ordination.

"And one loaf of bread and one ring-shaped bread cake of oiled bread and one wafer from the basket of unleavened bread that [is] before Yahweh--

you will put [them] all on the palms of Aaron and on the palms of his sons, and you will wave them as a wave offering before Yahweh.

And you will take them from their hand and turn [them] to smoke on the altar beside the burnt offering as a fragrance of appeasement before Yahweh; it is an offering made by fire before Yahweh.

"And you will take the breast section from the ram of ordination that [is] for Aaron, and you will wave it [as] a wave offering before Yahweh. It will be your portion.

And you will consecrate the wave offering breast section and the thigh of the contribution that was waved and that was presented from the ram of the ordination that [is] for Aaron and for his sons.

And it will be for Aaron and for his sons as a lasting rule from the {Israelites}, because it is a contribution, and it will be a contribution from the {Israelites} from their sacrifices of fellowship, their contribution to Yahweh.

And Aaron and his sons will eat the meat of the ram and the bread that [is] in the basket at the entrance of the tent of assembly.

If any remains until morning from the ordination meat or from the bread, you will burn the remainder in fire; it will not be eaten, because it [is] a holy object.

"And this is what you shall offer on the altar: Two {one-year-old} male lambs {every day} continually.

And a tenth of finely milled flour mixed with a fourth of a hin of beaten oil, and a fourth of a hin of wine as a libation with the first lamb.

And I will consecrate the tent of assembly and the altar, and Aaron and his sons I will consecrate to serve as priests for me.

And you will make two gold rings for it; under its molding {on two opposite sides} you will make [them] as {holders} for poles to carry it with them.

And you will put it before the curtain that [is] upon the ark of the testimony, before the atonement cover, which [is] on the testimony, there where I will meet with you.

And Aaron will make atonement on its horns one time in the year from the blood of the sin offering of the atonement; one time in the year he will make atonement on it throughout your generations; it is a most holy thing for Yahweh."

This they will give, {everyone who is counted}, the half shekel, according to the sanctuary shekel, [which is] twenty gerahs per shekel. The half shekel [is] a contribution for Yahweh.

{Everyone who is counted} from {twenty years old} and above will give the contribution of Yahweh.

And you will take the atonement money from the {Israelites} and give it to the service of the tent of assembly, and it will be as a memorial for the {Israelites} before Yahweh to make atonement for your lives."

"And take for yourself top quality balsam oils, five hundred [shekels of] flowing myrrh, half [as much]--two hundred and fifty [shekels of] fragrant cinnamon, and two hundred and fifty [shekels of] fragrant reed,

It will not be poured on human flesh, and with its measurements you will not make [any] like it; it is holy; it will be holy to you.

the tent of assembly and the ark of the testimony and the atonement cover that [is] on it and all the equipment of the tent,

and the garments of woven material, and {the garments of the sanctuary} for Aaron the priest and the garments of his sons to serve as priests,

"And you, speak to the {Israelites}, saying, 'Surely you must keep my Sabbaths, because it [is] a sign between me and you throughout your generations, [in order] to know that I [am] Yahweh, who consecrates you.

And you must keep the Sabbath, because it is holy for you; defilers of it will surely be put to death, because anyone who does work on it--that person will be cut off from among his people.

[On] six days work can be done, and on the seventh {is a Sabbath of complete rest}, {a holy day} for Yahweh; anyone doing work on the Sabbath day will surely be put to death.

The {Israelites} will pay attention to the Sabbath [in order] to fulfill the Sabbath throughout their generations [as] a lasting covenant.

It [is] a sign between me and the {Israelites} forever, because [in] six days Yahweh made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh he ceased and recovered."

And the people saw that Moses delayed to come down from the mountain, and the people gathered opposite Aaron, and they said to him, "Come, make for us gods who will go before us, because this Moses, the man who brought us up from the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him."

And Joshua heard the sound of the people in their shouting, and he said to Moses, "A sound of war [is] in the camp."

But he said, "There is not a sound of shouting of victory, and there is not a sound of shouting of defeat. I hear a sound of singing."

And they said to me, 'Make for us gods who will go before us, because this Moses, the man who brought us up from the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.'

And Moses stood at the entrance of the camp, and he said, "Whoever [is] for Yahweh, to me." And all the sons of Levi were gathered to him.

And Yahweh would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his neighbor. And he would return to the camp, and his assistant Joshua the son of Nun, a young man, did not leave the middle of the tent.

And now if I have found favor in your eyes, make known [to] me, please, your way, and so I may know you so that I can find favor in your eyes. And see that this nation is your people."

And he said to him, "If your presence [is] not going, do not bring us up from here.

And by what will it be known then that I have found favor in your eyes, I and your people? Is it not by your going with us? And [so] we will be distinguished, I and your people, from all the people who [are] on the face of the ground."

And Yahweh said, "There is a place with me, and you will stand on the rock.

And Moses cut two stone tablets like the first ones, and he started early in the morning, and he went up to Mount Sinai, as Yahweh had commanded him, and he took in his hand the two stone tablets.

And he said, "Please, if I have found favor in your eyes, Lord, let my Lord, please, go among us--indeed it is a stiff-necked people--and forgive our iniquity and our sin and {take us as your possession}."

Every first offspring of a womb [is] for me--all of your male livestock, [the] first offspring of cattle and small livestock.

And Moses assembled all the community of the {Israelites}, and he said to them, "These are the words that Yahweh has commanded [for us] to do them.

And Moses said to all the community of the {Israelites}, saying, "This is the word that Yahweh has commanded, saying,

the altar of the burnt offering and the bronze grating that [is] for it, its poles and all its equipment; the basin and its stand;