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In order that you may be able to satisfy yourself of the accuracy of the story which you have heard from the lips of others.]
Among others Joseph went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Bethlehem, the town of David, in Judea--because he belonged to the family and house of David--
Jesus, however, said to them: "I must take the Good News of the Kingdom of God to the other town also, for that was why I was sent."
So they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them; and they came and filled both the boats so full of fish that they were almost sinking.
And Levi gave a great entertainment at his house, in honor of Jesus; and a large number of tax-gatherers and others were at table with them.
When a man gives one of you a blow on the cheek, offer the other cheek as well; and, when any one takes away your cloak, do not keep back your coat either.
Give, and others will give to you. A generous measure, pressed and shaken down, and running over, will they pour into your lap; For the measure that you mete will be meted out to you in return."
There is no such thing as a good tree bearing worthless fruit, or, on the other hand, a worthless tree bearing good fruit.
For I myself am a man under the orders of others, with soldiers under me; and if I say to one of them 'Go,' he goes, and to another 'Come,' he comes, and to my slave 'Do this,' he does it."
"There were two people who were in debt to a money-lender; one owed fifty pounds, and the other five.
And Joanna (the wife of Herod's steward, Chuza), and Susannah, and many others--all of whom ministered to Jesus and his Apostles out of their means.
Other seed fell upon rock, and, as soon as it began to grow, having no moisture, withered away.
Other seed fell in the middle of brambles, but the brambles grew up with it and choked it entirely.
Other seed fell into rich soil, and grew, and gave a hundred-fold return." After saying this, Jesus cried aloud: "Let him who has ears to hear with hear."
"To you," he said, "the knowledge of the hidden truths of the Kingdom of God has been imparted, but to others in parables only, that 'though they have eyes they may not see, and though they have ears, they may not understand.'
Some again said that Elijah had appeared, and others that one of the old Prophets had risen again.
"John the Baptist," was their answer; "others, however, say that you are Elijah, while others say that one of the old Prophets has risen again."
After this, the Master appointed seventy-two other disciples, and sent them on as his Messengers, two and two, in advance, to every town and place that he was himself intending to visit.
And suppose that the other should answer from inside 'Do not trouble me; the door is already fastened, and my children and I are in bed; I cannot get up and give you anything';
While others, to test him, asked him for some sign from the heavens.
But, when one still stronger has attacked and overpowered him, he takes away all the weapons on which the other had relied, and divides his spoil.
Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in, and make their home there; and the last state of that man proves to be worse than the first."
Whenever they take you before the Synagogue Courts or the magistrates or other authorities, do not be anxious as to how you will defend yourselves, or what your defense will be, or what you will say;
And, if you cannot do even the smallest thing, why be anxious about other things?
"Do you suppose," replied Jesus, "that, because these Galileans have suffered in this way, they were worse sinners than any other Galileans?
Or those eighteen men at Siloam on whom the tower fell, killing them all, do you suppose that they were worse offenders than any other inhabitants of Jerusalem?
And if he cannot, then, while the other is still at a distance, he sends envoys and asks for terms of peace.
No servant can serve two masters, for, either he will hate one and love the other, or else he will attach himself to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."
For, just as lightning will lighten and flare from one side of the heavens to the other, so will it be with the Son of Man.
On that night, I tell you, of two men upon the same bed, one will be taken and the other left;
Of two women grinding together, one will be taken and the other left."
"Two men went up into the Temple Courts to pray. One was a Pharisee and the other a tax-gatherer.
The Pharisee stood forward and began praying to himself in this way--'O God, I thank thee that I am not like other men-- thieves, rogues, adulterers--or even like this tax-gatherer.
This man, I tell you, went home pardoned, rather than the other; for every one who exalts himself will be humbled, while every one who humbles himself shall be exalted."
You know the commandments--'Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not say what is false about others, Honor thy father and thy mother.'"
He will come and put those tenants to death, and will let the vineyard to others." "Heaven forbid!" they exclaimed when they heard it.
But, for those who are thought worthy to attain to that other world and the resurrection from the dead, there is no marrying or being married,
On this he said: "I tell you that this poor widow has put in more than all the others;
Then he taught them a lesson thus-- "Look at the fig tree and all the other trees.
