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And having risen, he took the young child and his mother, and came into the land of Israel.

And this John had his garment from camel's hair, and a leather girdle about his loins, and his food was locusts and wild honey.

And the rain descended, and rivers came, and winds blew, and fell upon that house, and it fell not, for it was founded upon the rock.

And the rain descended, and rivers came, and winds blew and struck upon that house, and it fell, and great was its fall.

And Jesus having entered into Capernaum, a captain of a hundred came to him, and beseeching him,

And, behold, all the city came forth to the meeting to Jesus: and seeing him, they besought that he would go away from their boundaries.

And having entered into a ship, he passed over and came into his own city.

And having come into the house, the blind came to him: and Jesus says to them, Believe ye that I can do this? They say to him, Yes, Lord.

The queen of the South shall be raised up in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it; for she came from the end of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon here.

Then says he, I will return into my house, whence I came out; and having come, he finds vacant; having been swept, and put in order.

And in his sowing some truly fell by the way, and the flying things came and swallowed them down.

And in men's sleeping, his enemy came and sowed tares in the midst of the wheat, and went away.

Then Jesus having dismissed the crowds, went into the house; and his disciples came to him, saying, Explain to us the parable of the tares of the field.

And being evening, his disciples came to him, saying, It is a desert place, and the time has passed already; loose the crowds, that, having gone into towns, they might purchase food for themselves.

And having passed over, they came to the land of Gennesaret.

Then came to Jesus from Jerusalem the scribes and Pharisees, saying,

And having passed from thence, Jesus came to the sea of Galilee; and having gone up into a mountain, he sat there.

And many crowds came to him, having with them the lame, blind, dumb, maimed, and many others, and they cast them at the feet of Jesus; and he cured them:

And having loosed the crowds, he went into a ship, and came into the bounds of Magdala.

And they having come to the crowd, there came to him a man, supplicating on his knees to him, and saying,

And they having come to Capernaum, they taking double drachmas came to Peter and said, Does not your teacher pay double drachmas?

He says, Yes. And when he came into the house, Jesus anticipated him, saying, What seems to thee, Simon? from whom do the kings of the earth take taxes or census? from their sons, or from strangers?

In that hour came the disciples to Jesus, saying, Who is the greater in the kingdom of the heavens?

And it was when Jesus finished these words he removed from Galilee, and came from the bounds of Judea beyond Jordan;

And again I say to you, It is of easier labor for a camel to pass through the hole of a needle, than for a rich one to come into the kingdom of God.

Then came to him the mother of the sons of Zebedee, with her sons, worshipping, and asking something of him.

And when they drew near to Jerusalem, and came to Bethphage, to the mount of Olives, then sent Jesus two disciples, saying to them,

And having seen one fig tree by the way, he came to it, and found nothing on it, except leaves only; and he says to it, Let no more fruit be from thee forever. And instantly the fig tree was dried up.

And to him, having come into the temple to him teaching, came the chief priests and elders of the people, saying, By what authority doest thou these? and who gave thee this authority?

For John came to you in the way of justice, and ye believed him not: and the publicans and harlots believed him; and ye, seeing, repented not afterwards, to believe him.

And Jesus having gone out, went out of the temple: and his disciples came near to shew him the buildings of the temple.

For as they were in the days of the inundation, eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noe came into the ark,

And knew not till the inundation came, and took them all away; so also shall be the arrival of the Son of man.

And afterwards came also the rest of the virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.

And when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came to thee?

There came to him a woman having an alabaster box of costly perfumed ointment, and she poured upon the head of him, reclining at table.

And in the first of the unleavened loaves, the disciples came to Jesus, saying to him, Where wilt thou we should prepare for thee to eat the pascha?

And he yet speaking, behold, Judas, one of the twelve, came, and with him a great crowd, with swords, and sticks, from the chief priests, and the more ancient of the people.

In that hour, Jesus said to the crowds, As against a robber came ye out, with swords and sticks, to take me? In the day I sat down with you, teaching, and ye took not hold of me.

And Peter sat without in the court-yard, and one young girl came to him saying, Thou also wast with Jesus of Galilee.

And being evening, then there came a rich man from Arimathea, Joseph by name, who also himself was a disciple to Jesus: