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For David speaketh concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved:

And all that sat in the council, looking stedfastly on him, saw his face as it had been the face of an angel.

Which also our fathers that came after brought in with Jesus into the possession of the Gentiles, whom God drave out before the face of our fathers, unto the days of David;

And now, behold, I know that ye all, among whom I have gone preaching the kingdom of God, shall see my face no more.

Sorrowing most of all for the words which he spake, that they should see his face no more. And they accompanied him unto the ship.

To whom I answered, It is not the manner of the Romans to deliver any man to die, before that he which is accused have the accusers face to face, and have licence to answer for himself concerning the crime laid against him.