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“They are like scarecrows in a cucumber field;
They cannot speak;
They have to be carried,
Because they cannot walk!
Do not be afraid of them,
For they can do no harm or evil,
Nor can they do any good.”

Verse ConceptsFutilityFruitResponseUnreliabilityUprightnessDisdainImpotence Of IdolsObelisksCarrying IdolsDumbnessGood Or BadDumbChristmas Treestatues

Who would not fear You, O King of the nations?
For it is appropriate and it is Your due!
For among all the wise men of the nations
And in all their kingdoms,
There is none like You.

Verse ConceptsGod, Sovereignty OfGod, Wisdom OfReverence, And God's NatureGod, All knowingNo One Is Like GodGod Is WorthyGod Is To Be Fearedroyalty

But they are altogether irrational and stupid and foolish
In their discipline of delusion—their idol is [only] wood [it is ridiculous, empty and worthless]!

Verse ConceptsFutilityFools, Characteristics OfFolly, Examples OfVanityFoolishness Of Mendoctrine

Silver that has been beaten [into plates] is brought from Tarshish,
And gold from Uphaz,
The work of the craftsman and of the hand of the goldsmith;
Violet and purple are their clothing;
They are all the work of skilled men.

Verse ConceptsColors, BlueGoldSilverSkillToolsWisdom, Human NatureCommercePurple ClothesSkilled Peopleartistscraftsmanship

But the Lord is the true God and the God who is Truth;
He is the living God and the everlasting King.
The earth quakes and shudders at His wrath,
And the nations are not able to endure His indignation.

Verse ConceptsGod, Living And Self sustainingGod Is TruthfulHonestyEarth, Judgment OfGod Shaking The EarthGod Has AngerNature Of GodThe Lord [Yahweh] Is GodEverlastingLiving For Godwrathreality

Every man has become [like a brute] irrational and stupid, without knowledge [of God];
Every goldsmith is shamed by his carved idols;
For his molten images are frauds and lies,
And there is no breath in them.

Verse ConceptsFools, Characteristics OfIdolatry, Objections ToHaving No BreathFoolishness Of MenShame Of IdolatryDisappointmentHinduism

They are worthless and devoid of promise, a work of delusion and mockery;
In their time of [trial and] punishment they will perish [without hope].

Verse ConceptsVisitationUseless IdolsPunishmentsjoking

Gather up your bundle [of goods] from the ground,
You who live under siege.

Verse ConceptsAttacks On Jerusalem ForetoldBaggageimprovement

“Woe to me because of my [spiritual] brokenness!” [says Jeremiah, speaking for the nation.]
“My wound is incurable.”
But I said, “Surely this sickness and suffering and grief are mine,
And I must bear it.”

Verse ConceptsInjurySorrowWoeWoundsEnduringNo HealingMental IllnessSickness

My tent is destroyed,
And all my [tent] cords are broken;
My children have been taken from me [as captives] and are no more.
There is no one to stretch out my tent again
And to set up my [tent] curtains.

Verse ConceptsStretching OutTentsPeople Passing AwayUndoing FasteningsNo One To Be Found

For the shepherds [of the people] have become [like brutes,] irrational and stupid,
And have not searched for the Lord or asked about Him or realized their need for Him;
Therefore they have not been wise and have not prospered,
And all their flocks are scattered.

Verse ConceptsFolly, Examples OfComplacencyenquiring of GodAskingGuidance, Need For God'sPrayer, Practicalities OfPrayerlessnessShepherds, As Kings And LeadersWisdom, Human ImportanceInadequate ShepherdingScattered Like SheepNot Seeking GodFoolishness Of Menprospering

O Lord, I know that the path of [life of] a man is not in himself;
It is not within [the limited ability of] man [even one at his best] to choose and direct his steps [in life].

Verse ConceptsMan's WaysGovernmentGuidance, Need For God'sHuman IgnoranceLife, HumanDeterminismNot MeElectguidanceGod's PlanGod Being In ControlPathsGuidance And StrengthGod's Plan For UsA Good Manfootstepsfaterebirth

O Lord, correct me [along with Your people], but with mercy and in just measure—
Not in Your anger, or You will crush me and bring me to nothing.

