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who upon his arrival there, was glad to see such effects of the divine grace, and exhorted them all to remain firmly attach'd to the christian profession:
where they resided a whole year with that church, and instructed abundance of disciples, and these disciples were the first that were denominated Christians.
the proconsul seeing the fact, embraced the faith, being struck with admiration of the christian doctrine.
when they heard this, they were initiated by baptism into the christian profession.
thus the christian doctrine flourish'd and prevail'd.
It was then a tumult happen'd at Ephesus upon account of the christian sect.
some time after he came to Cesarea with his wife Drusilla, a Jewess, when sending for Paul, he heard him discourse about the Christian faith.
but Agrippa reply'd to Paul, you almost persuade me I shall be a christian!
Sentence of death therefore shall not pass upon those christians who do not lead a vicious life.
for the christian dispensation of a spiritual life has set me free from the legal state of sin and death.
for I could wish to be as one anathematiz'd from the christian church for my brethren, who are of the same race as my self,
for I will not offer to mention any thing, but what Christ has wrought by me, to make the Gentiles christians, both in profession and practice:
as becometh christians, and assist her in every thing her business requires: for she hath assisted many besides my self.
salute the church that is in their house. salute my dear Epenetus, who is the first christian convert of Asia.
I value as a good christian. salute Urbane my assistant in the cause of Christ,
and my dear Stachys. salute Apelles, an approved christian. salute the family of Aristobulus.
we are made fools for our attachment to Christ, while you, who are christians too, still pass for the wise: we are in poverty, but you are in power: you meet with esteem, but we find contempt.
for though you may have ten thousand christian preceptors, you cannot have many fathers; since it was I that first instructed you in the gospel of Christ Jesus:
'tis for this end I have sent you Timothy, who is my dear disciple, and a faithful christian, who will inform you how I behave my self in every church where I teach the gospel of Christ.
but my meaning was, not to keep company with any christian known to be vicious, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or rapacious, no not even to eat with such a one.
When any controversy arises among you, will any one presume to appeal to the Gentiles, and not to Christians?
for the unbelieving husband is christianiz'd by the believing wife, and the unbelieving wife is christianiz'd by the believing husband: else were your children heathens: whereas they are christians.
Whatever condition God has allotted to any man, let him go on in the same state he was in when he became a christian: this I give as a standing rule to all churches.
does a Jew turn Christian? let him not pretend to be uncircumcised: does a Gentile turn Christian? let him not become circumcised.
let every man continue in the same state he was in when he turn'd christian.
for the slave that turns christian, is the Lord's freedman: likewise, the freeman that becomes a convert is Christ's servant.
The wife is bound as long as her husband lives: but if her husbnd be dead, she is at liberty to be married, if she pleases; provided it be to a christian.
Am I not free? am I not an apostle? have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord? are not you become christians by my labour?
if I am not an apostle to others, yet doubtless I am to you: for your being christians is the proof of my apostleship.
have not we the liberty to take a christian woman with us in our travels, as well as the rest of the apostles, as the brothers of the Lord, and Cephas did?
for God is not the God of confusion, but of peace, in all christian assemblies.
then they too who died christians, are entirely lost.
if our expectations as christians all terminate in this life, we of all men are most to be pitied.
but every one in proper order: Christ has the precedence, next they who were Christians shall rise at his advent.
therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye inflexibly steady, and continually surpass others in the work of the Lord, knowing that he will not leave your christian labour unrewarded.
You know brethren, that the family of Stephanas were the first converts of Achaia, and have made it their business to be serviceable to christian converts: to such,
The churches of Asia, salute you. Aquila and Priscilla salute you with much christian affection, and so do the church that is in their house.
present my love to every christian among you. amen.
Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the divine appointment, and Timothy our brother, to the church of God, which is at Corinth, with all the christians throughout Achaia: favour,
for God is pleased to accept my christian labours, in favour both of those who are in a saving, and of those who are in a ruinous state:
therefore, if any man be a christian, he is in a new creation: the old state of things is chang'd to one entirely new.
now as to Titus, he is my collegue, and assists me in your affairs: as to our brethren, they are the deputies of the churches, and the glory of the christian profession.
I knew a christian who above fourteen years ago, was snatch'd up even to the third heaven, whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knows.
do you think I have been making excuses for not coming? as I am a christian, in the presence of God, I have, my beloved, in every thing consulted your advantage.
for as many of you as have been baptized into christianity, have been invested as christians.
for in the christian-dispensation, neither circumcision avails any thing, nor uncircumcision, but an active benevolent faith.