There were two others also, criminals, led out to be executed with Jesus.
Meanwhile the people stood looking on. Even the leading men said with a sneer: "He saved others, let him save himself, if he is God's Christ, his Chosen One."
But the other rebuked him. "Have not you," he said, "any fear of God, now that you are under the same sentence?
There were Mary of Magdala, and Joanna, and Mary, the mother of James. The other women, too, spoke about this to the Apostles.
"What is this that you are saying to each other as you walk along?" Jesus asked. They stopped, with sad looks on their faces,
"How our hearts glowed," the disciples said to each other, "while he was talking to us on the road, and when he explained the Scriptures to us!"
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- Idolatry
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- Surplus
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- Forties
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- Ointment
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- Making Mistakes
- Property
- Immigrants
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- Expiation
- Greed
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- Spirituality
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- Humbleness
- Humble
- Blinding
- Fate
- Blame
- Pomegranates
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- Ships
- No Earthly Inheritance
- Named Gentile Rulers
- Half Of Possessions
- War
- Sharing
- Battle
- Division
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- Intermarriage
- Commander
- Wisdom, Human Importance
- Human Authority, Nature Of
- Ten People
- One Hundred
- Unity, Of God's People
- Time Of Peace
- Unique Israel
- God, Righteousness Of
- God's Word Is Righteous
- God's attitude towards people
- Provoking
- End Of Days
- Miracles, Nature Of
- Orthodoxy, In Ot
- One God
- God, Present Everywhere
- The Sun
- Gay Marriage
- Encouraged To Serve Foreign gods
- Fellowship, In The Gospel
- Choices
- Holiness, Believers' Growth In
- Saints
- Treasure
- Character Of Saints
- God's Love For Israel
- Affection
- Warning
- Unceasing
- A new beginning
- Taking Care Of The Earth
- Receptiveness
- Deceiving Oneself
- Taking Heed
- Unknown Gods
- Disobedience
- West
- Tithes And Offering
- Eating Meat
- Fake Friends
- Secrecy
- Show No Mercy
- Siblings
- Satan, As The Enemy Of God
- Being In Debt
- Lending
- Lending And Borrowing
- Finances
- Money Blessings
- Lent
- Abominations, To God
- Sun
- Worshiping God
- Not Turning Aside
- Keeping Man's Word
- Like The Nations
- Do Not Be Proud
- Presumption
- Doubt, Dealing With
- Weapons
- God Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt
- Army
- Hate
- Wife
- Loving Children
- Real Estate
- Taking Care Of Your Body
- Cats
- Grasping
- Storing
- Medicine
- Cancer
- Power, Human
- Wood And Stone
- God Scattering Israel
- Firewood
- False Confidence
- Heart, Human
- Fruits Of Sin
- Serving God
- Expanse Of The Sea
- Life And Death
- Life After Death
- Autonomy
- Sin, Effects Of
- Trust, Lack Of
- Breaking The Covenant
- God Kills
- No One Can Save
- Healing And Comfort
- Loss Of A Loved One
- Myself
- Security
- Excellence
- People Helping
- Rehabilitation
- The Dead
- Troubling Groups Of People
- Family Death