Verse ConceptsCorrectionChastisementNothingLet Not God Be AngryGod Requite Them!Judgementwrath

Pour out Your wrath on the nations that do not know nor recognize You
And on the families that do not call Your name.
For they have devoured Jacob;
They have devoured him and consumed him
And made his land a desolate waste.

Verse ConceptsFamilies, Nature OfCalling upon GodDestruction Of CountriesNot Knowing GodGod Angry With The NationsNot PrayingNot Seeking God

“Hear the words of this [solemn] covenant, and speak to the men of Judah and to the people of Jerusalem.

Verse ConceptsCovenant Made At Sinai

Say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, “Cursed is the man who does not heed the words of this covenant

Verse ConceptsCommitment, to GodThe Curse Of The LawBreaking The Covenant

which I commanded your fathers at the time that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, from the iron furnace, saying, ‘Listen to My voice and do according to all that I command you. So you shall be My people, and I will be your God,’

Verse ConceptsFurnacesFreedom, Acts Of In OtIronI Will Be Their GodPay Attention To God!God Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

that I may complete the oath which I swore to your fathers, to give them a land [of plenty] flowing with milk and honey, as it is this day.”’” Then I answered, “Amen (so be it), O Lord.”

Verse ConceptsAmenMilk And Honey

And the Lord said to me, “Proclaim all these words in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem: ‘Hear the words of this [solemn] covenant and do them.

Verse ConceptsCovenant Made At Sinai

For I solemnly warned your fathers at the time that I brought them up from the land of Egypt, even to this day, warning them persistently, saying, “Obey My voice.”

Verse ConceptsWatchfulness, DivineThose Who Rose EarlyPay Attention To God!God Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

Yet they did not obey or incline their ear [to listen to Me], but everyone walked in the stubborn way of his [own] evil heart. Therefore I brought on them all [the suffering threatened in] the words of this covenant, which I commanded them to do, but they did not.’”

Verse ConceptsHardness Of HeartStubbornness, Consequences OfStubbornnessRefusing To Hear

They have returned to the wickedness of their ancestors who refused to hear My words; they have followed other gods [in order] to serve them. The house of Israel and the house of Judah have broken My [solemn] covenant which I made with their fathers.”

Verse ConceptsServanthood, And Worship Of GodRefusing To HearDifferent GodsReturning to the oldBreaking The Covenant

For [as many as] the number of your cities are your gods, O Judah; and [as many as] the number of the streets of Jerusalem are the altars you have set up to the shameful thing, altars to burn incense to Baal.

Verse ConceptsBaal Worship, HistoryAltars, PaganIncense Offered AmissMany Spiritual Beings

“Therefore do not pray for this people, nor lift up a cry or prayer for them, for I shall not listen when they cry to Me in the time of their disaster.

Verse ConceptsCalling upon GodPrayer, For OthersNot PrayingPraying For OthersGetting Through Hard TimesPrayingListening To Godpeoplepetition

“What right has My beloved [to be] in My house
When she has done many vile things and acted treacherously [over and over again]?
Can vows and the meat of your sacrifices remove your wickedness from you and cancel the consequences of your sin,
So that you can [escape your judgment and] rejoice?”

Verse ConceptsAmbivalence

But, O Lord of hosts, who judges righteously,
Who tests the feelings and the heart (mind),
Let me see Your vengeance on them,
For to You I have committed my cause.

Verse ConceptsGod, As JudgeGod, Righteousness OfImagination, Inward DesiresVengeanceGod, All knowingGod Testing PeopleGod Knowing the Human Heart

Therefore thus says the Lord regarding the men of Anathoth, who seek your life, saying, “Do not prophesy in the name of the Lord, so that you will not die by our hand.”

Verse ConceptsKilling ProphetsProphecy MuzzledAttempting To Kill Specific People

and there will be no remnant [of the conspirators] left, for I will bring disaster and horror on the men of Anathoth in the year of their punishment.”

