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and, seeing the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy;

A voice, in Ramah, was heard, weeping and great mourning, - Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, - because they are not.

Whosoever, therefore, shall relax one of these commandments, the least, and teach men so, shall be called, least, in the kingdom of the heavens; but, whosoever shall do and teach, the same, shall be called, great, in the kingdom of the heavens.

Nor by the earth, because it is his, footstool; nor by Jerusalem, because, it is the, city, of the Great King;

And the rain descended, and the streams came, and the winds blew, and dashed against that house, and it fell; and, the fall thereof, was, great.

And 1o! a great squall, arose in the sea, so that, the boat, was being covered, by the waves, - but, he, was sleeping.

Then, saith he unto his disciples, The harvest, indeed, is great, but, the labourers, few;

And his disciples say unto him - Whence, to us, in a wilderness, loaves in such numbers as to fill a multitude, so great?

But, Jesus, calling them near, said - Ye know that, the rulers of the nations, lord it over them, and, the great ones, wield authority over them:

Not so, is it, among you, - but, whosoever shall desire, among you, to become, great, shall be, your minister;

And, as they were going forth from Jericho, there followed him a great multitude;

And, then, will be displayed - The sign of the Son of Man in heaven, and, then, will smite their breasts - all the tribes of the earth; and they will see the Son of Man - coming upon the clouds of heaven, with great power and glory.

And he will send forth his messengers, with a great trumpet, and they will gather together his chosen - Out of the four winds, from heavens' bounds, unto their bounds.

Then, were gathered together, the High-priests and the Elders of the people, into the court of the High-priest who was called Caiaphas;

And, taking with him, Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, he began to be grieved and to be in great distress.

Now, Peter, was following him afar off, unto the court of the High-priest, - and, entering within, was sitting with the attendants, to see the end.

Now, Peter, was sitting without, in the court; and there came unto him a certain female servant, saying - Thou also, wast with Jesus, the Galilaean.

Pilate saith unto them - Ye have a guard: Go your way, secure it for yourselves, as ye know how.

And, they, went and secured for themselves the sepulchre, sealing the stone, with the guard.

And lo! a great commotion occurred, - for, a messenger of the Lord, descending out of heaven, and coming near, had rolled away the stone, and was sitting upon it.

And, departing quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, they ran to bring tidings unto his disciples.

Now as they were, going, 1o! certain of the guard, went into the city and reported unto the High-priests all the things that had come to pass;

And, Jesus, with his disciples, retired unto the sea; and, a great throng from Galilee, followed, also from Judaea,

and from Jerusalem, and from Idumaea, and beyond the Jordan, and around Tyre and Zidon, a great throng, hearing whatsoever things he was doing, came unto him.

And, again, began he to be teaching by the sea; and there come together unto him a very great multitude, so that, he, into a boat, entering, was sitting upon the sea, - -and, all the multitude, were, near the sea upon the land.

And there ariseth a great tempest of wind, - and, the waves, were dashing over into the boat, so that, already being filled, was the boat.

And they were caused to fear a great fear, and were saying one to another - Who then is, this, that, both the wind and the sea, give ear unto him?

And, straightway, Jesus, taking note in himself of the power which, out of him, went forth, turning round in the crowd, was saying - Who hath touched my garments?

and his disciples were saying to him - Thou seest the crowd pressing upon thee, - and sayest thou - Who hath touched me?

And, straightway, the damsel arose, and was walking about; for she was twelve years of age. And they were beside themselves, straightway, with a great transport;

And, coming forth, he saw, a great multitude, and was moved with compassion towards them, because they were like sheep having no shepherd, and he began to be teaching them many things.

And Jesus, calling them near, saith unto them - Ye know that, they who think to rule the nations, lord it over them, and, their great ones, wield authority over them;

David himself, calleth him, Lord: whence, then, is he, his own soul? And, the great multitude, was hearing him gladly.

And, Jesus, said unto him - Art thou beholding these great buildings? In nowise, shall there be left here, stone upon stone, which shall, in any wise, not be thrown down.

And he taketh Peter and James and John with him, and began to be exceedingly amazed, and in great distress;

And, Peter, afar of, followed him, as far as within, into the court of the High-priest; and was sitting with the attendants, and warming himself by the light.

