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For this cause there will be no mercy for sinners when they are judged, and the evil-doers will have no place among the upright,

Verse ConceptsSinnersGod Judges The WickedGod SuingJudgement Day

The kings of the earth have taken their place, and the rulers are fixed in their purpose, against the Lord, and against the king of his selection, saying,

Verse ConceptsAnointing, Performed Onenemies, of Jesus ChristRebellion, Against GodRulersSuffering, Of Jesus ChristChrist, Names ForMessianic PropheciesThe Lord's AnointedMan's Counsel

For you gave approval to my right and my cause; you were seated in your high place judging in righteousness.

Verse ConceptsGod, Righteousness OfGod VindicatesFavorfairnessadvertising

He keeps himself in a secret place like a lion in his hole, waiting to put his hands on the poor man, and pulling him into his net.

Verse ConceptsLionsNetsMan TrappingLike Creaturesrehabilitation

Lord, who may have a resting-place in your tent, a living-place on your holy hill?

Verse ConceptsGod, Holiness OfHuman NatureSanctuaryNames And Titles For The ChurchWe Live With God

He made the dark his secret place; his tent round him was the dark waters and thick clouds of the skies.

Verse ConceptsCurtainsCovering

He took me out into a wide place; he was my saviour because he had delight in me.

Verse ConceptsGod Saving From EnemiesSpacious Placespace

May he send you help from the holy place, and give you strength from Zion;

Verse ConceptsGod Help!God's ProtectionPeace And StrengthSupporthelpzion

I am flowing away like water, and all my bones are out of place: my heart is like wax, it has become soft in my body.

Verse ConceptsHuman EmotionEnjoyment, Lack OfHeart, HumanPouringMeltingWaxBowelsDislocatingMessianic Propheciesbreasts

Lord, your house has been dear to me, and the resting-place of your glory.

Verse ConceptsAdoration, Of GodHousesGod's DwellingThose Loving God

I have a safe resting-place for my feet; I will give praise to the Lord in the meetings of the people.

Verse ConceptsStaying StrongPraising God In Public Worship

Give ear to the voice of my prayer, when I am crying to you, when my hands are lifted up to your holy place.

Verse ConceptsPsalms As PrayersBeggarsHandsMost Holy PlaceLifting HandsPay Attention O God!supplication

Let your ear be turned to me; take me quickly out of danger; be my strong Rock, my place of strength where I may be safe.

Verse ConceptsGod, As SaviorHope, Results OfRefugeGod Being Our DefencePay Attention O God!Save Us!

And you have not given me into the hand of my hater; you have put my feet in a wide place.

Verse ConceptsFeetAbundance, MaterialSpacious PlaceNot Given Into One's Handsspace

Let not the foot of pride come against me, or the hand of the evil-doers put me out of my place.

Verse ConceptsFeetExcommunicationProud Peoplearrogance

For in a short time the evil-doer will be gone: you will go searching for his place, and it will not be there.

Verse ConceptsThe Fate Of The WickedPeople Passing Away

If one comes to see me, deceit is in his heart; he keeps a store of evil, which he makes public in every place.

Verse ConceptsFaultsSinful HeartsHeart, Fallen And RedeemedSpreading Storiesgossiping

And as for me, you are my support in my righteousness, giving me a place before your face for ever.

Verse ConceptsBusiness EthicsVirtueIntegritySustaining ProvidenceEternally With GodGod Always With YouGod Supporting

Uprooting the nations with your hand, and planting our fathers in their place; cutting down the nations, but increasing the growth of your people.

Verse Conceptsdriving outHeathenGod TroublingThe Lord Drove Them OutGod's People Planted

Though you have let us be crushed in the place of jackals, though we are covered with darkest shade.

Verse ConceptsThe Shadow Of Death

Your children will take the place of your fathers; so that you may make them rulers over all the earth.

Verse ConceptsPrincesExchange Of IndividualsFathersDadsconnectedness

There is a river whose streams make glad the resting-place of God, the holy place of the tents of the Most High.

Verse ConceptsNames For JerusalemHoly Spirit, Types OfRiverspotential

The place of the dead is their house for ever, and their resting-place through all generations; those who come after them give their names to their lands.