Verse ConceptsYearsNo SurvivorsGod Will Bring Harm

You, O Lord are [uncompromisingly] righteous and consistently just when I plead my case with You;
Yet let me discuss issues of justice with You:
Why has the way of the wicked prospered?
Why are those who deal in treachery (deceit) at ease and thriving?

Verse ConceptsFaithlessness, As DisobedienceGod, Righteousness OfQuestionsApparent InjusticePartialityDoubting God's JusticeProsperity Of The WickedThe Wicked ProsperprosperingQuestioning Life

You have planted them, they have also taken root;
They grow, they have even produced fruit.
You are honored by their [hypocritical] lips
But [You are] far from their heart and mind.

Verse ConceptsLipsNominal ReligionRootsMetaphorical PlantingLack Of Meaning

How long must the land mourn
And the grass of the countryside wither?
Because of the wickedness and hypocrisy of those who live in it,
The beasts and the birds are consumed and are swept away [by the drought],
Because men [mocking me] have said, “He will not [live long enough to] see [what happens at] our final end.”

Verse ConceptsdrynessGrassPunishment, Nature OfShepherds, As OccupationsBeastsGod Not SeeingBefore God ActsHerbs

[The Lord rebukes Jeremiah for his impatience, saying] “If you have raced with men on foot and they have tired you out,
Then how can you compete with horses?
If you fall down in a land of peace [where you feel secure],
Then how will you do [among the lions] in the [flooded] thicket beside the Jordan?

Verse ConceptsFalse ConfidenceRunningPeople StumblingThe Region Of JordanTired In ActivityRace

“For even your [tribal] brothers and the household of your father,
Even they have dealt treacherously (unfaithfully) with you;
Indeed they are [like a pack of hounds] howling after you.
Do not believe them, although they may say kind words and promise you good things.”

Verse ConceptsAbandoning FriendsdistrustBetrayalOptimismPainUnfaithfulness, To PeopleAlienation, Examples OfHatred Between RelativesNot Believing PeopleRelativesConspiracyFamiliesFamily LoveSiblingsLove And FamilyFamily And FriendsTrusting OthersFamily FirstHurt And BetrayalParents Being WrongSibling Lovebackstabbing

“Is My inheritance like a speckled bird of prey to Me [unlike the others]?
Are the birds of prey (enemies) surrounding her on every side?
Go, gather all the [wild] beasts of the field;
Bring them to devour [her]!

Verse ConceptsBirds, Figurative UseBirds, Types Of BirdsAnimals Eating PeopleBirds Of PreyBlemished CreaturesBirds

“Destroyers have come
On all the caravan roads in the desert,
For the sword of the Lord (Babylon) is devouring
From one end of the land even to the other;
No one has peace or a way of escape.

Verse ConceptsSafetyThose Who DestroyNo Peace

“They have planted wheat but have reaped thorns;
They have exhausted themselves but without profit.
So be ashamed of your harvest
Because of the fierce and raging anger of the Lord.”

Verse ConceptsHarvestProfitsSin, Effects OfSowing And ReapingThornsWheatUnprofitable SinsNot Reaping What You SowToiling In Vain

Thus the Lord said to me, “Go and buy yourself a linen waistband and put it on your loins, but do not put it in water.”

Verse ConceptsLinenWaistsLinen Items

So I bought the waistband according to the word of the Lord and put it on my loins.

“Get up and take the waistband that you have bought, which is [wrapped] around your loins, and go to the [river] Euphrates and hide it there in a crevice of the rock.”

Verse ConceptsGapsHidden Things

Then I went to the Euphrates and dug, and I took the waistband from the place where I had hidden it. And behold, the waistband was decayed and ruined; it was completely worthless.

These wicked and malevolent people, who refuse to listen to My words, who walk in the stubborn way of their heart and have followed other gods [which are nothing—just man-made carvings] to serve them and to worship them, let them be just like this waistband which is completely worthless.