- Killing Named Individuals
- Ten Things
- Half Of Districts
- Unclean Things
- Bowing To False Gods
- God Will Kill His People
- Serving One's Own Gods
- Beyond The Euphrates
- Special Revelation
- Commitment, to God
- Ethics, personal
- Sincerity, In Christian Living
- Sincereity
- Doubt, results of
- Serving
- Forsaking God
- Abandonment
- Renunciation
- Ethics, basis of
- Habits
- Sin, Nature Of
- Giving, Of Oneself
- People Going Before
- Heads
- Messenger
- Groups
- Trumpet
- Three To Four Hundred
- Three Hundred And Above
- Chaos
- Olive Trees
- Alcohol
- Human Comfort
- Unfaithfulness, To God
- Fighting Enemies
- Leisure, And Pastimes
- Prepping
- Killing Within Israel
- Bridges
- Thirty
- Abstinence
- Strong Drink
- Drinking No Wine
- Alcoholic Beverages
- Beer
- Alcoholism
- Alcohol Consumption
- From The Womb
- Waiting
- Weakness, Physical
- Tying Up
- Self Confidence
- Flexibility
- Building Relationships
- Civil War
- Doing Repeatedly
- Israel Fleeing
- Daybreak
- Knowing Facts
- Custom
- Markets
- School
- Fun
- God, The Rock
- Reliability
- Rocks
- Holier Than Thou
- Giving Back
- Listening
- Ministry, Qualifications For
- Vocation
- Outward Appearance
- Tall People
- Structure
- Servanthood
- Great Individuals
- Standing
- Assembly
- Those Who Did Not Tell
- Confusion
- Stories
- Defiance
- Fellowship, Among Believers
- Popularity
- Evil, victory over
- Harps
- Prophecy, Methods Of Ot
- Heartlessness
- Good Friends
- Friendship, Examples Of
- Walls
- Side Of People
- Suffering, Emotional Aspects Of
- Sympathy
- Goodbyes
- Loyalty
- Participation, In Christ
- During One Night
- Sorcery
- Witches
- Cities In Israel
- Gold Ornaments
- Flogging
- Discipline, divine
- Knowing God, Effects Of
- Lordship, Human And Divine
- Punishment, By God
- God, As Redeemer
- Two People
- Blasphemy
- Roads
- Killing Will Happen
- Stomachs
- Obeying People
- Yokes
- Named Prophets Of The Lord
- Affluence
- Money, Attitudes To
- Present, The
- Contradicting
- Baby
- Affection, Expressing
- Mercy, Human
- Dominion
- Grain
- Construction
- Iron
- The First Temple
- Dimensions Of Temple Furniture
- Same Sizes
- Windows For The Temple
- Three Parts Of Constructions
- Throne
- Dimensions Of Pillars
- Chains
- Nets
- Right Sides
- Let Evil Rebound
- Insects
- Knowing God
- Royalty
- Causing People To Turn
- Love Marriage
- Guidance, Need For God's
- Sin, Causes Of
- They Do Not Keep Commands
- Provoking God
- False Gods
- Shields
- Warfare, Nature Of
- List Of Kings Of Israel
- Attacking
- Horses
- Syria
- Readiness
- Equipping, spiritual
- Debt
- Fraud
- Right Sacrifices
- Stretching Out
- How Death Is Inevitable
- Wheels
- Rumors
- Evangelists, identity of
- Evangelism, nature of
- Doing The Right Thing
- High Places
- Sacrificing On The High Places
- Shrines
- Abolition
- Kindness
- Giving, Of Talents
- Thousands
- Singers
- Night
- Duty
- Support
- Helping
- Praise
- Worthiness
- Above All Gods
- Greatness
- Named Gates
- Abundance, Material
- Worshiping Together
- Going To Church
- Being Beautiful
- Importance
- Finishing
- Praise, Manner And Methods Of
- Songs
- Sin, God's Judgment On
- Chief priests
- Gathering
- Jewelry
- Praise, Should Be Offered By
- Diligence
- Sacrifice, In Ot
- Letters
- Rescue
- Herbs And Spices
- What Have We In Common?
