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Look! I will throw her into a sickbed and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of her practices.

After this I looked, and there in heaven was an open door. The first voice that I had heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.”

Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here.” They went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies watched them.

His tail swept away a third of the stars in heaven and hurled them to the earth. And the dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she did give birth he might devour her child.

But she gave birth to a Son—a male who is going to shepherd all nations with an iron scepter—and her child was caught up to God and to His throne.

The woman was given two wings of a great eagle, so that she could fly from the serpent’s presence to her place in the wilderness, where she was fed for a time, times, and half a time.

From his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river flowing after the woman, to sweep her away in a torrent.

So the dragon was furious with the woman and left to wage war against the rest of her offspring—those who keep God’s commands and have the testimony about Jesus.

If anyone is destined for captivity,
into captivity he goes.
If anyone is to be killed with a sword,
with a sword he will be killed.

This demands the perseverance and faith of the saints.

Here is wisdom: The one who has understanding must calculate the number of the beast, because it is the number of a man. His number is 666.

The kings of the earth committed sexual immorality with her, and those who live on the earth became drunk on the wine of her sexual immorality.”

The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, adorned with gold, precious stones, and pearls. She had a gold cup in her hand filled with everything vile and with the impurities of her prostitution.

Then the angel said to me, “Why are you astonished? I will tell you the secret meaning of the woman and of the beast, with the seven heads and the 10 horns, that carries her.

Here is the mind with wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman is seated.

For all the nations have drunk
the wine of her sexual immorality,
which brings wrath.
The kings of the earth
have committed sexual immorality with her,
and the merchants of the earth
have grown wealthy from her excessive luxury.

For her sins are piled up to heaven,
and God has remembered her crimes.

Pay her back the way she also paid,
and double it according to her works.
In the cup in which she mixed,
mix a double portion for her.

As much as she glorified herself and lived luxuriously,
give her that much torment and grief,
for she says in her heart,
“I sit as a queen;
I am not a widow,
and I will never see grief.”

For this reason her plagues will come in one day
death and grief and famine.
She will be burned up with fire,
because the Lord God who judges her is mighty.

The kings of the earth who have committed sexual immorality and lived luxuriously with her will weep and mourn over her when they see the smoke of her burning.

The merchants of the earth will also weep and mourn over her, because no one buys their merchandise any longer—

The merchants of these things, who became rich from her, will stand far off in fear of her torment, weeping and mourning,

as they watched the smoke from her burning and kept crying out: “Who is like the great city?”

They threw dust on their heads and kept crying out, weeping, and mourning:

Woe, woe, the great city,
where all those who have ships on the sea
became rich from her wealth,
for in a single hour she was destroyed.

Rejoice over her, heaven,
and you saints, apostles, and prophets,
because God has executed your judgment on her!

because His judgments are true and righteous,
because He has judged the notorious prostitute
who corrupted the earth with her sexual immorality;
and He has avenged the blood of His slaves
that was on her hands.

arrayed with God’s glory. Her radiance was like a very precious stone, like a jasper stone, bright as crystal.