Verse ConceptsPeople Naming ThingsInner Beauty

Death will give them their food like sheep; the underworld is their fate and they will go down into it; their flesh is food for worms; their form is wasted away; the underworld is their resting-place for ever.

Verse ConceptsFeedingGrave, TheSheolSheepInadequate ShepherdingDeath Of The WickedBeauty, Temporal Nature OfUprightnessHow Death Is InevitableThe Fact Of DeathDeath Of Loved One

For it was not my hater who said evil of me; that would have been no grief to me; it was not one outside the number of my friends who made himself strong against me, or I would have kept myself from him in a secret place;

Verse ConceptsFriendsBest FriendsFunHurt And BetrayalEnemy Attacksbackstabbing

God has said in his holy place, I will be glad: I will make a division of Shechem, and the valley of Succoth will be measured out.

Verse ConceptsHand Of GodRight Hand Of GodSave Us!

I will make your tent my resting-place for ever: I will keep myself under the cover of your wings. (Selah.)

Verse ConceptsWingsAnticipationEternally With GodGod's WingsPsalm InterjectionsWe Live With Godshelter

Happy is the man of your selection, to whom you give a resting-place in your house; we will be full of the good things out of your holy place.

Verse Conceptselection, privileges ofChoicesdrawing near to GodAccess To God, The Characteristics OfApproaching GodPlenty Through GodBlessed Through GodWe Live With GodGoodness

You let men go driving over our heads; we went through fire and through water; but you took us out into a wide place.

Verse ConceptsAbundance, MaterialFootstoolsGenerosity, God'sFlowing WaterSevere AfflictionsSaved From FireAbundanceFloodsfulfillment

Why are you looking with envy, you high hills, on the hill desired by God as his resting-place? truly, God will make it his house for ever.

Verse ConceptsGod's DwellingAvoid Envy

The war-carriage of God is among Israel's thousands; the Lord has come from Sinai to the holy place.

Verse ConceptsMilitaryChariotsChariots Of GodTwenty Thousand And UpGod RidingHeavenly ChariotsThousands Of Angels Worship God

You have gone up on high, taking your prisoners with you; you have taken offerings from men; the Lord God has taken his place on the seat of his power.

Verse ConceptsGiftsGiving To GodChrist, The Head Of The ChurchGift Of The Holy SpiritCaptivity, MetaphoricallyMessianic PropheciesSubject To Christrebellion

We see your going, O God: even the going of my God, my King, into the holy place.

Verse ConceptsProcessionsprocess

For God will be the saviour of Zion, and the builder of the towns of Judah; so that it may be their resting-place and heritage.

Verse ConceptsBuilding CitiesGod Saves The NeedyGod's Will

Be my strong Rock, the strong place of my salvation; for you are my Rock, and my safe place.

Verse ConceptsFortificationsdefence, divineGod, The RockRefugeRocksGod Being Our RefugeProtection And Safety

Till I went into God's holy place, and saw the end of the evil-doers.

Verse ConceptsFate Of The UngodlyPeople Endedfateprospering

Keep in mind your band of worshippers, for whom you gave payment in the days which are past, whom you took for yourself as the people of your heritage; even this mountain of Zion, which has been your resting-place.

Verse ConceptsMarketsPeople Of God, In Ot

Go up and see the unending destruction; all the evil which your haters have done in the holy place;

Verse ConceptsRuinsDestruction Of Jerusalemfootsteps

They have put on fire your holy place; they have made the place of your name unclean, pulling it down to the earth.

Verse ConceptsBurning JerusalemLack Of Holiness

You, you are to be feared; who may keep his place before you in the time of your wrath?

Verse ConceptsAnger Of God, DescriptionReverence, And God's NatureGod Has AngerGod Is To Be Fearedwrath

When God took his place as judge, for the salvation of the poor on the earth. (Selah.)

Verse ConceptsPsalm Interjections

And he let it come down into their resting-place, round about their tents.

Verse ConceptsAnimals Falling

Driving out nations before them, marking out the line of their heritage, and giving the people of Israel their tents for a resting-place.