- Ecstasy
- Rejoicing In God's Works
- Furnaces
- Stairways
- Eagerness
- Family Love
- Love And Family
- Family And Friends
- Credit
- Responsibility
- Sixties
- Large Denominations
- Eating And Drinking
- Foliage
- Sin Confessed
- Confessing
- Rebuke
- Word Of God
- Inspiration Of The Holy Spirit, Purpose Of
- The Holy Spirit, And Scripture
- Response
- White Cloths
- Women's Beauty
- Women's Roles
- Makeup
- Promotion
- Different Teachings
- Displaying
- Seeking Honour
- People Providing Food
- Feasting
- Amusements
- Hand Of God
- Fish
- East And West
- Humility And Pride
- Stealing
- Purgatory
- Property, Houses
- Character Of Wicked
- Limitations Of Youth
- Speaking
- Deposing
- Sanctification, Means And Results
- Work Ethic
- Malice
- Problems
- Gluttony
- Coveting
- Greed, Condemnation Of
- Heart, Fallen And Redeemed
- Insults
- Pride, Results Of
- Bragging
- Covetousness
- Vanity
- Flattery
- Deception
- Hurt And Betrayal
- Lying And Deceit
- Motives
- Backbiting
- Gossiping
- The End Of The World
- Energy
- Faith, Nature Of
- Strength, Human
- Claims
- Justification, Necessity Of
- Giving To The Poor
- Veils
- Righteousness, Of Believers
- Prophecies Concerning Christ
- Christ, Names For
- Hating Evil
- Death, Of Unbelievers
- Emptiness
- Materialism, As An Aspect Of Sin
- Saving Money
- Rich, The
- Riches, Dangers Of
- Satisfied With Riches
- Conversation
- Best Friends
- Communion
- Encouragement, examples of
- Encouraging
- Hardship
- Desires
- Overcoming Hard Times
- Getting Through Hard Times
- Feeling Lost
- Good Kissing
- Working Together
- Reconciliation
- Mercy And Grace
- Steadfast
- Lovers
- Hugs
- Taking Possession
- Fruits Of Righteousness
- Sisterhood
- Iron Objects
- Darkness
- Losing Someone
- Sea Travel
- Sailing
- Beggars
- Bad Language
- Cursing
- Grace, In Human Relationships
- A Good Man
- Fairness
- Early Rising
- Reputation
- Ethics
- Dignity
- Limitations Of Strength
- Hard Work
- Wives
- Communication In Marriage
- Not Being Alone
- Do Not Murder
- Bad Children
- Youth
- Foolish People
- Love
- Loving
- Criticism, amongst believers
- Gossip
- Trustworthiness
- Confidence
- Friendship And Trust
- Secrets
- Good Rebounding
- Misers
- Poverty, Causes Of
- Profits
- Giving Money To The Church
- Giving
- Benevolence
- Generosity
- Being Mislead
- Friends
- Friendship And Love
- Losing A Friend
- Losing Friends
- Affirmative Action
- Pursuing
- Success And Hard Work
- Anger
- Aggression
- Temper
- Joy, And Human Experience
- Injustice
- Reaping What You Sow
- Mockery
- Busybodies
- Meddling
- Gentleness
- Minding Your Own Business
- Family Problems
- Conflict
- Pets
- Rumours
- Men Deceiving
- Showing Hypocrisy
- Commendation
- Commending Oneself
- Loving Yourself
- Being Yourself
- Boasting
- Ignorance
- Godly Woman
- Money Management
- Investing
- Advantages
- Everything Happening For A Reason
- The Environment
- Motivation
- Tragedy
- Help
- Pity
- Lieing
- Lukewarm
- Blessings Of The Poor
- Jail
- Being Happy And Enjoying Life
- Staying Positive
- Staying Strong During Hard Times
- Being Positive
- Prayer During Hard Times
- Race
- Beauty And Self Worth
- Planting Seeds
- Seeds
- Sowing Seeds
- Sowing
- Hearing
- Prayer, Practicalities Of
- Rejection Of God, Results Of
- Discipleship, nature of
- Abusive Marriages
- Uplifting
- God, As Judge
- Oppressors
- The Elderly
- Dress
- Magic
- Coveting, prohibition of
- Isolated Persons
- Woe To The Wicked
- Space
- Sanctification, Nature And Basis
- Wicked Described As
- Not Sparing
- Rivers
- Priests
- Uncertainty
- Drunkards
- Financial Advice
- Old Testament Claims Inspiration
- Missing Someone
- Seeking
- Homecoming
- Error
- Encouragement
- Do Good!