Verse ConceptsFutilityFools, In Teaching Of Jesus ChristHardness Of HeartImpenitence, Warnings AgainstStubbornness, Consequences OfBowing To False GodsRefusing To HearUseless PeopleDifferent Gods

For as the waistband clings to the body of a man, so I caused the whole house of Israel and the whole house of Judah to cling to Me,’ says the Lord, ‘that they might be for Me a people, a name, a praise, and a glory; but they did not listen and obey.’

Verse ConceptsListeningWaistsPraise, Reasons ForClinging To GodThings Stuck TogetherRefusing To HearElect

I will smash them one against another, both the fathers and the sons together,” says the Lord. “I shall destroy them [nothing will restrain Me]; I will not show pity nor be sorry nor have compassion.”’”

Verse ConceptsCruelty, God's attitude toGod Beating PeopleGod Without Mercy

Listen and pay close attention, do not be haughty and overconfident,
For the Lord has spoken [says Jeremiah].

Verse ConceptsPride, Results InArrogance, Rejection OfDo Not Be Proud

Give glory to the Lord your God,
Before He brings darkness
And before your feet stumble
On the dark and shadowy mountains,
And while you are longing for light
He turns it into the shadow of death,
And makes it into thick darkness.

Verse ConceptsHope, Nature OfProcrastinationStumblingThe Insecurity Of The WickedPeople Stumbling

But if you will not listen and obey,
My soul will weep in secret for your pride;
My eyes will weep bitterly
And flow with tears,
Because the Lord’s flock has been taken captive.

Verse ConceptsBeing Earnest For IsraelFeelings Of Rejection By GodSecrecySorrowWeepingRefusing To HearActing In SecretThe Proud Will Be Abased

Say to the king and the queen mother,
“Humble yourselves and take a lowly seat,
For your beautiful crown [the crown of your glory]
Has come down from your head.”

Verse ConceptsQueensThroneNo KingBeing HumbleSurrenderHumble Yourselfhumblenesscrownsmistressprincipalities

“Lift up your eyes and see
Those coming from the north.
Where is the flock that was given to you [to shepherd],
Your beautiful flock?

Verse ConceptsOut Of The NorthBeauty Of Nature

“What will you say [O Jerusalem] when the Lord appoints [foreign nations to rule] over you—
Those former friends and allies whom you have encouraged [to be your companions]—
Will not pain seize you
Like [that of] a woman in childbirth?

Verse ConceptsAliancesLabour PainsPeople Teaching

“And if you [wonder and] say in your heart,
‘Why have these things happened to me?’
It is because of the greatness and nature of your sin
That your skirts have been pulled away [subjecting you to public disgrace]
And [like a barefoot slave] your heels have been wounded.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual HarlotryWhy Does This Happen?Changing Yourselfgreatness

“This is your destiny, the portion [of judgment] measured to you
From Me,” says the Lord,
“Because you have forgotten Me
And trusted in [pagan] lies [the counterfeit gods, and the pretense of alliance].”

Verse ConceptsFalse GodsdistrustTrusting Deceptive Thingsfate

“So I Myself will throw your skirts up over your face,
That your shame may be exposed [publicly].

Verse ConceptsGod Stripping People

“I have seen your vile and detestable acts,
Even your adulteries and your lustful neighings [after idols],
And the lewdness of your prostitution
On the hills in the fields.
Woe (judgment is coming) to you, O Jerusalem!
How long will you remain unclean [by ignoring My precepts]?”

Verse ConceptsLewdnessSpiritual HarlotryHillsPeople Being UncleanBefore People ActNeighing And BrayingWoe To Israel And Jerusalem

“Their nobles have sent their servants for water;
They have come to the cisterns and found no water.
They have returned with empty vessels;
They have been shamed and humiliated,
And they cover their heads.

Verse ConceptsCisternsNoblesDry PlacesSeeking WaterShaming People

“The ground is cracked
Because there has been no rain on the land;
The farmers are distressed,
And they have covered their heads [in shame].

Verse ConceptsVeilsShaming People

“The doe in the field has given birth only to abandon her young
Because there is no grass.