Verse ConceptsHomeThe Lord Drove Them Out

So that he went away from the holy place in Shiloh, the tent which he had put among men;

Verse ConceptsPriesthood, In OtThe House Of God At Shiloh

And he made his holy place like the high heaven, like the earth which is fixed by him for ever.

Verse ConceptsEternal WorldCreation Of The EarthUnicorns

You made ready a place for it, so that it might take deep root, and it sent out its branches over all the land.

Verse ConceptsFilling PlacesGod's People Plantedspace

You gave a cry in your trouble, and I made you free; I gave you an answer in the secret place of the thunder; I put you to the test at the waters of Meribah. (Selah.)

Verse ConceptsPrayer, Answers ToThunderGod AnsweredPsalm InterjectionsGod Answered PrayerThunder Showing God's Presence

Happy are they whose resting-place is in your house: they will still be praising you. (Selah.)

Verse ConceptsBlessed Through GodPsalm InterjectionsBlessings From GodPraising God In Public Worship

Going through the valley of balsam-trees, they make it a place of springs; it is clothed with blessings by the early rain.

Verse ConceptsAutumnSaints, As PilgrimsPoolsTearsMetaphorical SpringsOvercoming Adversity

Will the story of your mercy be given in the house of the dead? will news of your faith come to the place of destruction?

Verse ConceptsHell, As An ExperienceGod's Faithfulness

His seed will keep their place for ever; his kingdom will be eternal, like the heavens.

Verse ConceptsHeaven, Nature OfChrist Reigning ForeverThe Dynasty Of David

Lord, you have been our resting-place in all generations.

Verse ConceptsWe Live With Godfitness

Because you have said, I am in the hands of the Lord, the Most High is my safe resting-place;

Verse ConceptsWe Live With God

Because he has given me his love, I will take him out of danger: I will put him in a place of honour, because he has kept my name in his heart.

Verse ConceptsGod, As SaviorLove Towards God, Results InLove For GodKnowing God's CharacterGod's ProtectionFocusProtecting Your FamilyProtection From Danger

And I made an oath in my wrath, that they might not come into my place of rest.

Verse ConceptsExclusionGod Swearing Harm

Honour and glory are before him: strong and fair is his holy place.

Verse ConceptsGod, Majesty OfStrength Of GodGod Is StrongFamily Strength

The wind goes over it and it is gone; and its place sees it no longer.

Verse ConceptsThings Passing Away

The mountains came up and the valleys went down into the place which you had made ready for them.

Verse ConceptsVapourGoing Up MountainsThings FallingThings Going UpRoses

The high hills are a safe place for the mountain goats, and the rocks for the small beasts.

Verse ConceptsBadgersWild GoatRock Badger

Guiding them in the right way, so that they might come into the town of their resting-place.

Verse ConceptsCity Of GodStraight PathsLearning The Right Way

And there he gives the poor a resting-place, so that they may make themselves a town;

Verse ConceptsCity Of God

I am gone like the shade when it is stretched out: I am forced out of my place like a locust.

Verse ConceptsShadowsTime Passing

To give him a place among the rulers, even with the rulers of his people.

Verse ConceptsPrincesThe Honourable Will Be Honouredroyalty

So that my way may be in a wide place: because my search has been for your orders.

Verse ConceptsIndependenceGod Freeing CaptivesChristian LibertyReligious FreedomFreedom

Your faith is unchanging from generation to generation: you have put the earth in its place, and it is not moved.

Verse ConceptsEarth, Creation OfGod's attitude towards peopleFaithfulnessGod's Faithfulness

Truly, the upright will give praise to your name: the holy will have a place in your house.

Verse ConceptsWe Live With God

Looking to my right side, I saw no man who was my friend: I had no safe place; no one had any care for my soul.

Verse ConceptsFriendlessnessLonelinessNeglecting PeopleRefugeRight SidesMissing Someoneempathysoulrecognition

I have made my cry to you, O Lord; I have said, You are my safe place, and my heritage in the land of the living.

Verse ConceptsHeirsGod Is My PortionI Prayshelter