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This took place after he defeated Sihon, king of the Amorites, who lived in Heshbon and Og, king of Bashan, who lived in Ashtaroth at Edrei.

Verse Conceptsdefeat

In the desert you saw that the LORD carried you like a man carries his son, on every road you traveled until you reached this place.'

Verse ConceptsFathers, Responsibilities OfLight, NaturalSustaining ProvidenceGod Carrying PeopleGod Led Them Through The Wilderness

who walked ahead of you along the way to scout a place for you to pitch camp by fire at night and cloud by day to lead you on the way you should go."

Verse ConceptsGuardiansJourneyDivine ManifestationsGod Going BeforeGod Appearing In FireLearning The Right WayCamping During The Exodus

This is what he did for the descendants of Esau who live in Seir, when he destroyed the Horites before them. So they dispossessed them and settled there in their place, where they live to this day.

Verse ConceptsWhere People Live To This Day

It was the same for the Avvites who lived in villages as far as Gaza. The Caphtorites, who came from Crete, destroyed them and settled there in their place.)

Verse ConceptsExchange Of NationsImmigrants

He'll love you and increase your numbers. He'll bless the fruit of your womb, the fruit of your land (the grain, new wine, and oil), the offspring of your herds, and the lambs of your flock, in the land that the LORD promised your ancestors he would give you.

Verse ConceptsTemporal BlessingsFruitfulness, NaturalAlcoholdrinkingBlessings, To AbrahamOilWineWombProsperity PromisedAlcohol ConsumptionIncreasing FruitGod Multipling PeopleChildren BlessedGod Will Bless

"Remember and don't ever forget how you provoked the LORD your God in the desert. From the day that you came out of the land of Egypt until you came to this place you have been rebelling against the LORD.

Verse ConceptsRebellion, Of IsraelSin, Nature OfPainful Memories

I'll write on the tablets what was on the first tablets that you broke. Then place them in the wooden chest.'

At that time the LORD set apart the tribe of Levi to carry the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD, to stand in the LORD's presence, to serve, and to bless his name until this day.

Verse ConceptsLevitesStandingSeparation From Evil PeopleThe Ark Moved AroundCarrying Holy ThingsPeople BlessingStatutes To This DayGod’s Covenant With The Levites

what he did for you in the desert until you came to this place;

Verse ConceptsGod Led Them Through The Wilderness

Every place upon which the soles of your feet tread will be yours as boundaries from the desert to Lebanon and from the River (that is, from the Euphrates) to the Mediterranean Sea.

Verse ConceptsMediterranean SeaFeet In ActionAs Far As The Euphrates

Tear down their altars, cut down their sacred poles, and burn them. Cut down the carved images of their gods to erase their memory from that place."

Verse ConceptsStonesDestruction Of Satan's WorksObelisksBurning Idolatrous ThingsNames Blotted OutstatuesgenocideHinduism

Instead, you must seek to enter only the place that the LORD your God will choose among your tribes. There he will establish his name and live.

Verse ConceptsChoicesHousesWorship, Places OfSacred PlacesA Place For God's Name

for you haven't arrived yet to your allotted place that the LORD your God is about to give you.

Verse ConceptsRestNever Giving Up

then bring to the place that the LORD your God will choose as a dwelling place where he will establish his name everything that I'm commanding you: your burnt offerings, your sacrifices, your tithes, your hand-carried gifts, and all your best offerings in fulfillment of promises that you pledged to the LORD.

Verse ConceptsGiftsChoicesOfferingsSacred PlacesAnimal Sacrifices, Heave OfferingBringing In The TitheRegulating SacrificesA Place For God's NameTithes And Offering

instead of at the place the LORD will choose in one of the tribal areas. There you may offer burnt offerings, and there you may do everything that I'm commanding you."

You'll eat only in the presence of the LORD your God at the place that he will choose you, your sons and your daughters, your male and female servants, and the descendant of Levi who is in your cities. Rejoice in the presence of the LORD your God in everything you undertake.

Verse ConceptsEating Before GodEating Drinking And Rejoicing

"If the place where the LORD your God chooses to establish his name is distant from you, then you may slaughter from your herd and your flock what the LORD has provided for you, as he instructed you. You may consume them in your cities as much as you please.

Verse ConceptsFar From HereA Place For God's Name

"You may carry and bring only your consecrated gifts and offerings in fulfillment of promises to the place that the LORD will choose.

that takes place, and then he may tell you, "Let's follow other gods (whom you have not known) and let's serve them.' Even though the sign or portent comes to pass,

Verse ConceptsUnknown GodsDifferent GodsEncouraged To Serve Foreign godsMan's Words FulfilledFake Friends

Then in the presence of the LORD your God, in the place where he'll choose to establish his name, you may consume the tithe of your grain, your new wine, your oil, and the firstborn of your livestock and flock, so that you'll learn to revere the LORD your God all your life.

