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and then said unto the king, If, unto the king, it seemeth good, and if thy servant might find favour before thee, That thou wouldst send me unto Judah, unto the city of the sepulchres of my fathers, that I might build it.

Verse ConceptsLove, And The WorldTravelRebuilding JerusalemThe Will Of MenFavorExamples Of Patriotismrebuilding

And the king said unto me, the queen, also sitting beside him, For how long would be thy journey? and when wouldst thou return? So it seemed good before the king to send me, and I set him a time.

Verse ConceptsJourneyQueensBefore People ActWhen?People Sending People

Then came I unto the pashas Beyond the River, and gave them the letters of the king, - now the king, had sent with me, captains of the army, and horsemen.

Verse ConceptsBeyond The River

In what place soever ye shall hear the sound of the horn, thither, gather yourselves unto us, - our God, will fight for us.

Verse ConceptsTrumpets For Signalling

that Sanballat and Geshem sent unto me, saying, Come! and let us meet together in the villages, in the valley of Ono, - But, they, were plotting to do me harm.

Verse ConceptsTreacheryCharacter Of WickedMischiefMeeting People

So I sent unto them messengers, saying, A great work, am, I, doing, and cannot come down, - wherefore should the work cease whilst I leave it, and come down unto you?

Verse ConceptsMessengers Sent OutLazinessCessationGreat Things

Yet they sent unto me, according to this message, four times, - and I replied to them according to this answer.

Verse ConceptsFourfold

Then Sanballat sent unto me, according to this message, a fifth time, by his young man, - with an open letter, in his hand:

Verse ConceptsLettersFractions, One FifthFifthThings Manifest

Then sent I unto him, saying, Nothing hath been done, according to these words, which thou art saying, - but, out of thine own heart, art thou feigning them.

Verse ConceptsHeadsIndividuals Who LiedEverything Happening For A Reasonimaginationrumors

Then perceived I, that lo! it was, not God, who had sent him, - though, a prophecy, he had spoken concerning me, but, Tobiah and Sanballat, had hired him:

Verse ConceptsSpiritual PerceptionGod Not Sending

Moreover, his good deeds, were they telling before me, and, my affairs, were they carrying out to him, - letters, did Tobiah send to put me in fear.

Verse ConceptsPraising Specific PeopleFear Of Individuals

So he said unto them - Go your way, eat the fat and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared, for holy is the day, unto our Lord, - and be not grieved, for, the joy of Yahweh, is your strength.

Verse ConceptsFeastingBeing BlessedLeisure, And PastimesLove FeastPromised JoyEating Before GodSitting In DejectionDo Not MournGod Our StrengthAlcoholic BeveragesJoyStrength In Hard TimesHope And StrengthCelebrationHaving A Good DayBeing Happy And Enjoying Lifestrenghcelebratingfriendliness

And all the people went their way, to eat and to drink, and to send portions, and to make great rejoicing, - because they had understood the words which were made known unto them.

Verse ConceptsEating And DrinkingUnderstanding God's Word

and that they should publish and send along a proclamation throughout all their cities and throughout Jerusalem, saying, Forth to the mountain, and bring in branches of olive, and branches of oleaster, and branches of myrtle, and branches of palms, and branches of thick trees, - to make booths, as it is written.

Verse ConceptsBranches, Types OfOlivesFoliageMyrtle