And, Peter, being, below in the court, there cometh one of the maid-servants of the High-priest;

And, the soldiers, led him away, inside the court, which is a judgment-hall, - and called together the whole band;

And, looking up, they observe that the stone hath been rolled up, - for it was exceeding great.

And the messenger said unto them - Be not afraid! For lo! I bring you good tidings of a great joy, the which shall be for all the people:

And, of a truth, I say unto you - Many widows, were in the days of Elijah, in Israel, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when there came a great famine upon all the land;

And, rising up, from the synagogue, he went into the house of Simon. Now, the mother-in-law of Simon, was in distress with a great fever; and they made request to him concerning her.

And Levi made a great reception for him, in his house, and there was a great multitude of tax-collectors, and others, - who were with them reclining.

and, coming down with them, he stood upon a level place, also a great multitude of his disciples, - and a great throng of the people, from all Judaea and Jerusalem and the sea-coast of Tyre and Zidon, who had come to hearken unto him and to be healed from their diseases;

But, he that hath heard and not done, is like unto a man having built a house upon the earth, without a foundation, - against which the stream burst, and, straightway, it fell in; and it came to pass, that, the crash of that house, was, great.

And it came to pass thereafter, that he journeyed unto a city called Nain, and there were journeying with him, his disciples and a great multitude.

And fear seized them, all, and they began to glorify God, saying - A great prophet, hath been raised up amongst us! and - God hath visited his people!

And, seeing that a great multitude were coming together, and they who from every city were journeying forth unto him, he spake through means of a parable: -

for he was about to charge the impure spirit to come out from the man. For, many times, had it snatched him away; and he used to be bound with chains and fetters, for a safe-guard, and was wont to break in pieces the bonds, and to be driven by the demon into the deserts.

And one and all of the throng of the surrounding country of the Gerasenes, requested him, to depart from them; because, with a great fear, were they oppressed. And, he, entering into a boat, returned.

Be returning unto thy house, and telling forth what great things, God, for thee, hath done. And he departed, through all the city, proclaiming what great things, Jesus, had done for him.

And the Apostles, returning, related to him what great things they had done. And, taking them aside, he retired privately, into a city called Bethsaida.

And it came to pass, on the next day, when they came down from the mountain, that there met him a great multitude.

and said unto them - Whosoever shall give welcome unto this child, on my name, unto me, giveth welcome; and, whosoever, unto me, giveth welcome, giveth welcome unto him that sent me forth. For, he who is least among you all, the same, is, great.

And he was saying unto them - The harvest, indeed, is, great, but, the labourers, few; beg ye, therefore, of the Lord of the harvest, that he would thrust forth, labourers, into his harvest.

And, besides all these things, betwixt us and you, a great chasm, hath been fixed, - so that, they who might wish to cross over from hence unto you, should not be able, nor any, from thence unto us, be crossing over.

Alas! for the women with child, and for them who are giving suck, in those days; for there will be great distress upon the land, and anger against this people.

And, they having kindled up a fire in the midst of the court, and taken seats together, Peter was for sitting among them.

And there was following him a great throng of the people, and of women, who were smiting themselves and lamenting him.

So he came again into Cana of Galilee, where he had made the water, wine. And there was a certain courtier, whose son was sick, in Capernaum.

The courtier saith unto him - Sir! come down, ere my child die!

So then Jesus, lifting up his eyes, and beholding that a great multitude was coming unto him, saith unto Philip - Whence are we to buy loaves, that these may eat?

moreover the sea, by reason of a great wind that blew, was rising high.

and there was great, murmuring, about him among the multitudes: some, indeed, were saying - Good, is he! but, others, were saying - Not so! but he is leading the multitude astray.

The great multitude of the Jews, therefore, got to know that he was, there, and came, not on account of Jesus only, but that, Lazarus also, they might see, whom he had raised from among the dead.

On the morrow, the great multitude that had come unto the feast, hearing that Jesus was coming into Jerusalem,

And, if anyone shall hearken unto my sayings, and not guard them, I, am not judging him; for I came not that I might judge the world, but that I might save the world.

And Simon Peter was following with Jesus, also another disciple. But, that disciple, was known unto the High-priest, and entered in, with Jesus, into the court of the High-priest;

The Jews, therefore, since it was, a preparation, that the bodies might not remain upon the cross during the Sabbath, - for that Sabbath day was, great, requested Pilate that their legs might be broken, and they be taken away.

And there came great fear upon the whole assembly, and upon all them that heard these things.