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"You are the salt of the earth. But if salt becomes tasteless, by what will it be made salty? It is good for nothing any longer except to be thrown outside [and] trampled under foot by people.

But no one puts a patch of unshrunken cloth on an old garment, for its patch pulls away from the garment, and the tear becomes worse.

[It is] enough for the disciple that he become like his teacher, and the slave like his master. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more the members of his household?

"Therefore do not be afraid of them, because nothing is hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing secret that will not become known.

Then it goes and brings along with itself seven other spirits more evil than itself, and [they] go in [and] live there. And the last [state] of that person becomes worse than the first. So it will be for this evil generation also!"

For the heart of this people has become dull, and with their ears they hear with difficulty, and they have shut their eyes, so that they would not see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and turn, and I would heal them."

{It} is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it is grown it is larger than the garden herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the sky come and nest in its branches."

It will not be like this among you! But whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,

Jesus said to them, "Have you never read in the scriptures, 'The stone which the builders rejected, this has become {the cornerstone}. This came about from the Lord, and it is marvelous in our eyes'?

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees--hypocrites!--because you travel around the sea and the dry [land] to make one convert, and when he becomes [one], you make him twice as much a son of hell [as] you [are]!

Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and the dish, so that the outside of it may become clean also.

"Now learn the parable from the fig tree: Whenever its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer [is] near.

No one sews a patch of unshrunken cloth on an old garment. {Otherwise} the patch pulls away from it--the new from the old--and the tear becomes worse.

For nothing is secret except so that it may be revealed, nor has become hidden except so that it will come to light.

but when it is sown it grows up and becomes the largest of all the garden herbs, and sends out large branches so that the birds of the sky are able to nest in its shade."

And King Herod heard [it], because his name had become known. And they were saying, "John, the one who baptizes, has been raised from the dead, and because of this these miraculous powers are at work in him."

And the hour had already become late [when] his disciples came up to him, saying, "The place is desolate and the hour [is] already late.

And whenever it seizes him, it throws him down and he foams at the mouth and grinds his teeth and becomes paralyzed. And I told your disciples that they should expel it, and they were not able [to do so].

Salt [is] good, but if the salt becomes deprived of its salt content, by what can you make it salty? Have salt among yourselves, and be at peace with one another."

"Now learn the parable from the fig tree: Whenever its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near.

Every valley will be filled, and every mountain and hill will be leveled, and the crooked will become straight, and the rough road [will become] smooth,

So the devil said to him, "If you are the Son of God, order this stone that it become bread!"

For nothing is secret that will not become evident, and nothing hidden that will never be known and come to light.

Then it goes and brings along seven other spirits more evil than itself, and [they] go in [and] live there. And the last [state] of that person becomes worse than the first!"

"Now salt [is] good, but if salt becomes tasteless, with what will it be made salty?

But it is easier [for] heaven and earth to pass away than [for] one stroke of a letter of the law to become invalid.

But [when] the tenant farmers saw him, they began to reason with one another, saying, 'This is the heir. Let us kill him so that the inheritance will become ours!'

But he looked intently at them [and] said, "What then is this that is written: 'The stone which the builders rejected, this has become {the cornerstone}.'

But you [are] not [to be] like this! But the one who is greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the one who leads like the one who serves.

Now when the head steward tasted the water which had become wine and did not know where it was from--but the servants who had drawn the water knew--the head steward summoned the bridegroom

And Jacob's well was there, so Jesus, [because he] had become tired from the journey, simply sat down at the well. It was about the sixth hour.

Jesus, [when he] saw this one lying [there] and knew that he had [been sick] a long time already, said to him, "Do you want to become well?"

After these [things] Jesus found him at the temple and said to him, "Look, you have become well! Sin no longer, lest something worse happen to you."

And getting into a boat, they began to go to the other side of the sea, to Capernaum. And it had already become dark, and Jesus had not yet come to them.

They replied to him, "We are descendants of Abraham and have not been enslaved to anyone at any time. How do you say, 'You will become free'?"

He replied to them, "I told you already and you did not listen! Why do you want to hear [it] again? You do not want to become his disciples also, [do you]?"