- Self Image
- Good People
- God, As Savior
- Solar Eclipse
- Arguing
- Commerce
- Perspective
- Being Saved
- Revenge
- Care
- Pride, Examples Of
- Wisdom, Source Of Human
- Marriage, Between God And His People
- Accusations
- Atonement
- Enemies, of Jesus Christ
- Humility Of Christ
- Despisers
- Suffering
- Rejection
- Value
- Light, Spiritual
- Sin, Deliverance From God
- People Stumbling
- Live
- Pork
- Spiritual Harlotry
- Using Roads
- Licentiousness
- Divorce, amongst believers
- Avoid Adultery
- Do Not Steal
- Judged As Murderers
- Burying places
- Spouse
- Practice
- Safety
- Throwing People
- Rebirth Of Israel
- Servant Leadership
- No Escape
- Sin, God's Remedy For
- Communication
- Prophesying Lies
- Saying Repeatedly
- Humiliation
- Surrender
- No Help
- Touching Holy Things
- Sparkling
- Hindering God's Work
- Slander
- Being Cleansed From Sin
- Torture
- Inferiority
- Plants Growing Up
- Growing
- Do Not Hinder
- Dimensions Of Doorways
- Rooms Of Ezekiel's Temple
- North Gates
- Pillars For Ezekiel's Temple
- South Gates
- Measuring Jerusalem And The Land
- Ministering
- Kingdom Of God, Characteristics Of
- Herbs
- Drugs
- Faithfulness, To God
- Understanding
- Discernment
- Seasons Changing
- God Revealing Mysteries
- Fractions, One Fourth
- Fourth
- Millennium
- Limitations
- Flutes
- All Nations
- Leadership Qualities
- Neglecting Duties
- Magistrates
- Corruption
- Different Things
- Horns In Allegory
- Four Winds
- Christ's Origin
- Hypocrisy
- Respect
- Being A Woman Of God
- Natural Disasters
- End Times
- Last Judgment
- Resurrection, Of Believers
- Evangelism
- Criminals
- Being Loved
- Avoid Quarrels
- Servants, Working Conditions Of
- Mere Talk
- Knowing About God's Kingdom
- Last Days
- Receiving God's Word
- The Word Of God
- Distractions
- Crusades
- Who Is The One?
- Being Filled With The Spirit
- Godly Man
- Unforgiveness
- Anger And Forgiveness
- Pain
- Morality
- Drinking, abstention from
- Passion
- Compassion, In Christians
- Mercy, Response To God's
- Oppression, God's Attitude To
- The Need For Mercy
- Poverty, Attitudes Towards
- Thought
- Losing a loved one
- Stumbling Blocks
- Misteaching
- Attention
- Resisting Temptation
- Two Disciples
- Lakes
- Boats
- Following Jesus Christ
- Popularity Of Christ
- Crowds Around Jesus
- Ethics, incentives towards
- Forgiving Ones Enemies
- Duties To Enemies
- Mercy
- Gays
- Forgiving Yourself
- Being Gay
- Empathy
- Commands, in NT
- Teaching
- Greatness Of Disciples
- Relaxation
- Abusive Husbands
- Sexual Immorality
- Repaying Evil For Evil
- Going Together
- Outdoing
- Alms, Good Deeds
- Attention Seekers
- Being Seen By Man
- No Reward
- Reward
- Recognition
- Order
- People
- Piety
- Deeds
- Hypocrites, Description Of
- Christ Telling The Truth
- Settling Accounts
- Hypocrites
- Helping Those In Need
- Sin, Accepting Forgiveness Of
- Forgiveness
- God's Forgiveness
- Forgiveness Kjv
- Love And Forgiveness
- Forgiving
- When?
