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The eye also which saw him shall see him no more; neither shall his place any more behold him.

He shall suck the poison of asps: the viper's tongue shall slay him.

He shall not see the rivers, the brooks flowing with honey and butter.

As for me, is my complaint to man? and if it were so, why should not my spirit be troubled?

Therefore they say unto God, Depart from us; for we desire not the knowledge of your ways.

His eyes shall see his destruction, and he shall drink of the wrath of the Almighty.

For you say, Where is the house of the prince? and where are the dwelling places of the wicked?

Or darkness, that you can not see; and abundance of waters cover you.

And you say, How does God know? can he judge through the dark cloud?

The righteous see it, and are glad: and the innocent laugh them to scorn.

When men are cast down, then you shall say, There is lifting up; and he shall save the humble person.

I would know the words which he would answer me, and understand what he would say unto me.

There the righteous might reason with him; so should I be delivered forever from my judge.

On the left hand, where he does work, but I cannot behold him: he hides himself on the right hand, that I cannot see him:

Why, seeing times are not hidden from the Almighty, do they that know him not see his days?

The eye also of the adulterer waits for the twilight, saying, No eye shall see me: and disguises his face.

And if it be not so now, who will make me a liar, and make my speech worth nothing?

He divides the sea with his power, and by his understanding he strikes through the storm.

There is a path which no fowl knows, and which the falcon's eye has not seen:

The lion's whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed by it.

The deep says, It is not in me: and the sea says, It is not with me.

Destruction and death say, We have heard the fame of it with our ears.

Then did he see it, and declare it; he prepared it, yea, and searched it out.

When the ear heard me, then it blessed me; and when the eye saw me, it gave witness to me:

The blessing of him that was ready to perish came upon me: and I caused the widow's heart to sing for joy.

Then let me sow, and let another eat; yea, let my offspring be rooted out.

If my heart has been deceived by a woman, or if I have laid wait at my neighbor's door;

(For from my youth he was brought up with me, as with a father, and I have guided him from my mother's womb;)

If I have lifted up my hand against the fatherless, when I saw I had help in the gate:

So these three men ceased to answer Job, because he was righteous in his own eyes.

When Elihu saw that there was no answer in the mouth of these three men, then his wrath was aroused.

Therefore I say, Hearken to me; I also will show my opinion.

Behold, I waited for your words; I gave ear to your reasons, while you searched out what to say.

Lest you should say, We have found out wisdom: God vanquishes him, not man.

Let me not, I pray you, accept any man's person, neither let me give flattery unto man.

For I know not how to give flattery; in so doing my maker would soon take me away.

Behold, I am according to your wish in God's stead: I also am formed out of the clay.

So that his life abhors bread, and his soul the choicest food.

He shall pray unto God, and he will be favorable unto him: and he shall see his face with joy: for he will render unto man his righteousness.

He looks upon men, and if any say, I have sinned, and perverted that which was right, and it profited me not;

He will deliver his soul from going into the pit, and his life shall see the light.

If you have any thing to say, answer me: speak, for I desire to justify you.

Is it fit to say to a king, You are wicked? and to princes, You are ungodly?

Therefore he knows their works, and he overturns them in the night, so that they are destroyed.

So that they cause the cry of the poor to come unto him, and he hears the cry of the afflicted.

That which I see not you teach me: if I have done iniquity, I will do no more.

Think you this to be right, that you said, My righteousness is more than God's?

Look unto the heavens, and see; and behold the clouds which are higher than you.

Although you say you shall not see him, yet justice is before him; therefore you must trust in him.

But now, because it is not so, he has visited in his anger; yet he knows it not in a great extreme:

Bear with me a little, and I will show you that I have yet to speak on God's behalf.

Even so would he have removed you out of the distress into a broad place, where there is no restraint; and that which should be set on your table should be full of richness.

Who has prescribed him his way? or who can say, You have worked iniquity?

Every man may see it; man may behold it afar off.

Behold, he spreads his lightning upon it, and covers the depths of the sea.

Teach us what we shall say unto him; for we cannot order our speech because of darkness.

Or who shut up the sea with doors, when it broke forth, as if it had issued out of the womb?

Have you entered into the springs of the sea? or have you walked in search of the depths?

Can you send lightnings, that they may go, and say unto you, Here we are?

None is so fierce that would dare stir him up: who then is able to stand before me?

One is so near to another, that no air can come between them.

He makes the deep boil like a pot: he makes the sea like a pot of ointment.

And it was so, that after the LORD had spoken these words unto Job, the LORD said to Eliphaz the Temanite, My wrath is kindled against you, and against your two friends: for you have not spoken of me the thing that is right, as my servant Job has.

So Eliphaz the Temanite and Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite went, and did according as the LORD commanded them: the LORD also accepted Job.

So the LORD blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning: for he had fourteen thousand sheep, and six thousand camels, and a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand female donkeys.

And in all the land were no women found so beautiful as the daughters of Job: and their father gave them inheritance among their brethren.

After this lived Job a hundred and forty years, and saw his sons, and his sons' sons, even four generations.

The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind drives away.

Many there be who say of my soul, There is no help for him in God. Selah.

There are many that say, Who will show us any good? LORD, lift up the light of your countenance upon us.

So shall the congregation of the people surround you: for their sakes therefore return you on high.

The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passes through the paths of the seas.

[To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David.] In the LORD put I my trust: how say you to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain?

Lest my enemy say, I have prevailed against him; and those that trouble me rejoice when I am moved.

The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God.

Then the channels of the sea were seen, and the foundations of the world were uncovered at your rebuke, O LORD, at the blast of the breath of your nostrils.

He teaches my hands to make war, so that a bow of bronze is bent by my arms.

You have given him his heart's desire, and have not withheld the request of his lips. Selah.

All they that see me laugh me to scorn: they shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying,

I was cast upon you from birth: you are my God from my mother's womb.

Save me from the lion's mouth: for you have heard me from the horns of the wild oxen.

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