Verse ConceptsDeersGrassYoung AnimalAnimals ForsakingDeer Etc.Deer

“And the wild donkeys stand on the barren heights;
They pant for air like jackals,
Their eyesight fails
Because there is no grass.

Verse ConceptsFamine, Characteristics OfHaving No BreathWild Donkeys

“O Lord, though our many sins testify against us” [prays Jeremiah],
“Act now [for us and] for Your name’s sake [so that the faithless may witness Your faithfulness]!
For our backslidings are countless;
We have sinned against You.

Verse ConceptsWitness Against OneselfWe Have SinnedBackslidingtestifying

“Why should You be [hesitant and inactive] like a man astounded and perplexed,
Like a mighty man unable to save?
Yet You, O Lord, are among us,
And we are called by Your name;
Do not leave us!”

Verse ConceptsAbandonmentGod, The LordPower, God's SavingFeelings Of Rejection By GodAstonishmentPeople's Inability To SaveDo Not Forsake Us!Unable To SaveCalled By God's Namesurprises

Though they fast, I will not hear their cry; and though they offer burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them [because they are done as obligations, and not as acts of loving obedience]. Instead I will consume them by the sword, by famine, and by pestilence.”

Verse ConceptsFasting, Of HypocritesdiseasesPlaguesPestilencePointless Fasting

Then the Lord said to me, “The [counterfeit] prophets are prophesying lies in My Name. I have neither sent them nor authorized them nor spoken to them. They are prophesying to you made-up visions [pretending to call forth responses from handmade gods], a worthless divination and the deceit of their own mind.

Verse ConceptsDivination, Practiced ByDeception Through False TeachersVisionsDivinationWicked ProphetsProphets Who Were Not SentFalse Apostles, Prophets And Teachers

‘If I go out into the field,
Then I gaze on those slaughtered with the sword!
And if I enter the city,
Then I gaze on [those tormented with] the diseases of famine!
For both prophet and priest [who should have guided the people]
Go about [bewildered and exiled] in a land (Babylon) that they do not know or understand.’”

Verse ConceptsThe CountrysideCities Under AttackUnknown ThingsWicked ProphetsFamine ComingFamine Will Come

We know and acknowledge, O Lord,
Our wickedness and the iniquity of our fathers; for we have sinned against You.

Verse ConceptsSin, Effects OfAcknowledge, SinSelf KnowledgeWe Have SinnedGuiltAcknowledgedconfessing

Do not treat us with contempt and condemn us, for Your own name’s sake;
Do not disgrace Your glorious throne;
Remember [with consideration] and do not break Your [solemn] covenant with us.

Are there any among the idols of the nations who can send rain?
Or can the heavens [of their own will] give showers?
Is it not You, O Lord our God?
Therefore we will wait and hope [confidently] in You,
For You are the one who has made all these things [the heavens and the rain].

Verse ConceptsFaith, Origins Ofdrought, physicalHope, In GodRainSkyWaiting On GodGod Sending RainGod Controlling The Rain

And it shall be that when they say to you, ‘Where should we go?’ then tell them, ‘Thus says the Lord:

“Those [destined] for death, to death;
Those for the sword, to the sword;
Those for famine, to famine;
Those for captivity, to captivity.”’

Verse ConceptsNearness Of DeathFamine ComingDeath Looms NearWhere To?Famine Will Come

I will appoint four kinds of destroyers over them,” says the Lord, “the sword to slay, the dogs to tear and drag away, and the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth to devour and to destroy.

Verse ConceptsdogsWild Animals DevouringBirds EatingFour Other ThingsPets

“For who will have pity on you, O Jerusalem,
Or who will mourn for you,
Or who will turn aside to ask about your welfare?

Verse ConceptsJerusalem, Significance OfPeople Without MercyFathers Loving Carepotential

“You have abandoned (rejected) Me,” says the Lord.
“You keep going backward.
Therefore I shall stretch out My hand against you and destroy you;
I am tired of delaying [your punishment]!