- Fasting
- Fasting And Prayer
- Gospel, Responses To
- Servanthood, In Life Of Believers
- Slavery, Spiritual
- Covetousness, Nature of
- Instability
- Worry And Stress
- Serving The Church
- Being First
- Worry
- First Actions
- Great Things
- Focus
- Putting God First
- Trust In Relationships
- Math
- Not Judging
- Judgments
- Hindrances
- Reciprocity
- Judging
- Judgement
- Judgement Day
- Measurement
- Name Calling
- Self Respect
- Conduct, Proper
- Love, Of Fellow Man
- Doing God's Works
- Networking
- Respecting Your Body
- Crowds Avoided
- Two Needy Men
- Demons
- Demonic Influence
- Exorcisms
- Hell, As An Experience
- Resolving Conflict
- Hospitality, Examples Of
- Tax Collectors
- Reclining To Eat
- Types
- Names And Titles For The Christian
- Twelve Disciples
- Christ Sending
- Christ's Orders
- Missionaries
- Gentiles
- Evangelizing
- Revenge, And Retaliation
- Persecution
- Last Words
- Discipleship
- Marketplaces
- Humor
- Accused Of Being Demonised
- Ministry Of The Son Of Man
- Those Jesus Healed
- Pharisees, Attitudes To Jesus Christ
- Revenge, Examples Of
- Disliking
- Christ Would Be Killed
- Pharisees
- Casting Out Demons
- Ghosts
- Evil Generations
- Seeking A Sign
- Seven Spirits
- Worse
- Suddenly
- Choking
- Fertile Land
- Land Producing
- Hundredfold Return
- Hearing God's Word
- Being Tempted
- Fruit, Spiritual
- Acceptance, Of The Gospel
- The Source Of Fruit
- Change And Growth
- Weed
- Disciples' Movements
- Gospel, Confirmation Of
- Signs Of The Times
- Unbelief, As Response To God
- Who He Might Be
- Organization
- Thinking Aright
- Taxes
- Christ With His Disciples
- Humble Yourself
- Annulment
- Sexuality
- Masturbation
- Being Single
- Struggles In Relationship
- Eighth Commandment
- Ambition, negative aspects of
- Selfishness, Shown In
- Right Desires
- Unconditional Love
- Relationship Of Father And Son
- Mission, Of Jesus Christ
- Redemption, In Nt
- The Effect Of Christ's Death
- Redemption
- Ministry
- Acceptance
- Faithlessness, As Disobedience
- Names And Titles For The Church
- Singleness
- Christ Like People
- Following
- Garments
- Teachers
- Legalism
- Religion
- Righteousness, As Faith
- Inner Beauty
- Crucified
- Curiosity
- End Of The World
- End times prophecy
- Signs Of The End Times
- The Second Coming
- Faith, As A Body Of Beliefs
- Christianity
- Apostasy
- The Rapture
- Discrimination
- Entrusting
- Talents
- Gifts And Talents
- Christ With People On Earth
- Christ Was Killed
- The Cross
- Abuse
- Thieves
- Crucifixion
- Mocking Christ
- Names And Titles For Christ
- Saving Oneself
- Crucifixion, Of Christ
- Said To Be The Christ
- Witnessing
- Jesus Tomb
- The First Day Of The Week
- Doctrine
- Goals
- Preaching, Importance Of
- Spirit, Nature Of
- Christ Knowing About People
- Victory, Over Spiritual Forces
- Teachableness
- Questioning Christ
- Jesus Using Parables
- Efficiency
- Evil Desires
- Not Worrying
- Worrying
- Anxiety And Stress
- Who Is Jesus?
- Jesus The Prophet
- Culture
- Discussions
- Self Denial
- Unselfishness
- Christ's Disciples Will Suffer
- Christlikeness
- Peace, In Christian Living
- Seek Peace
- Money, Stewardship Of
- Fulfilling The Law
- Honour The Honourable
- Never Giving Up
- Rabbi
- Selfishness
- Duties To Neighbours
- Love Your Neighbour!
- Self Centeredness
- Self Esteem
- Self Worth
- Strength And Love
- Testifying
- Telling Of Jesus
- Seeing The Risen Christ
- Eleven
- The Truth Of The Gospel
- Sound Doctrine
- Spirit Filled Men
- Inner Garments
- Evangelists, ministry of
- Spreading The Gospel
- Preaching
- Evangelising
- Partnership
- Evangelism, kinds of
- Caring
- Identity
- Behavior
- Condemnation
- Giving, Of Possessions
- Prophecy, In Nt
- Providing
- Possessions
- Faith, Growth In
- Signs Performed By Christ
- Love For God
- Agape Love
- Riches, Nature Of
- Be Humble!