Verse ConceptsLearningFirstbornChoicesGrainReverence, And ObedienceSacred PlacesThe Fear Of The LordTithes And Offeringfriendliness

Now the way may be distant from you, so that you are unable to transport your tithe because you have been blessed by the LORD your God and the place where the LORD your God chooses to establish his name may be distant from you.

Verse ConceptsFar From HereTithes And OfferingMoney Blessingsdistancefriendliness

In that case, convert it into cash, secure the money, and then bring it to the place where the LORD will choose.

Verse ConceptsIndeterminate Sums Of MoneyFinancesTithes And OfferingChanging YourselfGiving BackMoney Blessingsdistancefriendliness

so the descendants of Levi who have no tribal allotment as you do foreigners, orphans, and widows who live in your cities may come, eat, and be satisfied. That way, the LORD your God shall bless you in everything you do."

Verse ConceptsPoverty, Attitudes TowardsSatisfactionSaints, Care For The PoorWidows, Should BeLoving ForeignersGod Will BlessNo Earthly InheritancePeople Helping Orphansfriendliness

Moreover, there will be no poor person among you, for the LORD will surely bless you in the land that he is about to give you to possess.

Verse ConceptsPoor PeopleBlessings, To IsraelLand, As A Divine Responsibility

For the LORD your God will bless you just as he promised. You are to lend to many nations but not borrow. Also, you will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you."

Verse ConceptsBeing In DebtLendingAuthority Of DisciplesBorrowingLending And BorrowingFinancesMoney Blessingslentgenocide

You must certainly give to him and not feel regret for doing so. Because of this, the LORD your God will bless all your works and everything you do.

Verse ConceptsBeing BlessedGrudgesMastersResentment, Against PeopleSaints, Care For The PoorGod Will BlessGivingGiving Back

Don't view this as a hardship for yourself when you set him free, for he will have served you for six years twice the time of a paid worker. Then the LORD will bless you in all that you do."

Verse ConceptsValuesSix YearsHardship

Then in the presence of the LORD your God, you and your household must eat them every year at the place the LORD will choose.

Verse ConceptsSacred PlacesEating Before GodFamily First

Then sacrifice sheep and cattle for the Passover to the LORD your God at the place where the LORD your God will choose to establish his name.

Verse ConceptsAnimals, religious role ofChoicesSacred PlacesA Place For God's Name

But at the place where your God will choose to establish his name, you are to sacrifice the Passover in the evening at dusk, at the time of day you left Egypt.

Verse ConceptsSunsetsA Place For God's Nameanniversary

Boil and eat the Passover meal at the place that the LORD your God will choose. In the morning you may go back to your tents.

Verse Conceptscooking

Rejoice in the presence of the LORD your God with your son, daughter, male and female slaves, the descendants of Levi who is in your city, the stranger, the orphan, and the widow among you, at the place where the LORD your God will choose to establish his name.

Verse ConceptsOrphansPoverty, Attitudes TowardsWidowsWidows, Should BeRejoicingForeigners Permitted At The FeastsPeople Helping OrphansEating Drinking And RejoicingA Place For God's Name

For seven days you are to celebrate in the presence of the LORD your God at the place where the LORD will choose; for the LORD your God will bless you in all your harvest and in everything you do, and your joy will be complete.

Verse ConceptsSeven Days

"Every male must appear in the presence of the LORD your God three times a year at the place where he will choose: for the Festival of Unleavened Bread, the Festival of Seven Weeks, and the Festival of Tents. He must not appear in the LORD's presence empty-handed,

Verse ConceptsFeasting On Special OccasionsLaw, OtPilgrimageWorship, Times ForMen WorshippingEmpty HandedThree Times A YearFestivals Observedvacation

"If a case is too difficult for you to decide with respect to bloodshed, civil claims, assault and battery, or other matters of dispute within your courts, bring it to the place that the LORD your God will choose.

Verse ConceptsSacred PlacesHard Tasks

carry out the verdict that was declared to you at the place that the LORD will choose. Carefully observe all of their instructions to you

Verse ConceptsKeeping Man's Word

You will certainly set a king over you, whom the LORD your God will choose from among your relatives, but you must not place a foreign king over you who is not from your relatives.

Verse ConceptsForeignersStrangersLaws Restricting ForeignersStrangers in israel

"Any descendant of Levi who wishes to do so may come from any city or part of Israel where he resides to the place that the LORD will choose.

I will raise up a prophet like you from among their relatives, and I will place my words in his mouth so that he may expound everything that I have commanded to them.

Verse ConceptsMediatorMessengerMouthsRevelation, In OtJesus The ProphetSpeaking The Word God GivesSpecial RevelationRevelation Through Direct Communication

"Choose a place outside the camp for a latrine.

Verse ConceptsOutside The Camppoop

You may charge interest to a foreigner, but don't charge interest to your relatives, so the LORD your God may bless you in everything you undertake in the land that you are about to enter and possess.