Wherefore having heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and of your love to all christians,
upon me, who am the meanest of all christians, is this favour bestowed, that I should proclaim to the Gentiles the undiscoverable advantages by Christ;
But fornication, and all impurity, or inordinate desire, let it not be approved by you, as being unworthy of christians: neither ribaldry,
Children, obey your christian parents: for this is the law.
Pour out your souls unto God upon all occasions, watching in prayer with all perseverance and supplication for all christians:
the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the christians that are at Philippi, to the bishops, and to the deacons.
for God is my witness, that I love you with a christian tenderness.
that by my being present with you again, I may be the occasion of heightning your christian joy.
If then there be any christian consolation, any charitable relief, any communion of the spirit, if any tenderness of compassion,
Wherefore, my dearly beloved brethren, my joy and my crown, whom I long to see, continue firm in your christian profession, my beloved.
Salute all the christian converts. the brethren who are with me salute you.
to our faithful brethren the christian converts at Coloss. favour and peace be to you from God our father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
having heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the affection you have to all christians;
by whom also ye have obtain'd the true spiritual circumcision, not effected by men, when you were by a christian circumcision divested of all your carnal affections,
Let the christian doctrine be the familiar subject of your entertainment: in all wisdom instructing and exhorting one another, in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, melodiously tuning your grateful praises to God.
Dames, be submissive to your husbands, as becomes christians.
children, obey your parents upon all occasions, for that is graceful in a christian.
Be prudent in your conduct to those, who are not christians: and make the best of of every opportunity.
the whole will of God. for I can witness for him, that he is ardently concern'd for you, and the christians of Laodicea,
for, my brethren, you have followed the example of the christian churches in Judea; by having suffer'd the same persecutions from your own nation, as the churches have suffer'd from the Jews,
for now I am reviv'd, since you continue stedfast in the christian profession.
for the Lord himself will descend from heaven, and by the voice of the archangel, with the trumpet of God, resound the summons: they who died christians shall rise first:
be thankful to God for every thing, for so christians are oblig'd to be.
I conjure you by the Lord, that this epistle may be read to all our christian brethren.
for they who duly discharge that office, prepare their way to a higher degree, and may promote the christian faith with the greater freedom.
let them not treat their christian masters, on pretence of being their brethren, with less respect: but be the more obsequious, because they are believers, and deserve to be belov'd, for the kind provision they make for them. let this be the subject of your instructions, and exhortation.
Keep that form of sound doctrine you receiv'd from me, which consists in christian faith and charity:
Avoid the passions of youth. pursue justice, fidelity, benevolence and concord with all sincere christians.
a christian must not be litigious, but easy to all men, qualify'd to instruct,
and those who will live like Christians, shall generally suffer persecution.
All that are with me salute you. salute our christian friends. grace be with you all. AMEN.
so that the christian faith, which you have in common with us, displays itself to the observation of all good men about you.
not as a slave, but in another quality, as a dear brother whom I particularly value, but much more should you, both as he is your servant, and as he is a christian.
are not all those spirits dispatch'd as ministers to take care of those who shall belong to the christian church.
Wherefore, christian brethren, you who are called to an heavenly inheritance, consider the apostle and high priest of the faith we profess, even Christ Jesus;
Therefore omitting for the present the principles of the christian doctrine, we shall proceed to something more sublime, without mentioning those fundamental articles of repentance from destructive vices, and of divine faith:
for God is too just to his promise not to regard your piety, and the love which you have shewn to the christian religion by the assistance ye have given to the saints, and still continue to give.
salute those who conduct you, and all the christians. they of Italy salute you.
Let him that is poor triumph in the advantages of being a christian.
My brethren, let not your christian profession be accompanied with partiality.
always maintaining a good conscience, that instead of inveighing against you as evildoers, they may be cover'd with confusion, who traduce your virtuous behaviour as Christians.
but whoever suffers as a christian, let him not be asham'd, but rather give thanks to God upon that account.
the church at Babylon, who are likewise Christians, and Mark my son salute you.
salute one another with social affection. peace be with every christian among you. Amen.
but he that observes his precepts, loves God with a true and perfect love: 'tis by this we know that we are truly christians.
and every spirit that does not own that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not from God." this is that anti-christian spirit which you have heard was to come, and even now it appears in the world.
for he that is a true christian, overcomes the world: by obtaining faith, we have gain'd a victory over the world.
we know that a true christian will not commit such a sin, for he that is the child of God keeps upon his guard, so that the wicked spirit does not approach him.
The PRESBYTER to the lady ECLECTA and her children, whom I sincerely love, and not only I, but all true christians,
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