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We have said it before, and I repeat it now??f anyone is preaching to you good news that contradicts the good news you have already received, a curse upon him!

Now I want you to know, brothers, that the gospel preached by me is not based on human thought.

for He who had been at work within Peter with a view to his Apostleship to the Jews had also been at work within me with a view to my Apostleship to the Gentiles--

O foolish Galatians, who hath deluded you, you that have had the crucifixion of Jesus Christ represented to your view?

Have you gone through so much, all for nothing???f it really is for nothing!

I beg you, brothers, take my point of view, just as I took yours. You did me no injustice then.

A little leaven [a slight inclination to error, or a few false teachers] leavens the whole batch [it perverts the concept of faith and misleads the church].

I have confidence in you in the Lord that you will adopt no other view [contrary to mine on the matter]; but the one who is disturbing you, whoever he is, will have to bear the penalty.