Verse ConceptsBankruptcyForeignersInterestStrangersLaws Restricting Foreigners

Be sure to return his garment to him at sunset so that he may sleep with it, and he will bless you. It will be a righteous deed in the presence of the LORD your God.

Verse ConceptsCloaksThe SunSunsetslent

"When you are reaping in the field, and you overlook a sheaf, don't return to get it. Let it remain for the foreigner, the orphan, or the widow, in order that the LORD your God may bless everything you undertake.

Verse ConceptsForeignersBinding cornBereaved, Care ForGrainOrphansSowing And ReapingWidowsAutumnAliensSuccess And Hard Work

Gather all the first produce of the ground that you harvest from your land that the LORD your God is about to give you, place it in a basket, and bring it to the place where the LORD your God will choose to establish his name.

Verse ConceptsChoicesBaskets, Uses OfWorship, Places OfA Place For God's NameFirst fruits

Then the priest will take the basket from you and place it in front of the altar of the LORD your God.

Verse ConceptsThe Altar Of The LordSacrifice On The Bronze AltarTithes And Offering

And then we arrived at this place, and he gave this land to us, flowing with milk and honey.

Verse ConceptsFoodLand, Spiritual Aspects OfMilk And Honey

Look down from your holy habitation in heaven and bless your people Israel and the land that you have given us, just as you promised our ancestors a land flowing with milk and honey.'"

Verse ConceptsHeaven, God's HabitationHeaven, Glimpsed By HumansGod Acts From HeavenMilk And HoneyMay God Bless!

"When you cross the Jordan River, these tribes are to stand on Mount Gerizim to bless the people Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Joseph, and Benjamin.

Verse ConceptsTribes Of IsraelCrossing Into The Promised Land

"The LORD will send blessings for you with regard to your barns and everything you undertake. Indeed, he will bless you in the land that the LORD your God is about to give you.

Verse ConceptsTemporal BlessingsBarnsProsperityStores Of FoodDedication

"The LORD will open his rich treasury, the heavens, to release rain upon your land in season and bless everything you undertake so that you'll lend to many nations but won't borrow.

Verse ConceptsBeing In DebtRainStoringWeather, God's Sovereignty OverYearsProvisionsSeeking Things AboveGod Sending RainGod's StorehousesBorrowingLending And BorrowingBlessing OthersMoney Blessingslent

Among those nations you'll have no rest. There'll be no resting place for the soles of your feet. Instead, the LORD will give you an anxious heart, failing eyesight, and a despairing spirit.

Verse ConceptsHealthHeart, HumanTremblingHuman EmotionRecreationFear Will ComeDespairanxious

Finally, the LORD will bring you back to Egypt by ship, a place that I said you'd never see again. There you'll try to sell yourselves to your enemies as male and female slaves, but no one will buy you."

Verse ConceptsSeafaringNeverSea TravelReturning to the oldGroups Of Slavesslavery

Then you reached this place, where King Sihon of Heshbon and King Og of Bashan had come out to meet and fight with us, but we defeated them.

Verse Conceptsdefeat

because when such a person hears the words of this oath, he will bless himself and say: "I will have a peaceful life, even though I'm determined to be stubborn.' By doing this he will be sweeping away both watered and parched ground alike.'

Verse ConceptsSelf IndulgenceSelf DelusionFalse ConfidencePathways Of SinMoist ThingsObstinate IndividualsPersistence

"The LORD won't forgive such a person. Instead, the zealous anger of the LORD will blaze against him. All the curses that were written in this book will fall on him. Then the LORD will wipe out his memory from under heaven.

Verse ConceptsOblivionGod, Zeal OfJealousyNames Blotted OutBook of the LawThe Curse Of The LawGod Not ForgivingAnger And Forgivenesssmoking

That's why I'm commanding you today to love the LORD your God by walking in his ways and by observing his commands, statutes, and ordinances, so that you may live long, increase, and so that the LORD your God may bless you in the land that you are about to enter to possess.

Verse ConceptsGod, Will OfLife, HumanRightsLife By LovingThe Need To Love GodKeep The Commandments!

when all of Israel comes to appear in the presence of the LORD your God at the place that he'll choose, read this Law aloud to them.

Verse ConceptsChoicesPilgrimageReading The ScripturesReading The Bible

He mounted him on a high place above the earth, feeding him from the produce of the field. He nourished him with honey from the rock and with oil from the flint rock,

Verse ConceptsFruitfulness, NaturalFoodFlintHigh PlacesOilHoneyProvision From RocksProvision Of Oil

Who ate the fat of their offerings and drank the wine that was their drink offering? Let them rise and help you and be your hiding place!'

Verse ConceptsFood For Other godsNo Help In Other Gods

LORD, bless his substance and approve the work that he undertakes. Shatter the legs of those who oppose against him; may those who hate him stand no more."

He was buried in the valley opposite Beth Peor, in the land of Moab, but no one knows to this day where his burial place is.

Verse ConceptsGrave, TheMoses, Life OfSepulchresAnonymityPlaces To This DayBurying places