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and a large number at once gathered, till there was no more room for them, not even at the door. He was speaking the word to them,

Which is the easier thing, to tell the paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to tell him, 'Rise, lift your pallet, and go away'?

"Rise, I tell you, lift your pallet, and go home."

I tell you truly, the sons of men shall be forgiven all their sins, and all the blasphemies they may utter,

Also he said to them, "Take care what you hear; the measure you deal out to others will be dealt out to yourselves, and you will receive extra.

And there was a woman who had had a hemorrhage for twelve years ??26 she had suffered a great deal under a number of doctors and had spent all her means but was none the better; in fact she was rather worse.

(The Pharisees and all the Jews decline to eat till they wash their hands up to the wrist, in obedience to the tradition of the elders;

they decline to eat what comes from the market till they have washed it; and they have a number of other traditions to keep about washing cups and jugs and basins [and beds].)

Jesus forbade them to tell anyone about it, but the more he forbade them the more eagerly they made it public;

But he sighed in spirit and said, "Why does this generation demand a Sign? I tell you truly, no Sign shall be given this generation."

I tell you truly," he said, to them, "there are some of those standing here who will not taste death till they see the coming of God's Reign with power."

As they went down the hill, he forbade them to tell anyone what they had seen, till such time as the Son of man rose from the dead.

As for Elijah, I tell you he has come already, and they have done to him whatever they pleased ??as it is written of him."

I tell you truly, whoever will not submit to the Reign of God like a child will never get into it at all."

They were on the way up to Jerusalem, Jesus walking in front of them: the disciples were in dismay and the company who followed were afraid. So once again he took the twelve aside and proceeded to tell them what was going to happen to himself.

I tell you truly, whoever says to this hill, 'Take and throw yourself into the sea,' and has not a doubt in his mind but believes that what he says will happen, he will have it done.

Jesus said to them, "I am going to ask you a question. Answer this, and I will tell you what authority I have for acting as I do.

So they replied to Jesus, "We do not know." Jesus said to them, "No more will I tell you what authority I have for acting as I do."

And he called his disciples and said to them, "I tell you truly, this poor widow has put in more than all who have put their money into the treasury;

"Tell us, when is this to happen? What will be the sign for all this to be accomplished?"

I tell you truly, the present generation will not pass away till all this happens.

I tell you truly, wherever the gospel is preached all over the world, men will speak of what she has done in memory of her."

and whatever house he goes into, tell the owner that the Teacher says, 'Where is my room, that I may eat the passover there with my disciples?'

As they were at table eating, Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, one of you is going to betray me, one who is eating with me."

truly I tell you, I will never drink the produce of the vine again till the day I drink it new within the Realm of God."

Then they came to a place called Gethsemane, and he told his disciples, "Sit here till I pray."

Peter followed him at a distance till he got inside the courtyard of the high priest, where he sat down with the attendants to warm himself at the fire.

Again the maidservant who had noticed him began to tell the bystanders, "That fellow is one of them."

Go you and tell his disciples and Peter, 'He precedes you to Galilee; you shall see him there, as he told you.'"