- Pride, Evil Of
- Welcome
- Welcoming Believers
- Love And Relationships
- Self Righteousness, Nature Of
- Men Pleasers
- Confidence And Self Esteem
- Evildoers
- Sibling Love
- Assertiveness
- Opposition, To Sin And Evil
- Evil, believers' responses to
- The Apostles In Action
- Fellowship With Christ
- All Authority Has Been Given To Jesus
- Identity In Christ
- Believing In Yourself
- Fathers Love
- Dissension
- Faults
- Schisms
- Shepherds, As Church Leader
- Conflict Resolution
- Love Fellow Christians!
- Love to Christ
- God's Love For Us
- True Love
- Loving Everyone
- Gods Love
- Love, Nature Of
- Commitment, to God's people
- Short Time Till The End
- Signs Attending Christ
- Scars
- Peter
- Scripture, Purpose Of
- The Bible
- Apostles, Description
- Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
- Apostles, Function In Early Church
- Joking
- Peter, The Apostle
- Importunity, Towards People
- Spiritual Death
- The Church Universal
- Progress
- Slavery
- The Gospel Preached
- Believers
- Trails
- The Gospel Of Salvation
- The Holy Spirit In The Church
- Teaching In The Church
- Hymns
- Envy
- Acting
- Prophesying In The Church
- Edification, Means Of
- Grace, And Christian Life
- Building Up The Church
- God's Grace
- Necessity Of Circumcision
- Hope, As Confidence
- The Dead Are Raised
- Helpfulness
- Suffering, Encouragements In
- Not Believing The Gospel
- Spiritual Gifts
- Maintaining Faith
- Peace And Comfort
- Scripture
- God Being With You
- Being Unique
- Connection
- Sex
- Sexual Chastity
- Self Indulgence
- Conscience
- Nature Of Idolatry
- Lying
- Keeping Faith
- Opportunity
- The Mind
- The Body
- Patience In Hard Times
- Principalities
- Living Not For The Material
- God's Promise To Abraham
- The church
- Christ
- Service
- Finance
- Leaders
- Examples of Leadership
- Ministry, In The Church
- Sensitivity
- Afflicted, Duty To Them
- Joy And Happiness
- Superiority
- Unity Among Believers
- Cooperation
- Community
- Patients
- Overworking
- Greed, Believers' Response To
- Christian Liberty
- Religious Freedom
- Effort
- Do Not Be Selfish
- Patient
- Grandmas
- Afflictions, Consolation During
- Unity
- Being Patient
- Mindset
- Restored In Jesus Christ
- Perfection, Human
- Ministers, Way They Should Teach
- Signs And Wonders Of The Gospel
- Paul, Apostle To Gentiles
- Church, Titles Of
- Avoiding Sin
- Avoiding Evil
- Apollos
- Quarrels
- Avoiding Jealousy
- God, Grace Of
- The Grace Given To Men
- Individualism
- The Gifts of God
- Sexual Purity
- Avoid Immorality
- Abusive Relationships
- Addiction
- Profitable Things
- Freedom
- Fornication
- Sexual Sin, Nature Of
- Impurity
- Living For The Material
- Satan, As Tempter
- Spiritual Vitality
- Purity
- Positive Thinking
- Improvement
- Training
- Self Discipline
- Ministers, Should Be
- Ability, God's Power
- Adults
- Ethics, and grace
- Sin, Avoidance Of
- Self Love
- Abounding
- Reasons To Wait For Marriage
- Partying
- Being A Women
- Coming Together
- Fellowship, In Christian Service
- Attending Church
- Branding
- Pride
- Aim At Love
- Being An Encourager
- Each Local Church
- Being Grateful
- Maturity
- Grace
- The Hope Of The Gospel
- Hope And Love
- Abounding, Good Things
- Call To Action
- Afflictions
- Death Of Loved One
- Speaking Truth
- Love Exists Between People
- Paul's Boasting
- Purpose
- Grateful Heart
- Thanksgiving And Gratitude
- Giving Thanks
- Growth In Grace
- Spiritual Warfare, Enemies In
- Pure People
- The Purity Of The Gospel
- Patience As A Fruit Of The Spirit
- God's Things Concealed
- Nurture
- Telling The Truth
- Tenderheartedness
- Respecting Authority
- Emotions
- Beginning Of Salvation
- Priests, Tasks In Nt Times
- Knowing God's Truth
- Short Time For Action