And Jesus said,]] "For judgment I have come into this world, so that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind!"

While you have the light, believe in the light, in order that you may become sons of light." Jesus said these [things], and [then] he went away [and] was hidden from them.

"For it is written in the book of Psalms, 'Let his residence become deserted, and let there be no one to live in it,' and, 'Let another person take his position.'

beginning from the baptism of John until the day [on] which he was taken up from us--one of these [men] must become a witness of his resurrection together with us."

This one is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, that has become {the cornerstone}.

to whom our fathers were not willing to become obedient, but rejected [him] and turned [back] in their hearts to Egypt,

Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they killed those who announced beforehand about the coming of the Righteous One, whose betrayers and murderers you have now become,

God raised this one up on the third day and granted [that] he should become visible,

Now [when] day came, there was not a little commotion among the soldiers [as to] what then had become of Peter.

And [when] the crowds saw what Paul had done, they raised their voices in the Lycaonian language, saying, "The gods have become like men [and] have come down to us!"

But Agrippa [said] to Paul, "In a short time are you persuading me to become a Christian?"

And Paul [replied], "I pray to God, whether in a short time or in a long time, not only you but also all those who are listening to me today may become such [people] as I also am, except for these bonds!"

For the heart of this people has become dull, and with [their] ears they hear with difficulty, and they have shut their eyes, lest they see with [their] eyes, and hear with [their] ears, and understand with [their] heart, and turn, and I would heal them." '

For circumcision is of value if you do the law, but if you should be a transgressor of the law, your circumcision has become uncircumcision.

All have turned aside together; they have become worthless; [There] is no one who practices kindness; [there] is not even one.

Now we know that whatever the law says, it speaks to those under the law, in order that every mouth may be closed and the whole world may become accountable to God.

Therefore, [did that which is] good become death to me? May it never be! Rather [it was] sin, in order that it might be recognized [as] sin, producing death through [what is] good for me, in order that sin might become sinful to an extraordinary degree through the commandment.

And just as Isaiah foretold, "If the Lord of hosts had not left us descendants, we would have become like Sodom and would have resembled Gomorrah."

And David says, "Let their table become a snare and a trap, and a cause for stumbling and a retribution to them;

For I say, Christ has become a servant of the circumcision on behalf of the truth of God, in order to confirm the promises to the fathers,

the work of each one will become evident. For the day will reveal [it], because it will be revealed with fire, and the fire itself will test the work of each one, of what sort it is.

Let no one deceive himself. If anyone thinks [himself] to be wise among you in this age, let him become a fool, in order that he may become wise.

But some have become arrogant, as [if] I were not coming to you.

But I am coming to you soon, if the Lord wills, and I will know not the talk of the ones who have become arrogant, but the power.

Or do you not know that the one who joins himself to a prostitute is one body [with her]? For it says, "The two will become one flesh."

Was anyone called [after] being circumcised? He must not undo his circumcision. Was anyone called in uncircumcision? He must not become circumcised.

Were you called [while] a slave? Do not let it be a concern to you. But if indeed you are able to become free, rather make use of [it].

I have become like a Jew to the Jews, in order that I may gain the Jews. To those under the law [I became] as under the law ([although I] myself am not under the law) in order that I may gain those under the law.

To the weak I became weak, in order that I may gain the weak. I have become all [things] to all [people], in order that by all means I may save some.

I do all [this] for the sake of the gospel, in order that I may become a participant with it.

[No], but that [the things] which they sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons and not to God, and I do not want you to become sharers with demons.

For indeed it is necessary that there be factions among you, in order that those who are approved may become evident among you.

[it] does not behave dishonorably, [it] {is not selfish}, [it] does not become angry, [it] does not keep a record of wrongs,

the secret things of his heart become evident, and so, falling on [his] face, he will worship God, proclaiming, "God is truly among you!"

And what you sow [is] not the body which it will become, but you sow the bare seed, whether perhaps of wheat or of some of the rest.

For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, the one who was proclaimed among you by us, by me and Silvanus and Timothy, did not become "yes" and "no," but has become "yes" in him.