Verse ConceptsForsaking God, Illustrated ByForsaking GodHand Of GodRejection Of GodRejection Of God, Results OfUnfaithfulness, To GodGod's HandGod DestroyingBackwardsGod's Hands Stretched OutGod Without MercyBacksliderstiredFalling Away From God

The Lord said, “Surely [it will go well for Judah’s obedient remnant for] I will set you free for good purposes;
Surely [Jeremiah] I will [intercede for you with the enemy and I will] cause the enemy to plead with you [for help]
In a time of disaster and a time of distress.

Verse ConceptsProtection From EnemiesGetting Through Hard Times

“Your [nation’s] riches and your treasures
I will give as plunder without price [to the Babylonians],
Because of all your sins
And within all your territories.

Verse ConceptsTreasureFree Of Chargeborders

“Then I will make your enemies bring [you along with] your possessions
Into a land which you do not know [for there you will serve your conquerors];
For a fire has been kindled in My anger,
Which will burn upon you.”

Verse ConceptsFire Of JudgementUnknown Things

O Lord, You know and understand;
Remember me [thoughtfully], take notice of me,
take vengeance for me on my persecutors.
Do not, in view of Your patience, take me away;
Know that for Your sake I endure [continual] rebuke and dishonor.

Verse ConceptsMemoriesGod, Patience OfInjuryRevenge, Examples OfUnderstandingPersecution, Nature OfDivine RemembrancePeople VisitingBeing ReprovedRevenge

I did not sit with the group of those who celebrate,
Nor did I rejoice;
I sat alone because Your [powerful] hand was upon me,
For You had filled me with indignation [at their sin].

Verse ConceptsHand Of GodEvil AssociationsIsolated PersonsAngry Peoplemockerslonliness

Therefore, thus says the Lord [to Jeremiah],
“If you repent [and give up this mistaken attitude of despair and self-pity], then I will restore you [to a state of inner peace]
So that you may stand before Me [as My obedient representative];
And if you separate the precious from the worthless [examining yourself and cleansing your heart from unwarranted doubt concerning My faithfulness],
You will become My spokesman.
Let the people turn to you [and learn to value My values]—
But you, you must not turn to them [with regard for their idolatry and wickedness].

Verse ConceptsReinstatementRevival, PersonalReturning To GodTurning RoundGood WordsRestoring SinnersSpeaking As From God

“You shall not take a wife or have sons and daughters in this place (Jerusalem).”

Verse ConceptsMarriage, Purpose OfSinglenessNot MarryingMarriage Kjv

For thus says the Lord concerning the sons and daughters who are born in this place, and concerning the mothers who give birth to them, and the fathers who father them in this land:

Verse ConceptsMothers And SonsMotherhoodFathers And Daughters

“They will die of deadly diseases. They will not be mourned or buried; they will be like dung on the surface of the ground and come to an end by sword and famine, and their dead bodies will be food for the birds of the air and for the beasts of the earth.”

Verse ConceptsDead bodiesdirtUnburied BodiesAnimals Eating PeopleDefecationNearness Of DeathEating CorpsesNo BurialsWild Animals DevouringFamine KillingDeath Looms NearNot MourningLack Of A Proper Burial

For thus says the Lord, “Do not enter a house of mourning, nor go to lament (express grief) or bemoan [the dead], for I have taken My peace away from this people,” says the Lord, “even My lovingkindness and compassion.

Verse ConceptsDo Not MournGod Without MercyNo PeacePeace And ComfortFamily DeathProtecting Your FamilyRemoving People From Your LifeLoss Of A Loved Oneempathygrievingpitygraciousness

Both great men and small will die in this land; they will not be buried, nor will they be lamented (mourned over with expressions of grief in death), nor will anyone cut himself or shave his head for them [in mourning].

Verse ConceptsThe DeadBaldnessHairsKnivesUnburied BodiesNo BurialsGreat And SmallGashing BodiesNot Mourning

People will not offer food to the mourners, to comfort anyone [as they grieve] for the dead, nor give them a cup of consolation to drink for anyone’s father or mother.

Verse ConceptsNo Comfortlosing a loved oneDeath Of A Family MemberDeath Of Loved OneMissing SomeoneDeath Of A MotherFamily DeathLoss Of A Loved OneLosing Someone

For thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, “Behold, I will remove from this place, before your very eyes and in your time, the sound of joy and the shout of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride.

Verse ConceptsBridegroomBridesVoicesCessationStopping RejoicingLack Of Rejoicing

“Now when you tell these people all these words and they ask you, ‘Why has the Lord decreed all this great tragedy against us? And what is our iniquity, what is the sin which we have committed against the Lord our God?’

Verse ConceptsGod Harmed ThemWhat Sin?Why Does God Do This?

Then you are to say to them, ‘It is because your fathers have abandoned (rejected) Me,’ says the Lord, ‘and have walked after other gods and have served them and bowed down to the handmade idols and have abandoned (rejected) Me and have not kept My law,

Verse ConceptsBowing To False GodsDifferent GodsThey Do Not Keep Commands

and because you have done worse [things] than your fathers. Just look, every one of you walks in the stubbornness of his own evil heart, so that you do not listen [obediently] to Me.

Verse ConceptsHardened HeartsHardness Of HeartHeart, Fallen And RedeemedDeteriorationimagination

Therefore I will hurl you out of this land [of Judah] into the land [of the Babylonians] which neither you nor your fathers have known, and there you will serve other gods day and night, for I will show you no compassion.’

Verse ConceptsAffliction Day And NightLand, As A Divine GiftThrowing PeopleUnknown ThingsDifferent Gods

“Therefore behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord, “when it will no longer be said, ‘As the Lord lives, who brought up the sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt,’

Verse ConceptsGod Bringing Israel Out Of EgyptSwearing

[Then said Jeremiah] “O Lord, my Strength and my Stronghold,
And my Refuge in the day of distress and need,
The nations will come to You
From the ends of the earth and say,
‘Our fathers have inherited nothing but lies and illusion,
[Worthless] things in which there is no benefit!’

Verse ConceptsFutilityAfflicted SaintsConversion, examples ofFalse GodsGod, The RockIdolatry, Objections ToUseless ThingsMission, Of IsraelRefugeesGod Being Our RefugeVanityGod Our StrengthThe Gospel To The NationsFamily Strength

“Can a man make gods for himself?
Such [things] are not gods!

Verse ConceptsFalse Religionpeople

The sin of Judah is written down with an iron stylus;
With a diamond point it is engraved upon the tablet of their heart
And on the horns of their altars.

Verse ConceptsFlintengravingDiamondsArtHornsInscriptionsIronMind, The HumanTabletsToolsWritingPrecious StonesWriting On PeopleIron Objects

O [Jerusalem] My mountain in the countryside,
I will give [to the Babylonians, as the cost of your sin] your wealth and all your treasures as plunder,
And throughout your territory, your high places of sin.

Verse ConceptsHigh PlacesTreasureborders

And you will, through your own fault, let go of your [grip on your] inheritance
That I gave you;
And I will make you serve your enemies
In a land which you do not know;
For you have kindled a fire in My anger
Which will burn forever.

Verse ConceptsFaultsLand, As A Divine GiftLossUnknown ThingsAbandoning ThingsServing GroupsInheritanceIdentityculture

“For he will be like a shrub in the [parched] desert;
And shall not see prosperity when it comes,
But shall live in the rocky places of the wilderness,
In an uninhabited salt land.

Verse ConceptsWicked Described AsDry PlacesLiving In The WildernessEmpty By NatureSourness

“For he will be [nourished] like a tree planted by the waters,
That spreads out its roots by the river;
And will not fear the heat when it comes;
But its leaves will be green and moist.
And it will not be anxious and concerned in a year of drought
Nor stop bearing fruit.

Verse ConceptsColors, GreenSpring Of WaterUnfading LifeThe Source Of FruitRiver BanksWater For PlantsHot WeatherGreenWater, As A Symbol Of LifeRiversOlive TreesAnxiety And FearWorrying